Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 60 Trouble

This time, she dressed up as an old pharmacist and a drug girl. No one asked them again for the time being, so that Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer rarely slept peacefully.

The next day, Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer bought condiments and some light field appliances. There were small packages in the medicine basket, just like a pharmacist who went down the mountain to purchase living utensils. No one doubted it.

It's just an old gray-haired, but two weak drug girls, which still attracted the curious eyes of many passers-by and came to talk to her.

Xiaoguding happened to take the opportunity to ask, "Uncles and aunts, what are the high mountains around here? Our master and apprentice have to go to refine a few scarce medicinal materials that can only be found in that place. Thank you!"

A tall man replied, "30 miles to the east, there is really a high mountain, but there is not much beautiful scenery."

Xiao Guding bowed to him and saluted him, "Thank you for telling me! We are just looking for medicinal herbs, not for playing in the mountains and rivers.

Old Hu snorted, but said nothing.

The tall man said, "This little medicine boy, there are many wild wolves, tigers and leopards in the deep mountains. Even if you can climb up, I'm afraid you have to hurt these beasts."

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Thank you for your kind advice! We are pharmacists, and ordinary poisons will also be made a little. It's okay if those beasts don't come, and they will be called back when they come!"

The tall man nodded assuredly, "Then I wish you good luck and find the medicinal herbs you need as soon as possible."

"Thank you!"

The little bone thanked, and the three of them, together with Xue Yueer, headed for the mountain again.

The three first hired a few horses to gallop down the mountain before hiking up the mountain. When there were few passers-by, they threw off their light skills and galloped on the mountain path. In just a few blink of an eye, they disappeared into the foot of the mountain and entered the belly of the mountain.

There are tall trees on both sides of the mountain road. The more you go inside, the bigger the trees will be. Gradually, the chirpings of birds and beasts came from time to time, and occasionally one or two hunters returned with a full load.

These hunters, although young or old, climbed up the mountain road, but still walked vigorously and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and couldn't help showing envious eyes.

After going deep, I can also see one or two chivalrous people returning with tiger skins and tiger bones on their backs. When they saw the three little bones, they also showed amazing eyes, but they stopped and left.

Only ran to the mountainside at the peak. Xiaoguding felt tired and stopped for a short rest. He heard a mountain spring tinkling on the roadside, which was crisp and quiet, just in time for a lunch picnic.

Old Hu went to the stream and washed his hands, sat down on a stone next to the mountain stream and said, "Two little dolls, go and get some food."

I closed my eyes and refreshed myself, and then simply lay down on the big stone.

Xue Yueer said, "Sister, go and collect firewood. I'll hunt some wild animals."

Xiao Guding said, "Sister, be careful. Don't be hurt by the beast. Don't hit too much. Just eat enough!"

In just one hour of incense, Xiaoguding collected a lot of dry firewood, which was enough for barbecue. I was about to find Xue Yueer, but I saw that Xue Yueer had come back with three pheasants and a rabbit.

Xiaoguding is now familiar with this wild barbecue. Clean the game before igniting the fire and grilling on the fire with branches. Slowly, the strong smell of meat permeates the mountains and forests.

The old man Hu urged him, "Two little dolls, but hurry up!" Why haven't you recovered yet!"

Xiao Guding said, "You just don't do it yourself. What's the urge?"

Old Hu scolded, "Good, you unfilial grandson! Fatty, at my age, with apprentices here, do you still have to do it yourself?

"It's okay if you don't do it yourself, then stop urging!"

Old Hu said, "If you are hungry and don't rush, how can you be worthy of your own belly?"

The little bone diced ignored him. He rotated the branches in his hand and roasted the meat gradually burst into pieces. The crispy meat skin was full of grease. The small bone diced the pheasant and just sprinkled some peppers. As soon as he sprinkled some peppers, the old man Hu grabbed it, chewed it and praised, "It's good. It tastes good. It's getting better and better!"

He chewed a few bites, pulled open the mouth of the gourd, and poured a big mouthful, "The wine and chicken are still good!"

Xue Yueer said, "Master, you will enjoy it and only take these wines up the mountain."

Old Hu nodded his head enjoying it, "I'd rather suffer than let my stomach suffer."

Originally, one was washed and roasted. In the end, four of them rotated at the same time. Naturally, another wild chicken was roasted. The small bone diced then sprinkled the pepper, handed it to Xue Yueer, and said, "Sister, you eat first!"

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Instead of biting directly like old Hu, he took out the crescent with some golden threads in the black and slowly cut the meat on it, which was as sharp as tofu. With a slight belt, he cut a small piece of chicken, but left a little skin on it. Xue Yueer bit it gently and tore it off.

At this time, the little bone diced roasted the last pheasant, sprinkled the seasoning and opened its mouth to bite, and the hare was still turning in his hand.

When it was roasted, Xiaogu Ding put it outside the fire, took out the cold iron dagger given to him by Mr. Hu, cut the meat like Xue Yueer, and ate it slowly. The gap that this dagger was broken by the monster's teeth has disappeared, and it has been repaired for a long time.

"Haha, I'm lucky. I'm hungry, and I have ready-made barbecue!"

With a rough man's voice, a gray shadow suddenly flashed in the mountains and forests. When the sound fell, the man had grabbed the little bone and moved to the roast rabbit next to the fire, and rudely opened his mouth and bit it.

The man was eight feet tall, his face was full of horizontal meat, and a striking scar from the cheekbones to near the chin. Several beards were messy, hard and long.

He turned a blind eye to the anger of the three people and said domineeringly, "This rabbit is not bad. I will bake another one later, no matter if the one is full!"

"You are a scar-faced evil tiger - Wang Sihu!" Xue Yueer suddenly cried in horror.

Wang Sihu laughed and said, "I didn't expect you to know me! Oh, your dagger is good!" The corners of his eyes swept over the cold iron dagger in Xiaoguding's hand again, "This is not bad! Haha, I'm lucky. It's so easy to get two knives!"

Before he finished laughing, he stretched out a big hand and grabbed the cold iron dagger in his hand, and the other hand grabbed the roasted rabbit meat. At this time, he is already robbing other people's things. I'm afraid that they will have to work hard. I'm afraid that no one will help him barbecue at that time. He doesn't want to spend any more time barbecue, so he is not willing to leave his hands to roast rabbit meat.

What he didn't realize was that as soon as he finished saying that, Xiaoguding paid attention to his movements and didn't wait for his hand to touch the dagger. Xiaoguding's person jumped back like a spring.