Zhuge Fan

Chapter 27 Ten Thousand Fish Tomb

I got 120 medium Zhenyuan stones at once, and I felt it was more valuable with the vision of fire dance. Naturally, Zhuge Shang had nothing to say, and now he also nodded repeatedly.

Zhuge Shang said in his heart that sometimes it is really much more convenient and has many benefits to meet a good friend. Therefore, Zhuge Shang is very grateful for the fire dance and is determined to treat the fire dance as the most sincere friend.

Xingchen also seemed to be a person with space magic weapons such as mustard bags, and suddenly took out 120 medium-sized Zhenyuan stones to Zhuge Shang.

However, on second thought, the rare treasures of the Star Pavilion may be the first in the world. With a long history, countless treasures must have flowed into the warehouse of the Star Pavilion. An elder of the Star Pavilion has a space magic weapon, which is a normal little thing.

After Zhuge Shang took the Zhenyuan stone, Xingchen picked up the immortal and played with it for a long time. Xingchen's expression became strange and said, "This long gun, excuse me for asking more, but it's the little brother's magic weapon?"

Zhuge Shang said "En", but he didn't know why Xingchen's expression became so strange.

"The little brother is really different and dares to try such a rare magic weapon. Ha ha, to get back to the point, this long gun is a medium spiritual weapon, which is very good. I won't talk about its function. Presumably the little brother knows that it needs to be equipped with different skills," Xing Chen smiled strangely. "However, as far as I know, this gun was thousands of years ago, but It's famous in the world of cultivation! With this gun, the unknown swordsman overturned the masters of Taoism and imperial religion. Later, the unknown swordsman retired and also left this unknown gun. Hundreds of years ago, many people were looking for this unknown gun, but they didn't expect it to be in the hands of the little brother.

Zhuge Shang secretly smacked his tongue and secretly said that the elder of Xingge knew a lot, and what he didn't expect was that there was such a *, so he said, "Yes, as the elder of Star said, this gun was accidentally obtained by the elders of my family, and the boy left it for himself to use."

Zhuge Shang's move is good. He knows that Xingchen may take this opportunity to ask about his family's situation. After all, in the world of cultivation, the Zhu family is not famous. If it is pushed to the elders, the ten elders of Xingchen Hall, it is difficult to ask one more question.

Sure enough, Xing Chen didn't ask more questions, but the next sentence made Zhuge Shang suddenly excited.

Xing Chen's words are: "However, little brother, the little old man may know where the unnamed gun formula that matches it is."

Zhuge Shang immediately reacted and asked, "I don't know, elder, can you tell the boy?"

It is said that swords are matched with heroes, and so are magic weapons. Every magic weapon has a magic weapon that is most suitable for you. Although the Purple Dragon Shooting Method is a fourth-class gun formula, it is not the most suitable for immortals after all.

That is to say, even if the nameless gun formula is a third-class gun formula, it is far better than the Purple Dragon Shooting Method, because it is the most suitable.

Fire dance was also anxious and said urgently, "Okay, old man, say it quickly, don't sell it!"

Xingchen saw the fire dance and said, so he said, "Little brother, a hundred years ago, someone saw an unknown gun secret in the Wanyu Tomb in the East China Sea. According to the investigation of this cabinet, there are ten *."

Wanyu Tomb in the East China Sea? Zhuge Shang has never heard of this place, but he knows that it is not a good place.

The fire dance didn't seem to have heard of it. He asked urgently, "Come on, be specific!"

Seeing the rare attraction of the fire dance so anxiously, Xingchen immediately pretended to be a master outside the world and wanted to talk about it in detail.

Zhuge Shang couldn't help smiling bitterly. This star is really stubborn. This old and young is really the best.

Xingchen said, "There is a place called Wanyuzhong, which is 100,000 miles deep in the East China Sea. It is said that there is an inexplicable energy that can attract past creatures. The sea has been floating with the bodies of all kinds of marine life all year round, and it has been filled with thick fog, and no one can escape from it."

"A hundred years ago, someone came back from the East China Sea and said that he found something interesting in it, but he couldn't take it out. There was an unknown gun."

"However, many masters went to the Wanyu Tomb, and all of them came back crazy, so no one dared to explore."

Zhuge Shang was silent after hearing this. He didn't expect that what he was looking for was in such a dangerous place. I'm afraid that if he goes now, he will die 100%. It's better to wait until his strength is guaranteed to a certain extent before looking for it.

Zhuge Shang will not do the matter of seeking his own death. There is only one time for him to repair the true road. He will not take unnecessary risks, and there are still many unfinished things on him.

When Huowu saw Zhuge Shang's silence, she said anxiously, "Zhu Ge, don't be stupid. Not to mention that it's 100,000 miles deep in the East China Sea, it's me. After listening to the old man Xingchen, I dare not take risks!"

Zhuge Shang returned a smile. This friend was really determined. Zhuge Shang liked the character of Huowu very much and was frank and sincere, so he replied, "Don't worry, Huowu, I won't die until my strength is absolutely guaranteed."

The fire dance patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Xingchen returned the immortals to Zhuge Shang and picked up all the remaining small things and put them on the table.

The rest are Zhuge Fan, the nameless sword formula, the heaven and the destruction of the earth.

Xingchen first looked at the nameless sword formula and looked through a few pages. His expression was slightly shocked, but he could also calm down after seeing the world and said, "This is the ancient font. It should be the ancient sword formula, the sixth-class sword formula, but the ancient characters do not exist now. Fortunately, I know the two words on the cover, which is 'Xianyue. But I don't know much about the content."

Zhuge Shang took it from Xingchen. He didn't expect that fifteen medium-sized Zhenyuanshi bought a sixth-class sword formula, which was really profitable. Unfortunately, he didn't use a sword, let alone the ancient font.

Xingchen smiled and said, "Little brother, don't worry. If you have a chance, you can go to the Five Star Building. Lao Wu is proficient in ancient fonts. If you go to him and tell him that I want you to come, he won't give me this face."

Zhuge Shang promised with a smile and said that he must go to the Five Star Building next time he has a chance.

Xingchen then picked up the killing sky and destroying the earth, carefully thought about the little thing, and his expression immediately changed greatly, and he immediately stood up!

Zhuge Shang and Huowuxin said that there was nothing, and they immediately stood up and stared at the stars.

Huowu couldn't help asking, "Oh, old man Xing, say it quickly!" It makes me anxious!"

The stars slowly slowed down, suppressed the excitement, looked at Zhuge Shang, and asked, "Little brother, I don't know where you got these two things?"

Of course, Zhuge Shang could not say that he got Zhu Tian in the confusion array, so he made up a few words, saying that he inadvertently got Zhu Tian in a cave, but he did not hide the source of the destruction of the land.

Xingchen nodded, and there was still uncontrollable excitement in his voice, saying, "This... This is... What remains are left in the meteoric fairy mansion!!!"