Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 10 Escape

The two domestic slaves chased in the direction of Xiaoguding's escape, which was very fast. If there was no accident, a column of incense should be able to catch up with the damn little beggar.

The two ran all the way and almost ran out of the city. They didn't see a little begling. This made them understand that they were chasing the wrong way.

Ferocious, the domestic slave armor grabbed a passer-by beside him: "Have you seen a little black begling from here?"

The thin man who was grabbed by the collar frowned and said casually, "I didn't see it!" Reach out and destroy the big hand.

As soon as the domestic slave released his hand, he let go of the thin man's collar and turned to ask others.

Jie Nuyi was asking the stall owners who sold groceries and pulled his broken voice: "Have you seen a black and thin little begling from here?"

Everyone shook their heads, and a strong butcher who killed pigs did not raise his head. He pointed casually: "I seem to see a begling man passing by." I guess he doesn't know which side he is referring to.

When the two domestic slaves heard this, they could not distinguish between true and false, and hurriedly chased them in the direction pointed by the butcher.

After the two evil slaves left, the stall owners showed disgust. An old man said worriedly, "Butcher Tian, aren't you afraid that they will come to trouble you?"

The strong man called Tian Butcher smiled and pulled the fat meat on his face. "Don't I want to hear more vicious dogs barking? Besides, when they come back and ask me, I said that it's not necessarily the little beggar they want to chase. What can they stand me?"

"Say, this kind of vicious dog is uncomfortable even if you look at it more!"

As soon as the little bone ran across a corner of the street, his little eyes turned, turned back to the direction, and got into another street.

When turning another street corner, Xiao Guding got into a house and said to the oncoming owner, "Aunuch, borrow water to wash your face." In this way, he walked straight in and stood alone with the stunned aunt.

He came to his senses and hurried to chase Xiaoguding: "Hey, what are you doing? Do you grab something?" Seeing that Xiaoguding is skinny, she doesn't need to call people. She thinks that she can pick him up and throw him out by herself.

Xiaoguding grabbed the bucket that was being placed by the well, stretched out his head and washed it. When he looked up again, the bucket of water became as dark as ink. Xiao Guding didn't have time to wash it anymore. He pulled off the black clothes, turned out the slightly clean side inside and wiped it on his face.

The aunt who caught up with her in a daze was shocked and shouted, "What are you doing, hooligan!" He reached out and copied a broom and was ready to kick him away if the machine was wrong.

Xiaoguding quickly shouted, "Auntle, don't panic, I'll change my clothes." With that, he took out a dress from the package and put it on. I didn't have time to change my trousers, so I put them on. Coupled with the unbuttoned clothes, Xiaoguding has gained a little weight from the back.

As soon as the clothes were put on, Xiaoguding rolled the black and dirty clothes into the package and ran out. His hand was still buttoned. He didn't forget to say to his aunt, "Thank you, aunt!"

"Where did this guy come from? He said he was a begling, but he still cares about hygiene! It's strange to say that he is a rogue and a gangster, but he will thank him!" The eldest aunt muttered to herself, and Mumu watched Xiaoguding run out, but she still didn't recover from what had just happened. Xiaoguding went in and out for a while, and it was not enough time for her to wash her face normally.

As soon as Xiaoguding went out of the door, he hid the package into his stomach, carefully fastened the button, continued to run in this direction, and ran out of the town in one breath. It was not until he got into a small forest that the little bone lay on the grass and gasped!

Lying on the ground, the bones all over his body are as loose. Xiaoguding gasped and stroked his more hungry stomach, almost with his chest on his back! From time to time, it will ring twice like a toad.

"Well, is it worth it this time? I saved a little girl I didn't know and got nothing, but I was still hunted down! What's more, it's good now, and I don't even have to think about how to find something to eat when I go back to town. It's really unlucky. I have to find wild fruits or something to satisfy my hunger.

It's also strange to say that Xiaoguding was not energetic. At the thought of saving people, he didn't know where his strength came from. Now he has run so far in one breath that he feels that he can still walk for a while. That is, I'm so hungry!

Near dusk, the little bone was walking along the path, with two shining eyes, up and down on both sides of the road, scanning carefully in all directions, looking forward to finding something to eat as soon as possible.

Until the sun sets, the golden light dissipates, the sky is slightly dark, the birds fall back to the forest, and the little bones are still tragic and nothing!

Little Guding looked at the sunset with a resentful face: "Why am I so unlucky! For the sake of doing good deeds today, can't you let me find something full?"

"Let's look for it for a while. I hope I can find it, or I can only build a nest to sleep."

After another column of incense, the little bone still got nothing, and he was determined to find a big tree to build a nest.


faintly, a few dog barks came from the other side of the mountain. Xiaoguding's face was happy, "It's okay, I don't think I'm going to starve now!"

Some people say that "looking at the mountain runs a dead horse". Wangshan can't run like a dead horse. Xiaoguding doesn't know, but only knows that he is tired to hear the sound now! It's been three columns of incense, and Xiaoguding hasn't found the place where the dog barked!

The little bone bent down, supported his knees with his hands, and gasped for breath. Now I'm so tired that I'm out of breath, even more tired than just escaping from the town!

"Wow... This time, the sound was clearer, making Xiaogu Ding rush towards the source of the sound like chicken blood again.

"I don't believe it anymore. I can't find the sound!" Xiaoguding ran as hard as he was. It seems that there is a big meal waiting for him in front of him.

"Da Huang, what are you shouting about? It's so noisy!" This time, there was also a man's voice, which was rough and loud. It should be an uncle's.

Although Xiaoguding is very **, very excited and wants to run again, this time, his legs are so tired that they can't lift them! He patted his legs in frustration, "How long will you rest this time?"

Finally, Xiaoguding thought of a way and shouted at the top of his voice, "Hey, is there anyone in front of you?"

"Yes! Where are you from?" The man's reply came from the night, and there was a louder dog barking, and then a torch appeared in the distance. Like a little enlarged firefly slowly flashing.

"Uncle, come and help me, I can't walk!" Xiao Guding shouted excitedly, hoping that this uncle could be kind.

"Oh, I'll come and help you right away!" The loud male voice quickly returned.

Xiao Guding exhaled: "It's okay, I met a good person! There are still so many good people."