Magic Sword

Chapter 286 Prince West

I thought carefully about what the man said, which is indeed very reasonable. Now I am not an orthodox nobleman. If I kill him at this time, I am indeed a quasi-noble, but if I really want to become a nobleman, it must be counted from the moment the emperor is canonized!

"Indeed." My face was still cold, and I slowly withdrew my sword. A light flashed through and tightened the space ring. "Leed Weaver, I think you should also learn more from your brother. Look at you, a joke has scared me like this."

I smiled and said, and Leid shook his body with a pale face. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that I was giving him a step now. It would be safe to go down this step today! Reed quickly thanked the man beside me and left without looking back! I almost fell down on the way.

At this time, the knight lying on his side suddenly began to do it, looking sleepy and hazy. Then he patted his head and looked at the surrounding scene with a frightened look. He jumped up and quickly chased after his master without forgetting to pick up his sword.

The movie emperor... I shouted in my heart.

"Hello." The man smiled and said that he stretched out his hand to show his friendship to me.

"Hello." I also reached out and held his hand. "Thank you just now, otherwise it will really cause trouble to me."

"No, I just don't want to attract anything at this critical moment." The man smiled and said, "I've heard of you for a long time, Nia. Now many people in the whole emperor are thinking about you."

"Me? What's there to think about?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Where did you hear my name?"

I have disappeared for many years. I'm wondering how anyone can know me? I took what this man said as a polite word.

"Don't think too small, haha, if it's not famous to kill an empire guard and general, it's too difficult for a man to become famous."

"Hmm?" I immediately understood the reason, but it was stuck when I was about to open my mouth, and the man would observe the words and immediately understood something.

"Look at my memory. I forgot to introduce myself when I came here to talk to you." The man smiled and patted his chest and said, "West Elman, my name."

"Hmm...Hmm!" I didn't react at first, but the name was filtered in my mind several times and I immediately woke up! Elman, no one in the Coltfield Empire will not know this surname. I was also discussing with Atwood just now, Ilrod Elman, Ilroleine Elman, and the current emperor, Marth Elman! That's the surname of the royal family!

"I am the third son of my father."

"Your Highness!" I hurriedly saluted.

"Don't be polite. This place is not suitable. Just be natural here. Etiquette is binding on people in the court." West said and quickly waved his hand to help me, "Nia, you don't have to call me prince. Since I call you Nia, you can also call me West."

"This..." I smiled awkwardly. This is not a style. Although I don't like to be so troublesome, but...

"I allow it!" West patted me on the shoulder without hiding his friendship with me.

"But..." Although I know that it is a little grinding to shirk, I think I should be more careful about this identity.

"I ordered it." West is very satisfactory. Order and permission are different. Let's say yes. When others ask, they can say: What, do you dare to do what is allowed? And the order is different. You can say: I was ordered to do so.

"Okay." I immediately agreed and looked at the prince a few more times. He was in his age, in his early 20s, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a standard Coltfield Empire. His tall nose outlined his facial features very handsomely, and his pale face also showed his usual careful maintenance, and his figure was not strong. He is thin and medium-sized, but he is a little taller than me.

"Nia, I've wanted to see you for a long time." West smiled and then looked at the two people behind me, "Who are these two?"

As a royal family, he is very familiar with the aristocracy. Unless it is a figure like me who has disappeared from politics, West must know him, and there is a lot of admiration for Atwood's appearance and surprise for Ewinney in his eyes.

Admiration, naturally, it is because Atwood's beauty as a man is much better than him. Naturally, it is surprising that Ewinne's outstanding beauty is enough for any man to offer attentive beauty.

However, I found one of his characteristics in a few glances. He is generous, not anxious or jealous, and will not have a strong lust. Otherwise, ordinary dboys will be straight when they see Ivani, and they will only be jealous of his face when they see Atwood.

"My friend." I said casually, "Atwood, Ewinney."

"Hello." Atwood said, and Ewini nodded without changing her face.

"It doesn't look like an ordinary person. Sure enough, there should be many strange people around you." West said, it seems that he has a feeling of heart to me. What's going on? It hasn't been long since I came to the emperor, but I don't understand too many situations in this circle at all. Although I have asked Larry to help me inquire about it, I have just established this intelligence network, and the data collected has not come to me for the time being.

The third prince, I don't know how many sons the old emperor has, but this is definitely not the biggest. Is he pulling over his strength? Speaking of which, the emperor is also old. I should still take a good look at the form of sailing and sail my ship, otherwise I will jump into the pit if I stand wrong?

If it's really to attract power, I'm obviously not a good candidate? At least for now, I have no relatives and no reason. The only advantage of my family's deviation from politics is that there are many hitters in my hands, but others also have such things as thim, and other people's armies must be much more developed than mine. In this way, I am still very slight.

West and I made a slight mistake in my eyes and caught the trace of anxiety in his eyes. It seems that he is eager to get my strength. There must be a problem. I shouldn't have too much contact with him.

"Nia, let's have a good time together." West stretched out his hand and said to me, "I really want to hear the magical stories of your fighting in a foreign country. Hearing that a golden light in your hand made thousands of Bier's army submit to you, and Nia roared like a dragon roar, and the dark flame sprayed in your mouth instantly burned a forest and made 6,000 Bier military burial. In the sea of fire.

"Exaggerated... Rumors are not credible..." I said awkwardly. I didn't know it would turn into this, submission... That was because of *, and the roar was like a dragon roar... That was even more excessive. I just gave an order, and then my people detonated the gunpowder in the forest, and the dark flame was over. It's all bullshit, just like Long Xiao shouted by the woman behind me... Why did it end up in such a strange situation, and are there any other versions? Isn't there an authoritative genuine version?

"What about my request?" West smiled, but what he just caught in his eyes was anxious. Maybe he was eager for me to go with him. Is there something to talk about secretly? If that's the case, then the hurry is deliberately sold to me! He is giving me a hint: it's inconvenient to talk here.

"All right." I nodded and looked back at Atwood and the others, "My friend..."

"Come with me. It's lively if there are more people." West knows what I mean very well. The identity of these two people is equivalent to my bodyguard. If I want to go with him, I naturally need someone who can protect me. After all, I am not familiar with him and don't know what he is going to do.

"Come together?"

"No problem." Atwood responded that Ewinni also nodded, so there was no dispute about this matter. Naturally, we were walking with the Third Prince West. I knew that this was not the only one. There was also a knight beside him, who did not wear armor but just casual clothes, but his strength was at least eight levels, and he has always been He narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything, but I think this is also a guy who doesn't hesitate to kill people, that is, a feeling that his restrained breath is too in place.

As we walked, we also talked carefully. After talking a few words along the way, West also understood that Ewini was the kind of person who almost didn't talk to the cold, and didn't ask much. As for Atwood, his words and behavior were very good, and we also talked about it along the way. West knew that I came to the imperial capital for the first time. On the way, I introduced the scenery and explained the various characteristics of these places. The boast showed a very perfect aura. Soon we arrived at a special building.


"The largest brothel in the imperial capital." West smiled and whispered in my ear, "Actually, this is my place. I know what you are. Don't worry, I will find a quiet room. Only here is the best place to speak, just condescend."

"This kind of place costs a lot." I didn't make any statement but casually found a topic. Even the prince acted so carefully, which made me have to pay attention to one point, "It's not good to be seen."

"It's also my first time here. It's the first time. Don't be too restrained. Haha, don't tell my father." West said with a smile, and I also secretly complained in my heart. The first time, didn't you drive your sister... Who will believe what you really hear... But this prince is rigorous. I think he may run his own business secretly and has never been here, but now I'm absolutely sure that he has something to say to me. .