Zhuge Fan

Chapter 132 Sandworm

He Meng believed Cao Xie's words very much. After listening to it, he understood it without any doubt. The two Yang Ran sisters here looked at Zhuge Shang. Zhuge Shang nodded to them and signaled that Cao Xie was right. The two women also exclaimed and secretly said that they had been fooled and asked how to break this illusion.

Zhuge Shang thought about it and looked at Cao Xie, but Cao Xie had an indifferent expression. It seemed that he still had to take action by himself. Zhuge Shang's five-yuan formula casually sent out, and a hot stream of Zhenyuan flow shot into the sea like this, but it did not stir up any water, and the water was still unchanged.

Cao Xie frowned over there, and Zhuge Shang also meditated for a moment. He secretly said that this thing didn't seem to be enough, so he fired two launches with both hands, and then there was some reaction. Suddenly a wave appeared on the sea and hit him. Zhuge Shang and others quickly dodged and saw the sea wave fierce. He pounced in front of him and then turned into nothingness.

Since he has found a way, Zhuge Shang said, "Everyone can use their own unique tricks. You can go anywhere in the sea. Don't stop!" After saying that, He Meng and two sisters over there began to keep making their own moves, all kinds of colorful moves. Zhuge Shang and Cao Xie did not move, but helped to send one or two moves from time to time, both of which did not cost real yuan. Both of them understood that there may be more main ways to deal with them later, so they must leave their strength. We have to beware of the people on the other side. The waves are approaching from time to time, but several people slowly retreated and attacked, and finally got a result after more than an hour...

The waves slowly became more and more intense, and they rushed high. They looked aggressive and wanted to drown out several people, but in the end, there was still a small thunderstorm. In the end, Zhuge Shang and Cao Xie also took action. The five people joined hands and finally defeated the waves when the last wave hit. Suddenly, there was a scene in front of them. With a clear scene, several people quickly looked up. It turned out that the ocean was indeed a phantom, and there was still a mountain forest in front of them, but the only difference was that there were many pits in this mountain forest that could accommodate people to fall down!

There are many pits, almost thousands of them. They are dense in the jungle and look very frightening. I don't know what are below, or thousands of traps deliberately arranged.

Cao Xie said, "The phantom should be behind this mountain forest. We have to break through it. Everyone should be careful and don't be tricked." After saying that, he nodded to He Meng, and He Meng was the first to step forward. Zhuge Shang looked beside him and was not in a hurry. He asked Yang Ran and the two sisters to calm down, and he also approached to see what was going on.

He Meng immediately walked near the first pit, looked down and said, "There is nothing below, just some pits." After saying that, he bypassed the first pit and continued to walk forward.

But amazing things appeared. As soon as He Meng took the second step, he saw that his whole body suddenly disappeared in front of several people and disappeared alive!

Zhuge Shang and Cao Xie were shocked. There is no flash of energy value here, and there must be no transmission array, so why does this happen? Zhuge Shang thought about several possibilities, which can only be attributed to - this mountain and forest is also an illusion!

Cao Xie obviously thought so, but he didn't know what to do for a while, so he still looked at Zhuge Shang. Zhuge Shang looked at it and knew that this illusion array was not so simple. If he wanted to break it, I'm afraid he had to step in. If there is no surprise in the illusion array, it was In the array.

But this is only Zhuge Shang's guess. There is not much basis. If you want to break this illusion and save He Meng, you must test the danger, otherwise it is futile to think too much outside.

The two sisters Yang Ran can't count on it. Only Cao Xie is still useful, but if they go in alone and leave Cao Xie here, it will not be safe. They are not so ruthless. Since they save people, let's save them to the end. Thinking of this, Zhuge Shang said, "Cao Xie, you and I will go in together. How about exploring?"

Cao Xie's eyes flashed by and seemed to see Zhuge Shang's idea. He knew that if he didn't go in, Zhuge Shang would not go in anyway. Maybe he was also more dependent on He Meng. Knowing that without He Meng, he would lose a large piece of chips to rely on, and he would not be played with Zhuge Shang. Between the palms, so he also nodded and signaled, and then Zhuge Shang told Sister Yang Ran to find a place to hide outside first. If she hasn't come out after three days, she should be careful to return to the Central Plains and not to stay in Nanman for a long time.

Yang Ran's eyes are about to turn red. At first glance, this illusion array is not so simple. It's really hard to say that Zhuge Shang can't get out, so he is also a little reluctant, but he still didn't say anything more. He only saw the two men walk into the illusion array at the same time and then disappeared at the same time!

As soon as he stepped into the illusion array, the scene in front of Zhuge Shang immediately changed. Originally, the mountains and forests and countless pits turned into a desert. The wind and sand were very big, and the sky was dark and yellow that people didn't want to see more. The sand blew the bean-sized sand crazily. I don't know how big the wind is, Zhuge It's still a little difficult to walk in it.

Looking around, there was no shadow, and the sky was yellow everywhere. It seemed that Cao Xie fell into another illusion after coming in. As for whether he could go out or not, it depends on himself. What Zhuge Shang needs to do now is to find the array and break the illusion.

Against the wind, Zhuge Shang estimated that this heart was probably in the depths of the desert. He must get there as soon as possible. The illusion array is the most unpredictable array. No one knows how the illusion array will change. When it will change, if he delays it for a long time, the illusion array is likely to change into various unimaginable ways. Son, then you have to be trapped in it.

It has been almost an hour ahead, but in addition to consuming a lot of Zhenyuan, the environment outside is still exactly the same, and there is really no change. Zhuge Shang secretly said that he may have made a wrong direction, and the method of cracking may not be like this, so he stopped to think about it carefully, released Zhenyuan outside and shocked himself. A thick layer of yellow sand on the body forms a protective cover outside the body, isoling all the yellow sand outside, trying to see if there is any way.

Huangsha immediately rushed over like a locust and sealed all the Zhenyuan cover outside Zhuge Shang. Zhuge Shang suddenly couldn't see the situation outside. After thinking about it, he hasn't come up with any way for the time being. It's better to sit down and rest first. The exterior of the Zhenyuan cover is still very difficult. Sit down and sit down on his windward area. It's much less, so it naturally saves some real yuan.

However, when he was about to sit down, Zhuge Shang found that the sand under his feet seemed to be a little different. The sand here should be yellow, but just now he only paid attention to looking for the differences around him and didn't notice that the sand on the ground was originally dark. Red, this dark red and yellow are similar, and naturally they can't be seen for a while.

This dark red sand should exist elsewhere, but it's strange that the ground is full of dark red sand here!

The sand grains in the sky are all dark yellow. It can be seen from the sand attached to the outside of Zhuge Shangzhenyuan cover that they are all dark yellow, and there must be a lot of them falling on the ground. Then the sand on the ground should be all dark yellow or partly yellow and partly red. Absolutely not All the dark red sand may appear.

After Zhuge Shang found this clue, in order to verify, he also stood up and walked around and found that all the sand grains around him were dark red, which further showed that there was something wrong with the sand grains on the ground.

But how do you know what's wrong? Zhuge Shang thought for a moment, so he took out the Mani stick and picked up the dark red sand under his feet to see what was below. As a result, Zhuge Shang was immediately shocked. It turned out that the sand below was all dark red, like the blood left behind. The reason must have appeared at the bottom of the ground.

So I quickly picked up the sand below, and then I saw the formation factor. It turned out that there were many red dead sandworms at the bottom!

Zhu Ge Shang recognized that sandworm is a kind of strange beast that can only live in the desert. It usually appears in groups. Once it appears, there are tens of millions. There is no doubt that business travelers in the desert will die when they meet sandworms, and the sandworms are all red. The legendary red tide in the desert is actually a huge number of sandworms. Infested.

Zhuge Shang quickly found the differences between these sandworms. The sandworms below were all dead for a long time, and their bodies were stuck together, and the heads of these sandworms were all facing in one direction!

It seems that there must be something in that direction. Zhuge Shang also walked slowly in that direction and lifted the sand below as he walked, but as long as he walked over, he would be immediately filled with sand grains falling from the sky and turned red again. Zhuge Shang also secretly said this It's not a place to stay for a long time. It's a good thing to go out immediately.

After walking for more than half an hour, finally, Zhuge Shang saw a big pit in front of him, a huge pit, like a crater formed after the fall, but strangely, the yellow sand around the sky did not enter the pit. They all circled from the side and seemed to be afraid of this big pit.

Zhuge Shang walked to the edge of the pit and looked down. It was dark and couldn't see anything. He felt it with his spirit, but he couldn't detect anything. Zhuge Shang walked to the edge. When he wanted to take a closer look, he felt a force behind him and pushed himself down... ..