Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 275 Full load down the mountain


Two snow foxes bit two snow chickens and landed, and the remaining snow chickens soared into the air and fled.


The snow chicken flew into the air, and suddenly another arrow branch shot it back into the snow and went to Huangquan with its companions.

The first arrow started, and the two small bones caught a tree nearly a hundred feet away, lurking a hunter like a branch, holding a strong bow in his hand, and the arrow was very good.

The snow fox catches chickens, and Ding Xue is behind. Because of the distance, the hunter finally lost the opportunity.

The hunter shot the last snow chicken, jumped down the big tree, ran to the two small bones, and greeted them with a laugh.

"The two heroes are so agile, Isaac is impressed! I have been hunting for more than ten years, and I have never seen anyone who can touch the snow fox within 20 feet!"

Little bone Ding smiled and said, "It's just a fluke. If I had known this big brother was waiting here, we wouldn't have come to grab your prey.

Thatcher shook her head and smiled and said, "Although I have been waiting for half a day, I can only hunt one snow fox at most, two snow chickens, maybe three snow chickens, and the other snow fox can't be killed."

Xue Yueer asked strangely in a manly voice, "Why is this? You can't shoot two arrows quickly. Why can't you shoot the other one?

Thatcher said, "The snow fox is cunning. In this jungle, with a little chance, it can abscondive back around the tree, no better than the frightened snow chicken flying in the air. By the way, what are the names of the two heroes?

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Dingle, this is my eldest brother Amy, who came to Xuefeng to buy leather goods Shanzhen. Brother Cher, how about selling these two snow foxes to us?

Thatcher waved her hand repeatedly and said boldly, "This was hunted by the two young heroes first. How can you buy it from me? However, in order to hunt these two snow foxes, I have been waiting in this snow valley for a long time and lured the snow chicken to eat snow rice. Unexpectedly, it is not as effective as the two people's casual blow!"

The two of them carried the snow fox, and the three snow chickens were given to Isaac Rachel and walked happily to their sled all the way.

Xiaoguding asked, "by the way, Brother Cher, your hunting ability is very good. There are also high-class snow fox skin, snow three seven, snow clams and other mountain treasures at home?"

"Yes, but not much. There are only three snow fox skins. Xue Sanqi accidentally harvested a few trees. Snow clams have been bought and there is no stock..."

The little bone clapped his hands and praised, "Brother Cher is good. He can actually hunt three snow fox skins. He must live a much better life than others!"

Isaacle scratched his head and smiled, and suddenly said, "How can't it compare with two young heroes? A casual blow is two snow foxes!" Young hero, I want to worship you as teachers and take those things as teachers' gifts. If it's not enough, I can save some more.

Xiao Guding and Xue Yueer looked at each other and smiled. Xiao Guding shook his head and smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, our merchants from the other mainland have come here to collect and sell leather goods and treasures, and will return soon."

Isaac said eagerly, "It doesn't matter. I can go with two young heroes and only plead to learn that magical martial arts!"

Little Guding shook his head and smiled and said, "Learning this martial arts is just for walking in the world. It's not profound. You can't learn anything if you follow us."

Thatcher said, "It doesn't matter. I just need to learn what you just did!"

Sure enough, he is honest and not greedy.

Xiaoguding still shook his head and smiled, "We don't have time. Besides, if we walk back for many years, we are likely to be robbed and killed by strong thieves. It's dangerous. We can't kill you in vain!"

"Wang Wang..."

When the stranger came, the barking of the snow dog was heard from afar. Isaac Rachel was disappointed and carried the three snow chickens, followed the two little bones, and came to the front of the two sleds.

Staring at only two snow wolves on the sleigh, Isaac asked, "The two young heroes have not acquired any leather mountain treasures yet? Yes, how about I take you to some Xuefeng old hunters and drug pickers to buy mountain goods?

Xiaoguding was overjoyed and invited him to take the sleigh with him, asking them about their journey and speculating how many mountain goods they could buy.

When he heard that it was likely to buy dozens of snow fox skins and other leather goods, Shan Zhen said excitedly, "It's the best. It won't take long for us to go back. Let's go to the farthest old hunter to buy it, and then pull it all the way down the mountain."

Thatcher smiled and said, "The young man is easy to calculate. He is much smarter than the people in the mountains, but he has to say hello to them first, so that someone will suddenly rush into the mountain in front of us and take them away."

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "This is natural!"

Azachel suddenly woke up and patted his head awkwardly and said, "The two young heroes are shrewd. They have already pre-ordered leather goods at the foot of the mountain, just waiting for the one to be loaded down the mountain once!"

The two of them smiled and said nothing more.

"Brother, you're back! Wow! There are also two big bosses of Shanzhen who receive leather goods, brother, do they bring any fine steel knives?

In the barking of a snow dog, the little bone Ding and the others returned to Isaachel's residence and jumped face to face with a beautiful blonde girl.

Isachel jumped on the snow sled and smiled, "I didn't ask this. They are not only leather goods owners, but also martial arts who can easily hunt snow foxes!" Go home quickly and cook. Don't neglect the distinguished guests.

"Brother, please ask them if they have a good knife first. You have to buy me a knife!"

His sister ran back to the room with a smile, took out two cups of steaming fragrant milk tea for a moment, and handed it to the two of them with a smile.

"Thank you, girl!"

The two smiled and bowed their heads before receiving the hot milk tea.

"The two big bosses are so polite! I'll cook for you first!"

The beautiful girl smiled and ran back to the house to make a fire to cook.

Azacher smiled and said, "This is my sister. She is 16 years old and beautiful, isn't she?"

The two small bones nodded with a smile. Xue Yueer said, "Jade face, bright eyes and teeth, lively, generous and cute, rare beauty!"

The girl in the inner room suddenly shouted in surprise, "Really? The big boss can't brag!"

"The distinguished guest is coming, please come in. It's the first time I've seen such a young boss go up the mountain alone.

Hearing that there were guests coming, Isaac's parents greeted him with a smile and looked curiously at the two well-dressed young bosses.

Thatcher said excitedly, "Dad, this is Boss Amy, and this is Boss Dingle. They have strong martial arts. Of course, they dare not take guards up the mountain."

Xiaoguding scratched his head awkwardly and said, "That's not the case. It's a small business, in order to save some money."

Sitting in the hall, all kinds of dishes were immediately served, and there was a hot stove under the dining table.

When Isaac's sister came in with the dishes, she secretly looked at the two little bones from time to time, and lowered her head shyly when she bumped into her eyes.

Seeing this situation, the two of them didn't care. On the vast and sparsely populated snow peaks, although there are not many young girls who will look at them like this all the way, there are also five or six young girls.

The girls on the snowy mountain were very bold. When they saw the young and handsome, they bravely offered gifts and were rejected by both of them.

This constant trouble makes Xue Yueer regret acting too handsome again, but now their image has appeared in front of everyone, and it is difficult for them to change temporarily on this sparsely populated snow peak.

I had a meal with them, and then checked the leather goods. First, he gave Isaac's sister a delicate steel knife, and then he also drove a sleigh to the depths of the snow peak with the little bone.

The sleigh was not far away, and his sister suddenly chased after him and jumped on his brother's sleigh, allowing his brother to urge her not to go down.

After a moment of delay, Xiaoguding and the others waited impatiently and finally nodded and agreed to her company.

At this time, Xue Yueer, who pretended to be a handsome man, became embarrassed. Whenever she camped, Isaac's sister surrounded them and served them, especially gently.

And how gently Ren Xueyueer persuaded that she had a wife at home and still couldn't let the girl stop, which made Xue Yueer cry bitterly and regret it again.

Xiao Guding laughed all the way, which made Xue Yueer hate it even more.

Isaac's sister Fischel saw that Xue Yueer did not show a very angry look. Gradually, she became brave to ride a sled with Xue Yueer and kept joking. Kissing her cheeks had long been commonplace.

When she wanted to move further, she was cleverly dodged by Xue Yueer several times.

Not only that, once she directly and boldly asked to camp with Xue Yueer, which stunned his brother, but supported her in his heart.

Xue Yueer pushed her out awkwardly and secretly discussed with Xiaoguding again in the middle of the night, thinking about how to get rid of this difficult sticky candy.

Five days later, Xiaoguding and the others finally arrived at the last old hunter's house told by Isaac.

After simply negotiating the price, the two of them excitedly swept all the way down the mountain with things.

When the second old man collecting medicine came out, Xiaoguding suddenly pulled Isaac and said, "Would you like to go with us?"

Dreaming of this moment, otherwise he would not have bothered so much to follow them here. Isaacle immediately nodded ecstatically and said, "Yes! The two young heroes finally promised to let me be on the same road!"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "However, with us, it's very dangerous!"

Thatcher said firmly, "I'm not afraid!"

Xiao Guding nodded and said, "Then you have to promise us one thing!"

Azacher said, "What's the matter? Do you want my sister to be on the same road with you?

The little bone couldn't help it and almost laughed, which attracted the attention of the two people in the distance.

Little Bone Ding shook his head and whispered a few words in Isaac's ear.

Thatcher shook his head and said, "This won't work. My sister will definitely scold her to death if she knows it!"

Xiao Guding said with a smile, "Then you can't go with us!"

Isaac looked back and forth, only thinking for a moment, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you, you have to teach me martial arts!"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "That's for sure!"

He had already thought about it and copied the second-rate martial arts secret book thrown by the rock lion to Ismir to him.