Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 439 Revisiting Children's Clumsiness


Yes, I and others are walking here like five or six-year-old children now. How can I go up?

The three of them didn't find this problem funny at all. Since the art came out, they had never been so embarrassed. Even if the sixth princess couldn't hold on and fainted in the rare desert, at least when the day and night were replaced and the climate changed dramatically, she could still slow down safely and return to the original road.

And now, it is inconvenient to move and life is difficult to protect!

How to go up?

This is also a huge problem in front of three people, which is only a little slower than finding the right water source and food!

Because the sky above the three people's heads is about to reach night. At that time, the beasts are rampant. I don't know if there is any chance to survive?

The method could not be figured out, and Xiao Guding proved it with practical actions, so he left his package, learned from the previous gecko swimming in the wall and chiseling the stone road, and slowly climbed.


As soon as he climbed up a foot, the little bone fell down clumsily. He felt that his movements were clumsy and stiff, and the real ability of a five- or six-year-old child was not even better! So it's good to be able to climb a foot high.

If you think so, discouragement is inevitable.

Looking at the cave above her head, which was only two or three feet higher than them, the sixth princess suddenly said, "Let's use rope hooks?"

Xiao Guding smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid you can't climb up with a rope hook. Don't forget that we are inconvenient to move now, and it's useless to get on."

Say so, the three of them still took out the three rope hooks in the package and sat there worried.

Along the way, this shallow and small natural cave is indeed the most suitable place for them to settle down at present, so they don't want to give up.

"There is, let's make a rope ladder and we should be able to climb into this hole."

Suddenly, Xiaoguding patted his thigh and shouted excitedly.

Do what you say, two steel hooks side by side, the tough rope of the other rope hook is a ladder, and the three people clumsily begin to tie. It took them nearly half an hour to build such a rope ladder, and it was one minute closer to the darkening of the sky!

In the excited and worried eyes, Xue Yueer, the tallest of the three, threw the two steel hooks clumsily.


The hole is only two or three feet higher than the top of the head. It is not very difficult. It is easily hung on it, leaving the rope shaking there.

Pull the rope hard to make sure that it is strong enough for Xue Yueer to climb up first.

At this time, the three people had already returned to their original height. Because it was inconvenient to move, the steel leg was slightly more inconvenient and even more dangerous. Therefore, in this strange place, the three naturally shortened the prosthetic leg into steel boots on their legs to ensure that they could move more conveniently.

But they didn't change their disguise too much. At this time, everything is to be determined. It's better to do it first.

The rope hook was successfully put on, and people suddenly found that they still could not climb such a difficult rope ladder. Although the hole was only two or three feet from the top of their heads, their movements were too stiff and clumsy to grasp at all, let alone climbing on the swaying rope ladder.

The three took turns. When the unconvinced little bone fell down from the rope ladder again, he was so tired that he lay on the ground like a dog and gasped with no image.

"Forget it, let's change another place as soon as possible, otherwise we will be really miserable."

Unable, the little bone was frustrated to change the temporary residence.

The sixth princess was extremely tired, quite broken, and viciously angry: "If it really doesn't work, let's just find a low stone cave to live, don't care so much!"

After a rest, he drank some water, but the boiled dry meat was not opened. Xiaogu Dingdao was afraid of attracting unknown beasts, so he found a safe place first.

Struggling up, Xue Yueer shook the rope, shook the rope hook down, took the clumsy rope ladder that took more than half an hour to get into the package, and continued to walk forward with the stone wall on her back.

After walking slowly for half an hour, when big red clouds appeared in the sky, they finally found a waist-high natural stone cave, about ten feet deep and about ten feet wide, in which the three of them were more than enough to live in.

The only disadvantage is that this cave is naturally formed, with a huge gap in the top, wide outside and narrow inside, and horizontally cone-shaped. If the wind and rain are slightly stronger and more inclined, you can directly invade the cave. Therefore, staying in it is not safe from the wind and keeping warm. When the sun rises, you can also directly expose it, which is not an ideal place to live.

But the three can no longer choose at this time, and it is fortunate to have such a place to settle down.

First throw the package in, and then the three of them climbed up like children and began to build a tent in a flatter place in the innermost place.

After cleaning up some dead branches and feces left in the cave, a tent about five feet high was built. Looking at the night when the sky became a little dark, the three of them were a little relaxed, but they were still worried.

With no self-preservation, safety is worrying!

Now, the daggers used by the three used to cut iron like mud in their hometown, and it is difficult for money to buy, but now they can't even cut stone walls, not to mention the ordinary dagger and the three iron fans.

The ordinary iron dagger and iron fan, the three of Xiaoguding have tried it. At this time, it is like a wooden stick in the past in my hometown. At least it can dig out the soil, which is useless!

How I miss the days when I used to come and go like the wind and be free in the world!

Therefore, the three people's bitter smiles appeared more often than any other day before, and they almost spit out all the bitter bile in their gallbladder.

Take out the bamboo tube, take out a bag of barbecue, and the small bone opens its mouth and chews it, leaving no meaning.

The sixth princess asked hesitantly, "husband, shall we keep more like clear water?"

Xue Yueer stopped chewing slowly and looked at the little bone.

Feeling inconvenient to move, Xiaoguding immediately reminded himself and others to learn to walk in the desert, try to save drinking water and leave a chance to survive. Therefore, when he saw the little bone open his mouth and overeat at this time, he couldn't help asking.

In addition, they have reached a completely strange place. So far, no one has been found, and naturally there is no need for the cover-up of their younger brothers and sisters. In addition to their appearance, they still maintain the original appearance of an old man and old woman.

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "One is that the weather is warm and the barbecue can't stay for a long time. Second, the barbecue meat is fragrant, which is hard to guarantee that it will not attract some beasts, and we are still free to eat. Third, now we are clumsy and inconvenient to move. If we are hungry again, let alone think that we can move freely. Simply fight, sink the boat and die. Later, you may still find a chance to live.

The sixth princess nodded, opened her cherry mouth and chewed hard. There was no image of a lady. Because of this afternoon's action, although she was not far away, she was so tired. She gritted her teeth and persisted. She had been hungry and dizzy for a long time. Now Xiaoguding said something, what is she waiting for?

The wind swept the remnants of the clouds, and in an instant, the three of them chewed empty, leaving bones everywhere.

"Well, I still feel a little hungry!"

The first little bone that had been eaten frowned, stroked and slightly bulged his belly.

Xue Yueer and the two were stunned. The amount Xiaoguding had just eaten was as much as three catties. Usually, this was absolutely enough to eat, but now she said that she was not full!

Xue Yueer obediently handed over the barbecue in her hand and said, "I'm full. You can eat mine again."

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "You don't have to lie to me. Eat it yourself quickly. It's just that my belly is obviously a little swollen, but I feel like I'm not full. It's really weird.

Seeing that the two still did not continue their movements, Xiaoguding urged: "Hurry up, let's adjust our breath after eating and recover some strength. If we meet any monster, at least we have to fight. Sister Yueer, you are the strongest now. Don't save it. We have to rely on you to protect us!"

Xue Yueer shook her head with a wry smile and continued to eat the barbecue in her hand. I'm only a little more powerful than them now, and it's generally inconvenient to move. How can I protect them in this weird place?

The sixth princess is no exception. She is also full of her belly, but she still doesn't feel full!

After the narration, Xiaoguding closed his eyes and rested his mind. The basin sat and ran the kung fu he had learned before, but he didn't seem to feel the action of the previous internal warmth. Even after sitting in the basin for most of the day, it was still the same!

He had no choice but to open his eyes and end his meditation, waiting for Xue Yueer to see their reaction.

A moment later, Xue Yueer and the sixth princess opened their eyes and looked at the wry smile in Xiaoguding's eyes. Without saying a word, they suddenly understood that he had encountered the same situation.

I didn't eat enough and drink enough, and I didn't see the warm flow in my whole body, but my strength was slowly recovering. I felt that I was not so tired to sit, and I didn't get nothing.

It was inconvenient to move, and it was difficult to arrange the mechanism fortification at the entrance of the cave. Looking at the darkness outside the cave, the calls of various beasts rose and fell one after another, and the three of them were beating in their hearts.

Xiao Guding sighed and said, "I'm responsible for the basin sitting and monitoring tonight. You can rest first. At least let's talk about it tonight!"

Xue Yueer said, "I'm more powerful and energetic. I'd better guard it first."

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "My speed advantage doesn't exist at all. You are a little stronger, and the unexpected thing has to depend on you. Don't refuse. Take a rest first. At this very moment, we have to be more united, otherwise... go to bed, I'll stay there."

The sixth princess gritted her teeth and said, "Then I'll guard it."

Looking at the tiredness in the sixth princess's eyes, Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "Don't argue. You can't survive all night. Go to bed. Maybe nothing happened. Don't worry too much."

The two nodded helplessly and got into a tent to rest, leaving Xiaoguding alone a struggling old monk in another tent.

At this time, it was inconvenient to move and the weather was suitable, so they only built two tents. The three of them could do it in one tent, but it was inconvenient to start.

Tonight's night is destined to be quiet, and the songs of beasts are still rising one after another. I don't know what strange beasts are screaming. Because they don't know anything about the grass here, they dare not confirm the calls of these beasts without seeing them with their own eyes.

Fortun�, they are used to staying in the deep mountains and old forests, coupled with extreme fatigue, Xue Yueer and the two were worried for a while and fell asleep.

Tonight, I was lucky not to meet the nervous beasts of Xiaoguding.

But the little bone sitting in the basin is still extremely sleepy, and it is tired to sit. There is no spirit to pay attention to the movement next to it, and gradually his head is tilted.

Later, he gradually fell to the ground and fell asleep.

It's not that I don't worry about the safety of others, but that I'm too tired to stand it at all. Just like, who dares to let a five- or six-year-old child stay up late?

The sun rises and the glow is ten feet long, and the beast wind moves like a dream. The warm sun shines obliquely in this rough cave. It has been more than three poles high. The three of them are still sleeping evenly breathing without waking up.

Suddenly, Xue Yueer's wrinkled face, her eyelashes moved, opened her eyes hazyly, pushed away the arms of the sixth princess on her body, and slowly got up.

At the moment when the sixth princess's hand was picked up, her eyes also opened and muttered happily, "Sister Yueer, we didn't have a safe night!"

Xue Yueer hurriedly got up and got into the tent of the little bone. When she saw the little bone curled up and lying there, she couldn't help but smile.

The sixth princess laughed freely: "I still said that I can't hold on. How good are you? I'm laughing to death!"

The laughter was too loud, and the little bone's eyelashes trembled with difficulty. He squinted at the two for a while and muttered confusedly, "Don't make any noise. I'll sleep a little longer."

Turning over, he really narrowed his eyes and went to sleep. He was as naive as the child lying in bed, and the two of them laughed again.

The sixth princess still wanted to make fun of him. Xue Yueer clumsily covered her mouth and pulled her out. She looked at the glow outside and patted her belly and said, "No water, this washing is not enough, but what about this belly?"

The sixth princess smiled and said, "Oh, I'm still thinking about picking fairy peaches. This time I'm a savage again!"

raised her leg and took a pause. She took two or three steps in a row. As soon as she reached the mouth of the cave, the sixth princess suddenly smiled in surprise and said, "Oh, it seems to be better than yesterday."

Xue Yueer nodded and said happily, "Well, standing is not as heavy as yesterday. It's a little easier."

The sixth princess said, "Then let's stay here for a few more nights, and we must be able to return to normal."

"It's hard to say." Xue Yueer frowned, looked at the green grass in front of her, and the mountains and forests in the distance, and sighed, "It's a problem whether you can find water and food. What else? Let's go and find something to eat first.

Slowly walked to the mouth of the cave, looked down at the stone wall only three feet high in front of her, and sighed. Xue Yueer learned to get out of bed, honestly lay on the stone wall, and then stretched out her legs to climb down. Unexpectedly, she did not dare to jump directly!

The sixth princess's happy face changed, and she looked like Xue Yueer. She lay embarrassedly on the cold stone wall and climbed down the cave, followed Xue Yueer and continued to look for water and food.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Shaking her head, the sixth princess spit out in a long breath and continued to walk down the stone wall to find the existence of water.

As for the small bones in the cave, they are not worried at all, because nothing happened at night, and even the wild animals chirped much less during the day, which was even more okay.