Zhuge Fan

Chapter 9 Blood Pool

Please support the newcomers. I usually read a lot of novels. Now I have a try myself. There are many shortcomings that you can put forward. Jiangnan will definitely improve! Thank you!!!!!!


"What!!!" Zhuge Shang and Xu Liang exclaimed together, and Zhuge Liang asked Zhuge Shang, who was only in the later stage of the light, to cultivate the real world to destroy demons? You know, any disciple of the devil's way can set off a certain storm and waves, at least in the later practice of the valley, let Zhuge Shang destroy the demons and be destroyed by the devil!

The difference between

realms is not as simple as one plus one. For example, the cultivation of practitioners in the middle of Pigu has been upgraded to the late period of Pigu, which is not as simple as doubling their strength. The growth of strength in the middle is definitely a geometric increase.

The adjacent realm is still like this, not to mention the late period of Kaiguang and the late period of Pigu? There are two major realms between them.

Zhuge Yan waved his hand to tell them not to be too surprised and said, "Don't shout so much. I won't let you die in vain. In this way, you two work as a group to go to the coastal area of the East China Sea, where magic is less ravaged. Most of the magic road enters the middle soil in the Western Regions, so the magic road in the west and the Central Plains is raging seriously. The problem on your side is not too big. As long as you pay attention to it, there should be no big problem. Xu Liang, your cultivation is higher than Shang'er's. You two take good care of each other along the way. No matter what your record is, you must come back in two years. Shanger, two years later, I will test the results of your practice. Don't waste time. Taking advantage of this opportunity may really be a challenge and opportunity for you. Well, I won't say more. You can go now."

This year's teaching made Zhuge Shang respect his patriarch Zhuge Yan very much. At present, he made a three-fold salute to thank him for taking care of himself in the past year.

Zhuge Yan did not refuse. After receiving it, he urged the two to go early.


The mortal world, the Central Plains State of Chu, the capital of Chucheng.

It has been two months since they left the Zhuge family, and the two went all the way east to the easternmost state of Qi.

The situation in the mortal world has undergone earth-shaking changes after the return of the Three Kingdoms. After destroying the State of Shu, Jin began to prepare to march towards the State of Wu. Unexpectedly, at this time, the State of Wu took the initiative to attack. The two armies fought again in Chibi and poured out the strength of the whole country. The people were unable to make a living. Talents rose up one after another and fought together to defeat the State of Jin and the State Wu.

At this time, the national strength of the two countries was already vulnerable, but the insurgents did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but there were internal differences. The generals held their own opinions. In the end, they led troops away one after another, and the alliance collapsed.

The generals established themselves as kings and established the country in various places, forming the Hundred Kingdoms of Heroes during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The most powerful Chinese power in China is the State of Qin in the west, the State of Chu in the south, the State of Qi in the east, and the State of Yan in the north.

Zhuge Shang does not pay much attention and nostalgia for the current national power situation of the mortal world. After more than a year of cultivation, he has long known that in the view of cultivation, mortals are just like ants. Even if the heaven and the earth are cracked, they don't care about the affairs of the cultivation world.

The "Red Moon Restaurant" in Chucheng is famous in various countries and has branches in major cities. At this moment, Zhuge Shang and Xu Liang are drinking slowly in the private room on the third floor.

"Zhuge, along the way, we met a demon disciple who was playing monsters in a rural town, and we just went to join in the fun, where there were masters of ancient Buddhism. Now that I have come to Chu, I have walked half of the way. Xu Liang took a sip of wine and said.

With Xu Liang's cultivation in the valley period, he can no longer eat at all, but considering that Zhuge Shang can't leave the food, and tasting wine is their common hobby, so in this bustling restaurant, the two of them can drink slowly and get ready to have a meal before going on the road.

Zhuge Shang was about to speak when suddenly there was a noise downstairs, causing them to look downstairs.

On the spacious street, a middle-aged man ran over crazily, his body was tattered, his face was full of horror, and he kept saying, "There are ghosts!" There are ghosts in Dongshan! There is a ghost!"

Pedestrians on the street quickly avoided and talked a lot.

"Isn't this the general helmsman of Zhenyuan Dart Bureau? Why did you become crazy like this?"

"It is said that he took a dart and went to the small country Ye Kingdom in the east. It didn't take long for him to go crazy like this. Is there really a ghost in Dongshan?"


Zhuge Shang and Xu took a look at it, put down their wine glasses and rushed to Dongshan. They coincidentally felt that there must be something unusual in Dongshan, and there might be traces of magic.

Chucheng, the capital of the State of Chu, is surrounded by mountains, especially the East Mountain, which is extremely majestic. There is snow on the top of the mountain all year round, and there are clouds and fog above the mountainside, and there are countless rare beasts in it.

At the foot of the mountain, the two saw many heroes of the State of Chu who had come to catch ghosts. With a smile, Zhuge Shang and Zhuge Shang went into the dense jungle.

The two went deep along the winding mountain road and saw only some small beasts, and nothing strange happened.

The two were not in a hurry, but walked slowly. They were speechless all the way. After walking for about two hours, they saw a small village in the valley in front of them. Strangely, the whole village looks dead.

Xu Liang said, "Zhuge, we are energetic. I feel something is wrong here. Be careful."

nodded, and the two carefully approached the village. One by one, they couldn't help but wonder more. Where have they gone? Judging from the things left behind, there is no dust. It should be that the villagers have just disappeared.

Zhuge Shang said to Xu Liang, "Xu Liang, I think this matter is strange. The villagers of the whole village can't disappear for no reason. Even if they move away, they still have to take things away."

Xu Liang said, "Yes, I don't think it's easy. Judging from the situation in the village, the villagers... Who is it? Don't go!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Liang shouted fiercely and chased aside.

Zhuge Shang turned his head and saw a figure running towards the mountain, and then followed Xu Liang.

The black shadow is also very fast, which is comparable to Zhuge Shang. Xu Liang could have caught up, but considering that Zhuge Shang's strength was not high and he had to take care of Zhuge Shang's safety, he fell behind and did not dare to pursue him with all his strength.

The three of you chased me in the jungle. Soon, they had reached the middle of the mountain. The fog that came to their faces made their eyes more and more hazy. The shadow in front of them suddenly lost their shadow after bypassing a boulder.

Zhuge Shang came forward and carefully observed the surrounding situation. There were no footprints on the grass. The problem must be on the boulder.

Xu Liang's sharp eyes immediately said, "Zhuge, come and see, there is a cave here."

Sure enough, dense weeds covered the hole, and there was a chill in the hole, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Xu Liang asked, "Zhuge, shall we enter or not? It's not clear yet. We don't know how dangerous it is. Why don't we withdraw first, explain the situation to the nearby practitioners, and then contact more colleagues?

Zhuge Shang shook his head and said, "Let's not reveal our identity for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. If it's critical, it's not too late for us to withdraw."

After saying that, he jumped into the cave first. Xu Liang had no choice but to follow in.

A cold air in the cave came out from the depths, and the two slowly groped forward, only to see that the rock walls of the cave were full of shocking scratches.

Xu Liang looked down and whispered, "Zhuge, judging from the depth of these scratches, it should be left by the demon practitioners who have just entered the devil."

"Well, then we should be talking about dealing with these demon practitioners. Let's go in and find out."

The road has been slanting up, and the two have walked for half an hour to reach the end. As soon as they turned the corner, the two were immediately shocked and saw a huge cave appear in front of them. A pool on the ground was full of blood, and the cave was full of people.

From the appearance of clothing, it is the dress of the village girls and villagers, but their eyes are all empty, their hands and nails are slender, and their bodies are full of blood.

Xu Liang said in a low voice, "Zhuge, these villagers have become demons, and they are also walking dead. While they absorb less blood pool energy now, we must kill them to eliminate future trouble."

Zhuge Shang hesitated in his heart and knew that Xu Liang was telling the truth, but when he thought that these unarmed people had no choice but to be possessed, he really couldn't bear it.

"Zhuge, don't hesitate! They are already the devil!" Xu Liang knew that Zhuge Shang was soft-hearted, so he urged him.

With a deep sigh, Zhuge Shang nodded, and the two took out their respective magic weapons. Xu Liang is a fine sword of the lower spiritual weapon level, and Zhuge Shang's is of course a medium spiritual weapon level.

As soon as the two rushed out, more than 100 enchanted villagers immediately began to surge over, and their claws were caught by the two.

Zhuge Shang and Xu Liang stood back to back, which is good to avoid being attacked.

Zhuge Shang took the immortal and stabbed left and right at the demon villagers who rushed over, leaving many wounds large and small on his body. But strangely, these villagers didn't know the pain, but they rushed over and could only repel them and couldn't kill them.

Since he has decided to get rid of these enchanted villagers, Zhuge Shang will no longer show mercy.

"Xu Liang, how can these people not be killed?" Zhuge Shang kept swinging the long gun in his hand and asked by the way.

"I don't know, I can't kill them!" Xu Liang was obviously a little anxious. If it goes on like this, they will be surrounded like this. Although these newly possessed villagers will not cause any harm to them, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

"Attack their heads!" Suddenly, a nice but cold voice came. Zhuge Shang subconsciously looked at it. I don't know when a young woman appeared in the passageway. She was dressed in white. It was not too much to describe it as a sinking fish and falling geese. The most noticeable thing was her light and elegant temperament.

Without time to ask, Zhuge Shang quickly concentrated his efforts to attack the heads of these demonic villagers.

Sure enough, after hitting the head, those villagers fell to the ground and couldn't survive.

The woman in white also joined the battle, and the pressure of the two suddenly decreased greatly. Later, there was no threat on Zhuge Shang's side, so he secretly glanced at the woman in white. The woman's movements were extremely unrestrained, like dancing. The thin white dagger in her hand danced repeatedly, which solved a villager in a few strokes.

In a short time, all the demonized villagers were killed. Zhuge Shang couldn't help sighing that these ordinary people may be demonized without knowing what they were doing, and now they are inexplicably killed by the three of them. It can only be blamed for their bad luck.

Zhuge Shang didn't think much about it anymore. He saluted and said, "Thank you for reminding me just now. This is Xu Liang, under Zhu Ge. The two of us heard the reappearance of the devil's road, and we also came out to eliminate the evil barrier of the devil's road and contribute our own strength to the right path. Why did the unknown girl come here?

Zhuge Shang did not disclose his name. In the case of incomplete reassurance, his surname is still a trouble for the time being. It's better to avoid it.

The woman in white returned a salute to Zhuge Shang and Xu Liang respectively and said, "Two Taoist friends, I am Mei Lingxue, a disciple of the Qingyun School. I also heard that there are evil spirits here. I guess it is a demon beast, so I came to see what's going on. Just now, those people should have just become demonized. This blood pool is the culprit. There must be a demon disciple who left a blood pool here and took this as a guide, so that the people within ten miles will suffer. The tone is still so cold, and the expression on his face does not fluctuate much.

Zhuge Shang also said indignantly, "These demon practitioners are so abominable that they harm mortals! Mei Daoyou, don't you know how to destroy this blood pool?

Mei Lingxue said, "There is a crystal at the bottom of the blood pool, which is a magic stone unique to the magic road. As long as this crystal is taken out, the blood pool can be destroyed."

Zhuge Shang couldn't help smiling bitterly. Destroying the blood pool means that someone must sneak in to take out the magic stone. Now there are three people here, it is impossible to let Mei Lingxue go as a woman. Xu Liang took good care of himself along the way, and Zhuge Shang always felt that he was a little burdensome, so now he must do such a small thing by himself.

At this moment, without waiting for Xu Liang to speak, Zhuge Shang went straight over and jumped into the blood pool. In order to prevent what was under the blood pool, he still jumped down with a fairy.

What a fishy smell! This is Zhuge Shang's only feeling. Because he couldn't open his eyes in the blood pool, Zhuge Shang could only slowly dive down and use Xianxian to explore any bumps.

Soon, Zhuge Shang felt that the head of the gun had been scratched by something, and it seemed that it should be a magic stone.

Thinking of quickly taking out the magic stone and leaving the bloody blood pool, Zhuge Shang immediately traded the magic stone with his hand. It was very easy, and the crystal was taken out.

Because at the bottom of the pool, Zhuge Shang instinctively stared at the wall at the bottom of the pool and wanted to float up. Who knew what was going on? The bottom of the pool suddenly concave down, and a vibration of the mechanism came from above. Zhuge Shang, who didn't know what had happened, quickly accelerated his staring at the water. Come out of the blood pool.

When he came out, Zhuge Shang was shocked. Xu Liang and Mei Lingxue had disappeared, replaced by two dark holes on the ground...