Magic Sword

Chapter 326 Memory

"Don Adolf." The man in front of him scratched his head and said, as if he was also wondering.

"I feel that your name is very kind." I smiled and said, "I'mni ya Lawrence."

"I'm Qin Xiaozheng."

"How are you?" Tang gave a friendly gesture, and then we continued to talk, "Let's get out of here first. Do you know what to do?"

"I..." Qin Xiaozheng stopped talking and looked at us. His throat seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Name." I saw that what he said was quite difficult, so I said, "It seems that there is a name I'm looking for."

"Are you too?"

"So you are the same?" Qin Xiaozheng and Tang Adol are both stunned.

Finally, the three of us determined that we seemed to need to know a name, a girl's name, a name we were all looking for, and a name we all wanted to know.

"Do you have any eyebrows?" I looked at Don Adolph and said, "Do you know?"

"I don't know." Don Adolph replied cheerfully, "I only have one name in my memory, Il Rowling."

"What about you?" I asked Qin Xiaozheng.

He opened his hands and said, "I only remember a name, Mo Qingyu."

"I remember the names...Talilu, Shelmi Meda, Larevi Reese, Ewini, Luya Yo, Katherine, ah... almost all." After I said that, both of them looked at me with contempt.

"Don't look at me like that..." I patted my head and said, "I'm also helpless."

"Don't explain." Don Adolph said, and then laughed, "Is our topic only about women?"

"You're looking for another topic." Qin Xiaozheng said angrily, and then sat down on the floor, "I'm tired, and there's nothing I can do."

"There is no way out." Don Adolf also stopped.

"What kind of people were you?" I looked at them and asked.

"Killer." Qin Xiaozheng said,

"Savior." Don Adolph said proudly.

Then they began to ask me, "What about you?"

"Nobility." I waved my hand and said, "The family has come to an end, and I have become an avenger and a person who restores my family business."

"How did you die?"

"I was killed by an inexplicable alien, and it hit me on the forehead and here." I pointed to my heart, "Well, it's not the first time I've died."

"It's really not the first time." Qin Xiaozheng and Tang Adolf both showed a bright smile.

"How did you die?" I waved my hand, and I didn't quite understand that confident smile.

Qin Xiaozheng was the first to say, "He was poisoned by scientists."

"Ah, scientists who don't want to be poisoners are not good killers." Don Adolph complained and patted Qin Xiaozheng on the shoulder beside him.

"What about you?"

"I threw something from God and was caught by the Protoss and cut off my head." Don Adolph said naturally, "But I don't know why I'm still alive now."

"This is not alive. We all have memories of our own death. This may be a world of the dead." I covered my chin and said, but I really can't connect with the world of the dead in my memory except for the endless white.

"Not necessarily." Qin Xiaozheng said, "In a word, there are only three of us here at present."

"Think about the name."

"Well... think about the name..." The three of us quickly reached a consensus here, and then we did it together to think about the name.

This can be said to be an abstract concept. None of us knows what kind of person he is, but we have the consciousness that we may be able to leave when we think of it.

"Think about it, you may leave here if you think of the name."

"I think it may be the name of the person I forgot." Qin Xiaozheng frowned and said.

"By the way, I once saw such a picture that you held a girl, and she was not Mo Qingyu." I said to Qin Xiaozheng, "You cried very sadly. Who is that girl?"

"I'm also confused... But I don't have the memory you said. I only know such a woman as Mo Qingyu." Qin Xiaozheng shook his head and said, "I don't know anyone except her."

"It shouldn't be." Don Adolph said with a smile, "In my opinion, maybe you forgot it. It must be her. I feel this way."

"She..." I carefully recalled such a scene and said slowly, "She looks like Larry."

"It's very similar to Il Rowling." Don Adolf also said as he didn't know why.

"Yil Rowling...Larevi..." Qin Xiaozheng frowned, closed his legs and buried his head between his knees.

"Don't run away, Qin Xiaozheng, think about it carefully, you recall that person's name." Don Adolf looks encouraging. Only when you find her name can we go out. Only then can the real memory be restored.

"Real memory? What is that?" I was stunned and asked, but Don Adolf didn't say anything.

"Nia, you should also think that although the deceased has passed away, you are one after all." Don Adolph said, "You, and Qin Xiaozheng, you... are one person!"

"One person?" I was stunned, and there was a sense of gain and loss in my head, and then the next moment Qin Xiaozheng's body began to become illusory!

What's going on? I was stunned, and then illusoryly, Qin Xiaozheng rushed towards me! It's like a layer of light! Entered my body! And at this moment, my memory has changed!

I am! Qin Xiaozheng! It used to be! A member of the national csp special department, died on official duties, and then came to a world full of magic and fighting spirit. I have a new name! Nia Lawrence!

And I am both Qin Xiaozheng and Nia Lawrence!

"Recovered!" I suddenly looked at Don Adolf. At this moment, I recovered my memory, and then I also sounded Don Adolph's story, "Why are you here!"

"I miss you very much, Nia Lawrence." Don Adolph laughed and said, "Isn't there anyone who can help you?" So I appeared."

"You..." I looked at him angrily, "I'm dead. Do you have any way?"

"You know that I was beheaded, and I'm dead." Don Adolf waved his hand and said, "But as implied, you may think about a name."

"I have no clue." I shook my head.

"No, dig your memory carefully, your deep consciousness." Don Adolf explained to me, "You know, it's just that the memory is missing or tampered with. You can know everything."

"I..." I looked at Don Adolf doubtfully and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Do as I say and imagine the picture in your memory. It's better to start with the part where you hold the girl and show a very sad expression."

"Okay." I nodded helplessly, and then closed my eyes and began to imagine. In my imagination, the white scene around me was that the world darkened in an instant, and then turned into a dark sky, but everything around me appeared different, the wall! Sea! House! Boat! Is this a scene?

I suddenly opened my eyes and looked around, with a bright moon hanging in the sky, and this is a port.

Merchant ships docked on the shore, dropping anchors and swaying on the sea with the wind.

"Port?" I was stunned. The ship here... and the architectural style, the layout of the port... are the world I used to live in!

"I saw it." Suddenly, Don Adolph said to me, and then pointed me to a place and looked in the direction he gave. At this moment, there was a group of people standing and fixed. This was a fixed picture. The fronts of several people were full of corpses, but I seemed to be familiar with them.

And then I saw that me! It was fixed there, with tears in my eyes, hugging a woman in my arms, and I gently kissed the woman's lips.

"La...Larevi..." I'm really full of doubts at this moment. What is such a picture? Say it's the memory I once lost?

"She also looks like Il Rowling." Don Adolph interrupted me coldly and said, "We need to figure out the identity of that woman."

"Of course." I am full of doubts now.

And just when I thought so, the next moment, the movements of these people changed. "I" raised my head and glared at the people around me! And their neat and consistent movement is to point a gun at my head!

Then... the gunshot, I fell down.

"I'm so dead?"

"It's not the first time." Don Adolph joked, go on, think about it, and visualize the picture of that day.

"..." I continued to build the next picture like him. I don't know why, as if some memories that I didn't know flew out of my head and showed them to others. I didn't know anything about these memories.

"Bum!" Suddenly, there was a gunshot! Then they knew that they would fly from afar, and then the group of people around "me" fell down one by one. Those who stood were shot to death, those who squatted down were shot to death, and those who hid behind the cover were directly penetrated by the cover and died...

Sniper! I immediately realized the type of gun. It is undoubtedly a sniper rifle that can exert such great power from such a long distance.

Look in the direction of the shooting, and there is only a shadow, and the person who shot hides inside.

"Who?" I was stunned and asked Don Adolph. He also shook his head at me, and then after a while, the man who shot finally stepped out of the shadow.

is a woman holding a black sniper rifle in her hand and wearing tights, giving a perfect outline of her plump figure.

And that pair of short hair... I'm too familiar with this woman, I'm too familiar with it!

Don't give it!