Zhuge Fan

Chapter 100 Start?

Nanfeng Village has not changed because of Zhuge Shang's sudden madness. Everyone still clarified that in their own lives, outsiders are still drinking and eating meat. Zhuge Shang is not in the mood to watch everything. I don't know how long he stayed outside the village. He silently returned to that family. Now it is close to Late at night, most of the villagers fell asleep, but outsiders still walked around in twos and threes in Nanfeng Village. They didn't know what their purpose they were holding. In short, Zhuge Shang was now completely in a low point, and the sudden changes made it difficult for him to feel other emotional fluctuations.

The first thing she saw was Yueer, who was about to fall asleep on the threshold. Hearing the footsteps, Yueer opened her eyes and saw that it was Zhuge Shang. She was happy and immediately came over and said, "Son, are you back? I just saw you outside and didn't know what's wrong. I stayed here for fear that you couldn't find a place when you came back. I can't see whether Yueer's face is red in the dark, but it is very white, and it can be much clearer than ordinary people in the dark.

Zhuge Shangqiangzi held the corners of his mouth and smiled, but even he knew that this smile was very ugly, so he didn't want to say more. He walked in and returned to the room, but it was the room next to him, which was the room where Mei Lingxue had stayed for a short time.

There seemed to be a residual fragrance of Mei Lingxue, but it was so thin that it was too late for Zhuge Shang to smell more. In this way, he passed away with the wind. Zhuge Shang couldn't help but be secretly sad and repeatedly recalled the words left by Mei Lingxue in his mind. Although that voice was hoarse, it made Zhuge Shang difficult. Forget it.

Sitting alone by the window, looking at several lights outside the window and everything blurred in the distance, Zhuge Shang touched his heart and couldn't help crying secretly.

The young master Kirin ran out and didn't say much when he saw Zhuge Shang's sadness. The two were silent for a long time. After seeing Zhuge Shang better, he looked at it and said, "Zhuge, don't be so sad. There are still many things waiting for you to do. If she watches you cry and leave cruelly, I'm afraid your strength will suffer. Limited."

Zhuge Shang was excited and immediately came to his senses, stared at the young master of Kirin, and asked anxiously, "What? Did she leave just when she saw me crying? Why didn't you tell me earlier! Where is she? Where is she?

The young master Kirin shook his head and said, "If she sees you like this, she will definitely be disappointed!" You know, your current strength is really weak. If you want to catch up with her, there is still a long gap. You should improve your strength as soon as possible to have a chance to say other things. Just now, it was true that she was looking at you not far away and then left. The reason for doing this is nothing more than wanting you to do everything now, first Only when you have the strength to protect yourself can you talk about helping her. Even if I tell you her location, what can you do? Go find her? Then do you feel inferior and have poor strength? So, think about it." After saying that, Master Kirin returned to Zhutian.

When Master Kirin said this, Zhuge Shang calmed down and recalled the words of Master Kirin. Indeed, now he is too weak to protect himself at all. What can he do to help and protect Mei Lingxue? If Mei Lingxue stays now, although he can satisfy his wish to see her every day. Wang, but in this way, not only is she not in the mood to practice, but also will also be so that Mei Lingxue can't complete her own things. Previously, she returned to the Qingyun School, and now she has gone to Nanman again. There must be something to do. Zhuge Shang doesn't want to be a burden on Mei Lingxue, so it's much more comfortable to think about it. When his strength improves, he may still be able to meet Mei Lingxue in Nanman, and then there is a problem. Zhuge Shang will pay attention to where there is the best doctor, and then help Mei Lingxue restore his original appearance and voice. It is not that Zhuge Shang dislikes it, but that women are born to love beauty, and no one certainly wants to become this. Well, Zhuge Shang just wants to do his best to help Mei Lingxue.

felt much better, and Zhuge Shang also settled down. He remembered that Miss Yueer had opened the door for herself just now and waited so hard, so he wanted to see if she had slept. If not, she could still thank Miss Yueer.

Walking out of the door, there was no one down there. Zhuge Shang secretly said that Yueer must be asleep, so he was not going to disturb her. At worst, he would thank her tomorrow morning, so he returned to the room again to prepare for a rest. Now the whole Nanfeng Village has slowly quieted down, and those who eat and drink outside have basically gone back. Zhuge Shang I glanced casually and was ready to rest.

However, Zhuge Shang suddenly found that there were two dark shadows on the road outside, and he looked up to see that the figure of a woman was quietly leaving!

That's not good, it's coming to rob people! Zhuge Shang did not answer, but he did not startle the snake. He quietly jumped down and followed them. Because of the dark clouds in the sky and he did not dare to pull too close, Zhuge Shang still couldn't see the appearance of the two people in front of him and the appearance of the woman, but looking at the posture of being carried, he should have been knocked unconscious and taken away. Of.

The two quietly walked to the back of the village, and there was a big mountain behind them. They changed into the front and back and carried the woman into the mountain. Zhuge Shang thought about it and decided to see what was going on, so he also went in.

Two groups of people have walked for a long time, and I'm afraid it's almost a hundred miles away from Nanfeng Village. When even Zhuge Shang was almost unable to go back, he finally saw that the two people in front of them jumped down in a ditch in front of them!

Zhuge Shang followed and took a look down. The abyss was so dark that he couldn't see what was below, but Zhuge Shang immediately found that there was a reaction of a magic array below, that is to say, the abyss below was a fantasy array, which was really the first time to hide people's eyes.

When it was estimated that the two carried the woman a little farther, Zhuge Shang also fell down suddenly. Sure enough, the seemingly complete abyss fell down and fell on the flat ground.

Zhuge Shang's first reaction was to look around, just like the entrance to a maze, because this is a room, surrounded by rocks, and there is only one way to go forward, and Zhuge Shang faintly saw the end of the left and right roads in front of the maze, which was very similar to the maze he had seen in the array before. Like.

There are also watermarks and watermarks on the ground. It should be the footprints formed by the two people standing next to the water mist when they walked just now. Zhuge Shang saw these footprints entering the maze, so he also followed them in, but this time Zhuge Shang grew his mind in case there is anything to exit. There was a mark, so I walked in. At the end of the first section of the road, Zhuge Shang could not see the watermark on the ground clearly. It was too light, but it seemed to be vaguely to the right! So Zhuge Shang carved a circular mark on the wall of the passage on the right and continued to walk forward.

There is no watermark on the high road ahead. Zhuge Shang can only mark a sign on the left road according to his own judgment, then go forward, mark it again when he encounters a fork, and choose a place. In this way, he has walked in the maze for a long time, but he still has no clue. He can only say that this maze is too Perverted, I don't know the size, and there is no rule to speak of. I can only stay here to find a way, but there is no way to start.

Just when Zhuge Shang was confused, he suddenly found that there was a sign on the wall at the end of the road in front of him!

This maze is still a circular maze! That is to say, Zhuge Shang just came back after a long circle!

Zhuge Shang kicked the angry super wall. This maze is more complicated and disorderly than the maze in Zhuge Maze. Zhuge Shang doesn't even have a clue to go out now and can only find a way out, but he didn't expect this kick to change.

The wall was kicked with all his strength by Zhuge Shang, and there was a sound. Of course, the sound was not from the place where Zhuge Shang kicked, but from not far from the right!

Zhuge Shang is happy. The change shows that it is good news. If it remains unchanged, it will be bad.

Zhuge Shang quickly followed and took a look. It turned out that there was a brick automatic trap on a wall on the right road, and Zhuge Shang saw that the one he spit out was a key! Grey-white key!

Picking up the key, Zhuge Shang thought that there would be a keyhole in this maze only in such a place as the exit, but fortunately, Zhuge Shang immediately found that there was also a keyhole in this groove!

Without hesitation, Zhuge Shang immediately inserted it and twisted it hard. Immediately, the maze changed dramatically. The wall began to move automatically. Not long after Zhuge Shang reacted, the whole maze changed.

In this way, Zhuge Shang became clear at once, because it has become a straight passage, and Zhuge Shang's position is just in the middle of the passage and has not been touched by the moving wall.

On a straight road in front of him, Zhuge Shang has seen the shining exit in the front, a huge stone door, slightly opened a crack, and a little light came through the back of the door, but he still couldn't see what was on the back.

Walking quickly, Zhuge Shang knew that there was something he didn't know opposite the door, and his adventure or experience in the Southern Barbarians was about to begin from here. From here, a series of things will begin to happen. Of course, this is Zhuge Shang's foreboding. There is a strong feeling that this trip to the Southern Barbarians A new world will be presented in front of Zhuge Shang. Maybe this is an end and another beginning...