Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 333 Change of Attitude


Xue Yueer said awkwardly, "This is a cold water pearl, which produces very little, and it is difficult to make a whole necklace. There is a cold feeling, and ordinary people can't wear it well, unless it is in hot summer. Mother, if you like it, ask Dad to go to Black Bull Mountain to dig for treasures tomorrow. There should be an ordinary pearl necklace there.


The owner's wife said, "Good treasure, why did you bury it casually? What if it is stolen?

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Dad and mother, here are 80 thousand taels of silver tickets, and this whole box of gems are specially sent to you by Ding Di! I didn't know that my mother likes pearl necklaces, even precious jade carvings!"

The owner said in astonishment, "Is it all for us? What should I do with so much money? What about yourself?

Xue Yueer shook her head and smiled, "Ding Di thinks there are too many things and is troublesome on the road. He is afraid of recruiting people to chase and kill us and collect our family as a treasure house!" Ding Diyan asked our martial arts school to build a manor in the town to take in homeless people and teach them to read and write, or practice martial arts. You don't have to deliberately look for it. If you meet it around our town, just take it in. If you do it too much, it will be suspicious!"

Old Hu smiled and said, "This boy is feeling his miserable life and wants to borrow the hand of the museum owner to do this good thing! Master, please remember, don't deliberately search for homeless people*, just meet the detention in the town, don't show off, otherwise you may be killed! This boy is so slippery that he is as thoughtful as an adult!"

The owner nodded and said, "I know that the tree attracts wind."

Xiaoguding was half asleep and half awake. Xue Yueer was anxious, but the feeding speed was extremely slow, and a bowl of chicken soup became cold in the blink of an eye. If you feed him again, Xiaoguding will shut up and drink.

Xue Yueer's excited look suddenly disappeared and said anxiously, "Dingdi, you should drink more!" I've been hungry for so many days, I can't go on like this!"

As soon as she said this, the joy in the room became gone, and she returned to her sadness.

Old Hu smiled and advised, "I'm not in a hurry. Let's feed it tomorrow. Now that the boy has arrived here safely, don't order his sleeping hole. If you have nothing to do, let him howling more and howling out of that depression, but better faster. Don't worry too much at that time and worry about your body first. Remember, ask your brother Ding to be good and take good care of yourself first. When feeding him, don't cry and feed him happily, okay? All right, you go to bed first. The fat man will come back tomorrow.

Xue Yueer's face was slightly relaxed, and suddenly her two fingers came quickly. She was unconscious, holding the little bone and fell asleep in the arms of the owner's wife.

The owner's wife was shocked, "What are you doing?"

The owner said, "Madam, it's okay. I ordered a sleeping hole. In order to let Yueer rest for a while, we cried for most of the night. Shall we go back to the room to rest first?"

With the sound of the rustling in the secret room, Old Hu had already gone out first.

The owner's wife shook her head and said, "I won't go. I can't sleep tonight. I'm going to stay here with Yueer. By the way, we have to keep Yueer and can't let her go any more!"

The owner looked at the little bone in Xue Yueer's arms and sighed, "I'm afraid it's not up to us now! Madam, go out. It's useless to be anxious. Don't worry about ruining your body. On the contrary, you can't help Yueer!"

The owner's wife still shook her head and said, "Husband, go to bed by yourself. I'm sure I can't sleep tonight. It's better to stay here for more months. I haven't seen it in the past two years. I want to see it for a while. Don't run for a few days and I can't see it!"

The curator sighed, "I can't sleep tonight. I'll stay here with you."

The owner's wife shook her head and said, "You have to go back. If you wake up and don't see us, you will cry!"

The curator said helplessly, "Oh, Linger, this child! Maybe we are too spoiled and have to let him out to practice! Look, this boy is about the same age as Linger, has good martial arts and wisdom, and is full of experience in the world, and is even more powerful than us as adults. I always think that if he can study honestly and do business, he will definitely do great things. However, I have to chase some ethereal immortals and make this terrible disaster! Alas, things in this world are unsatisfactory, accounting for ten*!"

The owner's wife shook her head and said, "I'd rather let your son do nothing and study in the school honestly than come back with bruises like his sister!"


The owner's wife stroked Xue Yueer's face, gently smoothed her eyebrows, and looked at her slightly pale face. After a while, she looked at the little bone next to her kindly and said to the owner, "husband, take off the child's mask and see what it looks like?"

The owner looked at Xiaoguding's slightly swollen face and was slightly apologetic. Although he felt that he should not have abducted his daughter out to suffer, he felt that the reason must be the unruly and wayward Xue Yueer to catch up with her. He didn't know why he ran away with Xiaoguding. However, it is certain that Xue Yueer must really want to go out with him, and even threatened to take her out.

Gently took off his mask, revealing his thin melon seed face, frowning, small eyes and small nose, nothing special except particularly thin.

The owner's wife said, "This child is really thin, is it the same as when he went out?"

The curator tried to recall his cunning and clever appearance. At the beginning, every move, because of Xue Yueer's escape, is still vivid and impressed. He nodded and said, "It seems to be as thin as before!"

The owner's wife said puzzledly, "They have so much money, why don't they eat more tonic?"

The owner of the museum sighed: "Some people are born with a hard life. They rely on food and don't get fat. Maybe he is this kind of person!"

The owner picked up the pile of silver tickets, slowly counted them, and exclaimed, "This stack is exactly 1873,300!"

The owner's wife was shocked: "That's not nearly 900,000 taels! With this treasure, does it have to be three or four million taels? And what they buried on the road and what they call the capital industry, this is extremely rich!"

The curator sighed bitterly, "I only know that his nickname is 'Little Bone Ding' and his surname is Ding. I don't know what it is called. With so many silver tickets and jewelry, I still doubt that this boy is the one who stole it! Otherwise, where did it come from so fast!"

The owner's wife said, "My husband doesn't believe in the seniors, doesn't he still believe in Yue'er? Look at the story of what she said about the silver and jewelry. She must not have been stolen!"

The owner nodded and said with a wry smile, "That's right! In this way, we are useless!"

The owner's wife said, "My husband is useless. He has been chasing his daughter for more than half a year and has not caught up with her, which has caused her to suffer so much!"

The owner of the museum was suddenly speechless and continued to take the pile of rare gems. Under the soft light of the night pearl the size of a longan, the treasure was shining and dazzling. The owner's wife abandoned the snow moon and excitedly played with the pile of colorful gems.

Finally, take the gem bracelet in your hand and compare it with the string of small bones repeatedly under the pearl light, looking for the difference.