Zhuge Fan

Chapter 197 Changes

This kind of thing is the most secret thing of Zhuge Shang. Maybe it will be a unique trick in the future and can't be leaked like this, so Zhuge Shang also sloppyly and said that he didn't know what was going on. Then he looked very innocent. The elder was obviously a little disappointed, but he didn't think too much about it. Anyway, it's all here. At this point, no matter how bad Zhuge Shang is, he will give him 100% hope.

As they were talking, Zijie and Mengda came in. They were also very happy to see Zhuge Shang wake up. They asked Zhuge Shang's situation and knew that there was no problem, so they said, "It would be great that the god son is fine. Originally, we expected to have a war with them today, but the god son did not wake up, plus they Both there and us are seriously damaged, so it should be tomorrow's war.

Zhuge Shang had forgotten about the battle that day. When asked what was going on that day, he only remembered that he was killing and his consciousness was blurred.

Zijie said, "That day, the son of God almost destroyed all the soldiers of the dark cat clan with his own power, and most of the dark dog clan and the dark rat clan were also killed and injured, which can be said to have seriously damaged the other party. However, later, the son of God fell into the heart demon and was rescued by the young master of Fire Kirin. Then the four blood guards arrived, and the two sides left in advance. At the beginning of a war, we invested a lot of troops, but the two blood guards of the other side were really much more powerful than our side, so in the end, we fought a defeat and both sides, but with the help of the Son of God, it must be much easier to fight tomorrow!"

Next, Zhuge Shang naturally returned to his residence and began to recover. He also entered the constant world to see what had changed. In addition to broadening the scope, Zhuge Shang finally found something. At this entrance, a small yellow thing was formed. I don't know what it was, floating in space. , is still undergoing the quenching of the power of space. Whether it is strong or weak, it can resist it, and it is slowly getting bigger, but the speed is very slow.

Zhuge Shang did not dare to take this thing with his hands. He didn't know if it was better not to touch it before. He withdrew and asked the young master Kirin. The young master of Kirin was also not clear. To put it bluntly, the Hengjie was mysterious and the things in it were simply unheard of. It also let Zhuge Shang first ignore the dimness in the Hengjie and let him concentrate on it. Complete the unknown thing...

The southeast camp and the northwest camp can be said to have been facing each other for many days, and Zhuge Shang did not find any countermeasures in the opposite camp. It is reasonable that the other party should have some countermeasures when he knows his existence. If the other party is too stupid and has not taken measures, thinking that he is not to worry about it. It's just that the other party is very deep, and what they need is their fatal blow after they come out, so Zhuge Shang is also a little worried about this problem and told Zijie about this worry, but Zijie is full of self-confidence, claiming that there will be no problem with her and Meng Da here. Naturally, Zhuge Shang is not good. What did you say? It's just one more mind.

Soon both sides almost finished their rest, and then Zijie and Meng Da informed Zhuge Shang to follow them and went to the top of the unknown abyss with the young master Kirin and two elders. This time, without the participation of the dark Kirin, Zijie also gave the elder a face and did not force it.

Zhuge Shang also saw such a big scene for the first time. Except for the distance left in the middle of the unknown abyss, almost all the rest of the places were full of people, and Zhuge Shang was also inconspicuous in the crowd at all. Zijie and Meng Da stood at the front, and Zhu Ge Shang stood behind Ziming and hid in the crowd, completely inconspicuous, and no one knew that he was a gluttonous guardian.

Zijie and Meng Da were almost ready to see, and they also took a step forward. The two leaders of the southeast camp opposite also stood up. Zhuge Shang had also heard of it. Those two were Yin Yuan, the patriarch of the dark bat clan and the chief lizard tiger of the dark lizard clan. Among these two people, Yin Yuan smiled gloomyly and their eyes were wandering. At a glance, they knew no What a good thing, and the patriarch of the dark lizard clan also looks cruel, and both of them should be militants.

Meng Da laughed and said, "Yinyuan, lizard tiger, long time no see. How are you doing? It's okay to manage your clans. If you have any difficulties, you must say it. We will help!"

The lizard also laughed and said, "Don't bother Meng Da Zijie. You two are worried. We can still deal with it, but I heard that you are a little difficult, and we don't mind helping you."

Zhuge Shang was also secretly shocked when he heard it behind. The four people seemed to be greeting each other, but their words were full of harsh words. If they didn't know, they thought they were old friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

Zijie, as the only woman, also spoke and said, "Yinyuan, lizard tiger, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you want to compete with each other?"

The yinyuan color stared at Zijie up and down for a while and said, "No problem, Zijie, come on, haha!"

Then the four people suddenly disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they had reached the middle. Everyone, including Zhuge Shang, could only see the four remnants of the four shadows in the middle. It is estimated that only the young master Kirin and the elder could see how the battle in the middle was going on.

After a while, the four suddenly separated and returned to their original positions. Then the four laughed one after another. Meng Da took the lead and said, "Everyone's strength has improved. It seems that the four of us can't tell the winner. Let our men come."

On the opposite side, Yinyuan and the lizard tiger also immediately agreed, so without waiting for the four people to speak, all the troops rushed up. Of course, Zhuge Shang and others' blood guard did not come forward. This kind of trump card level can't kill these small characters.

Zge Shang was also the first time to see tens of millions of people fighting. He was shocked by this picture. Thousands of people died in the first confrontation. Zhuge Shang suddenly remembered that he should do the right thing. He quickly released the soul-absorbing beads. The divine consciousness led the soul-absorbing beads to follow the rushing troops to the place of the middle battle, and then pulled them into the air. The soul-absorbing beads are originally small, and everyone's attention is focused on the battle place, so no one notices that there is another bead here, and Zhuge Shang is naturally happy and idle, controlling the soul-absorbing beads to move everywhere in the air to absorb the dead soul. The soul-absorbing beads send a very cheerful signal to Zhuge Shang's consciousness, and then It began to absorb souls crazily, and after a while, there were no more than tens of thousands of souls sucked in by the soul beads.

Naturally, the young master Kirin and the elders are not very concerned about such a battle. They just look at the death of groups of people in the middle of the field. Generally speaking, the soldiers in the southeast camp are dominant, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers there is obviously stronger than that of the soldiers in the northwest camp. Zhuge Shang knew that he would still play soon.

The battle is slowly progressing, and soldiers are constantly dying, and soldiers are constantly involved. It doesn't matter if there is a soul to absorb it. Anyway, it is very happy. Zhuge Shang is naturally happy. At that time, his constant world will expand, which can be beneficial to himself.

Zijie and Meng Da saw that the situation was slowly unbalanced, and they also felt almost ready. They nodded to Zi Ming. Zi Ming was understanding and immediately said to Zhuge Shang, "God son, after the patriarch introduces you, please stand up and show your gluttony relics. This is the gluttonous helmet of the dark Tianma clan. , so that your identity can be proved.

Zhuge Shang nodded and took over the gluttonous helmet, so that he had got three kinds of gluttonous relics, leaving only the gluttonous leg armor of the dark bat clan, and he was qualified to see the gluttony. So I heard Zijie take out a jade tube, but the jade tube was also black. Zijie spoke to the jade tube, and her voice suddenly spread far away. Presumably, everyone on the whole unknown front could hear it.

"Guys, let me tell you some good news! We found the descendants of the gluttonous guardian, that is, the legendary son of God! Presumably everyone knows the magic of the Son of God! Look, this is the son of God!" Zhuge Shang immediately went out and stood in the front. The soldiers on both sides temporarily stopped fighting and stared at Zhuge Shang, wondering whether Zhuge Shang was the son of God or not.

"The son of God has gluttony relics. If you don't believe it, you can see what this is!" Zhuge Shang had already taken out three gluttonous relics. Everyone's eyes were burning. The soldiers of the northwest camp suddenly cheered. They were already convinced that they had gods to help them. Victory was a certain thing, while the soldiers in the opposite southeast camp whispered one after another, and their confidence was also suffered a certain blow. , Zijie and Meng Da wanted this effect. The corners of their mouths were raised and they were about to order a counterattack. Suddenly, the opposite lizard said something, also using this black jade tube.

"Don't trust them. The real Son of God is on our side. Look!" After saying that, a young man also came out from the opposite side, holding two gluttonous relics in his hand, which were owned by the dark lizard clan and the dark bat clan.

Zijie and Meng Da didn't expect each other to have this move. They were stunned. Zhuge Shang was also at a loss. Only the elder understood what he quietly said to the young master Kirin in his ear. The young master Kirin also frowned and fell into meditation.

"Everyone must be thinking about how to distinguish the Son of God. In fact, it's very simple. Isn't it enough to fight a battle? The real god son is very powerful, Zijie Mengda, do you have the courage to let your fake god son come forward to fight?

Zijie and Meng Da's faces were so gloomy that they were about to drip out of water. They obviously had an advantage, but now they have been done like this by the other party, but they have become a side of reason. Only Zhuge Shang laughed heroically and said, "Hahahaha, real gold is not afraid of fire, and I'm afraid you can't do it!" Fight as you want!"