Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 8 su su

Once again on the road, the little bone can't help but feel a lot. Fortunately, I can meet an old friend this time, otherwise I have become a beggar now!

However, Xiaoguding also knows that he will still become a beggar in the near future. Just like this, there is no entry, and there are not many pots, and the food will soon run out.

How to maintain it in the future?

On this day, Xiaoguding was unlucky and did not rush to the next town, so he had to sleep in the mountains and forests. Fortunately, it is not the first time that Xiaoguding has experienced such a thing.

Looking at the big tree in front of him, looking left and right, the little bone Dingxiang fell into a big tree held by three people. There are many branches on the tree, which should be a good place to rest.

Like an ape, the small bone swiped up. First, find a very safe tree on it, take out a knife, slowly cut a few stronger trunks, block them in the cracks of the branches, and then tie them with vines. In case you fall into the tree when you turn over in the middle of the night. Finally, it was covered with soft leaves and a small nest, which was created.

Xiaogu Ding carefully put the knife into the close-fitting wallet, which was made by Sanniu for him. In the past, Xiaoguding always thought about how to imitate some heroes. Fortunately, he pretended to be handsome in front of Xiaomi, so he pestered Sanniu and asked him to help make a small wallet to prevent the knife from accidentally cutting his skin. Sanniu couldn't resist him and asked his wife to sew one for Xiaogu Ding.

I don't know what Sanniu is doing now. Do you want Xiaoguding?

With a sigh, Xiao Guding carefully tied the wallet to his waist. Two picks were turned out from the package and nibbled. This time, Xiao Guding learned to be obedient again, and also brought a small gourd given to him by an old man in the pharmacy. On the way, he would no longer feel dry mouth like smoke, but there was no feeling of drinking water.

This night, Xiaoguding dreamed of the immortal again, and the scene where he wandered. Just swam for a while, the fairy left him and left alone. This time, there was no incident of throwing stones on the head.

This night, Xiaoguding also slept more comfortably and did not catch a cold again. Although, I still felt a little cold, but Fortunately, he was ready last night and wrapped in a thick dress.

Of course, when he went to bed last night, Xiaoguding still had a foggy canopy on his head. Otherwise, Xiaoguding will not wake up from the mist in the middle of the night.

slipped down the tree, the small bone straightened the package, took out the steamed bread and slowly nibbled it, and waved to the "small nest" behind, "Goodbye, my little nest!"

I didn't walk far, and Xiaoguding felt that his feet were very swollen and he didn't want to move! Damn it! How come you have come one after another, how far have you gone?

Xiaoguding suddenly hit his calf and stomach with his hand, making him grin in pain. With a gritted tooth, the little bone continued to move forward at the speed of the turtle.

What the hell is going on? Why does Xiaoguding finally want to do a big thing? There are so many troubles!

Xiao Guding felt a little confused, but soon returned to his state. They all said that he had to endure all difficulties and achieve his goal. Xiao Guding would never stop! Xiaoguding clenched his thin fist hard, "Xiaoguding, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you have to find it for at least two years first!" If there is no result in two years, go back to see the shopkeeper first.

Unfortunately, although Xiaoguding insisted, he still had to spend the night in the forest!

When he got up again, Xiaoguding was already dizzy with hunger. It's really terrible. This time, I don't even have a head!

In this way, Xiaoguding walked slowly and kept looking around, hoping to find some edible wild fruits. But where can I eat wild fruits on this roadside?

The wild fruit couldn't be found, and the little bone Ding found the idea of those flying birds again!

Similarly, Xiao Guding's luck is still not good enough. The thin little hand has no strength, and it is neither accurate nor strong enough to throw stones out. Naturally, I couldn't eat those birds, but it shocked them to fly far away.

It's over. I can't find anything to eat. I'm starving to death! Xiaoguding touched his squeaked stomach. Why didn't he learn to beat birds at the beginning? In that case, you can also have a roast bird meat in this wilderness!

Poor little bone, dragging his slightly swollen legs and staggering, looking at the flying birds from time to time to stop the hunger! But the shriveled belly still sounded like a drum, and then stopped for a while, and then it sounded again!

Several times, Xiaoguding really wanted to grab a handful of leaves and gnaw it. However, he tried to put a piece of grass leaf into his mouth and chewed it twice. It was so bitter that he quickly spit it out again!

Now this situation makes Xiaoguding feel helpless. Now, I still have a few coppers on my body, but I have nothing to eat!

With a wry smile, the little bone Ding found a branch to take advantage of and used it as a crutch. He was afraid that at that time, he would not even have the strength to break the branch!

The little bone is now so hungry that his limbs are weak and difficult to walk.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "I finally have something to eat!" I saw several potatoes growing by the roadside, all of which were roasted and could keep the hunger at this time.

The godless eyes suddenly bloomed, and his body became light. He ran over in three steps and two steps, and the little bone took out a knife and dug. When all of them are dug up, there are still as many as seven or eight, which is enough for a meal.

A pile of dry branches were picked up from the forest, and the small bones carefully ignited fine dead grass with flint. When the fire was burning, the potatoes were thrown into the fire. While adding firewood, the little bone was swallowing saliva, staring at the potatoes in the fire, and couldn't wait to take out one from it immediately to eat.

From time to time, the small bone sticks out a branch and pokes the potato to see if it has softened and is cooked.

After a while, Xiaoguding pulled out a potato whose surface became a little soft from it and picked it up and quickly peeled off the charred skin. The potato was very hot. Under the small bone, he changed his left hand to hold the potato with his right hand, and then peeled off a small opening that was just enough to open his mouth to bite down, and the small bone opened his mouth and bit it down.

"Oh," he screamed vaguely. The little bone opened his mouth wide and inhaled straight, and his tongue rolled up. Even if he didn't swallow it or spit it out, his head shrank back, closed his eyes, and tears flowed down.

It was hard to wait for the lump in the mouth to cool down a little, and the small bone was swallowed down in one bite, without chewing carefully. Take another bite of the peeled taro and chew it slowly.

Just after chewing a few times, Xiao Guding suddenly opened his mouth and motionless. The expression on his face was like a fly, and he opened his mouth in consterred. For a long time, I spit out the potato in my mouth. I swallowed my saliva and threw it into the fire to bake it.

This time, the small bone Dingling waited until the potatoes were cooked and burnt before pulling those potatoes out of the fire. There was a long line hanging on his chin, and the ground below was already wet, full of saliva.

After taking a hot potato, Xiaoguding still took turns to change hands and peel it. While opening his mouth and blowing, he carefully bit a small piece. He felt that it was not hot, so he devoured it.

Three or two times, a roasted potato swallowed his stomach.

He raised his sleeve and wiped the remaining debris from his mouth, and then reached out to wipe it. The little bone Ding became a cat face.

Wow, this time I'm half full. I hope I can get to town early.

With a cat face, Xiao Guding went on the road again. This time, he also threw away the "crutch".