Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 305 Medicinal Wine


Xue Yueer touched those rare and precious medicinal herbs and couldn't help sighing: "There are such benefits to rob the house! Ding Di, let's do this too. It's much easier than being a boss!"

Xiao Guding laughed and scolded, "Then you can wait to be hunted down and wanted and dismember the body with a knife!" By the way, even if you die, you have to hang your head on the flagpole of the gate building for a few days, hang your head in public, and throw the body out to feed the wild dog!"

Xue Yueer couldn't help shivering and said, "So cruel? It's better not to be a robber!"

Shan Yusheng shuddered and quickly swallowed the idea of persuading Xiaoguding to change his job as a robber. Thinking of this experience, unlike their heroes, they blatantly swept away their hard-earned treasures, and they were safe and sound.

At most, it is also remembered by blind thieves.

The same Jianghu kindness and resentment, hatred pursuit, one can be open and aboveboard, righteous and awe-inspiring, received a reward, and some people praise it; one hides his head and shrinks, sneaky assassination, in addition to the pleasure when he gets it, he gets a lot of money, but he is always worried about his head, also One day, he will no longer be there.

After wrapping nearly 100 catties of precious medicinal materials, the two bodyguards and Shan Yusheng have the most, followed by Xue Yueer carrying light rare jewelry, with empty hands, only a large number of silver tickets, a night pearl and two secrets.

With nearly 100 catties of things on his back, he bent down and jumped left and right in the narrow passage, and his more nervous heart beat wildly. The hard work in it is unknown.

When they ran out of the stone room with lanterns and jumped down the stone wall, they spit out a long breath of turbid air. Their whole body was already sweaty and their clothes were wet.

With the power of their previous organs, they became more worried, over-nervous, and their sense of fatigue naturally increased.


Shan Yusheng, who stayed at the door of the cave, closed the machine and jumped down the stone wall.

"Such a treasure has been swept away by us, and now we are going down the mountain to boil medicine!"

The little bone looked at the closed rock, sighed, and ran down the mountain in the gray moonlight. Their lanterns have been thrown into the stone wall organs, running fast, and it is inconvenient to carry a lantern.

I bypassed the village under the mountain and returned to a town with a spacious road. In the sound of dogs barking, the little bones ran into the house pre-rented by the town.

In the house, an iron pot for refining, a medicine tank for pounding medicine, ordinary medicinal materials, etc. are all ready. There is also a large jar of spirits without any spices and medicinal herbs.

Throw the jewelry into the temporary bedroom of the small bone, everyone took a break, adjusted the breath, began to add firewood to make a fire, add superior spring water, and pound medicine and powder.

These stupid jobs are naturally handed over to the guards and Shan Yusheng. Xue Yueer only chose high-quality medicinal materials and confirmed that they were correct, then carefully weighed them and handed them over to the bodyguard for grinding. At the moment of observing and calculating the addition of medicinal herbs, some medicinal herbs have to be ground and added, and the key is to grasp the heat and the time of successive addition.

When the slow frying, it must be burned with high heat. When it needs to be heated sharply, the fire cannot be broken, otherwise the medicine will not achieve the desired effect and will have to be invalidated.

The fire is burning fiercely, the potion in the iron pot is boiling, and the strong fragrance of medicine permeates, which can be smelled from afar.

When it boils with half a column of incense, the small bone diced drinks to immediately reduce the amount of heat, and the fire boils slowly.

Shan Yusheng quickly took out a large handful of firewood from the stove, inserted it into the pile of ashes and extinguished it. The thick smoke made him cough and burst into tears. He reached out and wiped it randomly, and suddenly turned into a black cat flower face.


The little bone Ding laughed happily and said, "Be careful of the light. It can't be extinguished, and it can't be too big. The medicine is broken. I feel good!"

Running back and forth for more than 200 miles. Late at night, Xiaoguding was tired and drowsy. He didn't want to slowly repeat this monotonous action and go through it again.

Shan Yusheng said, "The little one must watch carefully!"

Thinking of his first-class master, he has now become a servant who burns fire and boiling medicine. Shan Yusheng feels a little aggrieved, but Xiao Guding personally supervises him, and he dares not take care of it.

Some medicinal herbs are boiled directly with spring water, while others are heated and dried in another iron pot, and then developed into powder. The trivial process makes the two bodyguards busy and overwhelmed.

That doesn't count. After Xue Yueer weighed the weight carefully, she cooked another small porcelain jar herself. It is filled with the best honey, decades of old ginseng and other precious medicinal herbs.

Slowly, start to collect fire and take medicine. Some take soup and discard medicine from the pot, some slowly boil the juice, and the pot finally becomes only medicinal herbs, such as those boiled in the snow moon jar.

The medicinal herbs are gradually ready and placed aside in a large iron pot. After washing and boiling, a bucket of fresh spring water is filled with new water. In the middle of the spring, there is a large wine jar containing original spirits without adding anything.

In an hour, the strong and mellow aroma of wine covered the light medicinal fragrance and permeated the streets of the town, making several neighboring drunkards smell deeply in their nostrils and squeal in their sleep. I'm afraid that at this time, they should dream of having a good relationship in the mouth or enjoying it in a restaurant.

Gradually, the wine inside became as hot as the water outside. The bubbles rose, and the small bones slowly added medicinal powder such as tiger bone powder and unprocessed tiger tendons, and slowly boiled them.

Bry the hot water, and then scoop a spoonful of prepared boiling water from the side and pour it in to replenish it. At this time, you can't add cold water to cool down.

After more than an hour of simmering, a lot of firewood burned, and the medicinal wine in the wine jar slowly rose a white fog. It was not the wine gas, but the water vapor of the spring.

The top of the wine tank has long been sealed, leaving a bamboo tube to receive evaporated medicinal wine. At the other end of the long bamboo tube is a smaller jar, which contains warm medicinal wine taken from the big jar.

The wine in it is no longer as white as it used to be. It has become thicker honey yellow, and if it is thicker, it will become like honey.

Gradually, the wine in the big jar was almost boiled, leaving only a few ripe yellow tiger tendons. Xiaogu Ding threw it into the small wine jar and added the medicinal liquid made by Xue Yueer with porcelain jars. There were only a few purple-red, orange-yellow and other medicinal herbs left, and the soup was gone.

After adding this liquid, the small bone was directly sealed with mud and slowly cooled naturally in warm water.

The bodyguard asked in surprise, "Is that all right?"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "This is not good. Why don't I stay up until dawn? I don't have to sleep!"

A large jar of wine originally weighed more than 300 catties. After repeated tossing and adding medicine, it became only 150 catties, which was severely reduced by half.

It only took more than three hours to boil one altar. It was already early the next morning.

Two jars of medicinal wine, more than 50 catties more than the reservation.

The bodyguard looked at the medicinal wine greedily and said, "Boss Ding Da, can this make us take two sips and take them back?"

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "The medicine has not been put into the wine yet, so it can't be taken out!" It will take a month to open the seal! When the time comes, you will take it out of an altar and reward you. But when you take a little, you must get the January period, and you have to deduct the weight of the wine tank and medicinal materials. Don't charge me with the wine jar!"

The two bodyguards were overjoyed and nodded repeatedly, "I'm sure it won't!"

Deducting those weights, the two can also share more than ten catties of medicinal wine. That's worth more than 10,000 taels of silver, and it's still a scarce commodity that can't be met.