Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 3 Buying Vegetables

This night, Xiaoguding had another beautiful dream.

In the dream, the two immortals fell asleep again, and Xiaoguding shouted, "Bry me with you. I will also follow you."

I didn't expect that in such a high sky, the two immortals really heard his call and flew down to take him back to Shenshan together!

Stepping on the sword, all the way, birds accompany, coming and going without stopping.

Reach out your hand, it's a white cloud. Like a big and white cotton ball, soft, soft and comfortable.

In the distance is a majestic or beautiful mountain peak, which was just in front of us and disappeared in an instant.

What a fast speed!

This feeling is really wonderful! If only it could go on like this!

Suddenly, a peak in front of him collapsed inexplicably, and big stones rolled down and hit the proud little bone Ding on the head. He was so scared that the little bone Ding shouted, "Don't!"

but it feels like someone has been choked, and I can't shout anything.

The stone suddenly fell straight down to the top of the small bone Ding's head, and there was no way to avoid it!

"Ah" screamed again from the poor little bone's throat!

As soon as I opened my eyes, the clouds and stones around me disappeared.

Xiaoguding sat up with his head in one hand and the bedboard in the other, staring at the culprit - Sanniu!

"Uncle Sanniu, why do you always hit me!" The voice was very dissatisfied and woke up again.

Sanniu smiled and said, "Who called you a little rabbit? You sleep so much that you don't wake up. Who will you hit if you don't hit?" Looking at the little bone still lying on **, he pushed again, "Get up, it's time to do something!"

"Oh, I'm up. It's just to wake people up, can you get so much power!" Reaching out and rubbing his still confused eyes, the little bone got up and put on his clothes.

After washing, Xiaoguding slowly walked out of the restaurant and jumped on the car parked at the door and shouted loudly, "Drive!"

Very fast, the car moved slowly, not very fast.

"You son of a bitch, you know how to fool around!" Sanniu, who pulled the car, shook his head, smiled bitterly, and slowly walked to the vegetable market.

The little bone is sitting on the edge of the trolley, shaking his legs, so unhappy. Uncle Sanniu, why do you think the shopkeeper can rest assured to let you buy vegetables? Isn't he afraid that you will hack his money?"

"Do you think everyone is as slippery and unreliable as you? I said little bone, it's okay for you to be smooth, but you must do what you promised, you know? Otherwise, you will regret it in the future!"

"How can you speak in the same tone as my grandfather who passed away! All right, all right, I'll remember it." Xiao Guding dealt with it casually.

The genius Meng Meng has been walking on the street for a while now, and it is difficult to see a few people on the road. In addition to the sound of kicking on the slate, there is also the creak of wheels rolling, and the sound of chickens and dogs barking from afar, which is quiet.

This makes Sanniu feel strange. What's wrong with this boy? Usually it's not this virtue. Turning around, Xiaoguding was sitting on the edge of the cart with his chin in one hand. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing the appearance of Xiaoguding, Sanniu smiled and suddenly held the two handles on one side and threw the Xiaoguding to the ground like a sandbag, making Xiaoguding fall unpreparedly!

"Ah!" Xiaogu Ding got up from the ground awkwardly, patting the soil on his body, rubbing his painful chin with his hand, rubbing his broken palm, and staring at Sanniu angrily.

Sanniu has let go of the handlebar, looked at the funny appearance of Xiaoguding, bent down and laughed.

Sanniu is actually very honest and will joke with Xiaoguding.

Because this little guy often plays tricks on him and is impolite. Over time, Sanniu has also become more and more often joking with Xiaoguding.

Crazy cow! Why have you been tricking me lately? That's disgusting!" Xiaoguding looked at Sanniu and smiled vigorously. He was so angry that he rushed up and scratched Sanniu's itch. I can't beat it, so I have to adopt this strategy.

However, the three awesome people are big and easy to keep the small bones out of the safe range! After several fruitless breakthroughs, Xiaoguding had to give up.

Sanniu pushed the little bone away with his hand and said with a smile, "I didn't learn this from your boy!"

After a while, he saw that Xiaoguding was still listless and laughed and said, "You can't blame me for this! I've never seen a person in a car ride like you. Are you hungry? I want to eat some mud to satisfy my hunger first!"

"You just nibble on the mud to satisfy your hunger!" Xiaoguding suddenly swept away the depression just now, pushed Sanniu away, turned the front of the car, and rushed forward.

Sanniu laughed and simply followed slowly: "Hey, boy, be careful not to hit people again!"

Push the wooden cart and ran to the vegetable market. Xiaoguding put the car in a corner and ran into the vegetable market.

Xiao Guding walked to an aunt selling vegetables and said to her, "Hey, Aunt Xicun, hurry up! Move all your winter melons up. Our restaurant is going to get a lot of goods today!"

The Aunt Xicun was first happy, and then glanced at Xiaoguding faintly and said, "Xiaoguding, are you here to entertain the aunt again? Be careful when I spank you!"

Xiaoguding's eyes turned his eyes: "It's true this time. Didn't there be a fairy yesterday? Now many people come to the restaurant to inquire about the news. Of course, there are more dishes!"

"That can't be all winter melons!" Aunt Nishimura still doesn't believe it.

"Maybe the wax gourd has a little moisturizing effect. Anyway, those guests like to order some wax gourd bone soup or something. I don't know if I serve it there? If you don't believe it, I'll call someone else. Don't say that I didn't take care of your business!" With that, the little bone turned around and left.

"Oh, is that true? Hey, don't go, little bone. I'll send it right away. Can you come and help me?" Aunt Nishimura quickly picked up two big winter melons and walked to the cart used to buy vegetables in the restaurant.

"Oh, when I buy all the dishes, I'll help you." Xiaoguding said to the little tiger girl next to him and said, "Little tiger girl, send all your radishes."

"Xiao Guding, don't fool me. I don't have a good body, but don't do anything in vain. And you said that the restaurant guests don't specialize in winter melon soup and so on. How can they ask for a lot of radishes?

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "Little Tiger, you don't know that! Let me ask you, if you like wax gourd soup, can you clean a large table of wax gourd dishes? Even if you like it, your family will definitely talk about you!"

After saying that, Xiaoguding went to other vegetable stores.

Watching Xiaoguding push the car and quickly disappear at the corner of the street. Sanniu shook his head and said, "It's still a child with a good temper. He just suffered a little grievance or something, and he became happy again in a blink of an eye! If only our old women were so talkative!"

She sighed, "Well, I don't know how she's doing at home? She has to take care of the heavy work at home by herself, which is really difficult for her.

After a while, Sanniu carried his hands on his back, hummed intermittently the short paragraphs in the play, and walked leisurely on the street. Against his slightly fat figure, if he wears a satin robe again, he still has the demeanor of a big shopkeeper!

However, after a while, Sanniu's little song can't come out! Because he saw a large group of people in front of him carrying a lot of vegetables to the sled car of the restaurant! Some are standing there, and some are ready to go back to move!

Far away, Aunt Xicun saw Sanniu coming and shouted, "Sanniu, you can come here. Come and settle the bill quickly!"

Sanniu looked at this side in amazement. It must be the ghost of Xiaoguding, the little guy killed this day! Anyway, he has become so positive, so it is!

After grabbing his scalp, Sanniu came to the car and stopped those who were ready to go back to move the vegetables: "Well, everyone, I'm really sorry. We can't take so many things in our restaurant!" Seeing those people stop, Sanniu continued to say, "I'm sorry, you'd better move these dishes back. Thank you!"

"No, Sanniu, are you interested in that widow and don't want our things? Xiaoguding said that your restaurant business has been very good these two days!"

San Niu said in a cold sweat, "Who said that I and the widow are interested?" You can't say this nonsense!"

"Xiao Guding said, didn't you buy a lot of cabbage from her yesterday!"

When it comes to Xiaoguding, Sanniu came to the spirit: "Well, where is Xiaoguding now?"

Everyone looked left and right, ah, where is this kid going now!

No, I was deceived again! Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and slowly, you look like you are unlucky.

But soon, Aunt Xicun said, "Sanniu, anyway, you still want to buy vegetables. It's impossible to ask us all to move back. If you don't buy a little food, you won't want to leave!" After saying that, he put his hands on his waist and looked at the three cows fiercely.

Sanniu looked at the shrew helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll take your dishes. I don't want it anymore! Otherwise, I can't make an order."

This time, everyone took back a lot of dishes very cooperatively, and it was not the first time that they were fooled.

"This damn little bone, you can never believe what he said! Next time, don't let me see him!" Aunt Nishimura scolded and moved the big winter melon back several times!