Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 12 Stay (Happy Holiday)

It's rare to have meat to eat, and Xiaoguding eats quite hard at the dinner table. Well, I haven't eaten anything with meat for nearly a month. This time, I had to make up for it. I held my little belly so hard that it was about to burst open. I really couldn't hold on any longer, so I reluctantly put down my chopsticks.

Lishan and the others bent down with a smile and kept saying, "Slow down, don't worry, there are still more in the pot."

However, the little bone Dingling continued to swallow hard as if he didn't hear it.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Guding had a round belly and went outside to wash a few faces randomly, which was very laborious. It was so funny that it made everyone laugh again.

Tired and tired, making Xiao Guding look less energetic. Although it was in a strange new environment, Xiaoguding still felt very sleepy and yawned as he spoke. Seeing this scene, Lishan helped Xiao Guding to a small room and lay down**. Soon, the little bone fell asleep.

Looking at Xiaoguding's funny belly and falling asleep not long after falling into **, the cuckoo sighed: "What a poor child! It's really difficult for him to walk outside alone at such a young age."

Lishan gently helped his wife back to the hall and asked her daughter how she went to the town. It turned out that Lijuan saw that her mother had been coughing for a long time and wanted to go to the town to find a famous doctor to prescribe some medicine. However, he was greedy for a while and stayed in the place selling hair accessories for a long time. Later, when he saw that it was not early, he remembered to go home. Unexpectedly, he met the playboy of the Wang family in the town. Fortunately, he met Xiaoguding's help, otherwise he could not escape his magic hand. It's just that I forgot to buy the medicine!

Dili Juanniang sighed again, "This little brother is not good, but he is still a little chivalrous. Her father, you have to help him. Why don't we leave him and let him live with us?

Before Lishan could reply, Lijuan clapped his hands and shouted, "Okay, okay! I finally have a playmate of about the same age!" Around this mountain, there is only Lishan.

Seeing the excited appearance of Lijuan, Lijuan's parents lowered their heads in shame and really ignored this point.

After a while, Lijuan smiled and said, "Okay, if Xiaoguding agrees, we will definitely keep him. Are you happy now?"

"That won't work. Even if he wants to leave, you have to keep him. If I don't play with him, I'm tired of it!"

Her parents couldn't look at each other with tears and laughter, and finally said with a smile on her face, "Is our little girl thinking about spring today? Do you like this child?

He said with a big red face, "I ignore you. I'm going to bed!" He fled into the inner room, but there was no movement for a long time.

Seeing her daughter's reaction, Lijuan nodded and said, "Her father, our baby really fell in love with him! Otherwise, ask Xiaoguding carefully tomorrow to see if he is willing to do it.

"How do you know that the azale falls in love with others instead of just looking for a playmate?"

With white eyes, "We women are sure of this aspect. We are not like you men's three or five thick, all of which lack roots!" After a while, he said, "However, it's not bad to have less roots, hee hee!" Li Shanniang also showed her little daughter's posture. She was as charming as a flower, and her white face was a little blushed, which made Delishan look at her crazy and suddenly hugged her and kissed her. At this time, Li Yanniang blushed and quickly pushed Lishan's head away. At the same time, she whispered against his head and whispered, "Don't, our baby is still watching!" After saying that, he leaned breathlessly against Lishan's chest, and his chest heaved vigorously. It was also thought that Lishan could not be stabilized.

Lishan coughed loudly: "Azale, are you asleep?"

There was a panic from inside, "Dad, I'm already asleep. What do you want me to do?" Finally, it became very quiet, at least, no sound was heard.

Lishan listened to it for a while. After confirming that there was no sound, he kissed the person in his arms and walked out. It was safer outside...

This night, Xiaogu Ding slept very soundly. In his sleep, he revisited the fun of playing with immortals again.

I was dreaming of eating fairy fruit. Suddenly, my ear was itchy. I turned over and looked sideways and saw that it was a cuckoo. I stood by the bed and smiled, holding a pheasant feather in my hand.

"Sister Cuckoo, did you get up so early? What's wrong with me? I haven't woken up yet. It disturbs my dreams!" After saying that, he fell down and wanted to sleep again.

"Little lazy worm, the sun is shining on your buttocks, and you still can't get up!" With that, he wiped a wet right hand on Xiaoguding's face, and the cold Xiaoguding got up from ** and was ready to get dressed.

The little bone is only wearing trousers and forks, revealing a skeleton, and the small arms and calves are like bamboo poles.

Lijuan stared curiously at Xiaoguding's trousers and fork, "What did you hide there?" With that, I wanted to grab it with my hand.

The little bone was so scared that he rolled and crawled out of the house. He was blown by the cool breeze in the morning, and he was thrilled all over and quickly put on his clothes.

Lijuan muttered loudly dissatisfiedly: "Why are you running? Don't let me see it, just don't look at it, stingy!" The voice is still very soft.

Seeing this scene, Lishan, who was churning firewood outside, laughed happily, and even the cuckoo was also covering her mouth and smiling secretly. The rhakuan ran to her mother angrily and shook her arm: "Mom, you are so bad. Come and laugh at the mandarin!"

Shaking her mother for a while, Lijuan ran to Lishan again, took her father's hand and asked, "Dad, you slept with Xiaoguding yesterday. Tell me, what did he hide?" After saying that, he looked at her father so eagerly.

It made Lijuan smile and bend over, while coughing. Lishan held the handle of the axe in one hand and scratched his scalp with embarrassment in the other hand, "You'd better ask your mother!"

Xiaoguding couldn't laugh or cry and watch Lijuan run back to her mother's side, thinking, "No, she doesn't even know this?"

Looking at the daughter who was eager to know the truth in front of her, Lijuan resisted her smile, stroked her hair with her hand, and said softly, "Good rheon, you will know when you grow up. Don't make trouble."

"Mother is also careful. I'll go straight to ask Xiaoguding!" With that, I wanted to ask the little bone that was washing his face.

Lijuanniang quickly grabbed her and shook her head helplessly, "Let me tell you."

Lijuan shouted happily, "Okay, okay! Then say it quickly!" After saying that, she moved a stool and sat next to her to help her mother set it on fire.

Seeing his daughter who finally became stable, Lishan shook his head, smiled bitterly, and continued to chop his firewood.

After washing his face, Xiaoguding also quickly helped to remove the firewood. He also asked, "Uncle Lishan, you can hunt. Teach me. I saw many birds on the road, but I couldn't hit any of them. I'm starving to death!"

When it comes to hunting, Lishan is interested, and his eyes are shining, just like a wild cat that found its prey. However, he looked up and down at the little bone for a while, "But your body is so thin that you can't open the bow for a while!"

"Don't be afraid, I must learn to hunt from you, or there is really nothing to eat on the way! That hunger is so uncomfortable!"

"Haha, since you are willing to learn, I will teach you, but you still need to exercise more."

"Thank you first!"