Zhuge Fan

Chapter 117 Poisonous Crocodile

There is a small hill in front of you. After turning over it, you can see a high mountain in the southernmost part of the Central Plains at a glance, so Zhuge Shang is also very happy to survive in the Southern Barbarians and return to the Central Plains smoothly, which is rare. You know, Zhuge Shang is still wandering around the Southern Barbarian Palace.

When he returned to the Central Plains, Zhuge Shang still decided to go back to the clan first to see if Zhuge Yan had returned, and then see if the Zhuge clan had been attacked by the group of people called Ming Mojiao again. These are all things that Zhuge Shang was worried about. Of course, the most important thing was the love between Mei Lingxue and his father Zhuge Zhan. Besides.

was about to move forward when suddenly, Zhuge Shang's face changed, and then his face became extremely bad. He looked back to the south, paused, and rushed south again with a complicated look. Because the blood of the barbarian emperor took effect, Zhuge Shang suddenly remembered a voice in his heart, which was the voice of Princess Nishang: "Zhuge, save me. .....”

Princess Nishang's voice suddenly appeared in Zhuge Shang's mind. This should be the effect of the barbarian emperor's blood contract. Princess Neon's voice no longer had the usual calmness and calmness, but revealed an obvious anxiety, helplessness and panic, which made people wonder what could be. Is it enough to make the barbarian's precious daughter so panic? Didn't the barbarian not notice it at all? Princess Nishang must have asked for help when there was no way to ask for help.

How should I decide now? As soon as the small hill in front of him turned over, he was the Central Plains. He was already on the edge of Nanman, and the blood contract of the barbarian emperor only said that he needed to work for the barbarians, but he did not say that he wanted to work for a certain person. Even if Princess Nishang was the creator of his contract, there was no need for Zhuge Shang to go back, unless Nanman encountered It was a major blow.

However, Zhuge Shang is very conflicted. He can escape his life with the help of Princess Nishang in the barbarian palace of Nanman. It can be said that his life belongs to Princess Nishang. Now that Princess Nishang is in trouble, can she stand by and sit idly by?

After hesitating for a while, Zhuge Shang resolutely turned around and ran south!

Princess Nishang's information Zhuge Shang can only judge that it came from the south, but the specific location is still unknown. Zhuge Shang knows that long-distance signals like Princess Nishang, even if there is such a powerful contract as the blood contract of the barbarian emperor, it is very laborious. He can only say a few words at a time without saying , after each end, he had to rest for a long time to transmit the information again, so Zhuge Shang had to walk south first, wait until the next time Princess Nishang sends a message to re-determine the location, and then slowly approach Princess Nishang step by step. As for whether it can be rescued, Zhuge Shang is not too late. If you want to think about it, you should at least do your best.

All the way to the south without any detours, Zhuge Shang walked desperately to the south. In such a fierce place, if she is a little careless or a little late, Princess Nishang is likely to encounter something unexpected. Zhuge Shang does not want to leave such a regret, so he also tries his best.

After three consecutive days on the road, Zhuge Shang didn't know how long he had been walking, but his body was on the verge of collapse, so he found a small waterfall and sat down, washed his face with clear water to rest for a while. In this way, Zhuge Shang could not stand the continuous journey.

At this moment, the voice of Princess Nishang sounded in his mind again. Zhuge Shang quickly held his breath and listened: "Zhuge, I don't know where I am..."

Then it broke again!

However, Zhuge Shang obviously felt that the direction of Princess Nichang's voice this time was in the southwest, indicating that he was going to change the route, so he went on the road again and continued to run.

The strange beasts I met along the way also knew that they did not hinder Zhuge Shang's way forward. They just saw this human shuttle between the fast jungle, and there was no shadow for a while. They didn't care about the ragged clothes on his body. Zhuge Shang just tried his best to get there. Now time is the most precious thing.

Two days later, Zhuge Shang received a message from Princess Nishang again.

"I'm in the cabin, and it's a swamp outside..."

The interval in the message this time has been shortened by one day, indicating that Zhuge Shang is relatively close to the destination, and Princess Nishang also obviously feels that Zhuge Shang is getting closer and closer to her, and the fear in the voice is much less, returning to her previous calm.

After adjusting the direction, Zhuge Shang rushed over again and thought to himself that in places like Nanman, the swamps are not everywhere, at least there are almost none in the north of Nanman territory, because they are full of poor mountains and rivers, which are very similar to the south of the Central Plains. Zhuge Shang only heard that there are many marshes in the south of Nanman. Ze, so there is definitely nothing wrong with my direction, but it is really difficult to find because the range is too large. I can only rely on the information provided by Princess Nishang to find it.

I'm afraid that Zhuge Shang has penetrated into the central part of the southern barbarians now. There are fewer and fewer mountains in front of him, and low-lying places have begun to appear in many places, and small areas of swamps have begun to slowly appear.

After a short break, Zhuge Shang was preparing to continue moving forward. There was a swamp ahead, and Zhuge Shang had to bypass it. However, at this time, the originally calm water surface in the swamp in front of him showed obvious violent fluctuations. Zhuge Shang was very curious, but now that time is tight, he has no time to pay attention to what is below. West, but it seems that he doesn't want to let go of Zhuge Shang with the things below. A piece of cement is sprayed up like this. It seems that the person who came is not good.

Zhuge Shang's eyes were cold. Since you want to offend me, don't blame me for offending you. Sooner or later, Zhuge Shang took out a fairy and threw a gun and scattered the cement. However, the mud inside splashed everywhere. Zhuge Shang looked wrong. The color in the mud turned out to be dark green, which was obviously poisonous. It was the immortal dance quickly to block the splashing mud, and then ran forward. This thing doesn't look weak. It's best if you can escape, so as not to waste time here.

Unfortunately, the thing in the swamp sent out a few pieces of cement again and sprayed them from all angles. If Zhuge Shang went forward, he would definitely be attacked by several cements at the same time, but it was inevitable that he was in a hurry and might be tricked, so Zhuge Shang had to choose to retreat in the swamp. That kind of play took the opportunity to come ashore.

At a glance, Zhuge Shang also frowned. His body was not very big, but his back armor was as strong as a poisonous dark green. Isn't this a poisonous crocodile? The poisonous crocodile is probably a five-level foreign beast, and its strength is not too strong, but it is extremely powerful. It uses poison in the depths of the swamp. Most of the tricks of humans and animals are more and less auspicious. Moreover, this kind of poisonous crocodile is not as slow as ordinary crocodiles and foreign beasts. The poisonous crocodiles move like the wind, and human beings have to admit their bad luck when they encounter them. Generally, poisonous crocodiles grow in large swamps, but they don't expect poisonous crocodiles to be poisonous in such a small place.

You have to deal with it well, otherwise it is really possible to accidentally fall here. Zhuge Shang could have asked for help from Master Kirin, but on second thought, Master Kirin has not completely recovered yet. It is naturally not good for him to hurt his muscles and bones now, and he can't Everything bothers the young master Kirin. Going on like this is not good for his own improvement. Sometimes in the face of danger, it is definitely of great benefit after getting through it.

The poisonous crocodile and Zhuge Shang have not moved, and the distance between the two sides is not very far. Zhuge Shang can't escape. He wants to attack and is afraid of the poisonous crocodile's tricks, but the only problem is that Princess Nishang is still waiting for her to come to rescue, but she will only delay more time by confronting the poisonous crocodile here. It is always not the way. It seems that we still need to find an opportunity to break through. The poisonous crocodile doesn't care about this time.

Since it was not a way, Zhuge Shang gritted his teeth and risked it. Suddenly, he broke out and rushed forward. The five-yuan formula took the opportunity to attack, and a red light attacked it quickly!

The poisonous crocodile has been ready for a long time. He turned sideways and abruptly accepted such a move with the armor on his back. Zhuge Shang couldn't believe that although he didn't exert any strength, it was not easy to make such a move so easy. I don't know what the back armor of the poisonous crocodile is. What did you do? It was so hard that it was attacked by the five-yuan formula, but it made a series of muffled noises, and the poisonous crocodile's body was shaken and disappeared.

The poisonous crocodile also launched an attack when Zhuge Shang was surprised, quickly came forward, and then a big side, leading the thick iron tail to swing over, fiercely handsomely towards Zhuge Shang's waist.

Zhuge Shang hurriedly killed the immortals in front of him and grabbed the ground firmly with his feet, but the power of the poisonous crocodile was too great. Even if Zhuge Shang was so defensive, he was still severely hit by the impact!

The tiger's mouth was about to crack, and his hands were almost unconscious. The whole person flew out directly and hit the ground fiercely. Fortunately, the ground here was soft and there was nothing in hard stones, so it was not very painful, but his heart was churning fiercely. Zhuge Shang secretly said that this poisonous crocodile was really perverted and poisonous all over the body. The power is still so great that it must be a hard battle!

Get up, try to ease the breath in your heart, come forward again, and tremble with the poisonous crocodile.

This time, Zhuge Shang learned to be smart and was not too close. He just used his physical flexibility to attack. However, when the poisonous crocodile was also very dexterous, Zhuge Shang still fell into a bitter battle. Only by using the five-yuan formula at close range from time to time made the poisonous crocodile a little afraid and kept avoiding Zhuge Shang's attack. Hit.

Suddenly, Zhuge Shang's eyes lit up as if he saw the baby, and suddenly had an idea in his mind. If this is like this, why worry about defeating the poisonous crocodile?