Magic Sword

Chapter 272 2

Davis's face froze, and it was obvious that everything he had planned was broken by me, and all this made him a little overwhelmed.

"What's impossible? Don't forget that we have a silver dragon that can use full-attribute magic, which naturally includes space magic.

"What!" Davidston's eyes widened, and his eyes quickly caught Ewini, who was fighting in the crowd. Davis had already noticed the scene of her turning into a dragon, and naturally knew that Ewinni was the dragon.

"Quietly use space magic to send several ships to the sea one kilometer away, and then send a large number of people there, silently come to your old nest, and then get on the boat and quietly send them back to us, silently following behind your ship. The silver light of space magic is white The sky is not so obvious, and you won't notice that we suddenly have a few more or fewer ships. I said, "And you lack this information. From the beginning, our people mixed into your ship to get the information you want to keep us."

"How is it possible!!"

"In the thick fog, my people have already mixed into you." I looked at a decadent man. That guy was also a member of the special department of Davis's group. His long bangs covered his eyes and he couldn't see his appearance clearly. Compared with others, he was not so eye-catching, but it was the thick fog released by that guy when Davis surrounded our fleet. I said that he was also In a moment, he was hit with a shield by Eric, who was fighting with him, spit out a mouthful of blood and burst back a few steps.

"One of my people is not difficult to take people into the sky and quietly put a few spies on your boat." I continued with a sneer, "At the beginning, I knew that you were not well-hearted, which is the importance of information. I got the information and knew your plan, so I made corresponding countermeasures."

"..." Davis looked down at the distance. The dust had long dissipated, but everything on the battlefield was more obvious, orcs! Love! There are many human soldiers! Suddenly, it came out! Davis also noticed that there were many large potholes on the ground! Since they are hiding under the shore!"

"How is that possible! Nia Lawrence, you!"

"Haha, is it very smart? Under the ground, it's troublesome to do it theoretically, but those guys did sit there and hide under the ground, and now, they rush out to kill everywhere." I said and smiled, but Davis still didn't believe it. "Don't doubt, we did, and now is the time for the situation to reverse, that is to say, the power to speak is really in my hands, right?"

"Nia Lawrence..." Davis shouted coldly, but the source of the screams at this moment has been completely reversed, and his slightly angry eyes stared at me closely. "You are really cruel. You take out a thousand people to let me slaughter. Do you not cherish the lives of your soldiers so much?"

"No, it's wrong." I interrupted him, and my eyes changed slightly. With a smile, I felt a cold smile all over my body. "That's just some beel-blooded savage, not my real soldier."

If they are really soldiers, no matter how bad their physique is, they won't even have the energy to slash the sword and the enemy. The 1,000 people are just those civilians in Rhine City, and they are a group of burdened with little combat training.

But I have five or six thousand people left Rhine City, of which my private army is only less than 1,000. Because there is still a hard battle, most of these 5,000 people have been trained to become my Lawrence family private army, but there are more than 1,000 people who just follow me like a burden, old, weak, young, disabled, and still don't do it. Living young people and women, after the last fierce battle, more than half of my soldiers were damaged, and none of these guys died!

They are useless, and they are also flowing with the blood of Bier that I hate. I don't need to support them at any of this. The only advantage of their 1,000 people is to exclaim that they crazily believe in Hilmi as a god-like figure, and Hilmi is obviously not less disgusted than El people than me. She may be more disgusted with the beliefs of these guys.

They are Bier people, and they are civilians who are useless to me. All they need to do is to die!

"You are really cruel."

"My soldiers, I can't bear to give up any of them." I said coldly that I had completely put away the so-called smile, and took out the gun and pointed it directly at Davis. "I gave you a chance."

Davis pondered for a long time and squeezed out a smile: "And I'm not sure? So how about I accept your choice now?

"It's too late."

"I think so." It seemed that it was unnecessary. Davis also naturally put away his smile, shook his head and said, "You are a powerful guy. You are defeated in your hands again, Qin Xiaozheng."

"I'm Nia Lawrence now." I said.

"Ha ha, yes, but you are also Qin Xiaozheng. I should recognize you as soon as I see the girl around you."

"Hilmi?" I asked doubtfully, and my hand did not relax my vigilance.

"How fancy you are. The name you mentioned should not be the same person as what I just said. I remember you called her Larry.

"Larevi?" I was stunned and asked, "What does this have to do with her?"

"Oh?" Davis was also stunned, "You"

With that, Davis paused again and looked at me with cloudy eyes: "It's just a little like a person, but you don't seem to be conscious. When you recall everything that you have been, you may understand."

"I really don't know what else you know." I curled my mouth and said, and I couldn't help thinking of the picture in my mind a few days ago. As Qin Xiaozheng, I held a girl I didn't know in my arms, not Mo Qingyu, but my appearance was very similar to Larry.

"If you can tell me to satisfy my slight curiosity, I can let you go."

"Ha ha, it's a good deal." Davis laughed.

"Because I'm very confused. In my memory, the only woman I know is Mo Qingyu. By the way, Mo Qingyu is my partner in the special department. If you know, maybe you will know her." I said, "But it was true that a picture appeared in my mind some time ago. I was holding a strange girl, and I didn't know that..."

I was still talking, but Davis's face suddenly changed dramatically and rushed to me. I was caught by his hand without any reaction: "Wait! Nia Lawrence! The name you just mentioned! Don't dump it!"

Huh? What's wrong?" I was slightly stunned why Davis was excited by the name, but the next moment there was a trance in my head. A cold breath seemed to grab my hand and wrapped around me tightly, but it made me feel that it was all lost. I felt as if my body was not my own at this moment, and my fingers were also The cold feeling was slightly affected.

An inexplicable voice echoed, but I couldn't hear it clearly: "It's not time to die..."

The next moment, with "bang!" With a loud noise, I suddenly came to my senses, but I saw Davis' face condensed and one hand covering his lower abdomen.

"Uh...!" Davis stepped back slightly and looked at me in horror, "I saw... that guy... how can it be! In such a place..."

No, maybe not looking at me. He is staring straight in my direction, but his eyes are not focused on me at all.

What's going on? Did I just shoot?

It shouldn't be like this... Did I shoot him in a daze? First of all, I won't do this, and secondly, Davis can't get away with such a simple blow! There is no bullet with any fighting spirit. According to Davis' strength, it is impossible to hurt him at all. Note that it is impossible to be hit, but this bullet was shot out and injured Davis!

"Nia Lawrence!" At this time, the eagle not far away drank coldly and jumped up! Shoot at me with a gun in one hand!

"Bum bang bang!" A series of violent noises! But this is completely futile. Atwood just waved his hand and condensed in front of me as a magic barrier! But this did not stop the eagle's continued attack. A few strange lights flashed from his body, then condensed into huge pillars of light, and then hit my position!

The beam of light violently bombarded the barrier! The light on both sides was immediately weak, and the beam of light also showed his appearance, and there was a huge and thick trunk in the beam of light!

"Kka!" A crisp sound! It didn't take long for this to break the magic barrier! Then the beam of light moves forward again! Several thick trunks, slightly shining green light, and an eagle hand breaking through the barrier changed its movements, and then a few drums protrude on the trunk! Then it grew wildly one by one trunk! It attacked me quickly!

My friends can't catch this blow! Seeing all this, I quickly held the blade with both hands, and then wrapped the fighting spirit around the blade. For a moment, the silver light burst, and I saw the time when the tree trunk hit, and then I suddenly looked down!

Brush-! There was almost no obstruction. Under the action of fighting spirit, the trunk of the tree was cut like cutting tofu! A sword split the trunk of the tree and was cut flat. I didn't stop my movement, thinking that there was more than one eagle tree trunk! I quickly moved my shape and flashed across several other tree trunks, and then cut out a sword again!

"Puff--" Another tree trunk landed! The nourishing trunk that lost the eagle's magic then withered and shrank, and then disappeared to the ground! It was not easy to clean up these trunks, but more than a dozen drums were puffed up on the cut surface of those trunks! Then the trunks protrude from the bulge again! The green light is also a flash of light!