Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 63 Avoid the Evil Tiger

In the early morning of the next day, the three of them ate a few barbecue game and were about to go on their way. Old Hu said, "This time we have to dress up as hunters to prevent them from being caught up by those evil tiger companions."

Xue Yueer said suspiciously, "Are they really coming so fast here?"

Old Hu nodded and said, "Do you really think that the maniac is so talkative that he can help build precious weapons by giving boxes of gold and silver? If the person who asks him to build weapons has no name in the world, or the old man is unhappy, even if you give him two or three boxes, he will not build weapons for you.

Xue Yueer spit out her tongue, "Does he really have such a big style? Xishan Yun's father didn't make a handful, and then we made a handful for Yun'er girls so easily. It doesn't seem so difficult!"

"Xishanjin is at least a hegemon. Fatty, I have a good relationship with the old man. In addition, you have taken out such good materials, which opened his eyes. If you are happy for a moment, I will help you do it. Characters like scar-faced tigers can't ask him to make a sharp weapon to cut gold and jade with ordinary gold and silver, so they must be jealous of these two daggers. If he knows that the crescent moon is not as simple as it seems, then your disaster will come! At that time, unless you really practice immortal spells, you can be saved!"

After hearing this, Xue Yueer and Xiaoguding became very nervous and said, "After going down the mountain, let's build an ordinary dagger that is not very conspicuous as soon as possible. This time, what are we going to dress up and go down the mountain?

Old Hu touched his sticky white beard and said, "In the mountains and forests, except for the woodcutter, the only one who is the hunter is the least conspicuous. You two little dolls, within the time limit of half a column of incense, will dress up as hunters who are one foot taller than before.

Xiao Guding and Xue Yueer's footsteps shook well and quickly found a remote place and dressed up. This limited-time dress-up can also test the level of your skills, so that you can quickly help yourself solve some crises in times of crisis.

In less than half a column of incense, Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer have disguised as two men's young hunters, hanging bows and picking up birds, which is already more than a foot higher than before.

Back to the original place, he appeared in front of them. At this time, he was a strong man with a round waist, wearing animal skin and hanging around his waist. I don't know where to find a machete. It's more like three points than the costumes of Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer.

Xiaoguding turned around the old man Hu a few times: "Uncle Wang, where did you find this leather robe and that machete?"

Old Hu pushed the little bone with his big hand, "Fight you little devil, you just chased the deer and broke your brain, didn't you? Uncle, I've always been like a man. How can I change my appearance?

Xue Yueer said in a rough voice, "Xiao Yu has never seen your head. Maybe you robbed other hunters."

Old Hu patted Xue Yueer's head with his big hand and said, "This borrowed thing is also his own. Let's go quickly, so that a deer can't be beaten today."

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "I'm afraid there is something to borrow but not pay back. Why don't you lend it to me first?"

Old Hu didn't know how to become a trick, and two more flat-headed machetes for hunters appeared in his hand. The knife is four inches wide and only one foot long. The knife head is flat and open like the blade. The knife surface has grooves in a circular arc, which is very different from the knife you usually see. Old Hu threw one for each of them and threw two more loops of ropes.

Xue Yueer said curiously, "Why does this knife look like this?"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoyu, you can learn this hunting from me this time. I'm going to teach you how to dig traps."

Xue Yueer laughed and said, "Haha, I forgot that you are a little hunter. It's difficult for us not to succeed this time!"

Xiaoguding said, "It happens that this mountain has not been explored yet. Let's just explore it carefully at the top of this mountain. We can also learn the common skills of this hunter, which is also good for fun."

The three of them didn't go anywhere else, and Xiaoguding found a mountain road near here and began to dig traps. Xue Yueer and Xiaoguding took the mountain knife for the hunter and worked hard to dig the soil on the ground. Although Xue Yueer's injury is not completely healed, she is still happy about it.

The mountain was soft and soon dug a deep pit for them. At this time, Xue Yueer and Xiao Guding were covered with mud, but they laughed happily in the deep pit.

Old Hu laughed and scolded on it, "The two little ghosts are really crazy. They are digging so deep. Do you really plan to use this to hunt mountain pigs or something?"

The little bone Ding smiled and said, "It's rare to be happy. Of course, you have to dig a big one."

Xue Yueer wiped the sweat on her head and smiled, "I've been out together for so long, and I really haven't played so happily."

Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer grabbed the reserved vine and climbed up, and then reserved an activity trigger mechanism at the entrance of the cave. They dug a vine through the surface and temporarily tied it to a nearby tree trunk.

After the mechanism is arranged, the small bones spread a few branches on it, cover some leaves and dead grass, and sprinkle a layer of soil on it. Then use a small branch with leaves to sweep the soil sprinkled on it as a broom. Then sprinkle the leaves on it and still sweep them with the leafy branches to make it more natural.

The little bone sighed and threw the branch far away. At first glance, the surface of this trap of Xianfeng really looks like there is nothing, which is no different from the side.

Old Hu, who was watching, nodded and said, "It's not bad. It looks decent, but I don't know how powerful it is."

Xiaoguding said, "If another rain covers up the fresh smell of the soil we dug, it will be a very perfect trap!"

Xue Yueer spit out her tongue, "This is really troublesome! Isn't it impossible to see anything on the surface? Do you still need to be so careful?

Xiao Guding shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as you said! These beasts live in the forest, which is very cunning. If they were very stupid, they would have been captured by those hunters long ago. Let's talk about this trap. Even if it rains and hides the fresh smell of dirt, those beasts are likely to be about to step into the trap. Not far in front of the trap, temporarily change lanes and avoid the trap!"

Xue Yueer said dejectedly, "Isn't our efforts wasted?"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "That's not the case. Sometimes when beasts run in a hurry, chase their prey, or escape, they will hit this trap. And those young beasts, who don't know much about these traps, are still very easy to be fooled.

Old Hu smiled and said, "Haha, it's so funny! It turns out that this beast is still like a human, just like you two ignorant dolls!"

Xue Yueer made a face at him, "Otherwise, why do you have to take Uncle Wang out to practice? However, you also have a unique skill to open our eyes?"

Old Hu shook his head and said, "I really don't understand this!"

Xue Yueer turned her head and looked at Xiaoguding and asked, "Then how do you know so clearly?"

Xiaoguding has moved to the rope previously tied, and then set up a mechanism on the tree. He smiled without looking back and said, "Of course, Uncle Lishan, a great hunter, taught me."

Old Hu shook his head and said, "You boy, since you have such an old hunter to teach you these hunting skills, you can live well in the mountains and forests. Why do you have to run around the world where you may die at this moment? Do you really want to pursue the fairy that exists in the legend?

"Brother Xiaoyu, come and help bend down this branch." Xiaoguding struggled to bend a branch with a thin arm and asked Xue Yueer to come to help. Then he smiled at Old Hu and said, "Since the two-year period has been set, of course we have to find it for a while. However, I still hope to find that place.

"What is this? Why hasn't it been finished yet?" Xue Yueer grabbed the branch in one hand, pressed it gently, and said with a smile, "Brother Gu, you really have to practice this strength. It's not a way to go on like this."

With the help of Xue Yueer, a little martial artist who has been practicing since the age of four, Xiao Guding easily set up four powerful ejection triggers around the trap.

Xue Yueer looked at the large sharpened tree tip and pointed at the top of the trap. She was so scared that she spit out her tongue, "Good boy, it's amazing! Even if the prey doesn't fall down, it will have to be shot by your sharp arrow. Your trap is too fierce. If the force is stronger, even if you are a person in the world, if you accidentally step on it, you will die! Are you hunting beasts or killing people? Gu Di, you'd better withdraw them. Don't hunt those ordinary tourists. That's a great sin.

The little bone smiled and said, "Of course, it's not that simple. You have to mark the trunk of the tree in front of the trap. Otherwise, you will really hunt people to kill!"

"What kind of garbage trap can you really hunt people?"

The voices of several rough men came from the distance of the mountain forest. In a blink of an eye, people were standing in front of them. One of them was not a scar-faced tiger, but who came. I didn't expect him to find this place so soon with his three companions.

At this time, white gauze was still tied to his wrist, but the wound on his back could not be seen outside, and the scar face was a little pale.

When Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer saw such four fierce men, their faces turned pale and their whole body trembled. Old Hu was stunned for a while and said with a smile, "The two little nephews are joking. Like four heroes with unrivaled martial arts, they will definitely not shoot at all. Look at these two country kids. I've never seen a hero with such a fast speed. They are so scared! Why don't the two little dolls come quickly to see these four heroes and kowtow to them? Maybe they will teach you martial arts when they are happy!"

After all, Xiaoguding used to wander outside all year round. He saw a lot of big scenes and soon recovered. He took Xue Yueer's hand and bowed to the four evil tigers and said, "The four heroes are really awesome. They run faster than the fox or something, even the shadow I can't see it! Can you teach me this skill?"

The big man led by the four looked at the scar-faced vicious tiger and asked, "So it's not these three?"

The scar-faced vicious tiger nodded.

One of them said viciously, "What a fox, our four brothers are fierce tigers, and the country boy can't speak. He is so stupid. Hey, have you ever seen an old pharmacist with a white beard with two little girls?

Xiao Guding opened his eyes wide and said in surprise, "So, you are really like that tiger!" Then teach us kung fu, okay? I can play wild animals for you every day!"

Old Hu nodded and said, "This hero was injured and came to seek medical treatment. But when they just went up the mountain this morning, they had arrived at the foot of the mountain, but they were in a hurry, but they didn't know why.

The four people looked very moved, and the leading man said, "Did you go down this mountain this morning?"

Old Hu said, "Exactly!"

The four immediately rushed to the foot of the mountain and didn't even need to thank them. Xiaogu Ding still shouted freely behind, "Hey, four big tigers, why are you leaving now? We still want to learn this tiger-like kung fu from you!"