Zhuge Fan

Chapter 218 Do it

Zhuge Shang's face turned pale, which was so horrible. Those people must not know how they died at all, and immediately broke the idea of getting out of the sand.

Duxia seems to be familiar with this area. Zhuge Shang can't see how big the surrounding ancient palace is and where it leads to, but he sees that the surrounding stone walls are full of various reliefs and carvings. Zhuge Shang also asked, "Dugu, how much do you know about this ancient palace? Maybe we will find a way out together in the future. I have something important to do outside and I have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise I will miss it. I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Duxia didn't say anything, but just walked forward. Zhuge Shang followed. Duxia must know that Zhuge Shang is a newcomer. If it is so easy to tell him of the results of his search for a way out for so many years, it will not be quite a loss. To get the news, it will definitely take a lot of effort to stand on the united front. So Zhuge Shang immediately asked, "Well, Duxia, I will do something to prove that I really want to find a way out like you. How about you designate this matter?"

Duxia stopped, turned around and said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Zhuge Shang saw a kind of treacherous look from the perspective of the hero, but now that he has said everything, he can't allow himself to go back on his word. He bit his teeth and said, "That's right!"

Duxia finally had a smile, but the smile had not appeared on Duxia's face for a long time, so it looked worse than crying.

"Okay, come with me."

Zhuge Shang sighed helplessly and secretly said that he was now like a lamb about to be slaughtered, but the wood had become a boat and could not tolerate himself.

The noisy footsteps behind gradually disappeared. I don't know how long it has been since Zhuge Shang and the two have been gone. Duxia suddenly turned a corner and walked directly towards a wall. Zhuge Shang just wanted to remind Duxia to pay attention, but suddenly saw Duxia sprinting, speeding up, and disappeared from the wall. To be precise, Ying It's time to go through this wall!

This ancient palace can also penetrate the wall!

Zhuge Shangrong couldn't think much about it, so he followed the way, and then immediately opened his eyes. What he saw was a completely different scene. In front of him, it was a small space. There were some stone piers on the periphery that could walk, and the bottom was full of dark water, with horrible bubbles, and then the whole In the center of the space, there is a shining light spot, which is one person high, but you can't see what's inside...

Duxia looked at Zhuge Shang puzzled and explained, "The things in this help us escape, but those people before did not try, for fear that I would lie to them. After all, there is still a layer of mind among the only people here. No one wants to do anything stupidly, so since you want to let I believe you, just help me get what's inside, and let's find a way to get out together.

In the face of the theory of Duxia, of course, Zhuge Shang still has to measure it. Otherwise, he still doesn't know why he was hit stupidly, but what makes Zhuge Shang still entangled is that he still has to believe the other party's words. His time has been delayed again and again. If he miss this period of time, Mei Lingxue will become another Zhuge Shang will hate himself to death. In this case, let's fight!

promised Duxia, and Zhuge Shang stood on a stone pier according to Duxia's words, waiting for Duxia's next instructions.

Duxia also walked to another stone pier, and then said to Zhuge Shang, "Wait a minute, as long as I give an order, you can follow this road quickly, go to the middle as soon as possible to get the things inside, and then find a way to escape back!" After saying that, he pointed out a way to Zhuge Shang, and the trajectory was very strange.

Zhuge Shang said speechlessly, "No way, Duxia, you are not sure? Aren't you going to experiment with my life?"

The hero shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "I'm also guessing! You should know how difficult it is to get to this point in this ancient palace. According to my inference, the probability of your accident is only 20%, so it is definitely worth your try.

Zhuge Shang bit his teeth with hatred, but there was really no choice but to try it.

Duxia took out a lot of things from his arms, and then dripped them all into the pool in front of him. Then the water in the pool immediately changed greatly. The color kept changing, colorful, and began to bubble. Zhuge Shang felt that the air around him seemed to be suffocating, and a breath was rushing up. The strike power is quite large. Zhuge Shang already has a little desire to leave the stone pier, and the stone pier is still slowly sinking.

"Dunxia, are you all right?" Zhuge Shang asked anxiously, but Duxia still looked focused and bet those things into the pool and didn't pay attention to Zhuge Shang at all.

Just as Zhuge Shang was about to stand the explosion, Duxia finally said, "Okay, hurry up!"

Zhuge Shang was finally liberated. He seized the time and began to move quickly according to the method mentioned at the beginning. Although he occasionally jumped backwards, he finally avoided other stone piers that began to accelerate the sinking and reached the middle stone platform. Only then did Zhuge Shang notice that the original photoelectric had been It's gone, but there are few things in it. There are only three stones, all of which are gray colored, and the size and texture look similar. The only difference is that each stone is engraved with a different pattern, but Zhuge Shang doesn't know any of them, while the other side of the single hero just jumps to In a place close to the stone platform, he threw a jade box directly before he could speak and said, " Put three stones in it and throw them back quickly!"

Zhuge Shang reached out and took it and quickly put the three stones in, but did not throw the jade box back.

Duxia seemed to have noticed something and quickly said, "Zhuge Shang, hurry up! If you don't give it to me, it will be too late!"

Zhuge Shang was unmoved. Even if the stone piers outside were going to sink to the bottom one after another, Zhuge Shang looked over and found that there were only a few places that could accommodate his feet, and the distance between them was far from each other. It can be said that there was almost no vitality.

Duxia also thought so, his face was anxious, and he was still persuading, "Zhuge Shang, hurry up! You come back from the same way and come back quickly. I'll take the jade box first, and I'm going to sink!"

Zhuge Shang is not a fool. If he gives the jade box to Duxia now, then he is afraid that he will really die, and he still needs to leave a way out for himself.

Duxia also saw Zhuge Shang's attitude. At present, he sighed fiercely and secretly said that the newcomer he met was not so simple. It seemed that he didn't want to frame him with some conspiracy and tricks. This boy was so exciting that he might really be an ally who could escape with him in the future.

So Duxia threw something to Zhuge Shang and quickly returned according to the original way. He waited for Zhuge Shang on the shore. Zhuge Shang took over the thing. At a glance, it turned out to be a small wing-like thing. Zhuge Shang suddenly understood that Duxia was still soft and gave himself something that saved his life. In fact, Duxia Li knew that Zhuge Shang could fly himself, but now the gap in attitude has narrowed, and he has blackmailed a treasure, and Zhuge Shang has earned it.

The small wing had a plane. Zhuge Shang did not hesitate and immediately put it on his back. The plane immediately automatically touched Zhuge Shang's back. It seemed that it could not be easily pulled out. Zhuge Shang tried to move his back and immediately felt that there seemed to be a force on his back to lift himself up. Then he moved a few times and got used to it, and then Zhuge Shang flew back before the stone platform was completely silent.

The Duxia came over and stared at Zhuge Shang. Some of them were helpless and said, "Your boy is really difficult to deal with. You blackmailed me of a treasure for nothing. Now you can give me the jade box?"

Zhuge Shang shook his head and said, "Dunxia, since we may be partners in the future, how can we be honest? Tell me what you know about the ancient palace, and we will share it together, and I will naturally help you. What do you think?

The single man's face suddenly became ugly and said, "Zhuge Shang, don't take an inch! I have been in this ancient palace for at least ten thousand years. Do you want to get my results so easily? How is this possible! Stop dreaming! If you don't give it to me, we will break up!"

Zhuge Shang's color is also getting cold. This single man did not regard himself as a partner at the beginning and didn't pay attention to it. If he let himself do such a dangerous thing every time, who knows when he will completely ruin himself, but this single man's cultivation is higher than his own, and if he fights his own chances of winning It won't be too big, but Zhuge Shang soon came up with an idea. Although it was very risky, the effect would be very good if it succeeded.

Looking at Zhuge Shang not talking, the color of the hero gradually cooled down, and his movements were slowly tightening. It seemed that he was ready to forcibly seize it. Zhuge Shang knew that the opportunity could not be missed again, and he had to do it first.

Between the lightning and flint, Zhuge Shang threw the jade box in his hand high to the center of the pool. The Duxia's face was so ugly that he wanted to grab it, but he couldn't fly over, but Duxia was not worried. He didn't know how to get it. The small wings on Zhuge Shang's back automatically flew down to the back of Duxia. Duxia sneered. He has kept a hand for a long time to prevent this situation. Now he can't close Zhuge Shang. He has to take back the jade box first...