Magic Sword

Chapter 262 Battle at Sea

The two sides confronted nervously, and Davis' eyes flashed with surprise. He was indeed scared by my hand. A flying silver dragon was enough to scare anyone.

"Nia Lawrence, I really underestimate you, a giant dragon, and in the big story I heard since I was a child, this kind of guy should be a silver dragon!" Davis stood not far from us with a gloomy face, while Ewini roared slightly and sprayed a wisp of flame in her mouth, which made Davis still a little scared.

Davis is not worried that he is not the opponent of the dragon. After all, he is still a holy strongman, but his ship. Although they are pirates, fighting at sea is their strength, but against this kind of dragon fire, their pirate ship can only turn into wood chips in an instant.

How's it going? Are we enough chips for our transaction now? I waved my hand and said, pointing to the boat around me, "You take people away, I'll let you go. It's that simple."

Davis doesn't say anything, but the pirates around him are not as strong as him. The ** and fear on the first ship are all in my eyes. The reason is the huge figure and roar in the sky. What is that? Dragon! In this world, that is the so-called king of beasts!

"Davis, maybe you should listen to his opinion and take someone away." Beside Davis, an old sailor raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of Nia and whispered to Davis beside him, "Big bears are not enough to resist the flame of the dragon."

"Damn guy..." Davis gritted his teeth slightly when he looked at the mysterious smile of the boy in the distance, "Where is that guy?"

"With the eagle." The old sailor answered, "On another ship."

"What are you doing..."

"What else can I do in broad daylight?" The old sailor smiled warmly and said, "One night, I must be sleeping now."

"Such a big movement can still sleep, let people wake them up, do you still expect me to deal with that dragon alone?" Davis said angrily, "What the hell, since you can get a dragon!"

Davis lowered his head angrily and cursed in a strange tone: "tmd."

"Davis, I have to remind you that the child's strength is not bad. It's not only the dragon that the water snake is not here. We don't eat too tightly. After all, this is not our task." The old sailor opened his eyes slightly and finally stayed on Atwood and the tank for a while. "Is that big purple guy a giant? Be careful of the woman behind, is she an elf?

If Aatwood hears this sentence, he will definitely curse regardless of his identity.

"In a word, I'm very unhappy with that nobleman now. It's just a better background." Davis clenched his fist and said, staring at Nia in the distance and curling his lips. "But he looks poorer than us."

"Pirates are a fat job, especially you, the most evil pirate in history, haha." The old man laughed and patted Davis on the shoulder. "Don't go too hard. If you die again, the water snake won't be here. Who will save you?"

"I hate that guy." Davis said calmly and looked forward twice, "How do I feel that they have become a little more?"

Davis stared at the ship in front of him and seemed to be something wrong. There were only 40 or 50 people on each ship. It was just a cargo ship. There were already something wrong with 40 or 50 people, but there seemed to be a little more people in this one, and some boats were still on board. Hundreds of people appeared in sight!

That's a cargo ship! What are you doing with so many people! Twenty or thirty people are enough to handle the goods! Where are the piles of goods for so many people?

Originally, he thought that these dozens of cargo ships must be smuggled ships sailing in the ocean. He thought it was a fat job to approach it. Who knew that there would be a dragon in the town!

"It's weird." Davis frowned. His intuition was quite strong. Indeed, how can a merchant ship with a dragon be ordinary!

At this time, a Davis boat not far away slowly walked out of two figures. A man and a woman slowly stretched out, his face was a little tired and impatient, and he didn't seem to sleep well. Obviously, the woman would be in better spirits, but she seemed to have just woken up with dark and bright hair. In the crowd, he was very conspicuous, with a straight nose and a pair of big spiritual eyes, staring straight at the man beside him.

These two are the "eagle" and "cats" just mentioned by Davis and the old sailor.

"I'm so sleepy." The eagle stretched out slightly and inadvertently looked at the dragon in the sky. "Since it's a dragon, I've never seen it."

"Aren't you afraid? You are very confident." Cat smiled softly, "Davis is not as confident as you."

"Although that kind of thing is very rare, Davis's own action is enough." The eagle said, reaching out and knocking on the cat's head, "Which one do you want?" Those guys are very strong."

"Don't hit me on the head!" The cat said angrily, and then covered his head and looked into the distance, "Which one do you want?"

"It seems that that woman is very strong!" Eagle smiled and pointed to Atwood not far away, "That's it, but it's a pity that it's a poor breast."

"That?" Mao Shao stared at Atwood not far away. It was true that her cheeks were very delicate, but as a woman, she had a slightly different point of view and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "It's not a woman!"

"Ah?" The eagle scratched his head and was a little surprised, "Are you sure?"

"Your vision is so good that you can't see his throat knot?"

"Well... It's 70 or 80 meters, but there's really a Adam's knot... No, that woman gives it to Davis. I want the one who talks to Davis." The eagle smiled and stretched out his hand and pressed Mao Shao's head, "Cat sauce, which one do you want?"

"It's enough to give the giant to the big bear. I'll take the female knight. I won't leave the girl to you to bully." The cat poked the waist of the man beside him helplessly, "Don't press my head!"

And when these two people appeared, Nia also noticed the vision. Their emotions looked very calm, and Nia couldn't help frowning. These guys are not afraid of dragons. Naturally, they are strong enough strength and may not be so easy to gnaw!

"Nia, be careful of the two people over there. They are no less than Davis Drake." Atwood cast his eyes in that direction, and in an instant, he felt the pressure from that direction. Just as the eagle and the cat were playing, the feeling dissipated in an instant.

"Which side is stronger?" Nia asked Atwood behind him.

"I don't know, maybe... Davis Drake." Atwood looked at Davis but thought about the two people in the distance.

"Atwood, you and Ewinney will deal with Davis together, and those two will be handed over to me." Nia naturally noticed that the two people, the strong and the weak, were naturally easy to distinguish. Those two undoubtedly had a certain strength, because they did not fall under the dragon power of Ewini.

Those who can resist Longwei will not be the weak. Although the distance is far away, the two played calmly and did not pay attention to the dragon at all. Relatively speaking, Davis was a little surprised when he knew the dragon.

And just as they were thinking, a long horn came to their ears.

"Wow--" The dull voice sounded and soon spread to all the pirate ships surrounding them. Although the horn was very dull, it brought the momentum of all the pirates!

Cheers! Everyone is waving weapons to demonstrate! The loud shout brought up everyone's momentum!

At the same time, the ship moved! Every pirate ship has narrowed the distance between each other. No one has encountered pirates. I don't know how to attack. Lawrence's private army on the cargo ship will be shocked to see such a crazy distance of the ship! I'm afraid that the other party will directly use the boat to collide! They can't swim! And pirates will!

But after getting closer, they found that it was not like this. They were thrown over one by one!

"Kakakakaka!" The sharp claw tips only hooked the railing of the ship, some were thrown farther on the mast of the ship, and then the pirates began to climb with knives in their jaws! Since it is offensive like this!

"Strike back! Fight back!" Ronley shouted in a mess, but no matter how he shouted, he didn't know what to do. He had no experience in fighting at sea!

"Don't mess up." White reached out and carried Ronley's shoulder, and then a magic wave came to his face with a halo of loudspeaker magic.

"Cut the rope! Archer! Aim at the target and shoot!" White shouted, and the voice immediately spread to the whole sea area!

The cloth originally covered by a merchant ship was lifted, and the bottom was covered with only a wooden frame. There were no goods, and all the people hiding! As soon as the archers were lifted away, the archers stood up, took the bow and arrow, and then unfolded in a round of volley according to the order!

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary smuggler!" Davis snorted coldly and reacted so quickly, and there was a soldier like archers! Obviously, it is standard armament! What kind of merchant ship is it? There is no goods at all! Those are all armies!

"Whew!" The sound of arrows leaving the string brings a piece of blood fog!

"Ah!" A pirate who was climbing suddenly got an arrow on his shoulder before he noticed what was going on. The knife in his mouth fell into the sea with a scream, and then his arm fell from the rope and fell directly into the sea!

"Ah--" and the long scream, and then fell into the sea with a "puff" sound!

"Soldier! Cut off the other party's rope!" Ronley also woke up and shouted quickly, then pulled out his sword and rushed to the side. He cut off a rope with one sword, and all three pirates fell down with exclaims.

"Roar--" At this time, everyone felt a sound of shock all over their bodies! The overlord in the sky, Yinlong Yiwenni, has taken action! A hot light shone on this sea!

"Long Yan!" Davis' pupils shrank, and his hands were entangled with a fierce special light in an instant!