Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 374 Please don't come


On the martial arts practice field, Yuan Chenghua was not discouraged and still flew without a shadow. He turned around Eagle Jill like a flower butterfly, waiting for the opportunity to find an opportunity.

From time to time, the two hit each other quickly, and there was a dull crash sound. Eagle Jill did not move like a mountain, and Yuan Chenghua quickly retreated and quickly circled to the other side.

Yuan Chenghua's light skill is fast, and the shadow is invisible; Eagle Gil's external power is stable, as motionless as a mountain, and each of them occupies the victory, playing very fiercely, but no one can occupy it well for a while.

The prince and princess, the princess, and the guards all cheered loudly, regardless of the wonderful fight in front of them. They should be watching the wonderful circus. It doesn't matter whether they can tell the winner or not.

Only a few master guards shook their heads slightly, and they didn't know whose kung fu they were denying.


Eagle Jill quickly blocked a flying leg kicked by Yuan Chenghua's fast side with his palm, took advantage of his sudden retreat, and shook his head again and smiled, "Brother Yuan, let's not compare! If we continue to fight like this, we can't tell the winner for a long time. Now I'm so hungry that my chest is close to my back. I'd better take a break and eat something early!"

When it comes to eating, everyone touches their bellies one after another, which makes them feel a little hungry.

A brocade prince shook his head and smiled, "Chenghua, young lord, you stop first, eat first and then try!"

"Yes, the eldest prince!"

Yuan Chenghua jumped away quickly and stopped the sad fight for nearly an hour.

Everyone went back to eat with a smile, and another bodyguard sighed and shook his head.

Several Ding suddenly walked together, looking a little pale, and said sadly, "Oh, the time has passed, and I haven't eaten yet. I'm going to starve all morning!"

"If you get hungry, it's worth the opportunity to watch a wonderful fight!"

"It turns out that the free martial arts drama is not so good-looking, at the cost of breakfast!"


Several bodyguards walked together, and one of them said, "Brother Li, look at you keep shaking your head from start to stop. Why is this?"

Li Shiwei laughed and said, "I laughed at Yuan Chenghua, who was afraid of this boy before the war. He was too cautious and shrank his hands and feet, sweeping away the prestige of our bodyguard!"

"Why is this?"

Li Shiwei said, "Ying Jill's external skills have made small achievements, not comparable to swords. With fists and feet alone, our internal skills can't hurt him, but if we want to fall him once or twice, with Yuan Chenghua's current time, that's more than enough!"

The bodyguard asked, "Brother Li, why didn't you mention it?" After defeating the young castle owner of the Sand Eagle Castle, our royal guards have a light on their faces!"

Li Shiwei shook his head and smiled, "There is a fart light! That boy is only 15 years old this year. He has only practiced martial arts with his senior rock lion for more than a year. We are older than him when we practice martial arts. What's the face of winning?

As soon as he said this, the guards felt that there was no light on their faces and lowered their heads in shame.

Li Shiwei continued: "Actually, Eagle Jill's external skills alone can't resist our brother's palm. But we just need to fight for life and death. But as long as he fights with him, Eagle Jill is not very stable and can easily fall down him.


The eldest prince shook his head and smiled, "I heard that the young castle owner is only 15 years old this year. Why can he be so stable?"

Eagle Jill laughed and said, "As a lesson from my predecessor's failure, the master raised his life every day and told me to always keep it in mind. How dare I be greedy?"

A princess smiled and said, "The young castle owner is young and successful. He is not arrogant or embarrassed. It's really valuable!"

Eagle Jill waved her hand and said, "The princess laughed and won the winner after playing for a long time. What's the achievement? But fortunately, it's not too ugly to be defeated yet!"

In the laughter, everyone sat happily on the dining table in the hall and enjoyed breakfast.

Accompanied by the distinguished queen of the royal palace at the table, she glanced around the table and asked with a smile, "Where's Miss Mia? Why didn't you come for breakfast?"

A maid behind her said, "In the words of the Queen Mother, Miss Mia is talking in the Pavilion of the Sixth Princess."

"Did you go to Liumei Xiangge?"

"In the early morning, why did she go to Liumei Xiangge?"

"I heard that Miss Mia is extremely beautiful, but unfortunately I don't know how to be beautiful!"


Everyone on the table was surprised and had different expressions.

The queen smiled and said, "Quiet! Magpie, go and pass on to the princess and Miss Mia!"

The maid said, "But..."

The queen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the prince will be blamed. I am responsible for it. Go quickly!"

"Yes, I'm going to invite you!"

The maid hurried out and walked to the Sixth Princess Xiangge.

The maid hurried to the Sixth Princess Xiangge, and the four guards asked at the same time, "Good morning, Miss Lingqi, what's the order from the Queen?"

The magpie maid smiled and said, "The four guards are early. The queen has an order. Please invite the sixth princess and Miss Mia to come over."

In it, the maid in the princess's cabinet said, "I'll help invite the princess and Miss Mia to come over."

The magpie said, "This is not very good. Let's go in together and invite the princess and Mia over."

The maid of the Princess Pavilion: "But the prince has an order. Without an order, no one can enter or leave the Sixth Princess Xiangge!"

Lingqi took out a token and said, "The Queen has an order. Please ask the sixth princess to talk with Mia. The Empress will bear this matter."

The guards and maids were speechless and let her in and asked her to go to the study with the maid in the princess's pavilion to invite the sixth princess and Mia.

"Princess, Miss Mia, Queen Mother, please."

The two maids came outside the study and whispered.

The laughter inside stopped a little, and the sixth princess said, "No, after you tell your mother, we have already had breakfast. By the way, my father has issued a strict order to prohibit people from entering and leaving the princess's mansion without his order, and the token of the mother has no effect. How did they let you in?

Lingqi said, "The queen will bear this matter, and the sixth princess should go over. If Her Royal Highness doesn't go there, the Queen will blame the current slave for inability to do things.

A voice came from the house saying, "No! After you reported to your mother, the child did not dare to disobey the order of his father. We have had breakfast and are too lazy to go there again!"

Ling Magpie said, "Your Highness, the Queen has an order. The prince blames it and bears the responsibility of the Empress. Your Highness, you'd better go there quickly!"

Mia smiled and said, "Princess, you'd better go there!"

The sixth princess laughed and said, "Sister Mia, you don't know that my father has issued a strict order, and I dare not go out casually. Let's continue to talk and tell me all the wonderful stories over there.


How did the two maids grind softly and hard the bubbles? The sixth princess just didn't agree. The two maids had no choice but to return and go back to tell the queen.