Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 437 Cloud Magic Land


The sudden change occurred. At the moment when Xiaoguding's expression changed, he was not too stunned. Despite the shaking of the whole bamboo frame, he quickly stood one step forward, which was where the sixth princess had stood before.

Then, he gently held his left hand and held up the six princess's feet, and the crescent of his right hand continued to circle in the size of the foot basin that the six princess stirred up to prevent it from shrink.

Xiao Guding actually hung his hands in the face of violent shaking of the bamboo frame, standing on the smooth bamboo bar alone, boldly!

The six princess handed the dagger, stood up, and the bamboo frame shook. The small bones continued to stand up, supporting people, maintaining the aperture, and connecting the beginning and tail. There were invisible ropes between the two.

The wind is blowing, and the sixth princess has disappeared into the gray clouds. There is no sound, but the bamboo frame under the feet of Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer is shaking more and may fall off at any time.

At this time, Xue Yueer was still in her original position. She did not move. Her heart rose to her throat and stared nervously at the empty Xue Yueer and the little bone standing above her head.

The little bone continued to stir the aperture stirred by the six princess on the swaying bamboo frame, struggling to maintain the size of the aperture, and did not make it bigger or restore it.

One breath, two breaths...

For nearly ten breaths, when Xiaoguding felt that he couldn't support it, the shaking of the bamboo frame was slightly smaller and smaller, similar to that of the six princess stirring.

At this time, Xue Yueer took a gentle step to the step where Xiaoguding had stood before, waiting for further action.

And in the depths of the white clouds, the six princesses who lost their trace are still silent, unaware of life and death, and unknown.

The two's pale faces became whiter, and their hearts beat much faster, but their front brains were extremely awake.

The more at this time, the more you can't be anxious. If you want to hurry, you can't rush, and it's useless.


Xiaoguding suddenly let out a low voice, like a dying warrior. His face was full of determination, and there was no expectation for fairyland fairy peach.

Compared with the movements of the sixth princess, Xiaoguding's movements were much softer. As soon as Xue Yueer heard his voice, she had a crescent in her right hand. She immediately grasped it tightly and took a step forward to prepare to hold Xiaoguding.


The gentle wind blew, and the little bone flew up like a flutter, and even the wooden frame did not shake much.

After all, it is the top-level light skill!

Xue Yueer couldn't help admiring in her heart. She saw that Xiaoguding's body shrank by nearly half in front of her and turned into a young child, but the big package behind him had not changed.

As soon as the little bone Ding stood up, she held an empty space in her left hand, but her right hand was not slow. She rowed into the hole and stood there steadily and expanded the hole a little more.

The small bone is like a flower swallow, flying into the invisible thick white fog, as silent as it is. The seemingly harmless white cloud in front of Xue Yueer has become like a silent wild beast, demon-like horror.

But now the little bone Ding and the sixth princess who have been living and died together for three years have entered. Even if this is a demon who eats people and does not spit out bones, Xue Yueer has not considered the idea of returning and retreating alone.

I'm going to die. Everyone dies together. It's a good companion on Huangquan Road!

Xue Yueer's teeth clenched, and the aperture in her hand became more and more open. It's because she can't get in now, but she doesn't feel safe. Her light skills are slightly worse than Xiaoguding, but her body is almost twice as heavy as Xiaoguding. There is no one behind her. She has to rely on herself.

The more open it is, the more laborious it is to stir, which is almost doubled. Therefore, the more effort it takes for her to stir a little more at this time.

It's probably more than an inch long, which is not enough for her to cut, but she was so anxious that this was enough, because the sixth princess easily got in, and the cut was smaller than this!

So, a trace of absolute flashed in her eyes and shouted in her heart: Wait for me!

Then she supported herself to force the maximum recoil to achieve the safest flight, which was not to be lost. She doesn't want to be clipped into a broken body, so even if she becomes a ghost, she doesn't want to let the little bone and others see it again.


With her full support, the bamboo frame that was not reliable was completely broken.

The sound is endless, and Xue Yueer is like a huge black spotted butterfly, jumping into the fierce aperture unharmed and into the clouds that are likely to be monsters.

At this time, the bamboo frame under her feet was smashed and completely dismembered into countless pieces, with bamboo and wood powder and fragments, flying around. The fierce mountain wind swept over and fell down the bottomless cliff.

It didn't fall, only those feet that remained half a few feet long and firmly tied to the boulder.

Those large broken bamboos rolled on the stone wall, and the wind flew far away with the fragments that directly smashed the cliff.

On the top of Nanjian Peak, only three feet were left, and the broken bamboo piles composed of six tough dead bamboos were still firmly tied to the positioning stone of the 100 catties of the main stone.

In addition, there are also steep, hard, and extremely slippery blue-gray rocks on the stone wall of Nanjian Peak, leaving a whole 3,732 holes, which are extremely shallow and rare, which is difficult to be called a miracle.

A few months later, a top master came here with the message and went up with his skills. He only found the scattered stones piled there. The dead bamboo ropes had decayed and shattered, and they didn't know where they had scraped.

As a result, Nanjian Peak has more adventures, climbing the ladder and burying pot stones!

The three wide shallow stone cracks under the stone wall have nothing to do with this matter. It is said that the people who came later wanted to go up and control it.

Later, the shallow cave of the ladder became deeper, allowing light climbers and not very good people to climb it.

And the stone at the top of the mountain, because I don't know who is rumored to be the stone pile buried by immortals, is becoming more and more magical, so no one dares to move around and is more likely to build a shelf on it. Even a martial arts master with excellent light skills will not do such boring things. After all, the mountain wind on the top of Nanjian Peak is not covered.

The sixth princess jumped in and fell to the ground as if banging. Her body hurt. She opened her eyes, but she was still in the clouds. Moreover, it feels a little heavy, like being pressed on one or two pounds of things in every small part of the body. When I fell on this ground, it was like being pressed hard on the ground. The whole person piled up thousands of pounds of things, and it seemed to be extremely sleepy. It was very uncomfortable. It was very strange!

Xue Yueer's heart was full of surprises. What was shocked was that it was so strange that she might be trapped here and couldn't get out. She was happy that she was still alive.

There was still hope when she was alive, so she cleaned up her fear, lay on the ground in confusion, and looked at the situation here.

The back was also a white fog-like gray, and the aperture she stirred disappeared. She reached out and touched it back with difficulty, but she couldn't touch anything.

The more she thought about it, the more strange it became, because it was too quiet and weird, and her rapid heartbeat never stopped, like a year, just like this situation.

Since you can't see anything clearly, touch it or guess it, you just stand here and wait, waiting unswervingly. Because she firmly believes that the little bone will not leave her alone, then the place where they jumped in for the first time must also be here.

Thinking of this, she was a little relieved and waited with fear and great expectation.

It is both anxious and nervous, but also novel. Six princesses have been like years.

silent, without any signs, suddenly there was another pain on her body. An object hit her, which scared her to scream. What was extremely strange was that the object hit her without any sound, and she couldn't hear her screams!

It's so weird!

Since she couldn't hear it, it was unlikely to see it, but she still turned around and looked at it, because she felt that what had just hit her was likely to be a human and a little bone chasing her.

The little bone leaned lightly and bumped into a pile of things. He opened his eyes and saw that it was not the sixth princess!

Although I feel heavy, although I feel that the fog is too strange, and although I feel that I can't hear the sound after shouting clearly, I am still very happy. I am happy to catch up with my partner, live and die together, and share joys and sorrows together. That's right!

Why is it so strange? Is this the Yanluo Hall, and you and others are dead?

The sixth princess turned around, and the two became more excited and shouted at each other, but they could not hear any sound. So after excitement, the two were dumbfounded, opened their mouths in astonishment, and looked at each other in surprise, like two stone carvings.

With about five or six breaths, in Xue Yueer's surprised eyes, Xiaoguding bumped into something out of thin air, making the three people roll together and roll several times.

Because Xue Yueer's vertical is flying with all her strength, how fierce it is!

It feels like rolling in the clouds, which is no different from the flat ground.

The little bone frowned in pain and instinctively hugged the sixth princess in front of him tighter to dissolve her into his body. At first, he closed and woke up. Xiaoguding endured the pain and let go of his hand, but still grabbed Xue Yueer, who was about to break her spine.

Xue Yueer also felt the strangeness of the place in front of her. Although she was stunned, her eyes were full of joy. She asked several people but couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

After about half an hour, the three stopped talking and communicating and simply gestured.

Xiaoguding looked at the extremely strange clouds in front of him and felt that his body was heavy and difficult to walk. He looked left and right for a while and suddenly made a first recuperation of the two of them.

No matter what kind of unknown place this is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with nourishing yourself.

Seeing Xiaoguding the first to calm down and meditATE, the two people surrounded by Xue Yueer sat in alike manner.

When the breath was good, Xiao Guding suddenly took out a rope hook from the package, loosened the rope, and tied Xue Yueer to himself.

The sixth princess was a little spleen, then took out the rope hook from the package and tied the little bone with herself. Xue Yueer smiled and tied the sixth princess and herself together.

Although it was extremely dangerous here, although others and themselves could not hear it, the three of them were tied together and became flowers and butterflies on three ropes. They all grinned without any scruples.

No matter, since you don't know anything, why don't you be bold and reckless!

The three old butterflies tied into a ball got up with difficulty and began to walk in the three directions of the clouds, ready to explore the extremely strange clouds and rush out of the dilemma in front of them.