Zhuge Fan

Chapter 107 Help, Zhuge Fan

It's already quite cold here, but Zhuge Shang did not use any real yuan to keep himself warm. He wants to use all the real yuan on his wings, which can raise himself by one or two meters, but the scenery is still unchanged. At most, there are more and more ice cubes on the cliff, and then the sky is getting better and more. The darker it is, the cold wind is getting more and more bitter.

But Zhuge Shang's heart slowly sank, because he felt that he was about to stand it, but when he looked up, there was still a cold cliff...

Zhuge Shang is really a little anxious now. His body is sweating coldly. Even in such a low temperature, cold sweat is flowing on his back. Does he really want to fall like this and end his life?

The Zhenyuan in his body is about to dry up. Zhuge Shang's mind is in chaos. What should he do? The cliff is full of bare ice. Even if Zhuge Shang wants to catch it, he can't catch it. Now he is exhausted, and even if he can catch it, he has no strength to go up.

That's right, and that ring! The ring I got in the Zhuge clan before can store Zhenyuan. Although there are not many Zhenyuan, I still reluctantly use it. It's better than nothing.

Zhenyuan was rapidly consumed, and there was almost no Zhenyuan in the ring. Zhuge Shang looked at the cloud and darkness on his head. There should be no hope, but Zhuge Shang was unwilling. He was unwilling to die like this. The shadow of countless people flashed in his mind, and the last bit of strength was shouted out by Zhuge Shang: "Ah !!!"

Looking up to the sky and roaring, Zhuge Shang Zhenyuan completely used his light at this moment. His wings could not bear it. The rising momentum slowly stopped, and then the next moment he began to fall down and fell close to the sky of seven thousand trees. Zhuge Shang could not find any reason to persuade himself not to die.

Suddenly, Zhuge Shang felt that something moved in the mustard bag, and then an extremely powerful energy came. Zhuge Shang was overjoyed. This was the power from Zhuge Fan!

Zhuge Fan again! Zhuge Shang has saved his name many times. If he can survive this time, he must find out the use of this mysterious Zhuge Fan as soon as possible, so that he can have one more life-saving thing.

I have to say that Zhuge Shang is indeed quite mysterious. First of all, he doesn't know his source, and then he doesn't know how to use it. He only knows that there is a mysterious power in it, which will automatically be emitted in some cases. Moreover, this unknown energy is so powerful for Zhuge Shang that he doesn't know the source, and The energy that exists in the world is also a little different. It seems that you must find someone to identify it in the future. Master Kirin also told Zhuge Shang that when he rests in Zhutian, he will also be affected by Zhuge Fan, because he feels a strange energy that invisibly affects the energy and self-reliance in Zhutian. Changes in one faction.

The sudden energy replenishment of the two made Zhuge Shang's wings rejuvenate, which is very promising. Zhuge Shang will not miss this desperate opportunity to survive, so he quickly flew up.

There is strong energy support in his body. Of course, Zhuge Shang is in a good mood. The energy in Zhuge Fan seems to be unlimited, so Zhuge Shang is not worried that he will suddenly have no energy support.

It has risen more than 2,000 meters, and the height is almost 10,000 meters. Only then did Zhuge Shang see the peak above and will launch his wings to land on the peak.

It was strange for Zhuge Shang to look around and see this peak, because he didn't know why, the peak at the top of the mountain seemed to have been directly cut off, and the whole ground was smooth and straight. On this smooth ground, at a glance, it looked very small, and Zhuge Shang couldn't believe himself. The eyes.

According to theory, the radius of this barbarian mountain is definitely thousands of kilometers, but the top of the mountain measured by Zhuge Shang is not like this. At most, it is only about 100 meters square meters. How can there be a situation where the head is light and the feet are heavy? Zhuge Shang has not seen any tilt or anything on the top of the mountain. This phenomenon is really incredible. Ah.

On the top of the mountain, there is a bare area, no plants and no creatures. Zhuge Shang can't help but wonder that this place has come up now, so how should he go out? It is 10,000 meters high here. It is impossible to go down with the energy of Zhuge Fan. Because he has arrived at his destination, Zhuge Fan also slowly stopped supplying energy, and Zhuge Shang can't go down any further.

"Kirin, Kirin..." Zhuge Shang didn't know what to do, so he still woke up the young master Kirin and asked him to judge better. Otherwise, if he made a mistake in judgment, he would die. This kind of place is a little too profound for Zhuge Shang now.

Master Kirin did not respond, and Zhuge Shang was not anxious. There should be no powerful strange beasts at the top of this mountain. It was said that the barbarian king came back. At this time, it was not the time when the barbarian king should come to sacrifice, so Zhuge Shang was not in a hurry to sit on the top of the mountain and wait for the young master Kirin to recover.

After Zhenyuan dried up just now, Zhuge Fan has pulled away again. Zhuge Shang's body suddenly became very empty, so it is best to restore the Zhenyuan in his body first.

I have to say that it is indeed quite cold here. Zhuge Shang does not need to save Zhenyuan. He spread Zhenyuan all over his body, and his body suddenly became much warmer, but Zhenyuan's recovery is very slow. At this 10,000-meter high altitude, the fire attribute Zhenyuan in the air is pitifully rare. Zhuge Shang can only use this point of Zhenyuan. To recover, Zhuge Shang suddenly came up with an idea that if this could be done, he could quickly recover his true element anywhere.

Just think about it. Zhuge Shang immediately absorbed all the true elements of the attributes in the air, and then the five-yuan formula attack. However, this time it was not at the fingertips, but in his own body, the elements of other attributes that were originally very repulsiveted. Under the action of the five-yuan formula, after a conversion, it soon changed Become the true source of fire!

Zhuge Shang is overjoyed that this method is really effective, which means that even if he is in the sea, where the fire attribute elements are almost extinct, he can have a slow Zhenyuan anytime and anywhere, and the fire Zhenyuan does not need to cost much, and most importantly, it will not waste himself. Too much strength can succeed. It's definitely a good thing. Mei Lingxue gave such an important and powerful formula to herself. Zhuge Shang knew that he was getting deeper and deeper, but anyway, he didn't want to pull it out.

Full of joy, Zhuge Shang also tried it. This five-yuan formula is really amazing. It can turn the true element of fire attribute into the true element of water attribute. Then Zhuge Shang tried it one by one and found that this five-yuan formula is simply great. It can be rotated arbitrarily between the true elements of the five attributes. Change.

But this does not mean that Zhuge Shang can squander his true yuan at will, because it still takes a certain amount of time to transform, and it is impossible to complete it in an instant. It will not take long, but it is definitely not very fast.

"Kirin? Are you there?" Zhuge Shang tried to call the young master Kirin again, but there was still no response. Zhuge Shang could also understand that if it hadn't been for the help of the young master Kirin before, whether Zhuge Shang could climb to this 10,000 meters high altitude was still a problem. The main force of Kirin's main overdrawn was quite serious, and Zhenyuan was completely used up, which was also the true attribute of fire. Yuan, it will take a long time for Master Kirin to recover. Zhuge Shang is not in a hurry. Master Kirin has not woken up. There is no danger on the top of this barbarian mountain, so he can practice it first.

The meridians in the body have not widened much, but they are much stronger. I believe that they will not be often torn. They should be able to withstand relatively large forces. It seems that the role of Yuanying in the early stage is to lay the foundation and provide a good guarantee for the improvement in the middle or even late stage.

Zhuge Shang's true element in his body is now maintained in a good situation, and his state has returned to the best. Every day is just practicing to further lay a good foundation. Finally, after about half a month, Zhuge Shang was practicing, and the young master Kirin suddenly came out and refreshed, which made Zhuge Shang happy. He quickly asked: "Kirin , have you come out? I thought it would take you at least a month to recover so desperately.

The young master Kirin smiled and said, "For ordinary places, it really takes a month to get better, even if the real element of the fire attribute here is thin, but fortunately, I stored a lot of fire attribute Zhenyuan in Zhutian before, so the recovery is very fast, but next time I go out, I will have to spend energy to supplement it."

"Then Kirin, at the top of the mountain, I don't know why I always feel strange. Do you think it's too small? It's completely proportional to the proportion of Barbarian Mountain. Also, there is nothing bare on the top of the mountain. What should we do next?" Zhuge Shang also walked to the four sides of the cliff before and looked at it. There was a straight line below, that is to say, the bottom should also be so wide, but this is contradictory. This is definitely not the case, so ask Master Kirin, maybe he knows the answer.

Young Master Kirin was also puzzled. He walked around the cliff and looked down, and then walked around the top of the mountain. While walking, he touched the ground with his feet. I don't know what's going on. Maybe he's looking for something.

Zhuge Shang sat not far from the edge of the cliff where he flew up and watched the young master Kirin look for it, but did not ask. He was interested to see what method the young master Kirin used to find the so-called transmission array. Otherwise, if there would be no transmission array, the two still had to be trapped on the top of the mountain, or wait until the barbarian king. After coming, the two will be destroyed directly.

The young master Kirin's eyes suddenly flashed, looked at the opposite side, pointed to the other side, and said, "There!"