Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 435 Disappearing Stars?


The night darkened and the light darkened. The three people stared at the deformed dagger with cold sweat, and the raging mountain wind blew around them, blowing them excitedly, woke up, and their hearts slowly recovered.

Looking up at the still flashing light spots above his eyes and the dark night in the sky, Xiaogu Ding said, "Let's go down quickly and get some stones to suppress these things, and we have to eat."

Xue Yueer nodded and said, "Then I'll pull it."

The sixth princess said, "Go down and tie the stones, and the hunting will be up to you."

The sky was getting dark, and the woods were gloomy and horrible. The sixth princess was a little scared and dared not say so directly, so she found a job for herself first.

The three took down the narrow and simple bamboo ladder first to avoid being swept away by the wind. Xue Yueer guarded it alone and didn't have to do anything.

The clothes were fluttering and the ropes were swaying. After receiving the small bones, the sixth princess was surprisingly not afraid of climbing down the mountain. At this moment, in her heart, this cliff that can't be looked to the end is better than to be forced to rush into the hungry wolves and kill people.

Find dozens of pounds of stones, and the sixth princess tied them with ropes and shouted for Xue Yueer to pull them up.

When the sixth princess found four suitable big stones, there was a bang on the stone wall, and the stone had not been pulled up yet.

The mountain stone is huge and thick, and the shape is huge, and it is pulled small. It is no more powerful than drawing water in a well.

If an ordinary wrestler wants him to pull these dozens of pounds of large stones up to a cliff nearly 400 feet high, not to mention that when he has to pull it up, he will keep swaying on the stone wall.

After a column of incense, the stone disappeared before being pulled to the top of the mountain by Xue Yueer. She didn't care about untie the rope and threw it down. Xue Yueer sat on the cold rock and gasped tiredly.

For a long time, Xue Yueer adjusted her breath enough before untied the rope and threw it down.

After nearly two columns of incense, another boulder was also pulled up by Xue Yueer.

This time is not only tired, but also the belly begins to coo, and the arms are sore, which is no different from high-intensity practice. It seems that I don't have the strength to climb up again.

After enough rest, Xue Yueer tied the two stones to the bamboo frame, and the other end was tied with a rope so that she could go up and down safely.

The first time I climbed to the top of this stone peak, I relied purely on light work, which exhausted the little bones. Now that there is one more rope to borrow, it will naturally be much easier.

Under the silver moonlight, when she saw Xue Yueer climb down awkwardly, the sixth princess smiled and said, "Isn't the senior sister strong? Why did she pull two stones up and come down to rest?"

Xue Yueer stared at her and said, "Do you want to try it? Why don't you drag it up?"

The sixth princess immediately said, "My belly is empty. It's tomorrow's going to be a matter of delay. I'm not that stupid."

The forest is dark. Although the sight is not good at night, the beasts are more diligent. Even the birds huddled on the treetops. The three of them have stayed in the jungle for a long time, and there is a soft moonlight, which can still cope with this dark jungle.

Xue Yueer suddenly said, "Let's take our clothes and go. It's time to eat. You coward, you just don't dare to walk through the woods alone. How can you do this?

"Who said I didn't dare!"

The sixth princess was unconvinced and said stubbornly, "Isn't this to wait for you?"


The two have just returned to their temporary base with their clothes. By the small poor stream, the little bone has dragged back with only 20 to 30 catties of suede in the dark and said with a smile, "It's getting dark. I'm lazy and get a big guy."

Seeing the sixth princess coming over, she didn't look for the firewood and took off her clothes to take a bath. Xiaoguding couldn't help shouting, "Hey, what's going on? At least let me scrape off the prey. You can get some firewood by the way, or don't blame me for cutting it!" Hey..."

"Hateful old man!"

The sixth princess angrily covered half of the "black skin" and was unwilling to find firewood.

Xiao Guding smiled again and said, "Then how about you come to dissect and wash it? You won't be disgusted by blood."

The sixth princess threatened, "No, I've packed enough firewood to come back. If you haven't cut this zi, you won't want to sleep tonight!" Sister, help me collect firewood."

Because they regard this as a temporary base, some wet firewood was cut down and piled up next to them. It has been almost dry in a few days, as long as enough igniting and dead branches can be found, without much trouble.

How could Xiaoguding make her think about it? She grabbed Xue Yueer'er's arm and said, "Sister, you'd better cut this suede for me first. I just walked a little far in the forest."


The sixth princess was angry, but she didn't expect that Xiaoguding would brazenly pull her usual "ally" to deal with herself.

Xueer thought of the sixth princess who had just got rid of the melancholy pressure of Xiaoguding. She was not in a good mood. She was afraid that she would repeat the old state and smiled and said, "Brother, I know that you are extremely fast. You definitely don't need my clumsy guy to help. Do it quickly."

"That's right, if you want to be lazy, just say it!"

The sixth princess raised her head proudly and pulled Xue Yueer into the dark forest.

Around here, they can figure it out by day and find some dry enough dead branches without much effort.

Xiaoguding shook his head with a smile and did not insist. With the light of the leaked pale moonlight, he took out the dagger and dissected it. In a moment, he picked up a few pieces of meat and the whole suede leg.

As soon as the stream is washed, it is almost cleaned up. When the ignition comes, you can barbecue.

The stream was extremely small, and the three of them thought it was troublesome, so they used bamboo pipes to attract a lot of mountain springs, and then used green bamboo tubes to keep them there for a rainy day.

Now, the small bone ding instantly emptied the three or four prepared bamboo tubes and put them back on the low stone wall, and then there was a crisp ticking sound from time to time.

After a while, the dead branches came and the exuberant bonfire burned, making the little bone Ding's dark face turn red, but he was still concentrating on the barbecue there.

Gradually, the strong smell of meat spread throughout the dark woods.

It's hard to close my eyes at night. I'm in a good mood today. Xiaoguding came back with a beautiful meal and rested in the temporary tent under this stone wall. Imagining the strange light spots encountered today, but I couldn't sleep. I kept shaking between the narrow stone cracks.

Even if you count the stars, you will count them to the weird light spot and forget to continue.

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There was also a sound of a big mouse coming out. After a while, there was also a sound of turning over at the other end, but the three of them did not fall asleep.

"Oh, I really can't sleep. Why don't we continue to talk for a while? Do you think we can enter that strange passage?

The first one to make a sound was the sixth princess.

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Hasn't it been analyzed? It should be that the light spot is cut like a knife, and there is nothing in it. What we need to do now is whether we can get in quickly after the light is stirred up.

Xue Yueer, who became more silent all the way, nodded in the dark night and then participated, "That's it. According to our skills, the holes that can be stirred will not be very large. Tomorrow, we have to continue to try whether it can be stirred when it shrinks, and whether it can't be stirred after entering. These all require us to test. I'm worried."

Xiaoguding said, "Well, to be safe, after the senior sister stirred up, she can't be the first to go in, and she has to keep a dagger outside, which makes it more difficult."

The sixth princess said, "This can take turns. For example, I'm the first to stir it. When I'm about to run out of strength, I'll give it to you. You can stretch me a little more, let me in safely, and then try it. In the end, it's all the senior sister."

Xiao Guding's eyes lit up, clapped his hands and smiled, "This is a good idea. Let's continue to figure it out!"


Therefore, the three people talked more and more excitedly, forgetting that it was the right way to refresh themselves at this moment.

I don't know when it will be. Not far from dawn, the three of them fell asleep in a daze and ran into a long line in the narrow stone crevices. According to their age, Xue Yueer was at the top, and the feet of the six princess was the head of the little bone.

The sun is shining, the white fog is steaming, and the temperature is gradually rising. The three of them are still sleeping soundly in the tent.

It was not until three poles on the sun that the three of them opened their eyes in a daze and got up one after another to prepare to continue this journey.

Drilling out of the low tent, Xue Yueer suddenly looked back at the tent and said, "Shall we take this tent with us?"

"It's an unknown place over there. With more security, those hateful white fogs can't be seen clearly."

The sixth princess nodded, as suggested.

Xiaoguding nodded and felt that it was still safe to be fully armed.

The plan is almost equipped. Three birds rushed down the bare stone peak and went to the woods ten miles below to complete today's breakfast.

The meal was full of water and had enough rest. Except for the sixth princess who continued to prepare big stones below, the little bone Ding should run to the top of the mountain first.

"Oh, why is this 'star' missing?"

At the first time he ran up, Xiaoguding looked at the "stars" shining above his head, but at this time, he disappeared. How to keep him not surprised, his voice became a little frightened.

"You grab the rope first, and I'll come up and have a look."

Xue Yueer and the two under the stone wall changed their faces. The hope they found must not be dashed like this!

"Okay, don't worry about it."

It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a misfortune that can't be avoided. I hope God won't joke with me anymore!

Xiaoguding looked at the "star" that disappeared above his eyes again, took a deep breath, calmed his restlessness, tried to calm himself down, and grabbed the rope hard in his hand, waiting for Xue Yueer to climb up.