Magic Sword

Chapter 254 Pleading

Pure white light like the scorching sun! It's as if my armor is going to melt!

Da Damn it! Since Carlisle still has such a means!

The white light is like a magic shield! The light surrounded Carlisle in the space of a small ball, and the soaked breath slipped away when it touched the mask, and the mask also trembled violently under the energy of the breath!

"Go to hell!" One by one, the sword suddenly split out, and the dazzling light was with the blade, and the violent silver light burst out again at this moment!

There is not too much gorgeous, only a few pictures intertwined with different colors, but the mountains of the earth also tremble!

"How can it be... let your boy kill." Carlisle stood in the light and posed for battle. He gave up resisting the dragon breath with his sword, but waited for the moment when he fought against the sword! The existence of the shield can hold the dragon breath for at least 30 seconds, but Ivani's dragon breath also stopped and spit out the hot dragon flame!

I slammed on the ground and jumped towards Carlisle! The light on my body has been burning my body, and I noticed that Carlyle's eyes... He was waiting for me!

"Carreal!" I shouted angrily and rushed towards Carlisle, then raised my sword and slashed into the mask of light! With no obstruction, my sword split into the mask.

A little happy! It seems that this light mask can only resist energy!

"Drink!" Carlisle muffled and resisted my slash with both hands, and then pushed! The whole person rushed out of the magic mask directly!

"You are so bold!" I quickly retreated and made progress, and then stabilized my body and resisted his sword! Because of the fight with me, Ewini basically couldn't hit Carlisle without endangering me, so this guy also gave up his protection.

"How about Nia Lawrence? Is that all you can do? Carlisle sneered and split it with one hand, and then chased my retreating figure and split it again! One or five blows, I'm retreating in passive defense!

"Don't talk nonsense!" I shouted, and my hands resisted with the giant sword again, and a fierce fighting spirit exploded on the blade!

Carril's body has stopped slightly, and then there is a fighting spirit on the blade: "You don't have much fighting spirit anymore! Nia!"

The two swords are connected, constantly shooting sparks and light. I'm trying my best, and Carlisle is also trying my best!

Nia Lawrence! That's what you look like!" Carlisle kept launching fierce attacks and shouting, "Do you think your little strength can be my opponent!" I'm a paladin! The reason why he is a paladin! That's because my strength is far above you!"

"You died once on my blade!"

"Only once!" A trace of contempt flashed in Carlisle's eyes, "That's not something you should be proud of! Unless you can really kill me!"

Nia Lawrence! You can hurt me! I admit that you are a strong man! But you are not enough to kill me!" Carlisle shouted, and the strength on the blade was also a little stronger!" Die completely!"

My body has become more and more tired, and slowly such attacks make my arms very numb!

"What do you want to say! Carlisle!"

I couldn't help roaring, but my voice drove my momentum up!

"The momentum is from the inside out! Instead of roaring!" Carlisle said sharply, and suddenly there was a burst of pressure on his body! I couldn't help but pause my body.

"Nia Lawrence!" Carlisle shouted a sword and cut it on my sword, and then got closer to me! My face is almost in front of me!

"Listen to me! Go with Mellen!"

"What..." I was so stunned that I didn't expect Carlisle to say such a thing!

Go to the Knights Association with Mellen! On the one hand, protect your partner, and on the other hand, protect yourself! Do you think you can survive at the hands of our three paladins!? Carlisle lowered his voice and said, "Go to the Knights Association! Mullen will protect you, and in my position, I must be your enemy!"

"If I don't have the identity of the defender of the Biel Empire, I don't want to be your enemy!"

"I don't want..." I feel relieved... I don't want to be the enemy?

I don't want to be your enemy...

This sentence keeps echoing in my mind, an inexplicable feeling... Anyway, kill your mother, kill your teacher, make your home, and your friends leave home...

"What are you kidding!" I couldn't help roaring! Carlisle's face is on one side, and I only feel the incomparable anger now! What is this!

"What are you kidding! You bastard!" I don't know the power that comes from this. I feel that I'm full of strength now, swinging my sword! Carlisle quickly jumped back! But how can I give him a chance!

"Fighting!" With an angry shout, I suddenly waved a sword light! Go straight to Carlisle! Put his whole body down!

"Hmm!" Carlisle hummed and resisted the energy rolling on the ground a few times and suddenly climbed up!

Nia Lawrence! Don't be swallowed up by anger!" Carlyle suddenly got up and shouted, "Now is not the time for you to be angry! Think about the lives of your friends! You are alone..."

"Roar--!" Before Carlisle finished speaking, a roar interrupted him from the sky! An extremely hot dragon flame rushed to my face! Carlisle's eyes widened and didn't have time to defend his whole body from falling into the sea of fire and being swallowed up by Longyan!

"Ah--!" Screaming! Heartbreaking screams! That's the flame of the dragon! The hottest flame in the world is the dragon fire!

I stood outside the flames, and the previous words of Carlisle echoed in my mind, and my mood was still a little surging. Listening to the screams in the distance, I also tried to calm down my mood.

"Nia Lawrence!" Carlisle's scream echoed in my ears, and I slowly walked towards him. I could see his figure in the flame, but he seemed to be inseparable from the dragon flame, because the flame was sticky!

"It's ridiculous! Carlisle! This time you will die like this!"

"Carlyel, I, Nia Lawrence, can kill you once, and I can kill you for the second time." I stared at the flame coldly, and the scream seemed to stop in astonishment. "And this time, Marron Valodin can't save you."

"I won't join the Knights Association." I threw down a sentence and stabbed the blurred figure in the flame with my sword!

"Puff--" The blade easily passed through the armor. Perhaps the burning of the flame had made the armor fragile, and Carlisle did not make any sound. My blade passed through his body!

"Carreal!" Arnokis exclaimed, and his body quickly flew this way! But the magic arrays around me opened fiercely! Alnokis flashed one magic beam after another gushing from the magic array!

"Elf!" Arnokis cursed! Avoid the thorns of light and rush towards us again! Raise the blade and a wind surged up!

At this time, Alnokis turned into a slightly smiling voice, gloomy and cold voice: "Human, I'm not good at remote magic."

"What!?" Arnakis has been pierced with a ray of light in his chest! Sword! The blade composed of magic beams!

"Five hundred years ago, countless enemies with the melee ability of boo magicians died at my hands."

"500 years ago..." Alnokis also showed some surprise and a trace of fear on his face at this moment. "I may know who you are! I've heard of you, the elf king who fell into shame 500 years ago..."

"It's really a shame for a male elf to be a king." Atwood sneered, grabbed Alnokis' shoulder with one hand, and then suddenly pulled out the blade!

"It is also the black history that the elves are about to leave behind for thousands of years! A male elf! Then he was killed by a miscellaneous soldier who was nothing!"

"Ah!" Alnokis screamed, and a sudden electric current came from his shoulder! Then he slowly fainted and slowly fell down as Atwood let go of his hand holding his shoulder.

"Is this the level of the 10 most powerful people in the world today?" Atwood whispered and looked into the distance, and the dragon flame dissipated, revealing the black figure inside.


I stood quietly in front of Carlisle, and then slowly pulled out my sword. Carlisle's body did not fall down, the blade was stuck to the ground, and he was still alive.

"Nia Lawrence, your anger isborne by me... But I hope you won't be angry with this country." Carlisle gasped and stepped back slightly. "I seem to understand something at this moment. Seeing your anger, maybe I have been fooled."

Carlisle opened his godless eyes and looked at me slightly. I didn't know what he meant. His throat moved and continued, "I'm dead... Obviously... But, go to the Knights Association with Mellen. That's the right choice..."

"He will protect you, your partner, and you... You must live... And adjust your mind, cough..." Carlisle stared at me, as if a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. I don't know what that means, but such a look makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"People of Biel will die." I said quietly, holding my blade, "You can't feel the anger of the El people, and you caused all this."

"Nias... war... such a result is inevitable... No one dies... It's not a war. You are leading people to slaughter Biel now... In the future, don't let it come and avenge you..."

I stare at him. I can understand that hatred will inevitably bring new hatred...

"I understand this."

"But the anger in my heart drove me to make the worst choice. All this is caused by you. No wonder, they have to blame you... I just choose revenge!"

Carlisle's fragile face can no longer be seen.

"'s all my fault, I believed the devil..." Carlisle sighed, and his voice became weaker and weaker and smaller...

"It's my fault that I'm not optimistic about people... I didn't insist on my choice,ni ya Lawrence, I should have tied you to the Knights Association from the beginning... You won't take a wrong path... Well... That's just harm the world." Carlisle lowered his head bleakly and then slowly knelt down... Kneeling on one knee, but such a movement must be very painful for his body!

"Nia Lawrence, I, Carlisle Egbert... Before I die, I beg you to join the Knights Association."