Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 446 Boil the soil for the pot


After making the big earth bowl, the small bone will place it on a foot-high table made of this gray soil and set it up for barbecue.

This pile of long and narrow mud table like a stove took more than half an hour to make this rough mud bowl. Originally, the sixth princess and Xue Yueer wanted to try to make their own work, but they were told by Xiaoguding that they had to try first before continuing the next step. They could only change to pile up the mud stove according to Xiaoguding's instructions.

Everything is ready, only lack fire.

The burning firewood is still burning around them, and there is next to the ready-made firewood. If you need more, you just need to spend some effort to cut it down.

The three carefully transferred the fire to the newly built stove. After adding a few sticks of firewood, the high flame slowly rose and kept burning the newly made mud bowl.

The little bone looked up at the top of his head, and the sun was about to climb into the sky again. The sky was not early enough for them to stop more.

No longer care about the mud bowl that has not been burned, Xiaoguding said to Xue Yueer, "Let's go and change more organs while it's still early."

The rope and some accompanying things are ready-made. They only need to find 23 larger branches that are enough to pick up two or three catties of heavy objects without sinking. So they carried the narrow branches newly cut off and began to prepare for replacement with the previous trap mechanism, adding some ideas that they could not achieve for the time being.

Two people have tried such branches. With the strength of the two, they can be suppressed. They should be able to lift the mouse that seems to be only two or three pounds.

Because this light green monster looks like a mouse, the three of them temporarily called it a green mouse. In fact, according to the local people's name, it should be called green mouse, which is slightly different from their name.

I told the sixth princess to burn for at least two or three hours. She could only keep picking up dry branches to prepare, and sometimes cutting some fresh branches together. Because Xiaoguding had told her that she was not sure whether the forest was safe or not, she could only stay on the periphery to get some low branches similar to thorns.

Without destroying the previous mechanism, the two of them carefully replaced some things and replaced them with more arrangement. Finally, they inserted the more elastic branch into the soil, and then pressed it down to directly make a trap with an obvious appearance.

May be that animals like mice here have a very poor sense of danger, or they don't know such a strange trap at all, so in one night, 23 rough traps caught two mice.

It is deep enough to insert the branches into the soil of the grass roots. It is difficult to arrange the branches that can hold up two or three pounds of weight. It is more difficult to press the larger branches together. The two of them often arrange a mechanism trap and have to sit next to rest for a while.

If you press down the main bouncing branch with all your strength, the rest of the work will become a delicate cover-up. You have to restore the original beast road as if you have never stepped on it, so that they will not doubt stepping on the mechanism.

However, such toss is not what they can withstand in their current state of half-hungry and lack of strength. When all 23 institutional traps are arranged, it is almost dusk, and it can be seen that the strength spent in it can be seen.

However, near dusk, the sixth princess came to the big mud bowl and burned it black, but the mud became a little gray and the material was ugly, but she scooped a few handfuls of water and put it in, and there was no leakage. It could be used to make their tableware for the time being.

In addition, those stoves piled up with the same soil became generally hard and turned into an overall stove, which was an accident.

So the three six princesses were happily thinking about the steps to move the tent to the edge of the forest.

When the sixth princess was talking about the rise, the little bone said tiredly, "You'd better go and look for bugs. We're exhausted!"

The smile restrained, and the sixth princess suddenly muttered a few words in a low voice. She had to get into another direction and began to search for those cyan bugs that she didn't want to eat now.

After simply eating the roasted green worm, the three of them fell asleep tired.

This night, Xiaoguding was sweaty and still didn't take a bath. After filling her tired belly, she shrank into the tent to rest. Xue Yueer, who was so tired, also didn't have the strength to run back today. It was not because she didn't want to, but because the weather didn't allow it.

Xue Yueer didn't go, and the sixth princess was caught and delayed by the green worms. She had to whisper a few words and fell asleep with her clothes.

The sun rose and returned at sunset. They went to bed early and got up early. The two tired people woke up early. The genius was bright, and they got up one after another. Instead, it was the last time for the sixth princess who stayed in another tent to wake up.

Because of their sweat, the sixth princess also rushed Xue Yueer to a tent with small bones. As for the third tent, the three have no time to support it at all.

Stepping on the dew in the morning and can't wait, the two quickly shuttled through the grass that stepped out of a shallow path, and were inevitably soaked by the dew.

"Haha, I got it, I got it!"

After passing through several traps with a little disappointment, the two suddenly roared excitedly and rushed to the swaying branches in the distance.

On the treetops six or seven feet long, a green mouse weighing about two catties kept swaying, enough for them to make a tooth sacrifice.

Now, because of the big mud bowl, they can also start stewing soup with meat and bones. The small bones have already planned to directly cut some small green grass leaves to stew the soup. They want to stew the soup, which should not be difficult to drink and digest.

The fat mouse yesterday morning had never chewed a piece of barbecue except for drinking raw blood. The two of them said that the taste was average, and even the seasoning powder they brought was not flavored in advance.

Finally, they thought that the things in these two places were not of the same grade at all. It was not surprising that those originally exquisite seasoning powders could not be flavored and were burned directly.

According to the meaning of small bones, since the things brought over there are not tasty, these locally produced meat and bones can always be boiled into soup.

A green-haired rat was slaughtered yesterday, and he was familiar with the road. This time, it is naturally difficult to have a small bone. With the help of Xue Yueer, he quickly buttoned a soft, tough and small native vine into a live sleeve, put it around the neck of the unlucky green mouse, and continued to strangle it.

After a moment, all the blood flowed into the bamboo tube of the small bone.

After covering the leather plug, the little bone Ding smiled with this half a tube of blood and carried the big fat rat. For the time being, despite the triggering the trap mechanism, he went to clean up the prey first.

They have to wait until afterwards about the transfer of this trap. Anyway, it's still early before dark, so don't worry about this time.

Next, their luck was not very good and there was no other gain. However, with this green mouse weighing about two or three pounds, they are already satisfied.

Yesterday's leather was dried by the sixth princess and brought back, and now they have cut off a larger leather.

This time, the small bone suddenly found that the tendons of this green mouse are extremely long and flexible, but a little hard, which may be used to make ropes. Xiaogu Ding immediately carefully removed it and asked Xue Yueer to help pull it out.

The little bone grabbed the extracted tendons and kneaded them, and tried to make them into a live set of contraction. It's really useful.

I feel that if this tendon is not bitten directly by the beast, it may still be useful, then the number of trap mechanisms can slowly become more, and the little bone Ding becomes a little happy.

Xiaoguding sorted out a few thin tendons here. On the other side of Xue Yueer, he put the freshly cut meat into sections into a big mud bowl to cook. The white fog steamed, and the bubbling sound mixed with the crackling sound of firewood, and the gradually cooked meat slowly emitted a strong meat fragrance, permeating the whole mountain forest.

Xiaoguding greedily sucked his mouth, looked at the rough mud bowl, and smiled, "This bowl is a little rough. At least you have to get a lid so that it can be cooked better. Since this gray soil is useful, we can also take advantage of this opportunity to burn more.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "There are fewer traps that we can arrange today. Of course, we can spend more effort to do this. It's better that you can set this up, so we can move here earlier and don't waste a lot of strength running back and forth."

Xiaoguding's eyes lit up again and clapped his hands and praised, "Yes, why didn't I think of this! The only hard and sharp things we can call are cold iron daggers and crescents, but if the soil is well refined, they should be able to cut the fur of ordinary beasts here with the edge of the porcelain tiles.

Speaking of it, Xiaoguding immediately began to dig out the gray soil with a dagger, mixed with a small amount of stream water, and began to make a large number of half-foot-long spike-shaped soil strips, waiting for it to be hard to arrange the mechanism.

Not long after, when the little bone could be pinched into the first mud thorn, the sixth princess smelled the smell of meat from afar and ran all the way. Xiaoguding immediately interrupted her movement around the fire, pulled it, and pulled her together to start mud.

Hearing that Xiaoguding was going to refine the same hard porcelain pieces to make machine traps for them to move over, the sixth princess immediately excitedly joined the great work of making mud thorns.

It didn't take long to feel that the meat had been stewed very badly, and the three of them had a delicious meal and entered the first mouthful of fresh soup here. In connection, they felt that the thin grass leaves that were originally very annoying were not so difficult to chew.

However, whether it is meat or cooked grass leaves that have become light green in color, the taste is a little light after all. Because there is no salty taste, the seasonings they bring are added or not effective. I don't know whether they have burned or turned into water mist and evaporated.

However, they were still extremely satisfied and happily continued the further work of kneading and roasting.

I hope that they will be able to move here in a few days.