Magic Sword

Chapter 315 Broken Memories

This is! I stared at the beams of light in the sky! Is this magic? But are these beams of light used by Hilmi? Can she do magic? I have never heard of it!

I looked at her in disbelief, but I had nothing I could do. Atwood was not around, and Evini was on the stage. I didn't have anything to ask, by the way! And that guy!

"Don't pour it down! Don't dump it!" I quickly shouted in my heart, and then sneaked my mind into the spiritual world!

A familiar feeling wandered in my mind and opened my eyes. I have come to my spiritual world! The world transformed in my memory, as the city where Qin Xiaozheng lives.

"Don't pour it down! Don't dump it!"

As I was shouting, Mo Qingyu's voice came from behind me: "Don't shout, I'm here."

I quickly turned around, and Mo Qingyu was sitting on a road sign.

"What's going on outside? Have you seen it?"

"You can see me and I can almost know it." Mo Qingyu said, then shook her feet and looked down at her feet. "Are you wondering about Hilmi's power?"

I nodded and asked a little anxiously, "Tell me quickly what's going on. Is Hilmi using magic? She won't do magic."

"Yes, are you hiding your power before doubting her?" Mo Qingyu said and laughed when he saw that I didn't answer, "Hahahaha, no Nia."


"You have been together for at least a long time. As experienced people, girls will not hide such things from their loved ones." Mo Qingyu said and then looked behind me. I was stunned and looked in the direction she was staring at... the amusement park.

"Do you remember our date?" Mo Qingyu smiled and stared at the tall wheel and Ferris wheel in the amusement park. My influence was not very profound. The clearest scene was that Mo Qingyu and I once kissed at the highest place.

When I came to my senses, I shook my head violently and said dissatisfiedly, "Now is not the time to say these things! Since it's not Hilmi's hidden ability, how can she suddenly use such a powerful ability! And the fighting spirit has entered the holy step!"

"This is actually the most important thing at this time..." A faint sadness flashed in Mo Qingyu's eyes. "That girl just hates because of love... Nia, can't you also raise your power to the holy level in an instant? With my help."

"This is different!" I said, "I have the sword of fate!"

"Isn't this obvious? You can take advantage of external forces to promote yourself to the holy level. Why can't Hilmi do it? Mo Qingyu kept a smile and then touched the sitting billboard. "But the power she uses is a little stronger than you borrowed from me. I think she may have to pay a big price."

"Cost? Wait, what's going on!? What is the price?"

"You have to pay for using power, right? Just like if you want to change your fate, you also need to pay a price. That may be very small, or huge. Mo Qingyu waved her hand and said, "She needs to pay a heavier price if she can borrow such a powerful force."

"Example." Mo Qingyu danced and said, "In a normal way, the strength you want to live is to train and work hard to get strength, so strength and effort exist at the same time. If she borrows strength, she has to pay the price of enough sweat. This is an iron rule that is impossible to change, and life. It has nothing to do with luck.

"No, the price is vitality."

"What!" I was shocked. I, who had died once, of course, knew the importance of vitality! Even if the body is intact, you need vitality, otherwise it will be a ball of meat.

"What can be done to stop Hilmi?"

"Ah, the way, it's very simple. When I told her that I love you, she was absolutely scared, and then everything stopped, that is, it will return to the previous situation."

"How can this be! Now... I can't go back." I clenched my fist and said dissatisfiedly, "You should think of a serious way!" That's Hilmi."

"Yes, that's Hilmi. You'd rather die than be with her! What about changing people? Talley Lu? You can abandon the world to protect her!" Mo Qingyu looked at me with rosy eyes. Almost all her words were shouted out. I don't understand why she got angry and it was the first time, but such a picture... I don't know why she is so familiar with it, as if she had seen it before!

Impossible... Although Mo Qingyu and I are noisy and happy in my memory, I have never seen her such an attitude again...

That picture can't be erased from my mind...

But at this moment, a picture quietly appeared in my mind...

Mo Qingyu looks younger in front of me. His long hair seems to be not in my impression, and his eyes are also slightly red. He says a sentence: "You'd rather die, and you don't want to be with me... What about someone else... What about her!"


I shook my head suddenly, but Mo Qingyu in front of me returned to his short hair.

Who... The previous picture was undoubtedly Mo Qingyu... But she said a word about her? What's going on? I should have only been in contact with Mo Qingyu in my life! Talley Lu? No, that sentence should be right or what I said by Qin Xiaozheng.

And a picture suddenly flashed in my mind, and there was another sentence.

In a dark alley, I was full of corpses, holding a girl in my arms...

And what the pirate Davis said to me: Waiting for you to recover all your memories...

Is my memory not perfect? Damn, but I clearly remember what happened since I was a child! Since I was a child... my parents...

Da Damn... I patted my head, as if I can't remember! I can't remember what happened when I was a child!

How can it be... I don't have memories of my childhood? I thought carefully and obviously felt that there was such a period, as if I knew it, but since I didn't know what happened when I was a child at all... Who were my parents...


Huh? Nia, you haven't called me that for a long time. Mo Qingyu was stunned and jumped off the advertising version, "What? You don't look well?"

"I... Have I forgotten who... I can't remember... It seems that there are other people... No, not alone... It's a group of people... I can't remember... There seems to be a group of very important guys, partners? Or something, it seems that there is another person who is very important in my heart..."

"Is it heavy..." Mo Qingyu looked at me and his expression cooled down slightly, "Do you mean Talilu and your friends?"

"It's not... it's me over there... Qin Xiaozheng." Thinking about my head, I felt a little pain, as if it really existed. "There is a person as important as Talley Lu... There is a group of partners like Nanon!"

"You think too much, Nia." Mo Qingyu frowned and patted me on the shoulder, "You don't have any friends in that world, do you? And I'm the only woman you know well."

"No... No, my memory doesn't seem to be right... I don't have my parents' memories... I can't remember what happened to you. I should have been assassinated for more than ten years, but I felt that something was missing..." I stared at Mo Qingyu, and she didn't look good. Obviously, she was a sword. , but she seemed to be wondering something again.

I looked at her heavily: "It seems that those memories are just a brief introduction in my mind. There are no other details, only an overview, but I haven't experienced it... At least I have to remember my parents' appearance, right? Everything is very vague..."

"Nia, maybe you lost those specific contents on the way here." Mo Qingyu lowered his head and said, and then walked to me, reached out and hugged my head, and then pressed my head on her chest. The soft touch refreshed my head a little cleverly. "Let me tell you, you are a killer. You joined the government for training at the age of ten and have been carrying out assassination missions since then. I met him until I was 22 years old.

"I know all this..." I closed my eyes and said, "There are these simple messages in my mind... If you don't let go, I will suffocate."

"How do you feel?"

"Very...very soft..."

Mo Qingyu stared at me: "Who asked you this?"

"Well, I feel much better..." I scratched my head and said, "Why are you so angry?"

"That's why I felt Hilmi's hatred and her stronger love. You ruined her, but you didn't want to be responsible for her."

"I... I can't help it now... In many ways, her father stood opposite me, and she was also hurt by me..."

"Her father is her father. Do you know whether she wants to stand beside you or her father? She was abandoned by you. Have you noticed her gradually crazy expression? Mo Qingyu's cheeks slowly approached me, his wide eyes seemed to be trying to scare me, and I also took two steps back slightly.

"In the end, you don't know anything and trample on her love." And Mo Qingyu taught me that I felt an unprecedented feeling of a child who made mistakes.

"Don't say it so seriously..."

"This is the lightest, Nia." Mo Qingyu smiled and then withdrew her forward body and stood straight, and then walked back and forth in front of me easily. "The current Princess Dragon may not be Hilmi's opponent, at least for a short time, and because of your relationship, Princess Dragon may not try her best to deal with Hilmi, but Hilmi is also affected by her heart. , she will do her best."

"Princess Dragon may be forced to compete with Hilmi with all her strength, which is until death, and Hilmy will do her best. The more she uses, the more she will only pay a stronger price!"

"You can either let Hilmi die or let her stop the madness of this battle."