Magic Sword

Chapter 309 The Elf in the Channel

At this time, when Nia was fighting with the rest of the people on the stage, on the edge of the Palace Square, which is the passage between the outer walls. The road is very wide and usually strictly guarded. However, today, due to the celebration, most of the city defense has been transferred, and this place is to say the guards and There are not many arrangements, but there is no one guarding here at this time.

At this time, Atwood silently appeared at the entrance of the channel, just standing at the entrance and staring at the channel. No one, but the magic fluctuation he had just felt came from here.

"Is there no one?" Atwood whispered that he believed that the sound he was using now was enough for people nearby to hear, but there was no response, and there was only a very simple channel in the line of sight.

Atwood was silent for a while, and then stepped into the passage. The shadows formed by the high walls on both sides almost covered all the light of the passage, and the view was a little dim in this place.

"Isn't there a light? The guards here won't all be evacuated." Atwood said to himself, and then suddenly lit a light, lighting magic, and then a light ball was thrown out by him, slowly fell to the ground and bloomed a wide range of magic.

The biggest feature of this magic is its durability and large range. If you want to say power, it has no lethality. If you throw it out and explode, it will not hurt the people around you. However, at this moment, the bright one is standing in the center of the lighting magic! A figure!

"Hmm?" Atwood was stunned. Before he could see the figure clearly, the other party moved first! The arm of the figure burst into a dazzling light in an instant, blue light, and then a column of water rushed out of the bright light!

"Hmm!" Atwood raised his hand, a magic wave was released, and then condensed a magic barrier in front of him! At the same moment, the water column hit hard! But it was blocked by the magic barrier! I didn't hurt Atwood halfway! After the magic barrier, there was a violent vibration! You can see how terrible the force of the water column is!

"Sure enough, it won't be so easy to deal with..." The shadow passed, and a thin silver light flashed between the man who took action, and then the blue light and shadow appeared, but the figure disappeared in place.

"Women? No..." Yatwood was sure that the voice was a woman, and his strong intuition was that he could be sure that this man... "Elf!"

There was no sound, and the other party's figure disappeared. At that time, it didn't just leave. A faint sound came quickly behind Atwood's back, with a "whiss", the former's figure appeared behind him!

"Let me show you the magic you haven't seen before." The other party said calmly, and then there was an extremely violent magic fluctuation on his arm!

"This!" Atwood then showed a very surprised face! It's not surprising and the fierceness of the magic. He is already at the level of a magic mentor. Even if another magician shows the strength of a magic mentor in front of him, it is not enough for him to pay attention! And what surprised him was that he was too familiar with this magic!

"Flame Blade!" The female elf shouted coldly, and then the magic on her arm turned red, and then burst into an extremely hot flame!

"Puff--"! The blade full of hot flames then pierced Atwood's chest! Then the flame burst out! Burn his skin directly!

"Uh--" Atwood was full of surprise and left a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, and then the unstoppable blood gushed up his throat and flowed out of his mouth! He should not have been stabbed, but the other party made good use of space magic to appear behind him and put him in a state of surprise. In addition, he was distracted by the magic shown by the other party, and this blow was pierced in the chest!

He just threw a magic barrier out.

And there is infinite regret in his heart at this moment! Damn it! He is the magic he developed! Haven't you understood anything yet? Have you been killed inexplicably? I'm still a magic mentor! The top character of the magician, the king of the elf country who galloped to this world 500 years ago! How can you die like this! It's so funny!

Funny is like being attacked and died by an unknown soldier, as he was praised by later generations a hundred years ago, the funniest king in history.

"Brush--" Then the female elf quickly pulled out the magic blade burning with flames, and then shook away the magic fluctuation, and the flame dissipated! The blade was pulled out! A large amount of blood tilted out of Atwood's chest! His face also turned pale!

He slowly raised his head, and the female elf stood in front of him. At this moment, he saw the man's appearance... Beautiful... In addition, he had no other ideas. His beautiful appearance has always been the symbol of the elf. Even as a male elf, he still has a beautiful appearance, which made him He is born with a very high vision of beauty, but he still feels that the person in front of him is too beautiful! He has never seen such a beautiful elf! It's simply a flawless jade! This beauty is not mixed with any impurities!

"Who are you?"

"Since you are also an elf!" The girl did not answer Atwood's doubts and looked at the man in front of her with a surprised look. She just released her magic as the other person said, and then killed the person who was attracted. Obviously, the male elf in front of her was, but she didn't understand why it was the elf! Since he killed his own people.

Atwood covered his chest, and the sloping blood was doomed that he could not live. He slowly looked up at the girl, and the girl noticed her gaffe and quickly added, "My name is Talley Lu."

"Talilu!" Atwood suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the name and showed a spiritual look. He knew the name! And more than knowing, it's too familiar! He has heard such a name more than once beside Nia!

He knows! Nia has a partner named Talleylu. No, it should be said that she is a lover. They have been separated since they were a child, and the girl named Talleylu was imprisoned by her mother in the elves in the forest! How can it appear here now...

"You are Talilu! I've heard of you... You are--" Atwood said a little excitedly, after all, he knew how happy Nia would be if he saw the girl in front of him! But as he was talking, a light suddenly flashed! Then a huge ice cone hit his head fiercely!

"Puff!" A burst of blood fog exploded! Atwood's body was then flies up by a flashing ice cone and hit the high wall on one side!

"Ah!" Tallu has looked in the direction of the light, and there stood a man, a man in a black cloak, Kira, and the magic ice cone just now.

"I have taught you so much magic of ice attributes and thunder attributes. Since you use a flame sword to kill him, it's too disgrinning." Kira looked at the woman in front of her angrily, then slowly walked to the edge of the body stared at on the wall, then pushed away the ice cone and took him down.

His head was not pierced by an ice cone. On the contrary, his consciousness was very keen, and a magic barrier condensed near his forehead between the lightning! However, it couldn't resist this magic after all. Fortunately, the tip of the ice cone was blunt before the magic barrier was broken, and Atwood's head was not completely pierced by the ice cone!

"Why should I kill an elf... He is my clan." Talley stopped on the edge and stared at the body on the ground. "Did you know that this person will be attracted?"

"That's right." Kira said, with a mysterious smile on her face, and then squatted down and touched Atwood's chest. "This amount of bleeding probably can't live. It's very fierce. It seems that you remember what I taught you."

"Answer my question!"

Kira looked up at the angry face, sighed, and stood up helplessly: "I don't want you to kill him, but to test his strength. As for asking you to kill him just to show your strength."

"Test your strength?" Talilu looked at the guy on the ground in a franx, "What strength to test?"

"Hey." Kira smiled, and then the green light spots floated up on her body, first one, then two, and then more and more! The light spot suddenly turned into a green light wall! R soared to the sky and then bombarded Atwood on the ground! However, it was much softer than the attack magic. The magic did not cause damage to Atwood, but wrapped his head and his body very gently! Focus on the wound on his chest!

"This is healing magic." Kira smiled and said, and then the same light surged up again. "Even if he is on the verge of death, I can bring him back. As long as his vitality has not begun to lose, if his vitality begins to be lost, it is useless even if he recovers his body. You should have witnessed all this in Nia. ."

"But you still saved Nia."

"That comes at a price." Kira smiled bitterly and then looked down at Atwood. At this moment, the wound on his chest had miraculously healed!

"As for testing strength, hey, I'm going to test it to see if he has the strength to be your teacher."

"Hmm?" Talilu looked at Kira puzzledly, "As my teacher?"

"Yes, he was surprised that your magic was attacked by you just now. He didn't show you his magic at all. I believe you will be surprised when you see it."

"I don't have much time. I have to go. Fortunately, you have learned everything I want to teach you."

"The remote magic I gave you is enough for you to use. Practice hard, and you will be able to master them." Kira stared at Atwood and said, "All you need is to perfect the melee magic you said you learned, so that you are a very comprehensive magician."

"Are you leaving?" Tallie looked at Kira in a daze, and then looked at Atwood on the ground, "What do you mean?"