Date to become a god

Chapter 80 Go to the Light Star

The clown who fought with He Ting was soon recalled by the blood demon. The tired He Ting was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Soon, Yang Tian also rushed to the Golden Empire, and both of them were warmly welcomed by the Golden Empire emperor. The two have been staying in the Golden Empire for half a year before leaving the Rayx star and heading for the light star.

At this time, Kong Lingyun and Zheng Anna also flew towards the bright star in a spaceship. My comrades-in-arms in my previous life are about to meet in the light star. The technological level of the planet is similar to that of the earth, but there are no guns, bombs, cannons, * and other military products. Big knives and spears are used in wars between countries. It is not that countries do not want to develop their own military, but because of the laws of the universe, they can only produce civilian products such as TVs, computers and cars, but not military products such as guns and ammunition. Although the level of science and technology is very high, each country is still in a feudal society, which is also very different from our earth. Every country's government has a large number of troops, but what is really powerful is not the army of each government, but an organization of immortals independent of the government. Immortal Cultivators are what everyone on this planet a yearns to become. One punch can smash a boulder and one kick into a wall. How can such strength not be enviable? But not everyone can become an immortal practitioner. A person who has something called a small universe in his body can become an immortal practitioner, and such a person is only one in 100,000. There are more than 100 billion people on the star, and there are about 1 million immortals. Each immortalist has joined a immortalist organization. There are more than 50,000 such organizations around the world, with an average of 20 or 30 people in each organization. Although there are few people in various organizations, almost any organization can fight against the army of the strongest country on the planet, because no matter how many ordinary soldiers there are, they can't fight against immortals.

The story begins in a country called Song.

Zhang Guangshuai, the leader of the Tiger Organization, is now falling into extreme boredom for his only son and only child without a small universe.

"Zhang Guangshuai, are you still worried about your child's lack of a small universe? I don't think you need to be too upset. Everything will be fine." Huang Lin, Zhang Guangshuai's wife, said while cooking.

"How can you tell me not to be upset? Why am I, Zhang Guangshuai, also the leader of the Immortal Organization, but I gave birth to a son who can't practice? This makes others know that my face is completely gone. Hey, how can I have such a useless son?" Zhang Guangshuai sat on the chair and sighed.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"It seems that the son is back." Huang Lin put down the shovel in her hand and opened the door. It was indeed her 15-year-old son Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping carried his schoolbag and entered the house after changing his shoes.

Zhang Ping sat down next to his father, took out the test paper and said, "Father, I got a full score again?" But my father doesn't seem to care about this. Zhang Guangshuai said silently, "I decided to go to other places to develop my own LTTE in a few days. Now there are only eight people in total. After the team is stronger, I will come back. It may take several years. Huang Lin, you must take good care of the children when I am away. If my son has a small universe, I will ask you two to go with me. Unfortunately, my son does not have a small universe, and you must stay and take care of him."

A few days later, Zhang Guangshuai really left. For the next three years, Zhang Ping lived alone with his mother. Every day and night in the past three years, Zhang Ping has been blaming himself for being useless." My father has to plan a battle with other organizations every day to strengthen his organization, but he can't help. He has to drag his mother down to take care of himself here. He is really a useless person." Zhang Ping sat alone in the chair and thought, " If only I had a small universe, I would be able to help my father. Unfortunately, that's impossible." Zhang Ping sighed.

My mother came out of the kitchen with a smile and held a plate in her hand and said, "Watch TV. The cartoon Water Shadow Ninja is on the Bajiang Provincial Channel at this time."

Zhang Ping leaned his body and head on the bench and sighed, "I'm not interested in these. It's better to become stronger than to watch how the protagonist in the cartoon gets stronger. But I don't have a small universe." In front of his mother, Zhang Ping did not hide his emotions at all.

Huang Lin frowned, but then smiled again. She put the plate on the table and said, "There are no small universe in the world, but the vast majority of people, why should you be worried about it? Being able to be comfortable with ordinary is also a quality. Being too competitive will hurt you."

Zhang Ping shook his head fiercely and said, "I don't agree with you. Individuals can only progress in the continuous pursuit of ideals, and society can only move forward in continuous development. Being ordinary is just a helpless act of incompetent people. Although I am also an incompetent person, I am not willing to take such a helpless move." Zhang Ping stood up, went to the kitchen, brought the bowls and chopsticks to the dining table in the living room, and distributed the bowls and chopsticks.

Mother Huang Lin slowed down and said, "Your father's organization is indeed very dangerous now. It is much more powerful than the LTTE. If you have a small universe, your father's organization will also increase its strength a little. Unfortunately, you don't have a small universe and can't practice." Zhang Guangshuai's LTTE has only eight people in total, which is indeed weak. There are generally 120 people in other organizations. Zhang Guangshuai did not dare to fight head-on with other organizations, so he could only dodge.

Zhang Ping secretly determined to increase his strength to help his father get out of the current predicament. It would be better if we could build our own organization." Zhang Ping thought." But how can a person without a small universe practice?"

"Mom, what time is it now?" Zhang Ping turned his eyes to his mother and asked.

Huang Lin looked at her watch and said, "It's six o'clock. It's time to eat." After eating, Zhang Ping read the book for a few hours and fell asleep.

In his dream, Zhang Ping saw his father sitting in a chair and sighed, "Why did I give birth to such a useless son?"

The next day, Zhang Ping came to school by bus. The first class was math class. The math teacher is a slightly fat and short middle-aged man. As soon as he entered the classroom, he shouted, "Has everyone brought homework?"

Zhang Ping suddenly became nervous. He carefully turned over his schoolbag and worried that something had finally happened, and he didn't bring his homework.

The math teacher starts with one seat and one seat to check the homework. When he came to Zhang Ping's seat, he found that he had not brought his homework. He was so angry that his eyes bulged and punched Zhang Ping on the head. Zhang Ping suddenly got a bag on his head.

The math teacher hit him on the head and scolded: "You know how to play games online and read novels all day long. You are just a live pig. Alas, you are really a pig and don't write math homework. You dare not write my homework." After saying that, another punch hit Zhang Ping on the head, and another bag suddenly rose on Zhang Ping's head.

At this moment, outside the classroom, there was a sad howling suddenly in the teaching building, and the shouts were shocking and amazing. The math teacher went out of the classroom to see what was going on. Although the students also wanted to see it, they sat in their seats curiously because they were afraid of the teacher's fists, waiting for the teacher to come back and tell them what was going on.

After a while, the math teacher ran into the classroom and shouted, "Classmates, run away quickly. There are several man-eating monsters in the teaching building, three meters high!"

Several of the students laughed out loud. They didn't believe the words of the math teacher. How could there be monsters in the teaching building? But most of the students believed the math teacher's words and began to run out. Zhang Ping also ran out of the classroom. Sure enough, I saw several monsters in the lobby on the first floor. Zhang Ping and his classmates are on the third floor at this time, and there will be no danger for the time being, but if you want to escape, you must go out of the gate on the first floor. In that case, they are likely to be eaten by monsters before going out. Looking at the skulls of the bloody people eaten by monsters on the ground on the first floor, all of them fell into extreme panic. Everyone called 110 to call the police, but found that the signal had been blocked and the mobile phone could not get through at all. Not to mention that the police don't know, even if the police come, these monsters are so powerful that they can't beat them, but it's still a question mark.

Several people wanted to jump from the window, but found that there was also a monster under the window. After jumping down, they would definitely be eaten by the monster. So this method won't work for the time being. Does everyone have to wait here to die? Where did these monsters come from? At this time, another student was dragged out of the classroom on the first floor by a monster, and the student shouted "Help, help." But no one paid attention to him. Zhang Ping also turned his face and couldn't bear to look at it again. Zhang Ping really wanted to save him, but he was an ordinary person. He just died to save that man. Therefore, Zhang Ping finally decided not to save the man.

The monster is still eating people. At first, the monster only ate people on the first floor, and then began to eat people on the second and third floors. Two hours later, Zhang Ping was left in Zhang Ping's class, and all the others were dragged out and eaten by monsters. The math teacher was also eaten by the monster." Is it my turn soon?" Zhang Ping thought, "I think everyone else in this building has been eaten up. After waiting for a long time, the monster didn't come in to eat him. Did the monster forget him? Zhang Ping walked out of the classroom. The corridor outside the classroom was full of bones and intestines that had been eaten meat, and the whole teaching building was like a hell on earth.

Zhang Ping lay on the corridor and looked at the first floor. He Wen, the school beauty, was dragged out of the classroom by the monster at this time. Zhang Ping laughed and said, "What about the school beauty? After being eaten by the monster, it's not a pile of broken bones." But Zhang Ping immediately contemptued his own idea." She's dying, and I laugh at her. It seems that I'm really not a good person." Zhang Ping watched He Wen struggling to be dragged out of the classroom by the monster, and suddenly felt a trace of pity. After her death, I will be next." Zhang Ping thought. Zhang Ping couldn't help but feel a sense of fear when he thought of death.

He Wen was so scared at this time that all the classmates in her class had finished eating, and now she is the only one left. Thinking that there were only bones left to be eaten, tears slid down her face. She tried her best not to cry. The monster pressed He Wen to the ground. At this time, He Wencai saw the appearance of the monster clearly. The monster is a three-meter-high dinosaur-like creature, with its hind feet on the ground, its front feet on its chest, and its skin has protruding thorns. The monster roared, opened its mouth and bit He Wen's neck. He Wen was so scared that she didn't dare to look again and closed her eyes. But at this moment, the monster roared again and let go of He Wen. He Wen opened his eyes and found a boy confronting the monster. That boy is Zhang Ping.

Just now, Zhang Ping saw He Wen being dragged out. When he was regretted, a light ball suddenly penetrated into Zhang Ping's body. Zhang Ping suddenly felt full of strength and jumped down from the third floor and kicked the monster away.

He Wen was overjoyed to see someone coming to save her. But when I looked carefully, I found that it was also a student who came to save her, and I fell into despair again. How can a student, not an immortal, fight against this monster?

He Wen wanted to stand up, but found that she was powerless and could not stand up at all. She had been poisoned by the monster's saliva. He Wen turned his face to Zhang Ping and said, "Go quickly. You can't beat that monster." Leave me alone. Go quickly. You will only die if you stay here."

Zhang Ping ignored her and stared at the monster. The monster's tongue suddenly stretched out and shot at Zhang Ping like an arrow. Zhang Ping pedaled on the ground and dodged to the side. After dodging the monster's tongue, Zhang Ping rushed to the monster. The monster's tongue suddenly turned and chased after Zhang Ping again. At this time, Zhang Ping suddenly pulled out a dagger from his arms and stabbed the monster's tongue. The monster's tongue didn't have time to dodge and was stabbed by a dagger. Zhang Ping waved the dagger, and the monster's tongue was suddenly cut open. The monster screamed and came back to Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping waved the dagger and stabbed the monster's left eye. The monster grabbed Zhang Ping angrily. Zhang Ping pulled out the dagger and wanted to avoid the monster's claws, but the monster still caught a piece of meat from his chest and the blood kept bleeding. Zhang Ping decided to make a final fight with this monster. He ran towards the monster at high speed. The monster's tongue shot again, and Zhang Ping jumped high, three meters high. Zhang Ping stabbed the monster's head with a dagger in his hand, and the monster's front paws also grabbed Zhang Ping's chest. In the end, Zhang Ping stabbed the monster's head with a dagger, and the monster's claws also caught Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping was knocked upside down and fell to the ground heavily. The monster fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, other monsters ran out of the teaching building when they were full, otherwise, if there was one more monster, Zhang Ping would die.

Zhang Ping sat up and spit out another big mouthful of blood. At this time, He Wen's paralysis had disappeared, and she ran to Zhang Ping's concerned questioner's situation. After all, Zhang Ping became like this because of her. Her heart is a little sorry.

Zhang Ping reluctantly stood up and said, "I'm fine. The key is how to escape now. There are so many monsters outside."

At this moment, there was a fight outside. Zhang Ping went out and found that his mother had come, and Huang Lin soon killed all the monsters. She came to the teaching building in a panic and found that Zhang Ping was not dead. She was immediately relieved.

"This is my mother." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

"Good job, aunt." Seeing that Zhang Ping's mother was so powerful that she should be an immortalist, He Wen suddenly became curious about Zhang Ping.

"My name is He Wen. I haven't asked you what your name is." He Wenwen asked.

"My name is Zhang Ping. Nice to meet you." In fact, without He Wen, Zhang Ping already knew the name of the school beauty.

After Huang Lin took out a yellow pill from her arms and gave it to her son, she took him home.