Magic Sword

Chapter 260 Evandak

Hilmi and I looked at each other, but Hilmi narrowed his eyes and turned around with a smile, completely throwing this matter to me.

"Really..." I turned my head and said to Uncle Carlos with a dry smile, "We are still discussing this matter."

Is that right? Isn't it good for me to get married as soon as I return to the Coltfield Empire? Carlos clenched his fist and coughed twice. "I'm looking forward to your wedding. Now that Catiffen and Elo have gone first, your Uncle Carlos and Hilmi's father, Uncle Silverton, will treat you as a relative."

"Hmm..." Relatives? I feel a little strange. I haven't had any relatives for five years.

"We will consider these carefully." I said awkwardly and looked at Hilmi, turning my back to us as if our topic had nothing to do with her, but after all, it was my fault, and I can't explain this problem now.

Without paying attention to this wedding, I turned to ask Carlos, "Uncle Carlos, is there a coast nearby? I feel like my soldier."

I spread out my hand and waved the scene in front of me, and Carlos immediately changed his face and became serious.

"Indeed, this is not suitable for continuing sailing. We will have at least three days to return to the Coltfield Empire." Carlos shook his head, looked around a few times, and his eyebrows tightened as if he really distinguished the nearby sea area.

After a long time, he asked me to bring a wooden barrel, then took out a map from his arms, and then clicked in an empty place: "Here is where we are now."

The empty area is surrounded by the same color, that is, except for the unexplored area separated by dashed lines in the south, that is, there is no coast.

"If they go back with this quality, they may have to lie down for a few days." Carlos shook his head and said, "Nia, you have been far away from the Bier Empire for half a year. You don't know much about the situation of the empire. I'm afraid you will suffer."

I can understand the loss of Uncle Carlos. I became a real aristocrat, that is to say, I have a place in politics, and I have never had any relationship with nobles, and I have no allies in politics and will be excluded.

Maybe I can hold the Treasury Secretary of Silverton's thigh, but if I regret my marriage with Hilmi, will he still help me?

Even if he is a team partner with my father, he can't give in at this point. On the contrary, if I marry Hilmi, I will be on the side of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. This important person is enough that I will not be excluded and there will be a lot of people to please me.

I stared at Hilmi and married Hilmi, that is to say, I abandoned Talleylu...

"Those are not tight, I'm not afraid." I told Uncle Carlos that at least I didn't want him to worry about me, and there was still a chance to think of a solution.

"Bearby, I may need Uncle Carlos to help me now. I can't bring too many people back. Help me hide these guys if I can. I'll pick them up when I get the fief.

"You take a thousand people away, and I have a way to hide the remaining one or two thousand." Carlos said, "Don't worry about this. Most of the noble children will actually form a private army before they reach adulthood, which is something that His Majesty Mahugh Elman acquiesces, so it has nothing to do with you taking those private troops away."

"That's good." I answered, but at this time, a white fog suddenly appeared everywhere.

"Well, those guys didn't pay attention to this. Forget it, I didn't care either." Carlos looked up and said to himself.

"What's going on?"

"There is a lot of fog on the sea. Generally, we will bypass it, but there will be no reef here. Don't worry, there will be no obstacles within ten miles. We have walked this seaway thousands of times." Kailos laughed and patted me on the back, but frowned slightly. "I'm just curious about the fog. I didn't notice the fog in front of me just now, and no one came to inform me."

I looked around and saw that one or two boats around me could still see the shadow, but I couldn't see them clearly, and the more I looked at them, the more wrong they felt. It seemed that the second ship began to be unclear, as if...

The fog is getting thicker!

"Is there something wrong?"

"Hmm?" As soon as Carlos heard this, he became completely serious. I called an elf magician and gave us eagle's eye. The elf magician obviously didn't stand this kind of long voyage. His face was very bad. A spell flashed in his mouth and a few rays flashed in our eyes, and his perspective immediately became distant.

I looked around and seemed to see some strange shadows not far away.

Huh? What seems to be?"

"What?" Carlos looked in the direction I pointed, and there seemed to be a very huge shadow, a little... the arc of the ship!

The tall rails and tight sails are just drifting on the sea, which is at least twice the size of our merchant ships! And there is a black flag flying in the air.

A little damaged, it seems to be a very old flag, with a white velvet image like a wolf, and two crossed white bones below... a black flag...

"Ah! That is!" Carlos pointed to the ship in disbelief! Under Hawkeye, we can see the shadow of the ship a little more clearly.

"Wolf Head Flag! Black flag! That's the Evansuck! It's a pirate ship!"

Sure enough! In my knowledge, the black flag is a pirate ship! Now that you are targeted! And there is more than one boat! In the haze, more and more ship expenses are now in our sight! There are both in front and behind! It can be said that we are surrounded!

"Damn it!" Kailos quickly ran to the deck, then rushed to the bow of the boat and shouted at the boats around him, "Wuite the fire!" Hang up the black and white flags!"

Hilmi came over and asked doubtfully, "Black and white flags? What is that going to do?

"At sea, that means surrender to pirates..." I frowned and wondered why Carlos did this. "Although we don't have many goods if pirates want to rob, there is no need to surrender."

"Maybe I know..." Hilmi didn't look much and seemed to be a little surprised. "Evandak, I've heard of this ship."

"The captain of the Evansak, the most evil pirate in history, Davis Drake! Eight years ago, he was besieged by the navis of various countries, died in a naval battle, and then resurrected by a magician with extremely powerful resurrection skills.

"Resurrection!" I was shocked. This was too unbelievable, although I also died once. At that time, it was because I met Chira!" What magician can do this?"

Hilmi looked at me, and I was stunned and jumped up!


Soon the voice of Carlos had been transmitted to all the cargo ships, and the sailors quickly hung up the black and white flag and stretched out, and then lit a fire so that the other party could see their flag clearly in the fog.

Quiet, everyone is waiting for the response from the opposite side. Those ships did not sail, just drifting on the sea, and after such a long time, there was no response. The ships were so quiet in front of us, as if the other party did not want to talk to us, or wanted to Let's hang up with us again.

Kelos stared at the Evandak and swallowed his saliva. I knew what he was thinking. He was worried that the boat opposite would react to his pursuit! Because the other party is the most evil pirate in history, Davis Drake, who can be named the most evil, is not easy to provoke!

However, in this long wait, the black flag hanging on the high rails of the first ship was lowered, but Carlos was not relieved, because a red flag was soon raised!

Dong! Carlos was so scared that he sat down, with the red flag, which was the pirate's intention to show his brutality! They want to destroy all of themselves! And Carlos is a businessman, a bold businessman who dares to smuggle, but in any case, he is just a businessman!

The opposite ship is a standard warship! There is an arrow on a ship, especially the Ivandak, and several huge crossbows can be seen in the hole on the side of the ship! That huge hull can crush how many merchant ships they have! What's more, those horrible large crossbows, and Carlos' ship doesn't have much naval combat ability at all.

There is no artillery in this era, otherwise, no matter how powerful these wooden boats are, they will turn into wood chips. There are no iron boats in this era, otherwise the crossbows will not have much effect.

I frowned. Although Davis Drake is a brutal pirate, it's not so much nonsense. The flags stand here and there. If you want, you should come out and talk directly, but the other party keeps quiet, especially Davis Drake, who doesn't seem to be exposed. Face.

"Nia, what should we do now? Davis Drake, that is the most evil pirate in history, and we don't know his strength yet! But I don't think it's lower than the level of * to alarm the encirclement and suppress of various countries!" Hilmi asked with some worries.

"Don't worry, even if he is a paladin, he may not be our opponent." I have dragons, elves, trolls and giants. "Hilmi, help me call Ewini. Is there a dragon in my hand? Am I still afraid of these small broken boats?"

"Good." Hilmi rushed to the cabin when he arrived, and at this time, the ship made a little noise.

A strangely dressed man appeared in front of me, standing in the bow of the Evandak and staring down at us. After a while, he looked at me, frowned and slowly raised a little arc at the corners of his mouth: "I'm Davis Drake. Everyone calls me the most evil pirate in history. Today God, you are lucky to meet me, you..."

"All of them have to die."