Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 222 finally caught up


Before Yin Jill picked up a bunch of cooked barbecue, he tilted his head and looked at it for a while, scratched his head, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you cry? I haven't complained about being bitten by the damn crocodile!"

Rock Lion shook his head with a smile and said, "Kid, you won't understand! After a while, you will also feel this way!"

Yinjil shook her head and smiled, "Yes, I'm mentally normal, but I won't do such a neurotic thing!"

Mia suddenly lowered her head, her shoulders kept shrinking into the arms of the rock lion. The rock lion hurriedly raised a hand holding the barbecue, making her lean comfortably in her chest, shook her head, and continued to chew his barbecue.

Just now, I talked and laughed happily, and after a while, it became sad and silent.

Yan Jill sighed, picked up a bunch of barbecue and chewed it, looked at them sadly, looked down at their injured legs for a while, couldn't help but feel sorry for themselves, and sighed with them.

"Little murderer, don't cry there, come and help me tidy up the leather!"

There was something to do. The rock lion did not chew slowly and leisurely as before. After devouring and eating, he called Xiaoguding to help.

"Alas, there is nothing here. I can't find a decent little wood. It would be nice if there was a small forest!"

The rock lion shook his head and grabbed an ordinary desert machete to carefully remove the minced meat from the leather. If these things are not cleaned, they will really attract those pervasive mosquitoes and flies, which will be in terrible trouble.

Xiao Guding rubbed his face, sucked the nasal fluid, squatted beside the rock lion and asked, "Do you want me to scrape with a knife like you? Don't tire me to death!"

The rock lion pointed to a package next to him, "You must know how to do it with this!"

The little bone opened curiously. The white flowers inside turned out to be something like salt, which was not what Lishan used to tan leather.

Xiao Guding said in great surprise, "Oh, I didn't expect that Uncle Jiuzhi had even prepared these things. It must have been premeditated, but I saw Uncle Lishan tanned leather, which seemed to be tanned after drying."

Rock lion laughed and said, "Of course, this is not a tanned leather material, but just some ordinary salt, which is used to keep mosquitoes and flies from touching these raw skins. How can I do this whole troublesome tanning process? I have to find an experienced old cobbler in this swamp.

Xiaoguding touched his head awkwardly and said, "At the beginning, I only thought about learning how to hunt, but I only glanced at this thing occasionally. Naturally, I was not very clear about it."

The rock lion smiled and said, "The little doll knows enough, and he is proficient in it and hasn't become a little monster!"

The little bone smiled and said, "Even if I want to change, I will only become a little fairy and a monster!"

The two laughed and began to cooperate to clean up the leather. Xue Yueer and Mia followed her to help. Mia was delicate and powerless, so the rock lion sent her to practice.

The rock lions stayed on this small hard ground to sort out the leather. This delay made the thin and strong man catch up and touched it here before dark.

Little Bone Ding said strangely, "How can it be you? What's the matter with you here?"

The thin black man said with great joy: "I finally caught up with a few heroes in time, and there is a poisonous swamp in front of me. It's troublesome to go in!"

The bonfire for their dinner had just started, and Mia smiled and cut off a few more pieces of meat from the huge crocodile and put it on the grill.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Uncle, thank you for bothering me! We have already prepared pills!"

The thin black man was stared and said with a white tooth smile, "It turns out that I'm worried for nothing! My mother-in-law was careful about your safety, so she asked me to escort you out of this desert! I didn't expect that you were masters in martial arts. No wonder you dared to break into this swamp at a young age!"

The thin black man grinned and continued with saliva: "by the way, I just saw a large area of blood stains on the grass and a lot of crocodile meat. He was about to cut off a few more pieces to take on the road for dry food. Seeing that there was smoke coming from you, I quickly caught up. You are so powerful that even those crocodiles and barbarians have killed so much. You are really worthy of being a hero with strong martial arts! You know, none of those crocodiles and barbarians can cut their skin, so they can only run away when they see it. Unexpectedly, a large number of people were destroyed by you all of a sudden! We can also eat this kind of crocodile and beast meat that has never been eaten before!"

Looking at him talking and dancing, Xiaoguding and the others laughed happily.

Xiaoguding pointed to Yinjil with a smile and said, "Uncle, the most powerful person in our team is this prince! He broke into the crocodile, coming and going freely, like entering a place without crocodiles! Sure enough, he is a great hero with great power and extraordinary temperament!"

"Good little murderer, don't forget to make fun of me now. If I catch up with you, look, I won't cramp and skin you and treat you like a crocodile!"

Xueer and Mia laughed and fell down. Yin Jill was embarrassed and limped angrily, chasing Xiaoguding and fighting, making a mess.

The thin black man suddenly understood what was going on. He shook his head and smiled and said, "We can't do it lightly. We can't pass through that kind of pool. We have never encountered such a thing!"

The rock lion looked at them and smiled for a while. At a moment, he was confused and scolded angrily, "What did this bastard say? Pure heart makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Xue Yueer half smiled and half stopped translating the words to Rock Lion. Missing the original momentum, Rock Lion lost their happy smile and shook her head and scolded, "This treacherous and slippery boy knows how to make fun of it. No wonder your little doll will follow him with all your heart!"

After hearing Xue Yueer's translation of the thin black man, the rock lion shook his head and smiled, "This is called good for everything, and there must be disadvantages!"

Yangil was so tired that she couldn't breathe, and she was still helpless and cursed in anger. Suddenly, his eyes turned and he said evilly, "I'm staying by this barbecue rack. If you have the ability, don't come to eat barbecue!"

Xiaoguding hugged his chest and smiled disapprovingly, "Is that right? I have my own clever plan. What can you do for me?

Yin Jill shouted, "I still don't believe that this fire barbecue rack is next to me. Does it still have wings to fly to you!"

With a sad face, Xiaogu Ding slowly moved closer to the fire, suddenly stretched out a palm, shook it twice, and grabbed the barbecue on the fire.

Yinjil sneered and said, "You think you are a born hero who can take things from the air!"

As soon as the words fell, there were really five strings of freshly roasted barbecue, fragrant and hot flying towards him.

At this time, he looked dumbfounded and sighed in Xue Yueer's recent tone, "That's okay!"