Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 339 Mountain Forest Recuperation


Lijuan's home is not far from Xueshan Town. He ran all morning and reached the foot of the mountain forest.

Although the owner's wife is a weak female who was born in a scholarly family, after marrying Xue Guan, she learned to nourish her body. She usually fights two sets of fists, and her skills are quite agile.

At the beginning, the thin and weak bones with short calves were able to find the hut where Lishan lived in the middle of the night. Naturally, she could also go down the mountain to meet Lishan under the escort of Aji, and easily arrived at the mountain forest before dark.

Old Hu stayed at the foot of the mountain to confirm whether there was anyone to track him. He really made him find a suspicious-looking guy and catch up with him to drink and ask. You can catch up, but you can't beat it.

After fighting for a while, the guy whispered, "Elder Hu, we are just under the order of the princess to supervise and will not do anything to you!"

This boy was targeted by the old man Hu. Although his life is not in danger for the time being, he is also afraid that he or his family will be blacked. Hu Chunqiu's original practice of torturing his opponent is well known.

Old Hu laughed and said, "You are honest, but why does the fat man believe you?"

The man quickly took out a token and handed it over. Old Hu didn't answer it. He glanced at it and laughed, "It turned out to be the little girl in the royal palace of Lianzhou!" The fat man really thought that the masters in the palace were more powerful than the fat man. He chased him here, but he still lost it. These two guys are powerful now!"

The man was stared for a moment and said, "The bodyguard in the palace? Why did they provoke the palace again? Did you dare to steal the palace?"

Old Hu laughed and said, "Farm! Do you think that the people in the holy door are the ones who steal things and make trouble when they are full? That's Princess Wenyue's girl who forced to buy 15 cold water pearls of my apprentice for 300,000 taels of silver! Then she sent someone to keep an eye on him and chased him directly outside Quanzhou City. It should have been lost at the time of the Fairy and Demon War! If your boy stalks and provokes people in the world to disturb the recovery of the fat man's apprentice, the fat man will go to Lianzhou to play with you!"

The man sweated coldly and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I will not let the people in the world see the flaws. They dare to follow, and we will catch them and throw them into the secret prison."

He sent back this message that Mr. Hu's hair felt. At night, there were still people following Xue Yueer. He hid Xue ang, who saw him off, and fell behind from afar in case she accidentally changed her location and lost her whereabouts.

Xue Yueer came, and the old man Hu sent the horse to the shop of Xuegang Martial Arts Museum, which has just been built for half a year here. Xue Yueer and others are inconvenient to show up, so they naturally have to be replaced by the temporary husband of old Hu.

Xue Yueer doesn't know the way to the mountain, and naturally Lishan will lead the way.

Two slight footsteps of the three people sounded in the dark mountain forest. Lishan is an old hunter who has been walking through the mountains and forests for a long time. He can walk steadily on the dark night road without lights.

Xue Yueer has been in the dark secret road for a long time these two days, and she is also a little adaptable.

In the distance behind them, there are naturally two black figures falling from afar, as sensitive as a bobcat, but the old hunter was not aware of it.

Moreover, they didn't even step on a trap arranged by Lishan on the mountain road. The two walked on the road as if they were two light cotton wool. Even if they had a temporary rest, they were still on the branches.

Xue Yueer followed Lishan, who had no internal strength, and could only walk slowly. The two tracking masters had a lot of time to rest halfway.

Entering the depths of the mountain road, it is unlikely to be heard, so Lishan couldn't help asking curiously, "Miss, I heard that you two have visited the mountains and crossed the sea and traveled across two continents at a young age?"

Xue Yueer shook her head and smiled and said, "Uncle Lishan is the father of Sister Jion. Just call me Yueer. It's uncomfortable to call Miss or something. We can't talk about traveling all over, just hurriedly crossing through and casually looking at one or two mountains. The continents on both sides are so wide that it is not easy to talk about it. Not to mention other places, I can't walk around Xuejia Town where I was born. If I want to walk all the places, I'm afraid I can't finish it all my life.

Lishan smiled and said, "Miss is awesome. If it were me, it would be something I didn't dare to think of! I haven't been to a big state city in my life, let alone anything.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Uncle Shan, just don't call me Miss, just call me Yueer!" If you want to play, ask Aji to accompany you to visit. There are our stores in the capital, just..."

Suddenly, I thought that if they really wanted to go there, they absolutely had to reveal their identity.

Lishan shook his head with a laugh and said, "Thank you for your kindness! Let's not go. The azagian is weak and can't stand the tos and toss along the way.

Xue Yueer smiled and gave up. This ordinary person really couldn't stand the bumps of the carriage or horse. The man threw up and fell down again. He ran fast and had to shake off the bone shelf.

Laughing all the way, Xue Yueer rushed to Lishan's home in the middle of the night, the hut in the arms of the mountains.

The hut was brightly lit all night and specially welcomed Xue Yueer and them up the mountain.

If the little bone is awake, you will find that in the cabin, the pine oil torch, which was originally crackling and black smoke, has been replaced with a clean oil lamp with less smoke.

It was specially prepared for them. In addition, several new huts were built next to them, with wooden bed quilts, which still smelled freshly cut.

The temporary newly built bed was left for them to live in, and the room inside was given to the owner's wife and Xiaoguding, which was the bed of Lijuan and theirs before.

Xueer is quite capricious. Since returning home, she has made up her mind to sleep with Xiaoguding. She also said that Xiaoguding has been used to sleeping with her, which can make Xiaoguding sleep more comfortably.

Naturally, the owner and his wife knew that she had been sleeping with Xiaoguding all the way. They didn't care about the etiquette. They had no choice but to let her go.

That night, old Hu did not follow the mountain forest, but went up the mountain the next morning.

The two dark shadows that caught up were actually ready for a long time. With the package on their back, they built a nest on a big tree far away.

The surveillance of their arrival did not alarm the big yellow dog of the Lishan family.

However, with the damn big yellow dog and the trap that I don't know where to arrange, it makes it a little difficult for the two people to supervise for a few days.

In order to cope with the dog's sensitive sense of smell, the two tracking monitors used a strong smell of tree juice in the woods to cover up the original smell on their clothes. Its own smell was convergent with turtle breathing technique.

Xiaoguding and others are only wandering around in a fixed place now, and they don't have to run too much. It is no problem to restrain their breath.

After a day's fatigue, Xue Yueer and they soon fell asleep. That night, nothing happened, and the next day, Xiao Guding woke up and began to make noise over the quiet mountain forest again.

Xueer washed his hands and wiped his face in the early morning. Before waiting for her to feed her, Xiaoguding had a little strength to recover and ran out to find his fairy sister. He staggered and ran away.

Even if Xue Yueer has experienced such a situation several times, she still can't completely calm down. She wants to stop her but dares not stop her, and hesitates to help her.

The owner's wife has seen this scene, and the onlookers are clear. Although she is heartbroken for her daughter, she can still hold on holding her teeth.

Aji and Lishan are different. The owner's wife greeted them in advance. When she saw this heartbreaking scene with her own eyes, she couldn't help reaching out to stop it.

Xue Yueer endured her heartache and wiped her tears: "Don't stop him, don't help him, let him run."

Lijuan's mother said, "What if this child is so weak that he breaks his body?"

Xue Yueer said, "It's all right. Xiaogu Ding has practiced martial arts and can withstand a fall. As long as he doesn't fall from a height of more than ten feet, he will be fine."

When Xiaoguding goes crazy, Xue Yueer will quickly pull up a full set of crocodile leather armor for him and protect his head and face. There has not been special training, and the protective ability can't withstand the accidental injury.

The crocodium sighed, "What's wrong with this? How can such a kind and chivalrous child suffer so much?


The little bone staggered. As soon as he ran out of the door, he was tripped by the threshold in front of the house and gnawed mud.

Xue Yueer, who followed him, reached out and touched his back, gritted her teeth and looked aside, and continued to squat there.


The little bone spit out the mud in his mouth, staggered up from the ground, rushed out of the not-so-wide grassland in front of him, and ran towards the narrow hill road in front of him.

Hearing the tossing movement of Xiaoguding, Aji, who had insisted on practicing boxing, was in a mess. He hit it upside down and out of line. He simply put down his fist and followed him to look.

The hill road in front of the grassland is narrow, and outside the mountain road is a cliff that is as high as a foot. Ordinary people must break their hands and legs when they fall down. Aji quickly stood on the shore, carefully staring at the "uncle" to prevent him from making a mistake, which was different from the flat ground.

Xue Yueer gritted her teeth and said, "Aji, come back! Don't worry about it. Don't worry, the mountain road won't kill him, and he won't break the bone!"

Aji said, "This..."

The ordinary official road is generally as wide as two or three feet. The path can only accommodate two carriages to pass side by side, about eight feet. This mountain road is less than three feet wide and is only enough for one person to pass.

Lishan usually picks wood up, which is picked up vertically and cannot be horizontal. The pace is unstable, and the unconscious little bone dangling on it, and the possibility of falling down accounts for 90%!

Originally, Xiaoguding rushed straight to the front and was stopped by Aji.

When Xue Yueer gritted her teeth and drank him back, he didn't forget to pull a direction for Xiaoguding to prevent him from rushing up to the cliff to learn birds to fly.

shook to the left, the small bones banged on the dirt wall, held their hands hard on the mud wall, stabilized their bodies, and rushed down the mountain with empty footsteps.

The path is circular and curved, and the small bones rush straight forward, rushing out of the edge of the mountain road and straight out of the mountain road, really rising like a bird.


There was no scream of fear, only anxiety. Xiaoguding danced wildly and half empty-handed, with his face down and hit the grass under the cliff.