Magic Sword

Chapter 296 Repentance

Syberton came to me with his glass and handed it to me: "Nia, it will be a bar mitzvah in two days, and I have told you something clearly."

"Well, Uncle Seaburton." I was answered when I took it, "Say it."

"Well, two days later, a total of five nobles, including you, will come of age, and you should know this very well." Seaburton's eyes were a little sharp. He turned to the barrel and asked the maid for two cups. "This is not a good thing for the empire. As time goes by, there is not much land that can be held now."

Syberton paused for a moment, and then said, "The reason why I told you this is that your majesty only intends to take out four pieces of land this time!"

"Four pieces?" What's going on? Five new nobles, four pieces of land, only one piece less, but land is very important for any nobleman, especially the new nobles! It took 16 years to grow up to grow up, isn't it to enjoy the fief land you got at the moment of recognition?

"Haha, Nia, don't worry. Of course, I'm not saying that you can't get the land, and you're going to be my son-in-law. I have to help you get the richest piece of anything." Seaburton laughed and said, "At the beginning, the middle belt of Dama Province was the fief of Lawrence's family, and this time I have to take it back to you."

After my father's death, no one in our family can stand up and take on this place. Gradually, Dama Province has become an uninhabited place. There is nothing I can do. I have disappeared for five years. I can't jump out at this time and occupy Dama Province for myself, can I?

Fortunately, the land of my family in Dama Province has not been divided in the past five years, and even the whole province is hardly a fief of the aristocracy. Five years ago, the war destroyed the province. The nobles in this land will only be more miserable than our family. They died in battle and can't live as much as I am. Come back and don't want to come back. What is more important to the nobles than glory? With the destruction of the family, most young nobles can't bear such psychological pressure at all.

"Uncle Seaburton, first of all, I want to thank you for saying this for me." I stood up and held my chest and saluted.

"Haha, that's what I should do." Seaburton smiled and handed a glass that had just been filled to Joyce on one side.

"Secondly..." I paused and turned my head to look at Hilmi. Hilmi's eyes were also full of loss at this moment, and I couldn't help but dare not look at me again.

I feel guilty, I'm simply a scum. I shook my head with a wry smile, and then took a deep breath to make my attitude more determined: "Hilmi and I have discussed this issue carefully. We are not going to get married."

"Oh...huh?" Seaburton just didn't react, but the next moment he heard it clearly, but his face froze in an instant, "What did you... just say?"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Silverton, but in this case... I don't think marriage should be determined by my parents for life in one sentence. Let's just say it... I already have someone I like, and I have a person for life before I know Hilmy." I turned around and looked at Silverton. I don't know whether his face turned red or because he was angry because of drinking, but I could see that his arms seemed to be trembling, and the silver wine glass in his hand was slightly deformed, and the rippled red ** splashed out a little.

"Nia! Do you mean you want to abandon my daughter?" Seaburton raised his other hand, pointed his finger at me and shouted, "I said don't go too much!" Nia, do you know where you are now?"

"Uncle Seaburton, I know." I said firmly, "I also like Hilmi, but I prefer the girl I think about day and night. For this reason, I can't marry Hilmi."

"Stupid!" Seaburton shouted and smashed the glass in his hand towards me!

"Ah--" Joyce and Hilmi were both shocked. The silver cup hit my head and then landed. The red ** inside made meyi sheng and dyed all my clothes red.

"Father, what are you doing! Nia is talking to you well!" Hilmi rushed to grab me and said, looking at me anxiously, reaching out and touching the position on my head that had just been hit, and tears quickly appeared in his eyes, "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's nothing that a big monster like cotton can't kill me." I smiled bitterly and pulled Hilmi away, "I'm sorry Hilmi, but as I said... I..."

"Don't say anything. I don't like to hear the words in the future. It's enough to hear your apology." Hilmi slowly closed his eyes and said.

"Hilmi! Get out of the way!"

"I don't want it! Don't hit him!" Hilmi suddenly turned around and shouted at Seaburton.

"You..." The dirty words that Seaburton was about to say choked back. After all, it was his daughter. "He did this to you!"

"I already knew it! This is the result of our discussion! It's not his decision!"

"Stupid!" After all, Seaburton couldn't help shouting, "Joyce! Take your sister away!"

"Hmm..." Joyce came over to us. Hilmi did look at her sister with a face of resistance, but she was at a loss and subconsciously had to lean on me.

...I slowly watched Joyce come step by step, and then reached out and took Hilmi's arm: "Come with me."

"I don't!"

"Hilmi, don't make your father sad." Joyce said and then turned his eyes to me slightly, "You will regret it."

"I've been regretting..." I said bitterly, and then patted Hilmi on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't die. Go and sleep. Maybe you can see me and your father drinking on the table tomorrow."

"You Y(*^%*! Who...& wants to drink with you!" Seaburton was full of dirty words that were not very clear. Probably, as a nobleman, he rarely used these words and was a little strange, but he still spit out these words.

In the end, Hilmi was dragged away by Joyce, and the frightened maids were also greeted out by Joyce. In the end, there were only two of us in this hall, Seaburton Meda with an angry face, and I, Nia Lawrence.

After a long time, Seaburton just kept breathing in a hurry and stared at me without saying a word, or did I take the lead in breaking the silence: "Uncle Seaburton, can you calm down?"

"Huh, you bastard, scum!" Seaburton scolded, "He's still a fool! What's wrong with Hilmi!"

"That's why I regret saying that." I shook my head and said, "I have someone in my heart... so I can only apologize to her."

Get out of here! Get out of here!" Seaburton stretched out his finger to the gate, "I don't welcome you here!"

"Uncle Seaburton, don't say that. It's my fault, but..." I slowly raised my head and showed a cold look, "Is this also what you want?"

"You..." Seaburton shouted, but then immediately sank and took a step back slightly. "Do you know the situation?"

"I'm about to integrate into this circle. It's good if I don't do my homework well." I said with a smile, "You and Miss Joyce went to the Bier Empire some time ago. You must have gone to talk about the wedding."

Syburton looked at me with an iron face: "It's really terrible. It's worthy of being able to defeat the defenders of the empire. You already know so much after just a day in the imperial capital. Your intelligence personnel are really working hard, or... someone is helping you?"

"You and I are all understanding people. If there is no one else here, let's talk openly."

"Very good, then Nia, you can leave my mansion and stop appearing in front of Hilmi. I will find him a man 10,000 times better than you." Seaburton said harshly, "Niah, although you are Kedifen's son, you can't be emotional in this circle. This is a world of the jungle. Your strength and background are too weak. You can't stay in the imperial capital for long at all. I'm a father, and I can't give my daughter to someone like you, and you As I just said, the first thing in your heart is not Hilmi, so I can't give her to you.

"Papa--" I clapped my hands and smiled, "Yes, I can't be emotional. I didn't expect you to carry it out so well.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have sat in a position like a duke." Seaburton smiled and came to me, "Please leave tomorrow. It's also for Hilmi's good."

"Don't worry about tomorrow morning, I'll leave here tonight." I said, "So big prince Elliot, he won't welcome me, will he?"

"That's up to him. I think he welcomes you very much. As long as you can help us with all your strength, our personal grudges can naturally be thrown aside." Seaburton slowly approached me and patted me on the shoulder. "Go and change your clothes. It's a pity for this cloth."

"It's not a pity, just like killing the enemy has just come back." I smiled and said, "As for the cloth, it doesn't matter. It's yours."

"Oh?" Seaburton laughed when he heard it, "Then I don't have to feel guilty. It's okay. I'll just ask the maid to prepare it for you again."

This old guy... I smiled at him, turned around and walked to the door, opened the door, and I squeezed in directly and walked towards my room without looking back.

After that, the door on the other side slowly opened, and Hilmi and Joyce, who had just left, came out of it.

"How about...father..."

"Nothing, it's handled well." Seaburton looked deeply at the passage and sighed, "Let's completely break off from him from today on. He already knew what you did."

When Hilmi heard this, her body trembled deeply. She only hugged her sister Joyce's arm with two circles of tears in her eyes, but she suppressed her eyes and tried not to let it flow down.