Zhuge Fan

Chapter 120 Rescue

Zhuge Shang agreed and then landed on a relatively hard ground below. The young man of the sea nationality saw that Zhuge Shang dared to come down, so he rushed over with an angry expression. As soon as the trident weapon was thrown, a white light hit him. Zhuge Shang was much more flexible on the ground and flashed easily. After that, the backhand also threw a five-yuan formula. The young man of the sea tribe fell directly into the swamp and hid, and then got up. Such dodge made Zhuge Shang angry. When he walked in and took out the immortals, he had to be ready to compare with the young man of the sea clan.

The young man's obvious arm strength and Zhenyuan and so on were not good. He was beaten by Zhuge Shang and retreated to the edge of the swamp in a short time. Then he took a look at Zhuge Shang, scolded a few words, turned around and ran quickly from the swamp, but did not sink. Zhuge Shang secretly said that he might find the Neon with this sea clan. Princess Zhang's hiding place, so I immediately flew up and began to chase after her...

The Haizu boy ran quite fast, but if Zhuge Shang flew in the sky, he was certainly dissatisfied with the speed. Before long, the Haizu youth arrived in a huge swamp reed field and suddenly disappeared.

Young Master Kirin reminded Zhuge Shang, "Be careful, the sea youth has hidden under the swamp." Of course, Zhuge Shang also knew, so he did not fall, but rose to the height. Otherwise, if it was too low, he was likely to be attacked by the sea people.

At this moment, Zhuge Shang suddenly saw something black in the reed crack not far ahead, which looked like a building or something. Zhuge Shang immediately thought whether this was the place where Princess Nishang was imprisoned.

The urge wings immediately flew over and landed on a hard ground in front of him. There is still a distance from the hut, but of course Zhuge Shang will not rush to fly directly, so he was not in a hurry, but used the five-yuan formula to start to recover his true element. He just flew for a long time, and there was still a lot of elimination. It's exhausting. If you are not ready now, you won't have time to regret it later.

This hard land is connected to that hut. It is quite rare to find such a relatively large hard land in this huge swamp, because the swamp is phagocating, just like a desert, and will slowly expand out, but the reason why this huge swamp cannot sweep the whole territory of the southern barbarians is all because There are many mountains in the southern barbarians, and these masters can well stop the spread of swamps, so nature is really amazing. Without a big deal, such a scene can't be made.

Paying attention to the surrounding situation, Zhuge Shang slowly walked forward step by step and carefully, because Zhuge Shang knew that the Hai people were likely to be ambushed near here and watched himself walk towards the trap set by them step by step, but Zhuge Shang is now difficult to ride a tiger. Even if he knows that the other party may have an ambush, he should Regardless of her body, Princess Nishang was locked in it and didn't know what was going on.

The young master Kirin was also ready to take action at any time. He also looked a little nervous and said, "Zhuge, I have sensed that there are many masters here. They are all in the swamp. I can't detect them for the time being, so if you start to do it later, don't think about killing people, just rescue the Neon. Come on, just save your life."

Zhuge Shang agreed, then took out the immortal and began to prepare for what might happen.

Finally, Zhuge Shang approached the small room. It seemed that there was no small window, only a door in front of him, which was hidden and could not see the situation inside clearly. Zhuge Shang slowly approached the house, and then looked at the situation outside for a week. The sea people still did not do anything, and Zhuge Shang could not care about it. So much, he immediately kicked open the door and immediately flashed aside. Sure enough, when the door was opened, seven or eight sharp arrows were directly fired from inside. If Zhuge Shang hadn't been alert first, I'm afraid it would have been penetrated through his body. The speed and strength of the arrow were so great that it would immediately shoot into the swamp. He disappeared. The funniest thing is that Zhuge Shang heard a muffled cry, and blood actually appeared in the swamp. It seems that these sea people should have been tricked by themselves, which is simply harming others and themselves.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhuge Shang rushed in and rushed in. Sure enough, he saw Princess Nishang lying unconscious in a corner. The princess's clothes on her body were already very dirty. There were only some weeds under her body, which were still wet weeds. Zhuge Shang couldn't help sighing that Nishang was a princess who had been pampered since she was a child. It's really hard for her to be imprisoned in such an environment.

The Hai people outside saw that their plan had failed, so they killed them one after another. The young master Kirin came out of Zhutian and directly showed the locality. A huge body stood in front of him, which made the Hai people stunned, but they still rushed over. Maybe I feel that there are many people here, but there are indeed many Hai people. Zhuge Shang took a casual look and there were hundreds of people. In the face of such a huge thing, they must still feel that they have hope to win.

Zhuge Shang rushed to rescue Princess Nishang and rushed out with her in his arms. There, the young master Kirin was abruptly under the attack of the Hai people and could only resist a small part of them. After all, the Hai people had hundreds of attacks at a time. The young master of Kirin could not resist it at all, so he could only rely on his body to bear it. There were blood stains in many parts of the body, which looked horrible. The young master of Kirin ate pain and shouted angrily. Suddenly, the sound waves spread far away. Many low-cultivated Hai people couldn't help covering their ears. Zhuge Shang took the opportunity to fly up with Princess Nishang and sat on the back of the young master Kirin, and then the young master of Kirin immediately swept his tail. He shook off the sea people who pestered him, and then ran to the hard place.

The running of such a huge body began to shock the whole swamp. Taking advantage of the time that Master Kirin fought for Zhuge Shang, Zhuge Shang immediately turned into wings, and Master Kirin also couldn't stand it. Although the strength of the Hai people weakened a lot, they still did not bother the masters. Master Kirin was already resisted against a hundred. His ability has reached the limit, so he can't support it now. He has changed back to a small state. Zhuge Shang immediately withdrew the young master Kirin to Zhutian, and then flew to the east with Princess Nishang in his arms. He remembered that the barbarian palace was in the east. At least when he got there, there was help from barbarian masters, and the seas behind him were relatively high. His hand followed closely like a fart worm, and the speed was also very fast. Zhuge Shang couldn't help but complain that his own strength was not good. Even if the previous experience made his cultivation faintly have a tendency to sprint to the peak, but now he holds a princess in a clothes. Although it is not heavy, it is not light, and he flies up. It's particularly difficult. Zhuge Shang can't help worrying about what to do if he is not good later. Young Master Kirin is injured now, so don't bother him.

The sea people behind seemed to grit their teeth one by one, as if Zhuge Shang had taken away their most useful things, so it seemed that he could not give up. Zhuge Shang did not dare to fly north, because it was about to go deep into the swamp. There is still a long distance from the north. Zhuge Shang did not dare to hold on, so he still went all the way to the east. As long as he found some dry places such as the woods, the strength of the Hai people would decline again, which would be much easier.

But this swamp is really too big. Zhuge Shang doesn't know when he can see the front edge, but fortunately his speed has a slight advantage, and every time he flies above the clouds in the sky, so that the sea people below can't see their direction, but the strange thing is that every time he In order to get rid of the Hai people, he found a place to rest and restore Zhenyuan. As a result, as soon as he recovered most of the time, those Hai people appeared again, and Zhuge Shang had to take off again. It was very strange why those people could lock their breath.

Zhuge Shang was puzzled and suddenly flashed in front of him. Yes, it must be something on Princess Nishang that could track the target, so every time he landed, he was found by them and quickly chased him. However, these sea people are really persistent and have been chasing for a day. Some people are still chasing wildly behind. Aren't these people tired? If this is the case, Zhuge Shang is not worried. According to his own situation, they can't catch up with them when they get out of the swamp. At that time, as long as they meet the barbarians, these sea people will die. I'm afraid that the strong dragons will not suppress the ground snakes. The barbarians are still in awe of the royal family, and the barbarian king will definitely A lot of masters have come here.

I have to say that the behavior of these Hai people is very strange. Originally, the Hai people are cowardly and generally very conservative, but now they not only break into the southern barbarian for no reason, but also rob the barbarian princess. Isn't this looking for death? And he chased after it so persistently. It must be that Princess Nishang has something quite important or Princess Nishang knows something important, but the former is more likely.

Finally, some bushes appeared in front of him. Zhuge Shang knew that there must be a forest not far behind the bushes. Finally, he found a better place. On the ground, these sea people must not be able to run away from themselves, so Zhenyuan increased and flew towards there.

At this moment, Princess Nishang suddenly woke up, looked at herself in Zhuge Shang's arms, and then flew in the sky. She immediately showed a puzzled expression, blushed and shy.

Zhuge Shang was about to ask Princess Nishang if there was any problem. Suddenly, a huge impact came from his back. Zhenyuan was suddenly blocked and his wings were immediately taken back. Zhuge Shang held Princess Nishang and fell down uncontrollably. Below is a swamp...< /P>