Zhuge Fan

Chapter 272 Accident

I have known for a long time that the head of this gun must be extraordinary, but it's a pity that I haven't tried the effect. I really don't need to know this. I was shocked when I used it!

The giant also felt the pain, and his eyes looking at Zhuge Shang were also quite angry. He roared and increased his strength to smash the fairy trees. Zhuge Shang almost couldn't stand still, but fortunately, he was used to it and immediately adjusted back to the center without falling.

Zhuge Shang knew that the giant was angry, but this also suit him. He wanted to see the giant angry so that he had a chance to find the real fairy weapon as soon as possible, so he used more real elements to attack again. These few times really worked very well. The giant obviously couldn't resist, and soon his body When there were blood stains, Zhuge Shang secretly said that the change in the head of the gun was amazing. If people could bear it, no terrible cultivation would be absolutely unbearable.

Looking at more fairy weapons slowly falling from the branches above, Zhuge Shang stared at the ground below and saw if there were any fairy artifacts that fell on the ground unchanged, but it was not found for the time being, but this trick is indeed effective. There are many fairy artifacts that have fallen in more places above. After that, the effect was really good. Zhuge Shang knew that such strength was not enough, so he immediately continued to attack.

The giant was soon completely enraged and began to climb the tree. Zhuge Shang was overjoyed, which was the best, so he began to slowly raise the altitude while continuing to increase the attack. The effect was really good, but the Japanese people suffered. They were already climbing trees, and I didn't expect that the giant would turn so hard. At first glance, Zhuge Shang was constantly provoking the giant and making the giant so angry. Those Japanese men began to curse Zhuge Shang. Zhuge Shang glanced at the three people coldly, ignored them, and continued to do what they had just now. The three people saw that there was no way. Unexpectedly, he discussed it and slowly crawled horizontally towards Zhuge Shang. Zhuge Shang sneered. Did these three people still want to do it to themselves? Then let them taste the power of the Central Plains, so that these Japanese people will not be so arrogant!

The giant was made like this by Zhuge Shang and began to use his powerful moves. At this time, Zhuge Shang found that there was a machete in the back of the giant, which was quite horrible. Although it was not big for the giant, his body could be covered, but for Zhuge Shang, this was not from It can be compared.

"Little thing, if you dare to hurt me, I will make you regret it!" Originally, Zhuge Shang thought that the giant could not speak human language, but he didn't expect that the giant would say this man's words at this time, otherwise he would only scream like that before.

Since you can speak, it is easier to communicate and make it easier to provoke each other.

"What if it hurts you! I came to look for the fairy weapon. There is one on this tree, but you want to stop us. What else can you do if I don't hurt you?

After the giant heard Zhuge Shang's words, there was a sneer on his huge face and suddenly stopped. He looked at Zhuge Shang and said, "Little thing, I don't care where you are from, but this tree is the most precious divine tree here. How can you let you give birth to a branch fairy weapon in ten thousand years? It's easy to take away!"

A branch fairy weapon? Zhuge Shang was shocked. If so, it would be amazing. After others knew this place, they would rush over.

At this moment, a strong pressure between heaven and earth suddenly came, and Zhuge Shang suddenly saw a shadow running fast not far away. Zhuge Shang took a look and found that it was a lost fairy!

Didn't the lost fairy let himself come to find the fairy weapon? How could she suddenly come to help himself? There was also the pressure of the day, obviously not the lost fairy, and the pressure of the day was quite strong. Today, there are no more than two or three people who can have such a powerful pressure in the world of cultivation. Zhuge Shang's face slowly became cold. Qing, this pressure is getting stronger and bigger, and it is about to make Zhuge Shang breathless. If there is no accident, that person must have come!

The giant also felt this pressure. He no longer went up the tree, but jumped off the tree, frowned and looked at the direction of the pressure of heaven and earth, and then began to make a strange howl in the other direction, which was very penetrating and suddenly spread far away.

The lost fairy flew up the tree quickly and said to Zhuge Shang, "No, the fairy is coming!"

Zhuge Shang really affirmed his idea. This fairy did not come late, but at this time, it was clear that he came to make trouble. Fortunately, although the pressure of the world is huge, there is still a distance from this place. It should be outside the Lost City. Don't let the fairy not take his own world. The pressure converge, and the purpose of the immortal is also very simple. He believes that in the world of cultivation, no one can really threaten him, and his own pressure is definitely a deterrent to those masters. Taking out his absolute majesty is still of certain benefits for him to easily get the fairy weapon.

The giant looked back at Zhuge Shang and the Lost Fairy. There was still a lot of anger in his eyes, but he still left at a fairly fast speed. The Lost Fairy looked at Zhuge Shang puzzled and said, "Just now, the giant's cry was actually summoning companions. In this place, it existed for a long time. I don't know when it existed before I came. It's amazing. Maybe the arrival of the fairy is also a crisis for these giants.

Zhuge Shang nodded and said, "So what should we do now? Do you have any good plans?"

The lost fairy thought for a moment and looked up. She saw that two of the three Japanese men ran to the branches to look for fairy weapons, while the other was paying attention to the following situation. Obviously, they still held a glimmer of hope of taking the fairy weapons away. Zhuge Shang sneered. These three people thought too much, not to mention that they couldn't Run away from their own injuries. Even if they run away, the immortals will not let them go.

"I have been in the Lost City for so long, and other places can't resist the majesty of the immortals. Soon all the magic arrays are broken, but this is the most mysterious. Maybe there is still a chance to resist it. We might as well wait and see how the giants deal with this fairy, and on this side, no It's not only immortals, but also suitable for various other races.

Zhuge Shang nodded again and secretly said that the lost fairy's words were reasonable. Now he can't escape if he wants to escape. It's better to follow the giant and wait for the opportunity to move.

The pressure of heaven and earth is still increasing. Zhuge Shang has slightly released the barrier of Zhuge Fan, which is much easier and can be faced, but soon Zhuge Shang must continue to increase the barrier. At this time, the lost fairy suddenly looked serious and said, "Come in!"

Zhuge Shang quickly went down the tree with the lost fairy. Standing on the ground was much better than standing on the tree. After the fairy came in, Zhuge Shang's abnormal depression should be that the immortals were quite ** to Zhuge Shang's magic, so more pressure was directed towards himself, which was obviously more concerned about himself. Therefore, Zhuge Shang also suffered a lot of pressure.

At this time, there was an extremely horrible vibration from afar. It should be a huge sound made by countless giants running on the ground. At the same time, there were all kinds of screams. Even Zhuge Shang saw many huge shadows flowing through the river not far away, among which there were cannibals who almost destroyed Zhuge Shang. Fish and so on. It seems that this place is at least better than the cultivation world outside. If there is danger, they will work together and will not fight and cheat like you outside.

Zhuge Shang said to the Lost Fairy, "What about these three people?"

The lost fairy said, "These three people are not in a climate. We don't need to care about them. In fact, the fairy weapons here are not yet mature. However, fairy weapons appear here and are attracted by the smell of fairy trees in the Lost City, so they parasitize on the fairy trees. In fact, I don't know that there are so many fairy weapons here. What kind of fairy weapon is it, but you don't have to worry. Now immortality is the key.

Zhuge Shang raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you very powerful? Why are you afraid of immortals?"

The Lost Fairy also realized that there was something wrong with her situation just now and seemed to be a little too worried, so she also argued at this time: "No, how can it be!" Immortals are just ordinary people in the fairy world. I am also at the peak of the world of cultivation. What are you afraid of? This is my chassis. It's not easy for the fairy to escape, but it's you. Pay attention to it later. Don't die too early. I won't play.

"Played?" Zhuge Shang had a black line on his face, "What do you think I am! I'm not a doll! But after this matter, there is no intersection with you anyway. It doesn't matter. Zhuge Shang said secretly, but rushed in the direction of the giant with the Lost Fairy.

The fighting spirit over there seems to have been the upper hand. At this time, more than a dozen powerful forces appeared outside. Zhuge Shang laughed secretly. The masters of the right way and the magic way have come. It seems that this battle will be a battle to lay the future pattern of the world of cultivation!

The fantasy outside has been broken by the immortals, so more than a dozen masters came in here easily. Now on a huge flat land, the heroic tasks of the whole world of cultivation are gathered together. The giants and a group of other exotic beasts behind them are staring at the immortals viciously, as if Only immortals are their threat. They don't care about other masters at all, while the masters of the right path and the magic road stand separately and do not take action, while Zhuge Shang saw the appearance of the immortals for the first time...