Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 290 Failure


Surrounded by a group of bodyguards, Xue Yueer said nervously, "Ding Di, you are so good. What are you doing? Now you can't run away!"

Little bone Ding shook his head and sighed, "I just want to keep the cold water pearls and give them to..."

Xue Yueer muttered, "This is a matter of pulling teeth. When did you become so bold? Wait a minute, you must lose! We don't want this cold water pearl!"

Although Princess Wenyue's martial arts is not first-class, it is also a second-class top kung fu. They say they can win? Do they really have some skills? The guards stared at the two gorgeously dressed skinny leather bosses and hummed to remind them not to talk nonsense.

When people go to the martial arts arena, the little bones are sick and shriveled. They shrink and stand on their hunchbacks. His legs tremble, and they seem to fall down the next moment.

Princess Wenyue was furious and had a gloomy face. She drew a sword from the bodyguard, raised it high, and raised her hand to split it. The white light was dazzling and the cool breeze was blowing. The little bone felt cold on his neck, and a long steel sword had been set on his neck.


The little bone dong howled loudly, opened a pair of eyes, and was instantly scared into a mud-shaped wood carving.


Xiaoguding's cry was sharp and sad, like a night owl, and his hair was creepy. Princess Wenyue was shocked and bounced behind her. The long sword in her hand loosened and the cold light flashed. She fell obliquely from the neck of the small bone and fell diagonally into the grass, and she could scratch the neck of the small bone.

Xue Yueer screamed nervously: "Ding Di, be careful!"

At this time, the small bones such as clay and wood carving moved, the neck was slightly bent and tilted, and the shoulder bones shrugged slightly, moving the long sword to the side a little. If you don't observe carefully, you can't find it at all.

Xiaoguding's slight move seemed to have not moved. The long sword narrowly fell to the ground against his neck skin, so that he could avoid the disaster of cutting his throat.

Xue Yueer breathed a sigh of relief. The sword man and the bodyguard were all shining, and Xiaoguding's slight move could not be hidden from their sharp eyes at all.

Princess Wenyue gently patted her heart with her little hand and shouted, "What the hell is your name? I'm scared to death! However, it's very exciting and fun. I haven't been so happy for a long time!"

Princess Wenyue pointed to Xiaoguding and said, "Come and compete with me now, or I'll take you to be an eunuch!"

The small bone of wood carving suddenly shudded. I never thought that such a noble princess would know such a thing! After the same chill, the guards couldn't help laughing and remembering the previous embarrassing things.

Xiaoguding swayed his body stiffly and said with a smile, "Princess, it's okay to let the grass people have a try! But the princess must promise Cao Min one thing!"

The smiling guards immediately shouted coldly: "Be presumptuous!"

Princess Wenyue waved her hand and smiled, "What's the matter? Tell me?"

Xiao Guding pointed to the guards next to him and said, "The princess must order: No matter what the gambling is, they can't come to trouble with us later?"

Princess Wenyue said, "I have agreed! Did you all hear it clearly? Now it's better than swords, or hidden weapons and fists?

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Compete with fists and feet. Swords have no eyes. Grass people dare not compare swords with the princess!"

Princess Wenyue smiled: "A coward as a rat! Then spare your life first, so as not to lack arms and legs. If you dare to deliberately give it to me? Let you be an eunuch tonight!"

Xiao Guding shook his head and sighed. This unruly princess is more difficult to serve than those she has ever seen before!

Xiaoguding jumped to the martial arts field and clumsily waved an ordinary fist and foot posture.

"It's just that ordinary martial artists can do third-rate martial arts, and they dare to compare with this princess? Damn it!"

Princess Wenyue drank delicately, the white shadow shook, hit the yellow dragon with her left fist, and the little bone shrank and dodged.


Princess Wenyue stepped forward with an arrow, kicked her right leg, and kicked the little bone straight down. The action is open and closed, and the domineering is domineering, but this move is actually a negative cut off the grandson's leg!


Xiaoguding was so scared that he sweated coldly. He carried this move with both hands. He narrowly avoided this move and flew away, shaking his hands in pain, shaking hands and inhaling.

Princess Wenyue said, "That's right, it's tough enough!"

Xiaoguding and the rock lion have trained their external skills for nearly three months, which can not be tougher.

Two white shadows follow the flying, Princess Wenyue is graceful and beautiful, and the little bone Ding is clumsy and embarrassed, but she can dangerously avoid key attacks at every critical moment.

Princess Wenyue drank repeatedly, and the butterfly played with flowers and flowers were chasing the little bones. There was a fine sweat on her forehead, and her excited pink face turned red.

Suddenly, the white shadow clung to the little bone and passed by. The jade hand grabbed it fiercely. With one move to fish for the moon under the sea, it was actually a desperate dragon grab that was killed!

The moves were all sinister moves. Xiaoguding was angry. By her wrong action, he took advantage of her carelessness and suddenly pulled back Princess Wenyue's snow-white and delicate wrist, and grabbed Princess Wenyue's eyes with two fingers in the other hand.


Princess Wenyue shouted in horror, and the gesture of grabbing under the little bone paused slightly, drew a beautiful curved arc, and grabbed her throat instead.

"Princess, be careful! Unbridled!"

The arrogant man waved his long sword and opened the claws of the little bone. All the guards rushed to the place, and the sharp sword came out of its sheath. Two handles were on the neck of the small bone, and several of them pointed to the front and back heart.

Xue Yueer stared nervously at the long sword in their hands, and her heart was raised to her throat again. The organs of the four hidden weapons were pressed on it. When something happened to her, she burned them with jade.

Princess Wenyue stood under the running maid for a long time before she recovered and said angrily, "Get out of here, get out of here. Who let me do it!" Get out of here!"

Princess Wenyue said, "These three moves are quite beautiful! Boss Ding, can you teach me? Will you be my master?"

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "There is nothing powerful about these three moves. It's that Princess Wenyue is too careless to lose this time!"

Wen Yue said with a smile, "Yes, it's my princess who was too careless! We have won two more games to win or lose, but we can't say that I don't believe what I said! This time, such a situation will definitely not happen again, and I will not be fooled by you as a cunning person again!"

Xiaoguding said with a smile, "Of course, the princess is a first-class Jianghu heroine who believes in words! Let's compare again!"

In the next fight, Xiaoguding no longer occupied well, and he kicked Princess Wenyue out as a broken sack.

Wen Yue chased in a staggered step, and his fist was Huo Huo. He opened the fist of the small bone Ding with one punch, and the other pink fist hit the small bone Ding's abdomen quickly and fiercely, which made him fly into the air, fall to the ground, put his hands in his abdomen, bowed into shrimp, and couldn't get up after humming for a long time.

"Two wins and one loss, the princess wins!"

The surrounding guards cheered loudly and congratulated Princess Wenyue.