Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 327 Return to Home


For good, there is no one near the left, otherwise she would be ashamed to jump off the cliff and die if she doesn't want to die! Or, before you die, you should also take the little bone together.

Hurryly tied the rope, Xue Yueer quickly slid back to the stone cave, quickly put on her full set of armor and hidden weapons, first carried out the packed bags, and then came down to pick up the small bones together.

Remove the traces of the two of them. Xue Yueer carried their simple bags and small bones and ran down the cliff together.

I don't know where the horses stored by Xiaoguding are. People in the world may be tracking them, and Xiaoguding becomes reluctant to give up. Xue Yueer becomes extremely cautious and dares not be careless at all.

This will make Xiaoguding wake up. He opened his mouth and closed his sister's mouth. If he reveals it, he will definitely be caught and must be sent to the secret room at home for recuperation as soon as possible.

made up her mind and reluctant to become a man again, Xue Yueer, carried the thin bones that almost returned to their original shape, dressed up as a father and son, and began to rush to her home.

Originally, she wanted to be a mother and son, but she thought it would be inconvenient and might cause trouble, so she had to give up.

She can help her at this completely disappointed and helpless moment, and now she can only think of home. Maybe only safe home, with the help of her parents, may be enough to help her recall Xiaoguding's soul together.

The place where Xue Yueer is standing now is the road east of Quanzhou City to Lianzhou City, sandwiched between the two state cities. To return to her hometown, she has to pass through Quanzhou City.

Xue Yueer just appeared on the road with her little bones on her back. In less than a pillar of incense, several Jianghu guests rode back and forth, much more than usual.

In the past, several groups of people rode horses and ran quickly without looking at the two depressed "fathers and sons". It was not easy to wait for a carriage. Xue Yueer reached out to stop them, but the driver ignored them and continued to run.

This time, Xue Yueer suffered. This is on the road. He pretends to be a depressed father and son. It is not easy to run away with light skills. He can only slowly carry the little bones on his back.

Although she has profound internal skills and is willing to go on the road with Xiaoguding on her back, now Xiaoguding's state has not recovered well. It has been controlled for too long, which has caused great damage to Xiaoguding's body.

On the way, there were many people and mixed ears, and Xue Yueer did not dare to untie Xiaoguding's acupuncture point. She was afraid that his dementia would attack and reveal her identity.

It can't be solved and can't be controlled. Xue Yueer can only return to her hometown as soon as possible. At that time, she can treat it as much as she wants.

The problem is that now she pretends to be an ordinary person. She can neither rush nor stop the carriage. She is empty-hearted but at a loss.

I never thought that without the little bone Ding's strategy and order, she would become a headless fly and be at a loss. Although she is not spinning in place, it is also difficult to walk.

stopped several carriages in a row, but they didn't stop them. Xue Yueer simply didn't stop them and walked slowly with her little bones on her back.

Judging from the situation on this road, Quanzhou City will be lively, and now they can't go there casually.

All morning, Xue Yueer finally arrived in a small town, that is, the sixth princess and the third princess once stayed, caught them and searched, and hit her with a board in the lobby.

There are many rich tourists in the town. Xue Yueer wants to charter a carriage to go on her way, but she is afraid of being at peace with his current identity. If you want to rent with someone, it will be more inconvenient for the carriage leading to her hometown. It's better to buy a horse directly, leave if you want to leave, and rest at the foot of the mountain if you want to stop. Maybe it will make the little bone crazy and no one will find it.

The carriage could not be rented, and Xue Yueer carried her little bones to the only stable in the town. There were only a few bad horses left.

Xue Yueer sighed and said, "Boss, can you help me set up a carriage?"

Boss Ma laughed and said, "The guest officer is really good at joking. I can only sell horses. There is no vehicle for people to ride here. Brother, you can take this child and hurry for a while. It's definitely much less than a carriage, which makes the child suffer much less!"

Xue Yueer paid for the money, shook her head, rode out, and bought some delicious food in the town.

Xiao Er sent meat, looked at the little bone in Xue Yueer's arms, and kindly advised, "This guest officer, the child is sick. You have to see a doctor. It's useless to just feed delicious food."

Xue Yueer smiled bitterly and said, "This child fainted because he was picky about food. If he didn't give him something delicious, he would really be hungry."

The shopkeeper said, "Then you have to grab the appetizing medicine!"

Xue Yueer was right and rode to the pharmacy with the little bone in her arms. Halfway, I suddenly remembered that the doctor had to have a pulse or something. Don't show any flaws, and turned his head and ran to his hometown.

Along the way, Xue Yueer already knew the situation of Quanzhou City. Naturally, she would not go to the side of the deep search. She bypassed Quanzhou City far away, went to Hei Tieshan Mountain, and then passed through Xianshan Town to reach her hometown.

Counting the distance, it takes about 700 miles to take a detour. If you ride this bad horse, you should be able to reach it in two days.

Bypassing Quanzhou City, there are still more people going to Quanzhou City, and there are very few people returning.

The snow moon waited until the midday and turned into a small mountain forest, with clear springs and green forests, and quiet valleys.

Looking at the sleepy little bone with a sad face, she sighed faintly and listened carefully to no one else around her. Xue Yueer untied his sleeping hole and gently rubbed it to help him move her muscles and bones.

Little bone Ding woke up leisurely and looked blankly at the strange "beard" in front of him. His dry and cracked lips opened and muttered faintly. The first sentence was: Sister Fairy, don't go!

Xue Yueer's mouth was bitter, her heart was sour, and the two lines of tears couldn't help flowing again. She reached out and hugged Xiaoguding and cried sadly for a while. Xue Yueer quickly wiped away her tears and fed them into Xiaoguding's mouth with a mountain spring in her hand.

It's hard to be thirsty, and the little bone naturally slams and swallows. The fat and tender chicken or something is still unwilling to eat. Even if Xue Yueer chewed it for him, he would not swallow it.

Xue Yueer's heartache is as painful as a knife. She regrets not bringing back some soup, and now she can still feed him a little.

After tossing for a long time, she still couldn't feed Xiaoguding and swallow any food. Xue Yueer herself had no appetite to eat. She clicked Xiaoguding's acupuncture point and ran quickly on her horse.

"Do you really want to abandon the little bone and forget this memory? No, absolutely not!"

Sitting on horseback with a small bone in her arms, Xue Yueer fought in her heart, still sad and tears.

People in the past only said that the thin boy Xiaoguding was seriously injured and difficult to recover, but he sympathized with this poor "father".


Passing through the Black Iron Mountain, Xue Yueer really wants to climb the mountain to visit the artifact. Among the jewelry she brought, there is also a piece of cold iron from the Lianzhou grocery stall, which she can take the opportunity to build.

The most important thing is that Xue Yueer wants to relive the good memories. But in this situation, can she delay on the way? Can she go up again?

On the second day after leaving the cave, Xue Yueer finally came to Xianshan Town, which is the closest to her hometown.

Looking up to the west, where is the location of Xishan Daozhuang. Looking over there, Xue Yueer couldn't help thinking of the scenes in Xishan Daozhuang in the past.

At that time, she dressed up as a handsome young beautiful man with high martial arts skills. She met Xishan Yun, a girl who had just had a spring at the fairy demon battle site, which made her fascinated and confused by herself. Finally, she followed herself and Xiaoguding and others to practice.

In Xishan Knife Village, Xiaoguding gave her the first very precious one, which is also her favorite monster tooth.

After that, Xiaoguding and the two of them intended to rectify Xishanyun, and finally threw her away.

Thinking of this, Xue Yueer couldn't help smiling, a little embarrassed, and a feeling of crying and laughing.

For only a moment of happiness, she quickly replied to a heartbroken and heartbroken look, with a deep sadness between her eyebrows.

Xue Yueer wiped away her tears, shook her head, threw away these things for the time being, added a little dry food and chicken soup in the restaurant, put them into a water bag, and deliberately covered them with a cotton sleeve.

When she finished all this, suddenly two people came in front of her, so shocked that she almost threw the little bones in her arms to the ground.

It turns out that these two people are not strangers, but her cousin and Xishan Yun!

And, look at the hair accessories on Xishan Yun's head, she has become a woman! Has she married the man she is holding now - her cousin?

Her cousin used to hate rough and unruly women who danced with knives and guns. He was very annoyed with her. How could he marry Xishan Yun again?

Xue Yueer was slightly surprised and looked at the two of them eating together. Her cousin has become more elegant and steady, and Xishan Yun is also more beautiful, still delicate and capricious, but more stable and gentle.

Shaking her head, Xue Yueer continued to rush to her hometown with a belly full of doubts.

Passing through the fairy and demon battle site, she remembered that Old Hu took her to enjoy the smooth cliff top surface of the peak. For the first time, she sighed that the original light power could reach such a top point.

In the passenger shop, she was almost humiliated, blushed with shame, and hurriedly flashed by.

After another restaurant, the funny scene of meeting old Hu for the first time.

In a small village in the mountains and fields, the village woman used clumsily to help her become an ordinary woman.

Next to the mountain stream, Xiaoguding played with himself in the pool and saw his daughter's body for the first time. At that time, she was shyly moved and fell in love with the little bone Ding, who was still a little boy, not because he was too young to treat him as a little brother.

In the past, it took several days to get here. She rode a horse together with a small bone in her arms. In just half a day, she passed several places and revisited her old dreams in a complicated mood.

Finally, it is only dozens of miles away from Xuejia Town. The hometown was even more timid. Xue Yueer's heart pounded wildly. She drove her horse slowly and deliberately delayed. She dragged the night and stayed in the small mountain temple in Zhendong. She once caught up with the place to revenge on Xiaoguding.

taking off the blanket from the horse, Xue Yueer fell asleep with Xiaoguding in her embrace, listening to Xiaoguding's muttering, thinking about the scene of excitement and fear at the beginning, and thinking about the home that was about to arrive, Xue Yueer burst into tears again.

In the middle of the night, the black man on the road was quiet. Xue Yueer appeared in front of the Xueguan Martial Arts Museum with Xiaoguding in her arms, looking at the door number and the stone lion from afar, as well as the martial artist who was dozing in front of the door. Xue Yueer couldn't help trembling all over, with tears in her eyes and sobbing.