Magic Sword

Chapter 212 Coming Again

A sound spread all over the audience, and then the smoke and dust rolled up, and a flame suddenly rushed out! No, to be precise, it's a person who was lit! That's the knight!

A few knives flashed, and I quickly raised my sword to resist the blow! Then the knight's body suddenly fell to the sky above me with great power!

"Bang!!!" A harsh sound! My arm was numb in an instant, and I quickly stepped back and stepped back in two steps. The pressure brought to me by the flame in front of me was too great! I resisted this violent fluctuation, and the numbness made me feel that I was almost unable to hold my blade!

"Get out of here!" I shouted and mobilized all my fighting spirit! Except for the fire on his body, the knight did not release half of his fighting spirit! This opportunity!

"brush-" The fierce silver light bloomed from my body, and the knight's eyes burst back in the flame. At this moment, when I lost the pressure, I suddenly took the opportunity to split a sword, but the knight has retreated first!

I'm relieved that I have a chance to relax and recognize the current form! The previous magician has been split in half without even releasing the magic shield. Now the only one standing on the stage is me and the knight of the Langel family in front of me!

What the hell is going on? I gasped slightly and looked at the knight in front of me. The flame has slowly extinguished. After all, the human body is still composed of water, and the flame can't last long, but after this continuous burning, there is actually only a bloody scene in front of me! This is definitely a serious burn, but he is still standing, as if the burning on his body will not hurt!

"What's going on?" I sent a question to Mo Qingyu. It was she who just reminded me to notice such a change and reacted in time, otherwise I might become like the magician and be split in half.

"I don't know, this not the knight's..." Mo Qingyu said calmly, "Nia, be careful, that knight should be dead..."

"Dead?" I said angrily, "What's that standing in front of me?"

"I don't know, but the breath that belonged to him before has disappeared." Mo Qingyu said that he didn't mean to joke with me, and I also silenced. Yes, this knight was burned like this. It's impossible to say that he is still alive...

"Roar..." The knight stood in front of me, with a slight roar in his fierce eyes and mouth...

"Are you still human?" I looked at him coldly and then released all my fighting spirit! The knight stared slightly and then took a step back. He didn't know how to use fighting spirit...

"Then go to hell!" I shouted, and then the silver fighting spirit rose on the green sword, and then I waved the sword! With a fierce sword blade, I suddenly stepped forward and chopped towards the knight!

The knight also rushed up with his sword! Does his sense of fighting still exist? It can be said that he still has the idea of fighting!

"The dead will lie down!" I waved my sword fiercely and paired with the knight's sword! Under the action of fighting spirit, his sword sank the next moment, and then a long crack was revealed, which broke!

"Puff!" I cut off the sword and broke the armor, and my blade was fiercely inserted into the knight's shoulder! However, the knight seemed to have no feeling and slowly raised his cold face... This feeling was very bad...

"Ha ha ha..." I said! Since this guy opened his mouth, "It's really a waste of time to completely control this body..."

"Who are you!?" I watched vigilantly as he quickly pulled the sword back, and blood could not stop coming out of the knight's shoulder.

"Who am I? Haha, who else have you seen controlling the body? Nia Lawrence." The knight thought of it, with a dark look on his face, which felt... the demon clan...


"Ha ha ha, it's me." Ante laughed and could only hear laughter, but his face could not see a smile, because it had been completely burned.

"Why are you here?" I looked at him warily. Although I knew him, this person was not my friend, demon clan, demon emperor! On the contrary, he is my biggest enemy! That is the protagonist of the catastrophe that will happen 12 years later!

"Stop talking nonsense, Nia Lawrence! Let me feel your strength." Ante smiled, and then dozens of black rays wrapped around his whole body!

I was shocked and quickly stepped back and distanced myself from him! This sudden pressure is absolutely beyond my tolerance!

"Hey!" Ante smiled, but the next moment the knight's figure disappeared in place! A creepy feeling spread all over my body, and then a burned face suddenly appeared on my side face!

"It's so slow. There doesn't seem to be any progress?" Ante sneered, and then a huge force touched my lower abdomen!

"Bang!" The huge force took my body away and bombarded the ground under my feet fiercely! The place where I fell was directly smashed into a big pit, and the floor tiles were all broken one by one!

"Cough..." I coughed awkwardly and got up from the ground and stood my sword in front of me to make a defensive posture, but I didn't have much strength. Just now, even if I used fighting spirit to protect my body, my tendons and veins were still broken! What a force this is! And he just attacked me with his fist!

The knight stopped in front of me, then looked down at his hand, shook it slightly, and said, "This body is worthy of the eighth level, which can show my strength from two to three levels."

"Don't joke..." I stared at him coldly. It was really embarrassing, and there was still a group of spectators looking at me with such an awkward gesture... "If this power is only two to three levels, I can surrender to the future bullshit mission."

"Ha ha ha, after all, the closer to the peak, the bigger the gap will be. If my real body is with you, I can pinch my two fingers to death as far as you are concerned." Ante said that his eyes changed slightly. "Even if it's Kira, I can crush his bones."

Kira, the only person I know who can compete with Ante, and these two people can't tell who is stronger and who is weak. After all, from the perspective of combat means, one is a magician and the other is a warrior.

If you want to say Anteqiang, Chira may stand far away with a magic that can destroy him. Do you want to say Chiraqiang and let him stand in front of Ante and try?

"What's your purpose?" I slowly moved my pace and tried to procrastinate with Ante. My arm is still numb because of the force. I need to recover him, otherwise the sword will be dull.

The purpose? Ha ha, I just want to see my old friend and kill you if I can. Ante laughed and said that this time the black light gushed out again, and then wrapped Ante's whole body! Ante's whole body was completely wrapped by a black energy!

"Don't pour it down! Power!" I shouted quickly, and at this moment, Ante moved, but slowly! Can see clearly! At the same time, I feel that a force is quietly coming in my body!


"brush--!" A dark green light emanated from my body! Then the sword of fate in my hand is also shining! The silver fighting spirit turned dark green with the sword light!

"Have you become stronger?" Ante was stunned and then punched out! I saw the trajectory clearly and then made a response to avoid this punch!

"It's so slow." I smiled at the corners of my mouth and then went to Ante!

"Wla~" with a crisp sound! Since Ante did not avoid it, he directly carried the sword with the broken body!

"Drink!" I suddenly burst into a fight! Then he quickly forced Ante's figure and kicked him more than ten meters away! A long pit was drawn on the ground!

"Ranger's, these bricks will lose a lot of money, right?" I shouted and took a look at the position of the Langel family under the stage. The regent's face was even more pale. I believe he must have cursed me in his heart. Obviously, I kicked the knight away to leave these broken bricks.

But if you say that in public, it will only make people laugh. If you can't beat it, why don't you admit it? Even if the bill is not your own...

"Have you gone deep into political life?" Ante's voice came not far away, and he sat up in the pit, stared at me and said, "It seems that you have begun to prepare."

"How can I not prepare well to deal with a monster like you?" I said angrily, and then walked to Ante, "Are you still fighting?"

At this time, Mo Qingyu's power is slowly losing, and the time that can be used is only a few seconds. Naturally, I don't want to fight with Anteduo, otherwise my words will be exposed.

"No." Ante's answer relieved me.

"I'm leaving Nia Lawrence." Ante said that he stood up slowly, and this scar is full of flesh and blood. How uncomfortable it is to see the broken body, how disgusting it is...

"What the hell are you here for..." I said angrily.

"I just felt the breath...Kira's breath!" Ant looked at me, and then slowly lost a little light in his eyes. He was already leaving!

"What!" I was shocked and quickly looked around the four rings, trying to find the man, the guy in the black robe!

"Don't look for it. I'm no longer here, otherwise I won't leave now... Since Kira is not here, I don't have any sense to stay. See you next time, Nia Lawrence." Ant said, and at this moment, the light in his eyes completely dissipated, and the body completely lay down at this moment and lost the brilliance of all life!