Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 1 Encountering Immortals

"Xiao Er, first two catties of beef, a pot of top red, and then stir-fry four seasonal dishes. Hurry up, uncle is still in a hurry!"

A bearded man strode into the restaurant and shouted before he could sit down. He reached out and dragged a stool and sat down. Then he put the big knife in his hand on the table and wiped his sweat with his dirty sleeves.

It scared the diners. They all looked at the big man nervously, thinking that there was a strong thief and was ready to run away when something went wrong.

After waiting for a while, I saw the big man sit down and just called wine and food. There was no other action. He was also relieved to continue to eat and drink and chat. However, from time to time, it will also aim at the big man.

In this night town, it is really rare to see people dressed like this.

At this time, an 11 or 12-year-old skinny boy came over, holding a small wooden tray in his hand, with a plate of beef slices, a pot of wine, and a pair of chopsticks. He reached out and pulled down the towel on his shoulder, wiped it randomly on the table, then put the beef plate and wine on it, and handed a pair of chopsticks. "Sir, take your time!" I can't see that this half-large second child is quite clever!

Maybe it's rare to see such a small person as a sophomore. The big man looked at it a few more and casually asked, "Little guy, you come out to work at such a young age. The conditions at home are not good! Well, are you interested in learning kung fu from my master? I'll take you there."

Xiao Guding stood there and smiled, "Thank you, uncle, but I still don't want to fool around in the world."

"Little bone, why don't you come to help the guests with the dishes?" The shopkeeper's urging came from the counter.

"Here it comes." Xiaoguding held a wooden basin in his right hand and ran to the canteen behind him.

Looking at Xiao Er's disappearing figure, the big man picked up a small glass of wine in his left hand and poured it into his mouth. He took two sips and muttered, "Interestingly, he actually knew the world at a young age. If it weren't for the urgent matter, I would like to talk to this little guy, smart and diligent enough! It should be a martial arts embryo." He put two slices of beef in his mouth with his right hand and chewed it slowly.

At noon, seven or eight tables in the small restaurant were already full. At this time, three strong young men walked outside and glanced at the restaurant. There was no room. Seeing that the bearded man was occupying a table, he came over to the bearded man and said, "Brother, share the table." With that, regardless of the reaction of the big man, he dragged two stools and sat down.

The big man frowned, looked at the three of them, and then continued to drink. The three didn't care, but urged Xiao Er to be served quickly.

"Three masters, what can I do for you?" Xiaoguding had just delivered the dishes ordered by a guest and turned around and asked the three new young men.

"First, three pots of floral fragrance, a plate of peanuts, two catties of beef, and a few of your specialty dishes. Hurry up and go first!" A long-faced young man reported the dishes, while the other two did not say a word.

"I'll be right there. Please wait a moment." Xiao Guding turned around and walked into the back hall.

"I didn't expect to see such a young child here as a sophomore, still so thin! This reminds me of the way Master took you back to the mountain. The long-faced young man said.

sighed, and the beautiful young man replied, "Yes, if I hadn't met my master in those years, I might have starved to death. How can I sit here with my brothers!"

"If it hadn't been for the master, I wouldn't have lived until now." The young man with a national character face nodded.

"Forget it, let's not be too sad. As long as we remember that we can have today, it's all thanks to the master. Try not to let the master worry about it anymore in the future! Come on, let's drink a toast and wish us a smooth trip and success!"

"Do it!" Do it!" The three of them held a small cup in their hands and drank full.

"Hey, look! Immortal! Immortal!" A fat man sitting by the window suddenly shouted. Hearing this, everyone ran to the window and looked out. I saw a fairy and a fairy master in the sky stepping on a flying sword, like two meteors, passing by and disappearing in a blink of an eye!

Everyone is still staring reluctantly, looking forward to another look. But after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of each other. Everyone returned to their seats disappointed and continued to eat and drink, and then talked happily for a while.

"Ah! What a fairy! What a handsome, so beautiful!"

"If only they could accept me as an apprentice!" The little two in the thin shop muttered. Xiaoguding happened to be in the hall and did not miss this rare opportunity.

"You are beautiful! Do you think all the immortals receive it? As for your ribs, I don't think the martial arts will accept you." The fat man made fun of it. Fatty is the owner of the clothing store next door. He often comes here for dinner. He is an old customer and is very familiar with the little guy.

"I won't be a martial artist. I want to be an immortal!" Xiaoguding still had a fascinated expression.

"Little bone, you are lazy again. Be careful that I will deduct your wages! Hurry up and clean up the dishes and chopsticks that the guests have eaten, and the guests are coming again.

"It's coming!" Xiaoguding looked out of the window again and ran to the back hall with a basin.

"Little bone Ding, are you wandering again? You don't want to do it anymore, right? I told you to collect the basin. What are you going to do behind!"

Xiaoguding quickly ran out of the back hall again, glanced around, and walked to the leftover table. Put those messy dishes into the basin one by one, took the towel and swept them twice, put them on the shoulder, and walked to the back hall with the basin in both hands.

After washing the last dish, Xiaogu Ding wiped the sweat all over his head and stretched out his uncomfortable waist. He picked up a pile of dishes and went to the back hall and put them in the cabinet. Huh, I can finally rest. I'm exhausted!" I dragged my calves slowly towards the house in the backyard, completely without the spirit of the food just served. Entering a small house, he lay down and didn't take off his clothes.

"You little rabbit, you won't be gentle every time you sleep. I just fell asleep and woke up by you again. It's so boring!" On the other side of the board **, a slightly fat uncle muttered a few words, turned around and fell asleep again, and soon there was a snoring sound.

"I really met the immortals. I didn't expect that my little bone would still meet the immortals! What should I think of to do to be a teacher? But even if they can find it, will they accept it?" Xiaoguding lay on ** tossing and turning, and it was difficult to fall asleep, and the bed rang. However, those sounds can't wake up the fat uncle.

I don't know how long it took, and Xiao Guding also fell asleep vaguely and had a beautiful dream. In his sleep, Xiaoguding went through all kinds of hard work and finally had to worship the immortal sect and was practicing driving the slave flying sword with his brothers. Go up, go up a little bit, go forward, okay, move forward like this. Standing on the flying sword, Xiaoguding smiled so unhappily! Life is like this, what do you want? Suddenly, the flying sword swayed uncontrollably, and the little bone quickly shouted, "No!", but the flying sword still did not listen to his control, so swayed left and right, and finally "banged" and fell straight down to the ground!

"Oh, it hurts!" He got up from the ground and rubbed his painful buttocks. The little bone stared at the fat uncle in front of him: "Uncle Sanniu, what are you doing? Why did you drag me out of bed? It disturbs my dream!"

"Little bone, you're still sleeping. If you don't look at it, it's time to get up and work. Otherwise, the shopkeeper will scold again later!" After confirming that Xiaoguding had woken up, the fat uncle turned around and left. Can you not wake up after such a fall?

"Uncle Sanniu, why did you drag me to the ground when you woke me up?" Xiaoguding caught up with Sanniu and said. In the past, Uncle Sanniu called him up and never dragged him to the ground. I don't seem to offend you, do I?"

"You are evil! When I was sleeping, my hands were scratched and shaking, so I couldn't sleep, so I got up. When the time is about to call you, your boy will hold my arm and won't let go. Finally, I shook it hard. I didn't expect you to hold it tightly and have little meat in your body. In this way, you went under the bed. With that, Sanniu shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands and continued to walk to the kitchen.

He reached out and scratched his scalp, "Well, it's ugly!" Xiaoguding's face turned slightly red.

When he picked up a cabbage, the small bone slowly peeled it with his hand, tore the intact vegetable leaves into pieces, and fell into a small pile on the ground, but he didn't know it!

Seeing that Xiaoguding was in a daze again, and the ground was full of vegetable crumbs, Sanniu shouted, "Xiaoguding, are you wandering? What are you thinking about? The cabbage has been torn apart by you! If the shopkeeper finds out later, you will look good!"

"Oh." Xiaoguding came to his senses in panic and saw that the ground was full of vegetable crumbs, leaving only a radish-sized "cabbage" in his hand. He jumped up and went to get a broom.

"Did this boy hit a ghost today?" Sanniu shook his head and continued to cut his vegetables.

Soon, the small bones quickly swept away the vegetable crumbs and poured them into the garbage basket. Then he sighed, "For good not to be found by the shopkeeper!"

"Little bone, what are you muttering about? Do you want to be lazy?" I don't know when the shopkeeper has stood behind Xiaoguding, and it should have been investigated. Seeing that Xiaoguding was still in a daze, he roared, " Why don't you wash the dishes quickly?" If you get busy and can't get over, I'll have you! Don't blame your copper money for getting less then!" After taking a look at the kitchen, the shopkeeper turned around and went to the counter.

Looking at the disappearance of the shopkeeper, Xiaoguding spit out his tongue, "I know how to deduct my salary!" While patting his chest with his hand. Fortunately, it was not found!" Turn around and continue to pick and clean.

"Little Guding, are you scared!" Sanniu cut vegetables and asked without raising his head. If you ask your boy to do things randomly, you deserve to be scolded by the shopkeeper! Just be careful not to let him deduct his salary, then it's not cost-effective! There are not many children in the first place!"

"Alas! Didn't you see the immortals during the day and get distracted when you think about it. Xiaoguding said and put the cabbage he had just picked up in his hand and did not move.

"Cough! You're distracted again, aren't you?" Seeing that the little bone was getting more and more outrageous, Sanniu reminded loudly. If you are always like this, sooner or later you will have to go back to the street to beg!" He shook his head and sighed that he was disappointing.

"Oh, I'll do it now." Xiaoguding came to his senses, quickly peeled off the vegetable leaves with both hands and put them into the bucket to clean them. The action was very fast, and a few cabbages were washed in less than a moment.

After a while, the little bone Ding's hand slowed down, and finally, it didn't move. Three bulls shook their heads. Put down the knife, come over, and get ready to enlighten this boy!