Zhuge Fan

Chapter 81 Fall

This is a strange place, like an underground house. There is a bed in the corner, but it is full of dust, but the bed is lifted, and there is also a big dark hole below. The disgusting smell comes out of the hole. The stinky wind flew out, and Sima Yun quickly covered her nose.

"Zhuge, where is this? It stinks. Let's go back first. I can't stand it." Sima Yun frowned.

Zhuge Shang motioned Sima Yun to wait. He seemed to hear something below just now, but it was not clear, so he approached and slowly lay down to listen carefully what the sound was.

The smell of stench came to his face. Zhuge Shang had no choice but to hold his breath as much as possible. Sima Yun had retreated to the edge of the stairs. As long as Zhuge Shang said to withdraw, he would immediately rush back to breathe fresh air.

Not bad, there is indeed a sound! Zhuge Shang clearly heard a sound with a consistent frequency coming from the depths below, but it was very weak, but for a while, Zhuge Shang was surprised to find that the sound was a little louder, that is to say, the thing that made the sound was coming towards him!

Zhuge Shang is not stupid enough to rush down to investigate. Of course, I don't know what this thing is, but it's better to be careful, so Zhuge Shang quickly said to Sima Yun, " girl, something is coming this way down here. Let's be cautious and seal it up first!"

Sima Yun shook her head and said, "I want to do it. It's so stinky and disgusting. Don't expect me to do it!" Hurry up, I really can't stand it here!"

Looking around, the bed was opened by the mat below, which led to this big hole, but even if the stone mat jumps up, it may not be able to prevent the thing below from coming up, but there is indeed nothing else in it. Zhuge Shang immediately knew that this was the only way, so he covered the stone mat. After going, he heard that the voice below was much lower, but Zhuge Shang knew that the things below were not far from here. He quickly said to Sima Yun, "Woman, let's go. Hurry up. I always feel that the things below are difficult to deal with."

Sima Yuncai didn't care what was below. Hearing Zhuge Shang ask her to go up, he quickly took two steps to rush up. Zhuge Shang followed closely. When the two came to the door of the upper seat, they had heard the noise below getting louder and louder, and there were bursts of vibrations. It should have been not far away. Zhuge Shang immediately understood that The sound below is not something, but a group of things!

With such a frequency and the same steps, it must be some serious foreign beasts. In the face of such a group of foreign beasts, Zhuge Shang thought that he did not have the strength to do this, so he quickly took back the place behind the chair and tried a few times without moving. Zhuge Shang was relieved and left quickly with Sima Yun. Open.

There is also such a tunnel on the city owner's mansion, and there are unknown beasts below. What does this represent?

Zhuge Shang didn't dare to think much about it. When he left the city owner's mansion with Sima Yun, he saw that there were many people with unknown clothes besieging passers-by on the street. At a glance, he knew that it was not a good thing.

These people of the devil dared to kill people openly on the street. Zhuge Shang and Sima Yun were treated well as soon as they came out, and the tide-like attacks fell on both of them.

The two can only face each other. Fortunately, the opponents are not strong and only have a numerical advantage, so the two can still deal with it easily. Zhuge Shang also observed that the later strength of Sima Yunyuanying is indeed not virtual. The two joined hands and drove the opponent away in a few rounds, and the two did not go. Chasing.

Sima Yun suddenly looked at Zhuge Shang and said, "Zhuge, I have a question. I don't know what you think?"

Zhuge Shang said "Oh" and suddenly became interested and said, "Really? Haha, I also have a question. I don't know if we both think the same thing?"

Sima Yun smiled and said, "I found that these disciples of magic are just chasing passers-by with low strength, but according to their habits, there is no reason not to see such a big palace-style building next to them!"

Zhuge Shang nodded and said, "Yes, I have this question too!" With the greedy and infinite character of demon disciples, there is no reason for them not to enter such a magnificent building. Is it because? The more Zhuge Shang thought about it, the more he felt a little wrong. The most extreme idea flashed in his mind, but everything foreshadowed that his conjecture was the most reasonable situation, and Zhuge Shang couldn't help but become unbearably difficult to look at.

Sima Yun also showed the same expression on her face. Obviously, she also thought of this situation, but the two still couldn't believe it, so they looked at each other and rushed to Beitang's house. All the answers should be there!

However, it seems that it is too late!

There was a loud noise from the direction of Beitang's family. From afar, he saw several righteous people escaping out in panic, followed by a group of chasing demon disciples!

Obviously, the right path has lost its original advantage! The devil's counterattack! In the Beitang family, all the forces of Zhengdao in Guangling City collapsed! Guangling City has fallen!

Zhuge Shang quickly pulled Sima Yun to hide in the alley next to him and listened to the screams of being hunted and killed everywhere outside. Zhuge Shang and Sima Yun's faces were unprecedentedly pale. This is not the time to joke. The devil's people were not in Guangling City and defeated the Zheng who have firmly occupied here for hundreds of millions of years. Taoist, from now on, I'm afraid that as long as the counterattack of the righteous can be defended, the pattern of the cultivation world will change!

Zhu Geshang also wondered why he still had any precautions after revealing the information of a secret stronghold in the magic road to Zhenyuan's bodyguard bureau, and finally it turned into this ending. It seems that either the people of Zhenyuan's bodyguard bureau took their news as a joke, or there were spies in it.

Sima Yun said worriedly, "Oh, Zhuge, Xun'er's sister is still in it. She has a deep affection for you. You can't ignore her!"

Zhuge Shang said, "Of course, depending on the fact that you know her very well, I can't ignore her. Now this is not a place to stay for a long time. We go around from behind and sneak in to see what's going on, but if the situation is wrong, we will leave immediately, okay?"

Sima Yun nodded solemnly, and then the two rushed to the alley on the other side as fast as they could, and then kept dodging like this. Finally, soon after, the two groped for the back door of the Beitang family. There were no demon disciples here, but it was not without. A disciple with very low cultivation. Probably in the early stage of Pigu, he suddenly rushed out of the back door. Zhuge Shang didn't say much. Before the disciple opened his mouth for help in consternation, he rushed up and knocked the disciple unconscious and dragged him aside to hide.

took off the disciple's clothes, and Sima Yun suddenly blushed and quickly turned his back to scold a "rogue". Zhuge Shang didn't mind. He put on the clothes of this demon disciple and said to Sima Yun, "Wait here. I'll pretend to be a demon to go in and have a look. Situation, take the opportunity to save people, you must be careful!" Then he dodged in without waiting for Sima Yun's answer.

It's still very noisy. There should be sporadic battles, but it seems that the overall situation has been decided, and all the disciples of the devil have begun to go out to look for other prey.

Zhuge Shang tried to find some remote smiles and went directly to Beitangxun's residence. He met more than a dozen demon disciples along the way. Fortunately, Zhuge Shang lowered his head and could not recognize them just by looking at his clothes, so he dodged into Beitangxun's room.

The room was empty, but everything was very messy. It seemed that someone had come in to check, but they didn't find anything useful, so they went out.

Miss Beitang? Miss Beitang? I'm Zhu Ge! Where are you?" Zhuge Shang shouted in a low voice.

However, no one answered. It seemed that Beitang Xun was not here and was about to go out to look for it. Zhuge Shang suddenly glanced casually and found that there was a hand under the bed!

There is someone under the bed!

Zhuge Shang quickly ran over and looked down to find that the man under the bed was dead. His body was full of wounds and died of too much blood loss. Zhuge Shang also knew this person. It turned out to be Beitangming!

I didn't expect Beitang Ming to die here, so the only one who could let him die was Beitang Xun. Beitang Ming must have died to protect Beitang Xun!

Then Beitang Xun should not be far from here!

Zhuge Shang dragged out Beitangming's body and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a dark grid in the innermost place under the bed. Beitang's body, and it was definitely possible to hide in.

Zhuge Shang opened the secret grid. Sure enough, Beitang Xun was locked in it, but his whole body seemed to receive a great shock. His whole body trembled and his hair lingered. It really looked pitiful to me.

Zhuge Shang stood up and moved the bed. The sound scared Beitangxun's whole body to tremble and trembled for a while. This change really traumatized this innocent and poor girl.

Zhuge Shang lay down again and said, "Miss Beitang, I'm here to save you."

Unexpectedly, Beitang Xun was shocked. Seeing Zhuge Shang dressed in magic clothes, he grabbed Zhuge Shang's hands with both hands, kicked his feet fiercely, and screamed crazily "Ah" in his mouth!

Zhuge Shang was shocked and couldn't let her continue to shout like this. Otherwise, what should he do if he attracts other demon disciples outside? Isn't he not going out and even himself will be implicated?

But his hands were grasped by Beitang Xun. Zhuge Shang did not dare to use force for fear of hurting her, and his chest could not move. He took all the strength from Beitang Xun's feet, but he still couldn't stop Beitang Xun's screaming mouth!

Zhuge Shang couldn't let Beitang Xun destroy the hope of the two people's escape, so he was in a hurry and didn't care so much. He hugged Beitang Xun and kissed like this...