Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 56 Get Rid of Surveillance

The next morning, the genius was bright, and a dilapidated old ox cart drove out of the farmer's house, carrying several baskets of fresh vegetables. Sitting in front of him was a middle-aged thin uncle with a long black goat whiskers.

Several strong men riding horses surrounded him and blocked his way. The thin man looked at the crowd with a frightened face and said in panic, "What are you going to do? The honest farmers in our village don't have much money!"

One of the four asked the leader, "Hey, where are the two kids who stayed at your house last night?"

"Oh, it turned out to be chasing those two little ones!" The thin man stroked his chest and was shocked. "The two of them are sleeping soundly now, but you must not do anything in my house and kill people. We can't afford a lawsuit."

A group of strong men looked at the ox cart carefully and laughed, "Don't worry, we're just here to watch them and won't kill people. Sell your dishes."

"That's good!" The thin man drove the ox cart, and the car slowly turned and gradually walked away.

After a while, the firewood door opened again. An old woman came out with a big bamboo basket containing some fresh vegetables. The old face full of wrinkles was blooming happily **. She muttered to herself, "These two little guests are really generous. They gave me a couple of silver after staying for one night, which is better than mine. The competitive son gets more copper money by selling a cart of vegetables. If he can keep them for breakfast, he may still make money.

The four surveillance strong men smiled and were too lazy to ask again. They just talked and laughed in the woods next to the road, and did not forget to stare at the firewood door, even the backyard. The whole courtyard where the little bone Ding and others stayed was in their sight.

After waiting for a full hour, the sky was already white, the sun was about to climb the mountain, and the old woman who washed the vegetables had not come back yet. The strong men looked at each other in con's face, "Isn't it going to let them run away?"

The leading man said, "Lao Qi, look here. Let's go in and have a look. Don't let them run away. They are likely to be the person the young lady is looking for. If it hadn't been for the lady's special order not to offend them, I really want to arrest them directly last night, causing us to suffer all night."

The man called Lao Qi nodded, "You should also be careful when you go in. Don't offend others with good words."

The leading man reached out and patted the door, but the door opened directly. The leading strong man simply went straight into the hall, but he did not see anyone, and there was no movement. The leading man shouted, "Is there anyone?"

The empty room echoed without any movement. The leader's face changed slightly and waved his hand, "You can search for me!"

"Brother, the old woman in this room is still sleeping in bed. I guess she is fascinated."

The leading strong man walked into the room when he heard the sound. ** The two old men were sleeping soundly, like dead pigs, and two middle-aged thin men and women, who should be their sons and daughters-in-law, but they disappeared from the two "Young Heroes" just now.

The leading strong man looked at the small hole left in the window and some faint powder, "It's a fragrance!" I was cheated by them. Let's chase it!" He rushed out, called the companion who was still looking at the wind, and chased him in the direction of the previous thin man driving the ox cart.

After chasing only a column of incense, it caught up with the ox cart. The ox was nibbling at the grass by the roadside, but the car was empty.

But he said that the thin man driving the ox cart slowly walked a distance, listened carefully for a while, and confirmed that no one followed him. Then he jumped off the ox cart, threw a whip on the back of the cow, shouted, and let it go on his way, but he got into the woods.

As he walked, he took off the thick gray coat full of patches, took off the long black goat's beard, hid it in his arms, took another mask and put it on, and once again became a simple country teenager. Dressed in clean green cloth clothes, holding a handful of medicine hoe in his hand and holding a bamboo basket removed from the ox cart behind his back, he turned into a little medicine boy collecting medicine.

recognized a direction and went straight into the woods. Through the woods on this road, he was familiar with the road and did not stop at all, as if he were from here.

On the way, this little medicine boy will also dig a few herbs and put them in the basket. At this time, it looks like a little medicine boy collecting medicine in the woods.

Suddenly, a beautiful small pool appeared in front of it. The stream was gurgling, crisp and pleasant, and the spring was quiet, slightly green, and had a certain depth.

The little medicine boy went to the spring and washed his hands, picked up the spring and took a few sips, "Oh, it's so sweet!" Looking left and right for a while, "It seems that she hasn't arrived yet." Take the gourd from your waist and put it in water.

Suddenly, he picked up a handful of water and raised it to the back, splashing a handsome Yaotong's face, and saw that the Yaotong's dress was similar to Xiaoguding's.

"Good little bone, how dare you pour me cold water. Don't run away. Look, I won't spank you!" The voice was crisp and delicate, but it was the female voice, but it was Xue Yueer's voice.

The little bone carried the medicine basket on his back, shook off his feet and galloped away, "Moon Medicine Boy, it's no wonder that your brother and I are here. Who told you want to scare me? I'm just treating him in his own way!"

All the way to practice, now his light kung fu has only slowed down a little with Xue Yueer. After all, the famous skill of the holy hand thief is not great.

Seeing that Xue Yueer couldn't catch up with him, she had to stop and scolded, "I can't beat Miss Ben, but now she runs faster than a rabbit!"

Xiaoguding laughed and said, "It's impossible not to even practice the skills to save lives!"

Xue Yueer said, "How did you find me just now? My footsteps are so light that you can't find me!"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "I said, aren't you going to hit me anymore?"

Xue Yueer said, "Since I teased you in the mountain temple, which time have I hit you all the way!" It's just a joke with you.

Xiaoguding tilted his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be true. Well, I believe you. You go to the spring and stay. I sneak over, and you will know what's going on."

Xue Yueer walked back to the pool, but saw the reflection of a medicine boy carrying a medicine basket in the spring. She was very handsome. She was in full bloom and could see that she was distracted. Suddenly, a sneaky figure appeared next to her, which was the little medicine boy who looked very honest on the surface.

Xue Yueer laughed, picked up a handful of water, turned her head and poured it away, but spilled it empty. Xiaogu Ding had already run far.

The two sat by the stream and played for a while. Xue Yueer said intoxicatedly, "Xiao Guding, this stream is so beautiful that I don't want to leave for a moment. If only I could appear in such a place with you often in the future!"