Zhuge Fan

Chapter 104 Death

The 100,000 mountains of Nanman are indeed worthy of the name. There are not too many grand scenes, but the spreading mountains and forests make it easy to lose themselves. Of course, there are countless kinds of foreign beasts in this. Everyone knows that if you want to have a greater chance to survive in Nanman, don't Go to the southernmost part of the barbarians, because it is the core area. It is said that the strange beasts in it are so powerful that ordinary practitioners can't escape.

Zhuge Shang may regret that he jumped down like this, instead of withdrawing from the dead tribe. When Zhuge Shang jumped down, his whole body was pulled by a strange pulling force, and Zurger immediately reacted. This is not a big hole below, but a transmission array!

When Zhuge Shang came out of the arms of the transmission array, he no longer knew where he was. This is the most inconspicuous corner of the forest. Tisa was also overgrown with weeds on the ground. Zhuge Shang saw a transmission array on the ground, but for no reason, this formation was in Zhuge Shang. After coming out, it disappeared. No, it didn't disappear, but became very light. Without the strong support of Zhenyuan, it will no longer play a role.

In this wilderness where he doesn't know where, Zhuge Shang can only be careful. If he meets a strange beast, a powerful foreign beast, Zhuge Shang can only wait for rebirth in this southern wilderness.

Now the first thing about veterinary preparations is to determine your position so that you can continue to go to the southwest. However, the overhead is full of towering trees and surrounded by mountains. There is no way to see the sun and the moon. Only subtle light falls from the cracks in the leaves. Zhuge Shang can only know that it is During the day, but I don't know the specific time, but everything around here is unknown. It is likely that some strange beasts have been staring at me, so it's better not to run around. Zhuge Shang thought about it and decided to climb the tree first to see the situation around him. After all, he stands high and looks far away.

I have to say that the trees here are really not very high. Zhuge Shang struggled to climb up and almost fell down several times. This managed to occupy the top of the tree. He raised his eyes and was immediately stunned!

This is indeed a southern barbarian. Only this place will be so full of barbarism. Zhuge Shang saw the extremely high mountain in the distance at first glance. The whole mountain looks like a stick and goes straight up. The cliff is bare. Even if it is so far away, Zhuge Shang can still see this The huge mountain is as thick as a person in front of you. You can imagine how big it is! Next, Zhuge Shang's face immediately turned pale, because he remembered that the holy mountain of the southern barbarians had heard before was called "Barbarians Mountain", which was extremely huge, and few practitioners had seen it, because there were extremely powerful strange beasts guarding the holy mountain everywhere, and it was said that only the barbarian king was qualified to climb this holy mountain, and And you can climb intelligently once in your life, otherwise you will be hit by nine days of thunder and death!

So, now, this huge mountain presented in front of Zhuge Shang is obviously a barbarian mountain!

Zhuge Shang said in his heart why he was so unlucky. He accidentally entered a transmission array for no reason and was transported to this damn place. I don't know how many powerful foreign beasts around him. Any foreign beast he met is dead. And there is no good way to escape now. It's over.

In my mind, I was afraid that I would calm down. The limit introverted and thought about what better methods were, but all the ways to escape were based on the strength of my family to be strong enough to rival these powerful beasts, so in other words, there was nothing I could do!

Zhuge Shang couldn't help but remember the previous bits and pieces. Che Yueer disappeared, Mei Lingxue didn't know where she had gone, as well as Na Lanrong, and Sima Yun and other people he had met. Whether it was friends or enemies, relatives or enemies, Zhuge Shang is now flashing in his mind, because he is not sure if it is the next moment. An extremely powerful beast will suddenly appear in front of you, and then find yourself as a humble human, and then destroy it like an ant.

Mei Lingxue is still waiting for herself, but there is nothing she can do. She is even trapped in the Jedi. How can she find Mei Lingxue, let alone other things? She still has a father to look for. She still has a lot of things to do. Zhuge Shang is unwilling and unwilling to die like this, but what can she do? Hide around here and then pray for a little chance to survive, but there are countless foreign beasts here. Sooner or later, he will be found. Zhuge Shang doesn't want to die like this.

"I have to say, Zhuge, you are really unlucky to come to this place, even if I don't seem to come easily." At this time, the young master Kirin, who had not responded for a long time, suddenly made a sound and then came out of the Zhutian.

Zhuge Shang's eyes lit up, as if he had met a savior. He looked at the young master Kirin and said, "Kirin, you are finally willing to come out. There was no reaction before. If you don't come out, I'm afraid you can't see me. What should we do now? Can we escape?" Zhuge Shang looked at the young master of Kirin with anticipation. He thought that as the young master of the Kirin family, he could still have a certain position in foreign beasts, so that he would not escape.

Who knew that the young master Kirin shook his head and said, "I can't escape. I'll tell you honestly, even if I'm the young master of Kirin, I can't take you out."

Zhuge Shang suddenly became anxious and quickly asked why his last hope could not be broken like this.

Master Kirin said, "Your current position is a little bit in the circle of strange beasts. If you go out a little, you will be immediately torn to pieces by strange beasts. There are many strange beasts outside at the same level as me, and there are some that I have to be respectful when I see them. You can't imagine the power of those strange beasts at all. There are masters like barbarian kings who are worthy to play with them, so you can't escape.

Zhuge Shang was discouraged when he heard the poisonous Shangling and said dejectedly, "What should I do? Are you stuck in it all your life? It's impossible to go out like this."

Master Kirin's words rekindled Zhuge Shang's hope, but he immediately felt wrong.

"No, you still have a glimmer of hope. Go to the top of Man Stick Mountain."

"Kirin, do you know that the mountain is the holy mountain of the barbarians? If I dare to go up, it will be really dead! Barbarians will smash me into ten thousand pieces!"

The young master Kirin said without asking: "Okay, but I want to ask you, what do you think is the difference between tearing it into pieces and smashing ten thousand pieces?"

Zhuge Shang was speechless and thought about it. In the end, he really couldn't come up with a better way. Kirin's young master is well-informed. Maybe his words are really a circuit. Now there is only a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so he asked, "Then Kirin, tell me, how can we climb up, and what can we do after we go to the top of the mountain? What about it?

Kirin looked at Zhuge Shang and said with a very speechless expression, "How do I know how you can go up? That's your own business! Legend has it that there is a teleport array on the top of the mountain. Every time the barbarian king arrives at the top of the mountain, he instantly appears in the barbarian palace a few days later. Maybe you can try it like this, otherwise you can also rush outside to have a try.

Zhuge Shang is going to be completely crazy! Not only do I have to climb the Barbarian Stick Mountain, but I also have to borrow the teleportation array on the top of the mountain that I don't know if I have just come back to leave, and the next stop is in the Barbarian Palace. How can I feel that I am completely online enough to die? It's not enough to die in one place, and you have to go to different extremely dangerous places to die a few more times. The barbarian palace is full of barbarian royal families, which is extremely hostile to human beings. It's hard to go in and die!

But there is really no other way now. What if the transmission array on the top of the mountain is a multidirectional transmission array? In this way, it may be transmitted to other places, and there is still a trace of hope, so Zhuge Shang has to decide to go up and see the situation first.

Young Master Kirin is not bad here. He acted as a guide around Zhuge Shang and successfully avoided some wandering beasts. If Zhuge Shang is found and causes a battle, then the powerful beasts in the outer animal circle will certainly hear the movement. At that time, he will not be in a different place.

I have to say that this barbarian mountain is really huge. Zhuge Shang and the young master Qilin have been walking in the forest for almost a whole day. Then Zhuge Shang climbed up the tree to have a look. Unexpectedly, this huge holy mountain has not become much bigger. How big is this? It's too far away!

However, there is no way. Zhuge Shang's only hope is on the top of Man Stick Mountain now. As long as he continues to move forward in that direction, he will find a remote place to rest and practice when he is tired. Anyway, the young master of Kirin has nothing to do, so he sentry for Zhuge Shang. The first time he came to Man Stick Mountain, he was also curious about whether to soak in the woods. Stop, Zhuge Shang was very worried that he would attract a group of strange beasts, but Master Kirin was just a child's mind. After all, his strength was still there. I believe he would be measured, and Zhuge Shang didn't say anything.

After walking for half a month in a row, Zhuge Shang believed that he had walked nearly 108,000 miles and was about to be numb. Only then did he finally see a "small mountain" under the barbarian stick mountain, which was much higher than other mountains, but because of the barbarian stick mountain, it looked too small, only If you want to cross this mountain, you can reach the Barbarian Mountain. Zhuge Shang can't help but be secretly happy and finally going to reach this damn mountain. But the next question is the biggest headache for Zhuge Shang, that is, how can he climb up if the young master of Kirin doesn't help himself...