Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 283 First Coming to the Capital


Xue Yueer took out an ingot of five taels of silver and asked Xiaoguding with her eyes. Xiaoguding shook her head with a bitter smile and raised a finger.

Xue Yueer didn't want to at first. She instantly understood what was going on. She immediately took out a liang of silver and threw it to the leader and said, "This is his wages paid in advance. You can help him take it back!"

The skinny boy who had just jumped into the carriage immediately jumped out of the carriage, knelt on the cold ground and kowtowed several times, thanked him repeatedly, and vowed to do a good job for Xue Yueer. Since he was a child, his family has never received so much money.

Xue Yueer said, "Get up quickly, it's time to go!"

The skinny boy got up with his nose and hurriedly jumped into the previous carriage.

The carriage driver smiled enviously and said, "Slim monkey, you are so lucky! Before this work, one or two of wages were paid first. How can this be such a good thing?

In the car, the little bone rolled in the car with a belly in his hand.

Xue Yueer asked strangely, "What did I do wrong?"

Xiaoguding laughed wildly, and Xue Yueer couldn't help but pick him up. Xiaoguding said, "Have you sold your body and bookmarked? How much is the salary in a month? Pay the wages first, aren't you afraid that he will run away?

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "I ran away and fell down. He deserves to continue to suffer!" I recruited people. What should I do? Naturally, I will hand them over to the second head!"

Xiao Guding shook his head and said with a wry smile, "You are so comfortable as a shopkeeper!"


After leaving the dock and entering the town and paying the entry tax, Xiaoguding and others set off for the capital.

From Changyuan Pier to the capital, there are all kinds of spacious avenues, which are heavily guarded along the town. From time to time, there are guards patrolling the streets, and even the streets between towns are occasionally patrolled by soldiers. The guards here are much stricter than the big city they used to pass through, and the closer they are to the capital, the more guards there are.

However, the guard did not conduct a deadly body search, but carefully checked the appearance of the passing passengers, which reassured the two of them.

After years, the damn wanted notice finally became colder and looser. On the wanted list, the naked portrait that previously humiliated Xue Yueer also disappeared. Only the head was still there, and there was also the little Ye maid.

The reward avatar of the trap three demons is secretly circulating among the black market and cannot be posted here.

Looking at this familiar and strange painting, the two of them relived the unforgettable memory. Sitting in the carriage, they did not speak excitedly and became a little sad and depressed.

When the car arrived in the capital, it immediately reproduced the scene of entering Quanzhou City. The people were divided into two roads and lined up in a long line.

Seeing the shabby carriage approaching, a guard shouted, "Go over there and wait!"

The curtain was lifted, and the small bone threw an ingot of silver from afar, and the silver light drew a beautiful arc and threw it out. Xiaoguding smiled and said, "I'll give it to the guard brothers for tea!"

This tone is much more arrogant than before!

This blatant huge bribe immediately attracted the attention of many people entering the city, and there is a lot of silver! The guard hurriedly fished for silver, put it into his sleeve, and said with a smile, "Big boss, please come in here!"

With these five taels of city entrance fees, Xiaoguding and others are exempted from the minimum inspection when they enter the capital. The guards of the capital are deep and strict, and this group of guards still don't believe that a leather goods dealer can make any big waves.

When the little bones entered the tall and majestic gate of the capital, the guard shook his head and sighed, "It's really strange! Such a rich boss can actually sit in such a shabby carriage! Is this rich or stingy?

Passing carriages lifted the window curtains and excitedly stared at the dense crowd on the street, as well as the indirect and elegant store next to it, they couldn't help admiring with excitement.

The two bodyguards of Thatcher and Jack are not masked, standard foreign personnel, as well as masked bodyguards and hunchbacked old men, blonde and blue-eyed, and will not be natives.

Although there will be foreigners coming to the city in the capital, there will not be many chances of it. It immediately attracted a large group of excited onlookers, looking like the people in the car.

Focusing on his eyes, the thin monkey proudly sat on the carriage, straightened his chest and looked curiously at the shops and passers-by around him. It was also his first time to come to this prosperous capital.

The carriage arrived outside a luxuriously decorated hotel, and the crowd with the onlookers outside went back. Only a few people were still watching outside, and they could not afford it.

Three bodyguards guarded the two small bones and walked into the restaurant. Thatcher and the hunchbacked old man stayed in place to supervise the unloading, and the thin monkey was directly helping to move the goods. The car owner is willing to move this kind of light mountain goods.

At noon, the restaurant was full of guests, not to mention the elegant private room on the second floor. Xiaoguding frowned.

The leather coat is snow-white and soft, and the bodyguard is tall and powerful,

The shopkeeper immediately trotted over and bowed with a smile and asked, "Do the two big bosses want to book an elegant room or eat in this lobby?" However, it is necessary to book a room and wait for a longer time.

Xiao Guding asked impatiently, "How long will it take for Yajian? How long will it take to wait here?" The old man is hungry. Hurry up and come up with two tables of good wine and good dishes!"

At this time, a table of guests by the window had just left, and the second child of the store hurriedly said, "Two big bosses, there is a table over there now. I'm afraid to wait for half of the incense upstairs!"

Xiao Guding waved his hand and said, "Then clean it up quickly and wipe it clean!"

The shopkeeper said quickly, "I will definitely wipe it clean!"

Xiaoguding stared at the table and chair with wet water stains in disgust, and immediately a bodyguard put a bear skin cushion for him, the one sent by Boss Jack.

Xiaoguding sighed in his heart that this guy must be very powerful, otherwise Boss Jack would not have sent him to follow him.

I saw that Xiaoguding was gorgeously dressed, but he sat in this hall, and he still had a face-saving cushion. Among a table of men with knives and swords, a thin horse-faced man shouted strangely, "Yo, such a rich boss! Why do you sit in this hall and eat with ordinary people like me? Since you sit here to eat, don't pretend to be so superior. Look at your so humble appearance!"

A square-faced man next to him hurriedly said, "Third brother, don't talk nonsense. The three people behind them are all top first-class masters. Be careful of trouble!"

The long and thin horse said disdainfully, "It's just three foreigners. What kind of shit can they do!"

Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer pretended not to hear and sat quietly at the table drinking. There were no tables and chairs next to them. Xiao Guding ordered several bodyguards to sit at the same table.

The thin horse face laughed and said, "Are those two guys also foreigners? Can't you understand that the old man is scolding them? Yo-yo, the wine and dishes are good!"

The square-faced man said, "Third brother, take it easy. They don't bother you. Don't go too much!"

said with a long and thin face, "Sitting on this floor is a big one, but it's inconvenient for me not to scold!"

A round-faced man who didn't speak said, "Third brother, you have caused a lot of troubles over the years. Why did you listen to your eldest brother's advice!"

The horse smiled and said, "That's just a mistake! Don't worry, these foreigners are as stupid as stupid pigs and don't understand that I'm scolding him!"

The masked bodyguard felt something was wrong and asked Xiaoguding, "Boss Ding, what are they talking about? It seems to be scolding us?"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "It's okay. You can drink and eat vegetables!"

The long and thin horse laughed and said, "Brother, they really only speak foreign languages. Look at their black hair and black eyes, they think they are locals, this stupid foreign pig!"


Xiaoguding walked to them with a smile, chattered, and said in the language over there, "You three idiots can also dance knives and swords. Don't be ashamed. Go back to your old nest and practice for a few years!"

He was scolding, but his face was smiling, but his thumb kept sticking. He picked up the wine and toasted, "I wish you go out and be bitten by a dog!"

The long and thin horse's face immediately picked up the glass and smiled, "Good for foreign stupid pigs!"

After a toast, the bodyguard filled Xiaoguding with a cup, and Xiaoguding repeated with a smile to the other two men.

These two men are much more gentle and honest and reply, "Hello!"

Xue Yueer ran out with a smile on the table over there, afraid that she couldn't help showing flaws on the table.

The masked bodyguard quickly used the meal and went outside to wait for the leather goods for the little bones to replace the three guys.

Isaac came in, and Xiao Guding shouted, "Xiao Er, take him to the back to get 20 catties of raw beef!"

As soon as this word came out, the long and thin horse's face became dull. It seemed that he just forgot that it was Xiaoguding who was asking the shop's second, the wine and dishes he called. He heard all the words he just scolded, and it's over! In an instant, he was shocked and sweated coldly. He quickly wiped it and shouted, "Shopkeeper, check out!"

The shopkeeper asked in astonishment, "20 catties of raw beef? Boss, what should I do?

"What should I do? Do it!" The shopkeeper smiled and walked to the table with a smile and said, "Three heroes, a total of three, two or twenty-seven articles!"

The horse's face touched his arms and said strangely, "Why did you forget to bring your money bag? Second brother, you pay the bill first!"

He muttered dissatisfiedly, "I forget to bring my wallet every time. How can there be such a thing!"

Fang smiled and said, "I'll pay!"

After touching his arms for a while, Fang's face suddenly became dumbfounded and said, ** said, "It's strange that he came out with a money bag! Why don't you see it now? Second brother, you pay the bill first and pay it back to you!"

"Oh! Or do you want me to pay for it!" The round face touched his body happily, and his face became ugly in an instant and said, "It's strange that my wallet is gone! Have we been robbed?

The shopkeeper's face became ugly in an instant, and he said coldly, "It's none of my business whether you have been robbed or not. You can't rely on this wine and food!"

said with a long and thin face, "Well, remember our name first. We are the 'Three Heroes of Hanshan'!"

The shopkeeper said, "This gangster on the world is called a troll and a hero. I have seen a lot. Let me tell you, this is the capital of the dynasty. It's not in your rural village. It's not that easy to eat overlord food! If you don't pay today, you want to get out of this restaurant unless you lie down and go out!"

Immediately, he rushed into four tall and agile strong men, holding bright ghost-headed knives in their hands, which scared the guests in the restaurant to dare not come out.