Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 219 Fierce Crocodile


They will easily jump over the ten-foot-long quagmire, but suffer from the thin black man who followed them closely.

"There is new mud here. Someone must have fallen in and been dragged out by the people behind. Sure enough, he is a martial arts master, much more agile!"

The thin black man followed the place they walked all the way to the big quagmire where Yin Jill fell. Looking up at the surrounding turf, his surprised eyes were about to fall out. Except for his feet, there were a little traces of stepping in the middle of the mud. Only on the turf more than ten feet away can they have their place to settle down.

"This is a big trouble, and I'm afraid I have to take a long detour!"

As long as some small quagmire takes a little detour, it will be fine. For this big quagmire, it took him two hours to catch up with them.

Fortunately, the little bones have the drag of Mia, and their actions are not much better than the thin black men who can't do light work. Therefore, the distance between them has been maintained for a day.

On the fourth day of entering the swamp, a wide river appeared in front of them, half-clear and half-turbid, dozens of feet wide. The rock lion pulled up a blade of grass next to the mud river and threw it into the center of the river. Slowly, the grass leaf fell into the mud river and disappeared.

The little bone is creepy and frightened. This mud is much more terrible than an ordinary river! On the river, the grass leaves are still half floating on the surface of the water, but here the grass leaves are directly trapped.

The river is too wide. If the rock lion wants to jump directly with Mia in his arms, it will be very difficult.

Xiaoguding deliberately tested it and ran past. At the end of the road, his internal strength did not continue. He almost fell into the mud river, and his little leather boots were splashed with wet mud. He was so scared that he had enough rest there and refreshed before he dared to run back.

They can't go there directly. Xiaoguding and others have to look for places that are not wide on the water along the way, and often have to refresh the terrible quagmire, and the process is much slower.

Along the wide mud river, the rock lion reminded: "Be careful, there are that kind of terrible crocodiles here, with thick skin and sharp teeth. If one is accidentally pulled into the mud river by them, I can't help you, and your life will have to be finished!"

As soon as this word came out, it scared everyone even more. In addition to fresh food, I feel better physically. This place is really not as terrible as the desert.

After a while, an annoying quagmire appeared in front of me. After testing out the specific position, Xiaoguding turned around and marched forward and waited there impatiently.

Followed by, it was the rock lion who jumped over lightly with Mia in his arms, and Xue Yueer followed him.

They didn't notice that just as they borrowed their strength on the quagmire, the ripples there were a little bigger than usual.

"Are you tired? This light work is not good for me!"

Yangil stood on the grass, shook her head and smiled for a while, jumped up to a few feet, and then gently touched the quagmire.


The originally calm mud surface suddenly turned over, revealing a big mouth of a blood basin, several inches of sharp teeth, white and miserable, gloomy and scary!


The mud surface moved sharply, and Yin Jill was so scared that his soul flew out of the sky. He screamed and took a step in front of the crocodile's big mouth.


Before he started to fly again, the gray crocodile closed its mouth tightly, tightly biting Gil's cowhide boots, pulled it down, splashed a piece of mud, and instantly pulled the exhausted Gil down the quagmire.


The pain of sharp teeth and the cone heart, the endless panic that is about to die, made the shrill scream.

With light skill, it is not a good thing to cross the pool!

The sound of the crocodile breaking through the quagmire was particularly harsh. The nerve-highly tense rock lion turned around and pulled away the snow moon, flew back to the quagmire, swung the long cloth belt in his hand, wrapped around Yinjil's waist, and struggled to pull it to the shore. My feet are deep in the soft quagmire and pull the cloth belt straight. With a little force, I'm afraid it will break.

Yangil howled and shouted, and the machete on his back came out of its sheath, shouting at the crocodile's long head. "Push", a dull voice came, smashing a large piece of mud and splashing Yin Jill's face.

Yangil felt that he tried his best, like cutting on tough and soft leather, and only cut out a light black mark, which was instantly submerged by the mud.

The cloth belt thrown by the rock lion slightly slowed down the sinking speed, and immediately fell a few feet, drowning the instep of Yin Jill's foot, which scared him to crack: "Help!"

The tragic howl sound was like a owling in the middle of the night. Hearing the little bones around the quagmire anxiously, they got goose bumps all over, frowned and twisted their faces uncomfortably, and looked extremely nervous.

Without a knife, Yin Jill raised the machete again, split it violently, making a clattering sound, and splashing a large area of mud, which still failed to work.

After two knives, the quagmire rolled, and the crocodile bit Gil's leg and dragged down, leaving only one nostril outside.

Around the rolling quagmire, the mud rolled over, and several crocodiles came down the mud. It was even more shocked that Jill was screaming. In just a moment, his throat was almost hoarse.

"No, come on, Jill!"

"Uncle Jiuchi, pull hard!"

Everyone screamed anxiously. Xue Yueer and Xiaoguding split a long knife beside them. They were anxious and watched Yin Jill being pulled down by the crocodile one foot and one foot. They couldn't wait to jump into the mud and kill the crocodile.

The rock lion said angrily, "You think I don't want to. This cloth belt can pull up hundreds of pounds. I'm afraid that the crocodile has a huge force to pull nearly a thousand catties. I pull it hard, and the cloth belt will be broken!"


Before the rock lion finished speaking, Xiao Guding raised his wrist at the crocodile's nostrils and lifted the mechanism of the poisonous water syringe.

"Use the dark weapon!"

While pressing the mechanism, Xiao Guding shouted loudly.


The hidden weapon accurately shot the crocodile's nostrils left outside the mud, splashing a splash, and only washed the mortar on its nostrils without hurting it at all.


Reacted, Xue Yueer and the pale Jill pressed the mechanism at the same time and aimed at the nostrils that were about to sink into the quagmire.

In the stirring sound of a piece of mud, there was a clear dull flutter, and then, Yin Jill still sank deep into the mud for a moment and was no longer over his knees.

Around him, several crocodiles wrapped up close to him, waiting for a group of crocodiles to grab food.

The knife failed, and the poisonous hidden weapon was ineffective. In Jill's extremely frightened eyes, a trace of depression flashed. Only the machete was cut fiercely with both hands. The remnants of life still felt that they would never give up the struggle, hoping to wait for a miracle to happen.

It's just that the little hope in the bottom of my heart slowly fades as the body sinks deeper and deeper, like a bubble in the sun, slowly disappears.

Is this how I died here?

Yangil's unwilling wild chopping has long been unable to cut on the crocodile, stirring up the mud all over the sky, splashing her face, and splashing on the screaming little bones next to them.

The cold mud stained their faces, and the hope in their hearts slowly faded.

"It seems that the crocodile has been poisoned!"

Just as everyone screamed heartbreakingly, their hearts looked at Yin Jill and made a dying struggle. The rock lion roared ecstaticly, and their ears were so loud that their ears buzzed. Mia shook palely and fell softly on the turf.

The Yin Jill in the quagmire did not fall into the quagmire, but slowly pulled it up. The rock lion pulled the cloth belt and was straight. A little faster, it had to break, and it was useless.

Yin Jill pulled up his body and exposed his knees and calves. The mud next to him flew over. A big crocodile that rushed to him opened its mouth and bit it fiercely, but he could not let the prey in his mouth escape.

"Spite with a cold iron dagger!"

He anxiously took out **'s little bone Ding on his body, and suddenly touched the cold iron dagger on his leg. With a tight waist and abdomen, he tightened his hand and took out the dagger inside, and raised his hand and threw it at the surprise Jill.

The dagger flew fiercely, and a pale green drop of water shot into the mouth of the crocodile.

Yang Jill grabbed the cold iron dagger and grew forward. A dark light flashed, roaring into the crocodile's big mouth, with a "hiss" sound, like defeating leather, directly into the back of the crocodile's wide mouth, splashing a piece of blood.

First, Xue Yueer's hidden weapon stagnated, which delayed the crocodile's movements slightly. Yin Jill made up a knife fiercely, "snoring", the crocodile screamed, rolling back and shrinking its skull.

At the moment when Yin Jill pulled back the dagger, a pale green drop of water in Xiaoguding's hand shot out and hit the hole straight, which made the crocodile scream again. The head had not retracted back to the quagmire and rolled still.

The rock lion slowly pulled back with the same strength and anxiety, and Yin Jill's feet finally exposed the mud, revealing the big mouth of the crocodile that couldn't be stopped.

Yin Jill escaped from death, and the cold iron dagger in his hand rose again, ready to cut off the closed crocodile teeth. Suddenly, there was mud rolling around him, and several fierce crocodile heads were drilled out one after another, opening his mouth and biting.

Ying Jill gave up the dead crocodiles on the soles of his feet and pricked at those open crocodiles' mouths.

The small bone has no hidden weapon, and the double star raindrop on the sole of the foot is ineffective for these thick-skinned crocodiles, and can only cheer up the grass.

Xue Yueer used the hidden weapon of her hands, quickly pulled out the hairpin on her head, and quickly shot at another crocodile biting towards Yin Jill. After shooting this dark weapon, she didn't have any hidden weapon to send. If you want to replenish the poisonous water and shoot again, it will take a long time and can't solve the immediate problem at all.

Yangier slowly approached the grass with a group of crocodiles under the pull of the rock lion. The rock lion suddenly shouted, "Little doll, the book will take out your crescent moon, and you will have to send them later!"