Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 300 Reasons for ambush


Xiao Guding smiled and said, "Well, I'll kill you first and then say I'm sorry. What do you think?"


The naked man, who was overly frightened and trembling with cold, kowtowed and said, "Four heroes, you can do whatever you want the little one, just ask for the little one to spare!"

Xiao Guding put his hands on his chest and smiled faintly and said, "If you want people to do things, I have invited a few loyal and honest people with diligent hands and feet. What do you want people like you to do? Keep a cold knife in the back?"


The naked killer trembled on the ground for a long time, and suddenly said with a slightly happy face, "The small clear treasure place of the two tigers of Cangmen can take four heroes there!"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Who are you two tigers? How dare you know their treasured place?

The killer heard another violent chill, and his face reappeared with a frightened look. He said, "I do everything. I only want the four heroes to spare a small life!"

It turns out that this man is the brother-in-law of Tiehu, the boss of the four tigers in Cangmen, named Shan Yusheng.

After two chases, they were seriously injured by the small bone trap. The smiling tiger analyzed the identity of the small bone, which was probably a pharmacist or a hunter, which matched the dress they saw for the first time.

When the scar-faced tiger met them for the first time, Xiaoguding dressed up as pharmacists. The first time to hunt for clothes, the second time is to dress for hunters, so the common point is that they all appear in the mountains and forests. After killing a tiger, the king of the mountain, they have not appeared in the mountains for the time being. It is very likely that their prescriptions need tigers as important raw materials.

It is also very likely that their hunters who make a living are inseparable from mountains and forests.

Therefore, the two tigers in Cangmen for the rest of their lives after the disaster offered a year of reward, but they were surrounded by secret agents around all the mountains where tigers appeared. Anyone who went to the mountain to hunt tigers and collect medicine, and dressed as not locals, all flew pigeons to send letters and reported the two tigers.

Get the news that regardless of whether the face is real or not, the two tigers of Cangmen take more than a dozen masters to ambush every time.

With their bad move, many cross-died drug pickers and hunters were killed by them, and they also hunted several first-class masters and nobles who played tigers.

He didn't chase the little bone Ding and others, but got some unexpected gains. The two tigers of Cangmen deceived themselves to vent their anger and were happy about the tiger hunters, looking forward to one day when they could really kill the little bone Ding.

Now, they do ambush the two demons among the trap three demons in the past. Unfortunately, the ambush was not slaughtered and the team was destroyed in an instant.

After listening to it, the two little bones couldn't help but be happy. Xiaoguding shook his head and smiled, "Haha, I dreamed of chasing your two sick cats. I'm throwing a bait to lure you to die, but I didn't think that you would send it to our door and give us a big gift."

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "God's sins are forgiven. If you commit sins, you can't live!" For the rest of your life after the disaster, you should think about how to run for your life and never give up chasing us. Now you don't have to keep this idea.

smiled for a while, and Xue Yueer said, "Ding, since it is possible for us to get their treasure, we don't have to send this body to the government office, right? In case of trouble reporting the situation."

Xiaoguding shook his head and smiled, "If it were only for this 10,000 taels of silver, I would really not be interested in sending these two bodies to the government office. There are other reasons for sending two sick cats to the government office, and those who chase and kill us have to give up. Are they still so crazy without the huge reward of 300,000 taels?

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Ding Di, you are so smart!"

Poor Shan Yusheng knelt on the ground with his upper body, frozen to black in the cold spring mountain wind, shaking like a sieve, and clucking his teeth. If it hadn't been for a little internal skill, I'm afraid he would have frozen into a coma.

Seeing that the fire is almost over, Xiaoguding smiled and said to Shan Yusheng on the ground, "Very good, although I really want to kill you, for the sake of taking us to find a huge amount of money, I will spare you a dog's life for the time being. If you dare to play any tricks, you will taste my method!" Get up and get dressed now!"

Shan Yusheng kowtowed like pounding garlic, hurriedly got up and grabbed his own clothes next to him and put them on. He didn't care about the strong smell of blood on it.

When he simply wrapped the not heavy wound on his chest and put on his clothes, Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Shan Yusheng, can you carry your brother-in-law and this fat man down the mountain?"

Shan Yusheng frowned but did not dare to shake his head and said in embarrassment: "The hero, although the little one can carry it, I'm afraid that he can't walk fast and delay the journey of the four heroes!"

The iron tiger is more than eight feet long, tall and strong, weighing 200 catties, not to mention the fat and grease of the smiling tiger, which weighs 500 catties. This weight alone is nothing for a martial artist, but the two are tall and fat, and it is really difficult to walk through the thorny mountains and forests behind their backs.

Xiao Guding stared at him and smiled and said nothing. Shan Yusheng was stared at by him. He was frightened and gritted his teeth and said, "If the hero is slow, he will go down the mountain on his back!"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Oh, you are quite strong. Originally, I wanted to find one of them and carry it down the mountain with you. Now it seems that it can be avoided and completely!"

The remaining two clay sculptures were so scared that they wanted to shake their heads to argue, but they couldn't move. Another person who passed out in a coma suffered less.

Shan Yusheng's chills, feeling that the smiling little bone in front of him was more terrible than the evil spirits in hell.

He clucked his teeth and staggled, "Ogman, let one of them help him carry one person down the mountain!" Be faster!"

After saying a simple sentence, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and looked at Xiaoguding's reaction with guilty squinting.

At a glance, when he wanted to give up and went down the mountain alone, Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Well, I'm afraid they will be seriously injured and can't run!"

A touch of surprise rose in the eyes of one of the sober killers. He looked at the little bone Ding people full of pleading. He really hoped that they could spare his life and forget how fierce he used to be, unruly, cut his body with a knife, gritted his teeth and hummed, and still killed the enemy. Now he has turned it into a pool of pus. He can't be disappointed.

Xiaoguding saw the prayer in his eyes, and then looked at the unconscious killer next to him. He shook his head and smiled, "You are too bold. I'm afraid you will dare to come back to trouble with me. This is not good. Let's pick this timid one!"

The remaining hope of this sober killer sank into the abyss again, and he was so scared that he fell into a coma again, so that he wanted to roar, but he couldn't say anything.

Looking at the killer who had been scared into a coma, Xiaoguding frowned and shook his head again and said, "This is not good. I'm so timid. I'm afraid I've been scared to weak and can't carry people down the mountain!"

The sober killer raised a last hope again, looking forward to picking himself.

Shaking his head, Xiaogu Ding sighed and said, "Oh, this is not good, that is not good, just melted up!"

The sober killer couldn't hold on any longer, and his eyes darkened and passed away.

Shan Yusheng is excited again, praying in his heart not to provoke this evil star again, otherwise I'm afraid it is not clear how to die in the end.

"Haha, I'm not very bold. Both of them are scared to fall into a coma!"

Xiaogu Ding laughed happily, Xue Yueer smiled, and the two bodyguards followed, only Shan Yusheng laughed bitterly.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Brother Ding, it's not early. Let's go down the mountain early. It's uncomfortable to smell this blood!"

Xiao Guding turned his head and asked, "Brother, what do you have in mind?" Which one to choose?"

Xue Yueer shook her head and smiled, "This is not easy to do. Just untie their acupuncture points and let them choose by themselves."

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "This is not good. They don't quarrel. Shan Yusheng, what's your idea?

Shan Yusheng had a chill and pointed to his nose and said, "Let me choose?"

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "It's for you to come up with an idea, not to choose!"

San Yusheng thought, "I think it's safer for a man to be more loyal to the hero at present!"

Xiaoguding laughed and said, "Let the killer who ambush me, turn around and be loyal to me?"

"Little damn it!"

Shan Yusheng knelt on the ground in fear, and the cold sweat on his forehead was all over his head again.

Little Bone Ding ignored him and made him kneel like that. He turned his head and smiled at the bodyguard, "Let them wake up and untie the acupuncture point by the way!"

Charlie's bodyguard smashed the scabbard in his hand, opened their acupuncture point, flashed with the knife light, and quickly cut a small cut on their fingers.


The two woke up screaming, their pale faces and bloodless, looking at the surroundings in horror.

The timid killer immediately knelt down, kowtowed like garlic, and kept shouting, "Give me!"

The bold killer took a step later, then knelt on the ground with a plop, and also kept begging for mercy.

Xiaoguding shook his head and smiled, "The timid legs are weak and can't do anything. The bold thief is not dead. I'm afraid it will be unfavorable to me. This is troublesome! Shan Yusheng, go and kill one of them and leave one that can be used as your strength.

Shan Yusheng, who knelt on the ground, was shocked. He didn't expect that this hardship would fall on him. After all, he was his former companion. He had some feelings. He couldn't erase all his feelings at once and do it.

In the frightened look of the two begging for mercy, Shan Yusheng was embarrassed and kept changing the knife head back and forth between the two.

The two killers spoke dryly, and Shan Yusheng still didn't know how to do it. Xiaoguding smiled and did not urge him.

Suddenly, the timid guy snorted and fell into a coma again.

At this moment, Shan Yusheng cut a big knife in his hand and cut at the killer who tilted to the side. Halfway, the blade turned to cut to the bold killer!