Magic Sword

Chapter 300 West's Secret

The imperial capital of the Coltfield Empire

In the imperial capital, in a dark alley in the commercial area, there is a huge building. As in the past, even in a remote place, there are many customers, because this place is a brothel, the largest brothel in the imperial capital, and the most expensive.

This brothel occupies a large area. On the surface, it is just one, but if you look closely, you will find that the surrounding buildings with different styles from this brothel are connected. On the one hand, it is to expand the area, but in fact, there is another hole.

Through the exquisite corridors covered with wallpaper and hanging paintings in the building, you can marvel at the degree of luxury. On the other hand, you can also hear some surging sounds. Although the sound insulation effect of each room in this place is particularly good, there are still some people who like to open their doors to do things and let people go by the way. Take a look at their heroic struggle.

I'm also in this brothel at the moment, but not to come to this place for fun. This is also the second time I've come to this place. This time's purpose is the same as last time, in order to talk to West.

Through the corridor, I also found a lot of people who like to do such things along the way. I couldn't help but scold this place for being too big. It took me a long time to find the passage to the innermost part of the building. There are much fewer people here. There are people watching at the door. This is not by a v The ip card can enter or something. The people here look at your face and obviously only allow specific people to enter.

The people who saw me looking at the entrance were quickly released. I walked into the passage, and there were still many rooms on the side, but there was no one among them. If this area continues to be used as the West's secret area, I don't think these rooms will ever be used.

I turned again and arrived at the deepest destination. There are many people standing at the door here, and I already know the golden hand and the high wall. These two people who "belong" to the eldest prince and the second prince respectively are among them.

"Hey! Your Excellency Nia!" Di Jinshou found me first and shouted in surprise.

"Oh! Nia Lawrence, I knew you would come!" High Wall listened to Yale Gerton's voice, turned his head and looked in my direction and strode towards me, "Hurry up, my partner, I'm afraid you're the only one left."

"Where is Your Highness West?"

"Your Highness doesn't like you to call him Your Highness." Yale said with a smile.

"This is a public place." I said.

"Are you sure the brothel is a public place? Haha, forget it, Your Highness has been waiting for you in there for a long time. Dian Jin touched the row of beards above his lips and said with a smile, "Your Highness is in a good mood today. It's right for you to join at this time."

"Wait for me for a long time? So what are you standing for?"

"Hahaha, I'll talk about it." The high wall came to me and patted me on the shoulder. I don't like him... "Baron Yale is discussing with me whether the next person to come in from the corner will be a hot woman or a pure and lovely woman."

"What's the result of your discussion?"

"Hahahaha, the next one to come in is you."

"..." I don't like these two guys...

Then the two of them and I went into the room, in which Davis was full of old ministers, widows and other Davis' cronies.

"Nia, you are finally here." Davis stood up and came over happily as soon as he saw me appear. "Come here quickly!"

"Your Highness." I made a salute, and almost all the people in this room can remember their names. West and I chatted a few words, and then finished it in a vacant seat. It was West sitting opposite me. After two dry coughs, I began to talk, "Let's start quickly if it's not too late."

"Good." West answered, then looked at Yale and nodded to him.

"My Highness and all the supporters." Dian Jinshou stood up and saluted us all, and also said that our conversation had begun. "First of all, since the next content involves our secrets, I have to ask Sir Nia Lawrence first. I hope to get a clear answer about your position, and then we are considering whether today's dialogue is appropriate. It's up to you."

"I've already come here." I said casually and looked up at Yale Gerton, "Can't you state my position yet? Do I still have to turn around and leave now?"

"That's not the case. If your position is not in our position, our conversation can be slightly deleted and we will discuss it after you open it." Yale put his hands together and said, "Of course, even if I know you will be more curious, I will definitely choose to listen, but I still hope to get your answer first."

"Let's talk about that important matter when I leave." I smiled casually, as if it were not such a formal meeting.

"Are you serious..." Davis looked at me gloomily.

"Of course it's a joke." I smiled, then stood up and saluted Davis with his chest, "My Highness."

Davis and a group of nobles have bright eyes. How smart they are. Naturally, I understand that the four words of my Highness have clarified my position.

"Then Mr. Nia, welcome you to join us." Yale clapped his hands with a bright smile on his face.

Nia! I knew you would join us!" Davis's face was extremely happy, as if a child welcomed his friends.

"Cough." The old minister Ropolovsky Benjamin coughed twice before West noticed that he seemed to have lost his demeanor and kept coughing and then regained serious, but this moment of change made me find a problem, as if that was West's nature.

"Well, since we are on one side, should you tell me the truth about our highness?" I raised my hand and said, and then looked at Davis with a stunned face.

"Oh? What do you mean? The golden hand's face also changed, "You..."

"That move just now was exposed." I shook my head helplessly and said, "Don't worry, you are still seamless, just because I have come into contact with Your Highness in this shrewd mode, and then collected Your Highness incompetent mode. Sorry, Your Highness West, I have no intention to offend you."

"Pattern... is a good description." Armall Caroline lowered his head and said, "Your Excellency is really good-sighted. A flaw will make you discover our secret."

"The flaw?" Davis looked at us doubtfully, and he had not yet reacted to what was going on.

"Your Highness, it means that our acting has been seen through." Dian Jin shook his head and said.

"Ah?" Davis has suddenly jumped up. This seems to be the rumored useless Davis, "This...this..."

Davis looked very embarrassed in an instant, which made me very strange. If he was acting, there was no reason for a small flaw to be broken... He couldn't continue to play, at least he shouldn't be so panicked, just like playing the wrong move and causing the whole game to lose.

"Tell me what's going on."

"Just like what you saw and heard, His Royal Highness Davis is actually not very good at politics. His scheming and strategy are not good. It can be said that he has no intention, and he will be easily seen through." Dian Jinshou said helplessly, and I also understood. Obviously, this flustered expression had written down everything Davis thought.

"What about the previous Davis?" I looked at Davis and asked, "Can't you do it now?"

"Well..." Davis nodded weakly, "Nia, I'm sorry that I was acting before."

Davis's change really makes me a little uny. Even if it's really weak, it doesn't need to be so obvious. The gap is much bigger than I thought!

"I'll tell you exactly, Your Excellency Nia Lawrence." A man named Fredrick was dragged up by Lopolowski. He was also mentioned in the previous introduction. He is a history writer who specializes in writing great history for members of the royal family. Obviously, the 'history' written by this guy is full of lies. He can speak white and white. He can say it. Holy...

"Simply speaking, Mr. Nia." Lao Chen slowly stood up and patted the author beside him on the shoulder. "He is a great screenwriter who can make up very happy stories and wonderful dialogues."

Then the old minister pointed to West: "Your Majesty is a very good actor."

I took a sudden inhalation, and I understood what it meant in an instant! Write the script first, and then West just needs to do what is said in the script! This... is a perfect match! And this trick... is stupid, which is a troublesome and rigid way! He is particularly smart when he is said to be smart! You can turn a person into a shrewd politician in an instant!

And this is definitely not useless, because even I was deceived! If I hadn't seen two West and two generations of people, my way of thinking and knowledge were different from ordinary people, I might not have been able to see Davis's secret because of such a flaw!

"Generally speaking, we will rehearse the things that need to come forward in advance, and then sort out the plots of various results, such as how to talk about this sentence, what choices there will be, and the change of attitude behind each choice. We will carefully study it carefully to sort out the most appropriate posture and dialogue. , and then interpreted by Your Highness. Dian Jin's hands were too open and waved. "This is one of our secrets. Now that you know, don't want to change the camp."

"This is really a secret of fake tiger power... I was cheated by you..." I looked at the innocent Davis, and this side seemed to have become a very lowly and cowardly character. "My Highness, I don't mean to offend..."