Date to become a god

Chapter 15 Go Home

Yang Tian and Xu Lin gradually calmed down from their happy mood, and they walked back along the way Yang Tian came. They can't wait to tell Zhang Tao about the defeat of the female ghost just now. The two came to the side of the road and waved their hands. A diss stopped exactly next to them. Yang Tian opened the front door and sat in. Xu Lin also opened the door and sat in the back.

The car quickly drove to the previous square. Yang Tian casually lost a 100-yuan bill to the driver. After receiving the money the driver gave him, Yang Tian looked around but did not find Zhang Tao. Xu Lin had already walked out of the car at this time. She looked at Yang Tian with a blank face, looked around and said, "He should not go far. We will wait for him here for a while." Yang Tian nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhang Tao came from a distance. When he saw the two of them, he suddenly showed a surprised and slightly happy expression. He quickly walked towards the two and said, "Tell me, how did you survive?" Zhang Tao stood still in front of the two, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Let's find a restaurant first and talk while eating." In fact, Yang Tian couldn't wait to tell him that he had just defeated the female ghost, but he still kept a low profile on the surface.


Several people came to a restaurant called Xiao Li Hotel and sat down, ordered a few dishes, and then talked to each other.

Do you know? I suddenly have a mobile phone around my waist, and I don't know what's going on. Alas, it's useless for us who are about to be killed by female ghosts even if we are given billions. What's more, there is only one more mobile phone." Zhang Tao's slightly bright eyes gradually faded, and his eyes were full of loss.

Xu Lin suddenly smiled and said, "You don't have to be so afraid. The female ghost is dead."

After hearing Xu Lin's words, Zhang Tao stared at her without blinking, but then lowered his head and said, "Don't comfort me. Aren't you always facing the threat of death? Don't worry, you are so open-minded as a woman, and I will never lose to you as a man."

"What she said is true, and the female ghost is indeed dead." Yang Tian was not excited when he said this, because he knew that they would face more difficult battles in the future, and the possibility of survival was almost zero.

Zhang Tao thought that Yang Tian and the other two could escape from the female ghost and felt incredible, so he gradually believed their words.

Zhang Tao asked curiously, "How did the female ghost die?"

Xu Lin looked at Yang Tian, turned her head to Zhang Tao and said, "It was Yang Tian who suddenly had incredible power and defeated the female ghost."

Zhang Tao looked disbelieving. He didn't believe that Yang Tian, an ordinary person, could kill a female ghost, a creature with supernatural powers.

"It's true, I didn't lie to you." Xu Lin said.

"Then can we live at ease in the future?" Zhang Tao did not hide his excitement at all. He seemed to see hope and life.

Yang Tian sighed and said, "I think we still have to go through many death transmissions, and may even be transmitted to other more dangerous places."

Everyone is silent at this moment.

Suddenly, Yang Tian stood up from his chair and said, "I don't know how many people on the whole earth are threatened by supernatural creatures such as demons and monsters. Are we mortals destined to be afraid of them? Why can't we defeat them? Let's destroy those monsters with supernatural powers from now on and bring eternal peace to the world!"

Xu Lin and Zhang Tao looked at Yang Tian with a strange look. In their opinion, Yang Tian's idea was too crazy.

In fact, Yang Tian did not fully show his true thoughts. His real thoughts are even crazier than this. Yang Tian has always believed that there must be countless other planets with human beings in the universe, and even countless other universes, in which there must also be countless human beings. At the same time, he believes that there must be omnipotent gods in the universe. He hopes that he can also have that power, even beyond the power of gods, and then travel to various planets, kill demons, and bring eternal peace to people on various planets.

"Here comes the dish!" As the waiter's voice sounded, everyone stopped talking. After the waiter put the dishes on the table, everyone began to eat. After dinner, several people took the train back to their home city A.

Several people came out of the railway station in A city. Yang Tian seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Zhang Tao, show me the mobile phone you got."

Zhang Tao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Yang Tian and said, "If you want it, take it."

Yang Tian turned on his mobile phone and found a text message in his mobile phone. Yang Tian nervously opened the text message and wrote: "Dear users, welcome to use this mobile phone. This is a mobile phone that can predict death and has a variety of other functions. The second death transmission will begin on August 20th. Please be prepared.

Yang Tian handed his mobile phone to Zhang Tao with a heavy heart and said, "Sure enough, as I expected, the second death transmission will begin in a few days."

Zhang Tao took the mobile phone and looked carefully. Xu Lin also leaned over. Although they had long expected that fate would not stop chasing them, when this became a certain thing, their mood was still very heavy.

"Let's go home separately. Have a good rest for a few days and continue to fight in a few days. Zhang Tao, put away your mobile phone and don't lose it. It seems to be very important to us." Yang Tian looked at the two, sighed, and then silently turned around and walked towards the bus station. Although the two people and Yang Tian took the same car, they were in the opposite direction.

Soon, Yang Tian came downstairs to his house, and he couldn't wait to run upstairs. Knock on the door. It was Yang Tian's mother who opened the door. At this time, she looked haggard. Obviously, she was exhausted to find her son these days. But when she saw Yang Tian, her haggard eyes immediately regained their vitality.

"Mom!" At this time, Yang Tian's voice was full of choking. After passing death, he felt the warmth of home and family affection.

Yang's mother pulled Yang Tian into the house and asked him carefully about his situation these days. Yang Tian answered her question truthfully." What? Is there really such a thing as death transmission in this world? I thought it was just some lies made up by boring people? However, I heard that it is impossible for people to survive the transmission of death, because they will face all kinds of terrible monsters. Compared with those monsters, people are as weak as ants. I don't know how you survived?"

Yang Tian made up some lies about how lucky he was and did not say that he suddenly had strange power. Yang's mother did not doubt, just nodded vigorously, but when she learned that the transmission of death had not ended and would face all kinds of monsters in the future, she immediately hugged Yang Tian and cried.

Yang Tian couldn't help crying and said, "Mom, you are such a son as me. Who will retire you after I die? Mom, my son really doesn't want to die. My son is just an ordinary person, but I have to face all kinds of monsters that can't be killed by hundreds and thousands of special forces with heavy weapons. Son, I really don't want to bear these."

After listening to Yang Tian's words, my mother cried even more sadly.

Yang Tian slowly pushed his mother away, took out the tens of thousands of yuan from his pocket and threw it on the table and said, "I don't know why the money ran into my pocket for no reason. Please use it. For me, who may die in a few days, this money is useless."

Yang's mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "What should I do with this?" Does God want to use these tens of thousands of yuan to buy my son's life? Not to mention tens of thousands of yuan, even if you give me the whole world, you can never do it!"

Yang Tian also wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "I don't know how many people in the world are still being or about to be attacked by werewolves, vampires and other monsters. They are facing the threat of death at any time like us. Maybe the meaning of my existence is to help them destroy those monsters. Of course, there is another possibility. I'm just a supporting role. Those monsters are the protagonists. I'm destined to die in their hands. But whether it is the protagonist or not, I will try my best to live!"

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened, and my father came in as if he was about to speak, but when he saw Yang Tian, he was stunned and said, "You boy, where are these things in the sky? I and your mother are anxious. Forget it, just come back safely."

Yang's mother pulled Yang's father to the chair and sat down and told him about Yang Tian these days. Yang's father was silent for a while and tried to hide his painful expression and said, "Since you can survive the last transmission of death, I believe you will definitely survive in the future. Remember, no matter how desperate you are, don't lose hope of life." Yang's father trembled from his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, lit a cigarette, and the room was suddenly surrounded by smoke. Yang's father took a cigarette and sighed, saying, "Fate is really hard to say. Sometimes it may die in a seemingly safe environment. Sometimes you can survive in an extremely dangerous environment, but always remember that no matter how desperate you are, don't lose hope of life."

Yang Tian nodded, but his heart could not calm down for a long time. After all, in many cases, he can't survive with confidence.

Night, extraordinarily quiet, makes people have infinite reverie.

"Athena, you are a goddess, and I'm just a mortal. Why would you want to be my wife?"

"That's because you are also a god."

"Why don't I know?"

"The world has always believed that God is those who are powerful and can control their fate. They don't know that God is just a person who is unwilling to be at the mercy of fate. You are a person who is unwilling to be at the mercy of fate, and I believe that you will become a god one day. I believe in you!"

"Is your divine world also divided into various forces and families? Each force and family hopes to recruit some gods or some people who may become gods from the world."

"Well, it's really important for us to be able to recruit some powerful gods."

Do you really think I have the hope of becoming a god? My talent is very poor. So far, I have not reached the tenth level of mortals. It can be said that in the eyes of mortals, I am a hopeless practitioners. Do you really think I can become a god?"

"I believe you can! If I don't believe that you can become a god, I won't marry you. No woman will want to marry a useless man, and I am no exception. Therefore, you must work hard and don't let me down. Alas, my two sisters' husbands are powerful gods who have reached level 20. You are the most useless. I really envy them for having such powerful husbands. But I believe that although you can never reach the level of a god of 20, there is no problem in trying to become a first-class god in the future."

"Hm, I'll try."

The night is still so quiet, as if time is before the formation of the universe. There is no matter, no time, no space, everything is so quiet.

Athena cried with red eyes: "Yang Tian, it's my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to fight with that god. I think the battle with God will make you explode and reach the realm of God. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I think you have the talent to be a god, but I don't know that you are actually an ordinary person. God's realm is not what you can achieve. Maybe I'm too jealous that my two sisters have such a powerful husband. Alas, it's my vanity that hurt you. I'm sorry!"

Yang Tian touched the blood on his chest and said, "God, it's really too powerful. Although he was only the weakest god at the first level who fought with me, he only gently moved his finger and killed me..."

"Son, get up!" Yang's mother's shout woke Yang Tian from his dream.

Yang Tian suddenly sat up and said, "I just had a strange dream. Does this dream have any special meaning?" In fact, Yang Tian has recalled everything that happened between his previous life and the goddess Athena because of this dream, but deliberately pretended to be strange.

Have you had any bad dreams? Well, don't think too much!" Hearing her son say this, Yang's mother immediately comforted him.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."