Magic Sword

Chapter 282 Ilrod

The imperial capital of the Coltfield Empire

Today, Beach, the most prosperous imperial capital of the country, is usually much more noisy, and everywhere is full of a kind of celebration, not because the New Year is coming, but because the aristocratic bar mitzvah three days later.

That is a tradition in the whole continent of Enolan, which gathers all the new aristocrats who have grown up throughout the winter for the coming-of-age ceremony. The general form is to show loyalty and respect to the country. For each family, it represents that a new person in the family can participate in political affairs and state affairs, but the root The original meaning is land. Obtaining a land adds an industry to the family.

During this period, under the order of the emperor, there has been a tense arrangement, especially the Palace Square, which will be the main venue at that time. The emperor will listen to the loyalty of all the new nobles in this place and canon them.

"There are still three days left... It's been a long time." I said to myself with some excitement that the prosperity outside the whole window is also very touching. From the Duke's Palace, you can see the Palace Square. I have never seen the magnificent scene before today.

This morning, Iwinni and I landed in the forest outside the imperial capital and immediately came into the city. In the imperial capital, I had no relatives and for no reason. Naturally, I directly found the Meda family, Hilmi's family, and Hilmi and others had arrived a long time ago. After a brief explanation, we naturally knew who I was. They invited me enthusiastically. Come in and arrange accommodation for me.

"Three days are like a blink of an eye to me." Ewini stood behind me and helped comb her hair, because the waitress I usually brought with me was thrown by Hilmi in the province of Karka and the wounded soldiers. She only brought back the most combative 1,000 people, and the only one who could help me was Ewini.

"Show me a blink." I said angrily that although the dragon's lifespan is much longer than that of human beings, it is not enough to say that three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

"That's just a metaphor." Ewini said calmly, "I experienced your so-called honor and disgrace for the first time."

Huh? How to say?"

"As a noble dragon, I'm combing your hair."

"..." I patted my forehead silently. Although I wanted to complain, what she said was not wrong. I usually say so. As a nobleman, how about me? Did I learn badly from me... No, as an aristocrat can't do without honor and humiliation! The same is true for dragons!

"This... It's not a shame to comb my hair! At least I'm a nobleman!"

"I am a noble dragon."

"I am a noble count of the Empire! The future!"

"I am the noble Dragon Emperor, the future."

"..." As the Silver Dragon Princess, Evini is indeed qualified to become the Dragon Emperor...

After a long time, I finally changed my clothes, and after finishing, I slowly returned to a noble posture.

"How's it going?"

"I can't comment on the beauty of human beings." Ewini said and looked at me slightly carefully, "It should be good. It feels like it has changed."

"Of course!" I stood up with a laugh. The room is not small and the decoration is very beautiful. The bed sofa feels very soft. I can probably sleep well tonight, but now I don't want to stay in this small room and wait for the coming of age ceremony three days later. "Let's go out for a walk. It's too boring to stay in this room."

"Do you want to call someone else?"

"Call Yatwood." I casually said that because other companions are also very busy now, and because of their status, the Duke's Palace can only entertain me, so they all followed the army in a nearby drill ground. At present, the only thing to do is Atwood and the tank. The tank is too big. Naturally, I can only choose the former, and the magic tutor level. Atwood also has one more guarantee around him.

Quietly left the Duke's Mansion, and Evini and I came to perform two performances together. Several of my partners and I briefly explained that soon Atwood also appeared in my sight, and then we went to the center of the imperial capital, which is the most prosperous place for commerce in the imperial capital and suitable for us. Hanging out.

Originally, when I heard that we were going to go, my friends scrambled for me to take them, especially Larivi. That guy was not stable at all, but in the end, he was strictly required by me to do their own things. Larivi is my important intelligence force. At this time, she can't leave her job. Maybe I'm slowly complaining in my heart now.

Now, Atwood is much more talkative about the quiet Iwini, especially when it comes to the imperial capital. As an elf, he is always like a nobleman. Whether it is temperament or beauty, he is above me. Obviously, 500 years ago, this king was still a man. Nobles have been handed over.

"Atwood, were you familiar with this country 500 years ago?" I put up the Bistan City in front of me.

"I'm familiar with it." Atwood slowly looked up and his eyes were a little cloudy, "I was familiar with it five hundred years ago, but now I'm not familiar with it. It has changed too much."

"Is there a better Stan City at that time?" I seem to remember that what I saw in the book is that Bistan City has existed since the beginning. At the same time, the Elman family was already the emperor at that time, and until now, the Mahugh Alman and the Elman royal family have been ruling the country. It is said that this country has not changed the imperial capital for 500 years. This is very rare in various countries.

"Yes, but it may be different from what you heard."

Huh? How do you say it's different?"

"Told what you know, who was the ruler 500 years ago?"

"It seems..." I quickly searched in my memory and quickly found the name, "Irrod Elman!"

"Sure enough..." Atwood's reaction was a little unexpected, and his eyes were full of sadness.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know what kind of person Ilrod is?" Atwood asked me again, and I told him what I had heard.

"A little boy under the age of 15, only 1.6 meters tall, did rule the whole Coltfield Empire." This is undoubtedly a very surprising thing. If it is really my world, I'm afraid that I'm still in junior high school at the age of 15, sitting in the classroom and sleeping or something.

"Hehe." Atwood laughed back.

"What? Isn't it right?"

"No, you're right." Atwood shook his head and said, "It's true externally. Ilrod Elman was a lie that deceived people from the beginning.

"Lies? What do you mean? I won't be very surprised. After all, 500 years have been, and now who can know the correct situation at that time? The current news is more or less a piece of stories.

"First, the name Ilrod is a lie."


"Yes, and second, he is a girl, not a boy." If the previous news was a surprise, it would be a shock! Girl!? What's the situation?

"Third." Atwood seemed to know that I would be shocked and continued, "She is not 15 years old. Correctly speaking, she was 20 years old when she informed the Coltfield Empire, but she thought that as a woman, she was shorter than a man, so it was rumored that she was only 15 years old and a growing boy."

Maybe because I already know that she is a girl, it is not so surprising, but this person is indeed a very surprising figure. Since the emperor of this country is a queen, this is a very admirable woman for a feudal and backward world. In this world It's not that there are no women in politics, but it is absolutely impossible for women to get into the status of emperor.

"Her name is Il Rowling Elman. Before she founded the Coltfield Empire, she also had a living brother named Ilrod Elman. They were friends I knew very early. When they were very young, I met a group of them in the forest."

"At that time, Il Rowling was still very timid and was always protected by her brother Ilrod, but what was very special was that the two brothers and sisters were not afraid when they saw me. As you know, the status of human beings at that time was generally lower than many aliens now. When they saw me, they looked at me boldly and talked to me, which made Ping I was also very curious that I had never come into contact with human beings. Soon we talked and talked very harmoniously. Whenever there was a chance, we always got together and then we acted together and hunted together. At that time, the three of us were best friends. Atwood said with a little longing look. He looked forward to the past.

"What happened later?"

"Later..." Atwood's stunned eyes also dimmed, and I almost knew that maybe Ilrod was gone later...

"You know, at that time, I was an alien and played with a group of human beings. Everyone in the clan disagreed and drove away the brothers and sisters and prohibited me from meeting them. At that time, it was very painful for me." Atwood shook his head and said.

"Do you like Il Rowling? That girl?" Looking at his expression, there is some endless sadness in his eyes, I think it may be lovesickness.

"Hmm..." Atwood nodded hesitantly. "The separation at that time made me very painful, so I practiced magic hard and later mastered melee magic with the help of a person."

"Don Adolf?"

"How to say... it's Don Adolf, not Don Adolf."