Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 278 Rich in January


There are two small bones in the luxury cabin, and two masked people in one room. Thatcher is temporarily guarded in the cargo compartment with four strong snow dogs, and the other four worse snow dogs have been sent back.

Not to mention, with this tall and strong snow dog guarding the goods, its bright red tongue is sticking out, and its snow-white and sharp teeth are exposed. It looks fierce and terrible. It is far more deterrent than a guard.

There are many master bodyguards on the ship, who can easily kill four snow dogs and useless housekeepers, but they are all masters who protect their own masters, and there are few people who steal chickens and dogs and rob houses.

What's more, there is a masked master in their boss's cabin. The two bosses are also agile people in the world, and they have to be careful of the guards on the big ship. Of course, they will not come to do stupid things that can't steal chickens and eclipse rice.

This is also why Xiaoguding dares to be confident and bold without taking more guards on the ship.

The hunchback old man measured the size of the young aristocratic couple and went to Xueyue's room to help check whether the price of the leather clothes she remembered matched the material.

After looking for a while, I saw that it was all messy. I couldn't help laughing with Xiaoguding and the others.

Later, I couldn't bear to watch it. Xue Yueer couldn't bear to make that meaningless record again and reminded him, "Dear guests, if you don't understand the requirements of this leather jacket, you can simply mention a few of the key points you want, or you can only refer to your own leather clothes. Is it better or equivalent to the requirements? Or, just quote a silver price.

The hunchbacked old man suddenly interrupted and said, "Two bosses, let the little old man help inquire about what this leather coat requires. He should have a bottom in his heart."

With the old technicians in charge and three words to get to the point, those rich businessmen did not dare to blow up again and honestly reported the fur and price of the leather clothes they wanted.

There was a young man who quoted the high price first, and other bosses were full of energy and compared with each other.

Suddenly, a well-dressed and fat man with a group of guards came in and smiled and said, "Your furs should have been taken from Ayer Snow Peak, right? The skin must be very precious. Is there any good snow leopard skin and snow fox skin? How many, how many do I want!"

Little bone Ding waved his hands in astonishment: "This big boss has good eyesight! But this snow fox skin? It's not that easy to get. Don't joke with the big boss!"

"How can a boss who has collected so many leather goods on the mountain can't receive a special fur!" The fat man took out a huge silver ticket of 1,000 taels and patted it in front of Xue Yueer and said with a smile, "I don't know if this deposit is enough to make one?"

Thousand taels of silver, the total price of fur silver they bought in Xueshan is not so much, which is still a deposit!

I made money! This is the first thought in the hearts of Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer. Xiaoguding said with joy in his heart, "Well, I have been chasing for two years and can't find immortals. Just be this leather tycoon and enjoy the taste of this big boss!"

The little bone leaned over and smiled, "The big boss is really shrewd! This is only enough to be a big boss, and it's gone! If you are a delicate woman, that's enough to make two pieces!"


The fat man touched his fat face and belly awkwardly and said with a smile, "This boss speaks so funny. I like it! Then change it to two women's leather coats. No, it doesn't seem to be enough!"

The fat man couldn't help frowning, rubbing his fat face hard, and asked unwillingly, "Boss, you should still have leather, right?" In this way, give me one big and two small pieces, which is still 4,000 taels! How about it?"

Little bone Ding smiled and said, "Is your wife as fat as you? It's a blessing for two people to walk together!"

The fat man touched his fat chin awkwardly and said excitedly, "So, is this boss in stock?"

The young man who had measured the size before quit and immediately shouted, "Slow down, slow down!" I asked for one for 2,500 yuan and made it for my wife! Or five thousand taels to make two pieces, which is definitely bigger than that!"

The fat man pointed to the young man fiercely and scolded, "You damn Hender! How dare you grab a leather coat with me? Be careful that I can't get out of bed if I find someone to beat you!"

The young man smiled and said, "Jack, can't you afford it? Your wife is too fat and doesn't have enough leather, so you can give it to me, so that you don't have to do only one piece back. It's guilty. It's better not to do it!"


Looking at the fat man in embarrassment, the rich businessmen and ladies outside suddenly laughed.

The fat man looked at Xiaoguding and said, "Boss, don't you really have enough snow fox leather? Can you help me get a little more?"

Hender smiled proudly and said, "This boss, don't listen to him! His price is not as high as that of me. Just make two for us directly. It's better to wait until tomorrow, so that we can put on a beautiful snow fox coat!"

Jack, a fat man, trembled with fat and pointed to Hender and scolded, "Get out of here and don't get in my way!" I'll pay 6,000 taels! By the way, you even brought snow dogs. The housekeeper must be a resident on the snow peak. You must have a way to get snow fox skin, right? You can ask someone to bring the fur back. I can directly give the full silver ticket first!"

Good boy, it's amazing. It just rose by 2,000 taels at once!

Hender was immediately frustrated and scolded, "Jack, you bullied me that I don't have enough silver tickets for the Song Dynasty, right? I don't think you have either!"

Jack laughed and said, "You are the son of your family, can't do it! Look what this is?"

The fat hand smashed a large pile of silver tickets on the table like grabbing paper from his arms. There was no bright luster on the silver ticket, but the big bosses around were dazzled, lamenting and their heads, like defeated roosters, unable to compare with themselves.

Jack drew five more silver tickets and hit them directly in front of Xue Yueer. After thinking about it, I pulled out two more silver tickets and put them on them. He smiled and said, "I also want a snow leopard leather coat I wear!"

Xue Yueer and Xiaogu Ding suddenly looked at each other.

Xiaoguding wanted to reach out to get the silver ticket to verify the authenticity, and withdrew his hand. He rubbed it back and forth, shaking his head excitedly and anxiously, "I can't guarantee that I can get the snow fox skin. That thing is so cunning that it is difficult for hunters to catch one after waiting for a long time!"

Jack said proudly, "Don't be embarrassed by the two bosses. Those two snow fox fur coats can be delivered two months ago!"

This fat man alone smashed a whole 8,000 taels of silver in front of them, not to mention the snow fox skin they received this time, as well as a lot of rare medicinal materials unique to the snowy mountains.

The couple's hearts have been happy for a long time. They never thought that after entering the snowy mountain for a month, they would be able to make so much money and get rich in January!